A piercing cry resonated in her ears.
It was loud, almost screeching.
But where could it come from ?
With a sudden start she realized she couldn't even open her eyes to check for the source of the noise. They were firmly stuck as if her eyelids were glued together.
As she grew more agitated, the cries became louder and louder, while she still couldn't pinpoint where it came from.
Wait. Why couldn't she move too ? Her limbs felt limp. With all her might, she could only weakly open and close her palms.
She began panicking.
The cries pierced the air louder than before. Truthfully, her ears were beginning to hurt a bit as a result.
It was weird. It was as if the noise came directly from within her. More specifically from her own mouth which she didn't even notice was wide open, unknowingly forcing her throat open into a painful wail.
What the...
The cries came to a stop as she willed herself to calm down to better understand the situation she was currently in.
Only now was she able to hear anything other than her own cries. She heard voices. At least 2 different ones. One male and another female.
The distorted phrases she heard made no sense to her. Yet, how could they still feel very familiar ? As if she didn't recognize the language spoken but could still somehow understand part of it ?
It was a very disturbing feeling.
She suddenly felt herself being lifted (yes lifted !!) into the air, right into what felt like sturdy arms…
How and why could she even fit into the arms of someone ?! She had been 5 feet ten for god's sake !
Wait. She was hearing the voices more clearly now. One especially, coming from right above her.
The next few words being spoken were somewhat clear and understandable to her ears.
After hearing the unfolding conversation, her blood ran cold.
"Look darling ! She stopped crying ! Isn't our daughter such an obedient child ?"
She felt herself being cuddled and gently cradled.
What the….'child' ?
Where …?
" Stop playing with her and get me the damn magico-painkillers or I swear you won't get to cuddle her for a whole week ! "
"….you wouldn't dare…?" the man's voice sounded shocked.
"Try me." While the woman's sounded determined.
"…..you evil woman."
She could practically hear the man pouting.
"You fell in love with and married this evil woman. Now get moving before I revoke your cuddling rights".
She felt herself being gently put down on a soft mattress and just before the man dropped his hold, she heard an ushered whisper near her right ear.
"Candice, please don't take after your mother. Grow up to be a kind-hearted and well-mannered lady."
The sound of something being projected through the air and making contact with a sturdy surface resonated not too far from her, where the man was probably still standing.
"I heard that !"
"Ouch ! The magi-doc said not to use any magic for a whole week !"
…..in what crazy world had she succeeded landing herself into ?
Hi ! Sorry for the long wait
I had to take a bit of time to piece together where I wanted this storyline to go.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Next ones will be longer !