There were many places where only MagMilgs lived or flourished . There wasn't much nature but a heck of a lot of sunlight , like burning sunlight . There were a few trees , but like ashes of 'em shaped like them . They were ashes because the MagMilgs were Fire breathing monsters so , you know , like , they would burn the trees for practice so our hero , who couldn't fly so is he even a hero 😂. Well I can't keep calling him MagMilg So let's call him douché just kidding . How about Dave .
So ,one day Dave was upset about that he could not fly . But a miracle happned ,
Since a child I loved which were narrated and even in movies as they would make the movie pretty funny by adding jokes as they would also explain the parts which are impossible to understand . So I also made my novel in such a way that it feels like it is being narrated