Havelock Ellis once said:"The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands."
He was right no beings deserves to rule the other. All the good people are gone, the universe has changed, the planets are no longer free. Two kingdoms rule the universe; on a hand we got "The Life Army", on the other "The Robots". They've declared a war between each other, and put the all people under salvation.
The Life Army was a scientific company, after they saw Earth at stake the offer a solution. To randomly execute 50% of the humans, to make the food distribution on the people equal. They ruled space, billions of heavy armed soldiers, thousands of tanks and aircrafts , and millions of spaceships and spacecrafts.
While The Robots is a story of revolution. After the creation of robots to be slaves for the people and soldiers for the military, they decided to make revolution against humans to be liberated.
But the civilians didn't want any of them to rule the world. Many of revolutions against the two kingdoms has failed; not until a group of faithful and courageous mutants led by me made these two kingdoms fall and brought justice to the universe.
My name is James Wilson. I started the revolution with my friends Nick and Mike.We are mutants, we heal our self in a fast way. We can't die, not until the time stops our powers.