The beautiful palace once shining all day and night was now all dull. There were no colors and funs, no dance and laughs. Yet, the protected garden was shining with flowers and spreading fragrance to the whole kingdom.
An old man who lived near the palace only has given the rights to enter the garden every morning and evening. It was him who always watered all the plants and leave the garden every time with teary eyes.
The sun was about to set and all the flowers in garden seems to shrink while the one flower started blooming.
As its getting darker and darker the flower bloom brighter and brighter. When the wind from the moon poured its coolness over the garden, the chill breeze caressed the flower.
The beautiful tiny flower became a gorgeous girl with her pink hair and pink eye balls.She was like a poem. The blushing pink cheeks and lips made her a Princess. Her pretty pink gown made her walk a dance. Petal,her name.She is the Princess Petal who was locked into this flower decades ago and waiting for her true love to find her.
She sang and danced around the garden forgetting she was in a spell. Nothing bothered her as she is happy the way she is. A rabbit and mice accompanied her when they came as they were fighting. They joined her and three of them were talking and laughing with one another. The rabbit goes by the name Zin and mice by the name Kin. In the palace they were her best friends.
When they were playing around they heard a sound behind the bushes and got scared. Princess again turned to the flower and the little creatures ran away.
5 days this continued and they three never saw anyone around. The 6th day the little creatures made a plan to catch the one who made the sound. The same happened today and the Princess turned into the flower. The little creatures ran away and hid in bushes to find the one behind.
A Charming boy came out of the bushes cleaning all the leaves around him. He stood in the garden and said. This girl is the most beautiful and I feel like living with her. But I have no clue, how to bring her back to life and from where she came here. He sat there in disgust plucking the grass in wale.
The rabbit and mice came near him and said, what you want to know?
The boy said them...I am coming here for more than 6 months and I have seen you every day.
The rabbit replied but we were not aware of you and we heard some sound behind the bushes for last 6 days and so we stayed here to find you.
And then they shook hands with him saying I'm Kin and I'm Zin. He said I'm Ludh and I live with my great grandfather here. He is too old and weak to even stand yet still he comes here every day. When I asked him not to go and I will do the chores in garden he never agreed. So, one-night I came without anyone's knowledge here and saw a beautiful girl. I fell in love with her. I followed her but missed her, then for the next 3 days I searched her all over the city but I couldn't find her.
One night again while I sneaked inside the garden I saw her and then again, I missed her. From then every night I came here and seeing her. But I couldn't find where she is going.6 days back I saw her blooming to a girl and tried coming out to talk to her but the bushes tied me by themselves and so you heard the sound. When she became the flower again they lose their grip and leave me.
Both the rabbit and mice listened everything and said him...if your love for her is true then your soul filled tear for her can bring her back to life. Once she gets her life, the palace will shine like before and we can again have the same cupcakes our Princess make for us. And they started singing and dancing in joy. He was confused, how can I give her a soul filled tear and went back home waving hands to the rabbit and mice.
He never slept that night thinking about this and the next morning again he saw the bright garden with one shrunken flower among them.
1 week went by. He didn't get any idea and hope and he was sad when the little creatures came to him crying. He asked them why you both are crying and they said the Princess waited for all these years to get true love but she never got and now she decided to make all the petals fell from her and if this happened she can't gain her life again.
Ludh became restless and asked them that he loves her and why din't you say her that. The little ones said. No one must say her if she was loved. She must get the tear without her knowledge. If we have said them then she must have lost her life already. His eyes filled with tears while they three ran to the garden to see the flower with 2 petals. When they reached the flower one petal fell off and his tear dropped on the last petal as it removed itself from the plant. Yet the last petal was fully wet with his tear drop and she turned into the Gorgeous Princess again.
The palace got brighter, the little ones were happy. The old man was happy as he even started dancing.
Princess Petall and Ludh happily lived hereafter.
Dear Readers,
This is my first attempt in writing. Hope you give me honest reviews and comments to improve my writing.
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