You know I am a typical teenager
To be honest I don't think there is anything special about me
For everyone thinks I am a freak
People think words that aren't true
People think I am a slut
A girl who doesn't mean the 'I love you's
A girl that will cheat on a guy in a instant
Well that's all a big lie
For if I tell you I love you I mean it with all my heart
But no one gets that
They just think I say I love you just to say it
So they think I'm a huge slut.
People think I am a liar
A girl who always runs her mouth
A girl who doesn't keep her promises
Well they don't know that about me
If I promise you something I will keep it no matter what
I will make sure that till the day I die
But no one seems to see that
They just don't trust me
Because they think I am a liar
People think I'm self-centered
A girl that always loves the attention
A girl who can't let anyone else have the spotlight
Funny thing is they're wrong
I rather be the girl in the background
The girl who no one notices
But they think I love it because people push me into the spotlight
So I guess that's what makes me self-centered right
People think I'm a bitch
A girl who is horrible
A girl who only loves herself
That's the saddest part of it all
Because I love everyone more than myself
I want to give everyone and everything a chance to be good
But you know everyone thinks I only care about myself and that's it
So they call me a bitch
These are the words that aren't true
I'm sure some of these words may even haunt you
But overall we can't let these words get to us
For we are perfect the way we are
So don't change just be you
And don't listen to the words that aren't true.
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