I love my stuffed animals!
They are the best possession I have.
And this Valentine's Day I got one
from someone really important to me.
We named him Alfredo Potato Salmonella Otero-Razzano
Long name right?
It's funny how he has only been with me for a day and yet he helped me through much.
He helped me with the math test
Because he just sat on the desk giving me moral support.
He helped me not feel lonely
Last night he helped me….
But most of all he helped me through this morning…
A break up where I cried...and cried…
I couldn't breathe….
The tears just kept coming…
And it was too hard to breath...but he was there…
And I held him in my hands and hugged it tight until I felt better.
Then the person who gave it to me came and he held me till I felt ready...till I felt better…
I love My Stuffed Animal.
Maybe I love it so much because of him.
Thank you...for the stuffed Animal...and for you...