(Idk if this counts as a poem XD)
Do you ever meet someone and like Bamn
It's like your world changed
Maybe it was your lover and everything seemed to take color
Or maybe a best friend that made you notice your worth
Or maybe a teacher or Mentor that always believed you could do it
And maybe you didn't noticed what impact they had on your life
Until you lost them
Most People never really think about these things
It's funny that I do
And I want you to give it a try
Think of ways someone has impacted your life
Make a list
Of the small things
Of the big things
If they impacted your life it counts
And start giving appreciations
I will tell you a bit of mine right now
Using fake names or Nicknames.
I love you my laugh
Our jokes are hilarious
You never fail to make me smile and laugh
And we say things no one else understands
I appreciate every second you make me laugh, smile and overall happy
You make me laugh.
I love you my protector
You always back me up
It doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong
You got my back
I appreciate your protection.
You make me stronger.
I love you my Smile
Even when I'm mad at you
You make smile
You can always turn my frown upside down
You are always there with love and smiles
I appreciate your love
You make me Happy
I love you my confidence
Even when I doubt myself
You can always change that
You make me feel good through words and hugs.
You are always there to build me up.
I love you my self-coach
You make me confident.
I love you my ears.
You listen to my crazy drama
You always listen to my stupid self
Even if I don't make sense
You always seem to get it.
I love you my Therapist ;)
You make me open.
I love you my Advisor.
You always think of all possibilities
You are always listening
You give the best advice
And the best laughs
I love you my Guide.
You make me right.
I love you to death my Bestie.
You are always there for me.
You give me hugs and smiles
You give me a reason to keep loving
You give me hope.
Thank you my partner in crime
You make me love.
And honestly I could go on and on about the people that changed me.
But that would take too much time.
I appreciate everyone I love.
Everyone I met in my life
And I challenge you to do the same.
Because life is nothing
Without the people we are loving.