Dancing in the Rain
Never let's me down
Dancing in the Rain
Can always change my frown
I know it sounds really childish
But that's the fun thing about it
It takes you back
To when you were 4 years old
In a raincoat and boots splashing in puddles
And dancing like no one's watching.
We all know we miss those days.
We didn't have to go to school
Or work
Or meetings
Or any of that
We had no care in the world
We could be whoever we wanted to be
We were kids
We were free
And it's funny how little things
like Dancing in the rain
can bring us back to that
How it was like to be a carefree little kid
Who only cared about playing all day
Not worrying about when to study
When the test is
The meeting I have to go to
Dancing in the Rain brings me back
To when I was a 4 year old girl
With dreams to be a princess Warrior
It's the greatest feeling in the world
So, whenever it Rains
You will find me
Dancing in the rain