The ceremony of school education was a solemn and orderly etiquette that was followed in ancient times. According to the Biography of Zuo Xiong in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty and other relevant documents, the ritual of Xiang Xu referred to the nine ministers (ancient officials) wearing jade articles during their actions and performing their actions according to certain rituals and regulations. The purpose of this ceremony was to show the identity and status of officials, as well as to maintain social order and etiquette. The etiquette of the school was also reflected in ancient schools. Students also had to follow certain solemn and orderly etiquette in their studies and actions.
The etiquette of a French banquet included the following points: When the guests arrived, the host would usually greet them at the door. Be careful to wait until the host invited you in before entering. Before leading them into the living room, the host first asked the guests to take off their coats and then sat down together in the living room. In France, there was no habit of inviting guests to visit the house. Usually, everyone sat around and chatted. When the guest took out the gift, the hostess would usually say,"You shouldn't do this!" "I'm so embarrassed by what you're doing!" But this was just a customary courtesy. When attending a banquet in France, it was best for the guests to arrive 15 minutes to half an hour later than the agreed time, so as to give the host enough time to prepare. When attending a banquet, it was usually necessary to bring a small gift to the host, such as flowers or chocolates. If it was a formal banquet, the hostess would spread the napkin on her lap, which was the sign of the beginning of the banquet.
This novel is the original novel of the recently popular TV series " Rebirth ". If you can't get enough of the drama, you can read the novel in one go. Hurry up and click on the book link below to read it!
The waiter's etiquette training included basic etiquette, professional image, service attitude, communication skills, reception procedures, table manners, privacy protection, and emergency response. Basic etiquette included polite language, correct standing posture and walking posture, smiling service, and so on. In terms of professional image, he taught the waiters how to maintain a clean professional appearance, including clothing, hairstyle, makeup, and other requirements. Service attitude emphasized proactive, warm and friendly service attitude, as well as how to deal with various needs and complaints from customers. Communication skills include effective listening skills, clear verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and so on. The reception process explained in detail the process of receiving customers and the etiquette details that should be paid attention to in every step from welcoming customers to sending them off. In terms of table manners, waiters needed to master the table layout, tableware placement, order of serving, and pouring skills. The privacy protection aspect taught how to protect the privacy of customers during the service process, including not eavesdropping on customer conversations and properly handling customer information. In terms of emergency response, they trained the waiters on how to deal with unexpected situations, such as sudden illness of customers and equipment failures in the restaurant.
The etiquette rules of the ancient palace included the following points: First of all, the etiquette of the ancient palace was required to be carried out in the morning and evening. The target of the greeting was usually the elders of the family with higher status or the Empress Dowager, Empress, and Emperor in the palace. Secondly, the court etiquette had clear requirements for the person's identity and posture, such as kneeling and kneeling. In addition, the way women walked in the ancient palace was called "Qi", which meant that they walked quickly in small steps to show respect. In the palace, people of different ranks had different ways of paying their respects. In ancient times, palace maids needed to stroke their temples or squat when they bowed, and when they saw the Empress, they needed to use the greeting ceremony. Generally speaking, the etiquette of greeting in the ancient palace was a set of strict rules, requiring people to correct their posture and be respectful.
In a nudist community, one of the important etiquettes is respecting personal boundaries. Just because everyone is nude doesn't mean you can touch or invade someone else's space without permission.
Hello, respected audience!
Today, I'm going to share with you some details of etiquette in the movie.
1. Make sure your clothes are clean and tidy without holes or wrinkles when you wear formal clothes on formal occasions. The tie must also be worn correctly.
When attending a wedding or other formal occasions, pay attention to the cleanliness and tidiness of your shoes.
Pay attention to etiquette when eating. Don't stick your chopsticks in the middle of the rice. It's impolite. She could only leave the dining table after all the food had been eaten.
Pay attention to etiquette at meetings or banquets. Sit up straight and keep your phone on silent. Don't make any noise.
Pay attention to your speed and voice when talking. Talking too fast or speaking too loudly could be considered impolite.
Be humble and polite in front of strangers. Don't be arrogant or arrogant.
I hope these etiquette details can help you better understand the etiquette in the movie.
There were many classic books on etiquette. The following were three of the more famous ones:
1 Da Xue: This is one of the classic works of ancient China and also one of the Confucian classics. It is considered one of the representative works of ancient Chinese etiquette culture. It contained a lot of knowledge about etiquette, morality, politics, and so on. It was very helpful to understand the etiquette culture of ancient China.
2. The Doctrine of the Middle Way: This was one of the classic works of ancient China and also one of the Confucian classics. The doctrine of the mean was one of the core of Confucianism, and the doctrine of the mean emphasized the principle of maintaining a moderate and balanced etiquette. It was very helpful to understand the etiquette thoughts in traditional Chinese culture.
3. Book of Rites: This is one of the classic works of ancient China and one of the important sources of ancient Chinese etiquette culture. The book contains a comprehensive knowledge of ancient Chinese etiquette culture, including court etiquette, social etiquette, family etiquette, etc. It is very helpful to understand ancient Chinese etiquette culture.
I recommend the book "Golden Sales Manager" to you. The book covers more than 20 years of professional life, and various sales techniques and scenes are realistic. Also, Cothulhu is a little too strange, so I won't recommend it. I hope you like my recommendation. Muah ~
There were many books on social etiquette. The following were a few of the more classic and well-known ones:
1 The Manual of Social Manners-Robert McClane
How to Build a Good Relationship with Others-by Karl Karl Dale
3. Social Psychology by Joseph M. Kauneman
4. The Skills of Successful Social Communication by Joseph M. Kauneman
5. How to Say It That Others Will Like It-Robert G. Ciodelini
6."Social etiquette and interpersonal skills"-Joseph M. Kauneman
These books can provide insights and practical tips on social etiquette to help readers better interact and build relationships with others. However, it should be noted that social etiquette is a complex topic. Different people and organizations have different social rules and expectations, so readers need to choose and apply them according to their actual situation.
The three great etiquette classics in China were The Analects of Confucius, The Book of Rites, and The Great Learning.
The Analects of Confucius was one of the ancient classics of China and was considered an important work of Confucianism. It recorded the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. It talked about etiquette, morality, self-cultivation and other aspects, which had a profound impact on Chinese culture, morality and education.
The Book of Rites was an important part of the ancient Chinese culture of the Book of Rites and an important reference book for ancient Chinese etiquette norms. The book recorded the various etiquette norms of ancient China, such as sacrifice, funeral, wedding, crown and so on. It was an important source of Chinese cultural etiquette.
The Great Learning was one of the Confucian classics of ancient China and an important reference book for ancient Chinese education. It talked about the philosophy of "the golden mean" and emphasized the life goal of "cultivating one's moral character, managing one's family, governing the country and pacifying the world". It also had an important impact on ancient Chinese culture and etiquette education.