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Lady Gu ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen

Lady Gu ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen

Man munkelte, dass Qiao Xi eine schwache Konstitution hatte - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Qiao-Familie Qiao Xi zurück aufs Land schickte und sie dort sich selbst überließ. Qiao Xi: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Qiao Xi: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Qiao? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Qiao Familie bist du nichts." Qiao Xi: "Wenn ich aus der Qiao-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Qiao Xi: "Halt die Klappe, ich kenne keine Verräterin wie dich." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Gu, Gu Zheng, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nur gut aussieht. Qiao Xi: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Qiao Xi, wie einer von Gu Zhengs Angestellten sich den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hat sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsamen Bemühungen von Top-Elite-Hackern geschaffen wurde?! Gu Zheng kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Qiao Xi, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindlig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
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886 Chs
Seine geniale Ehefrau ist ein Superstar

Seine geniale Ehefrau ist ein Superstar

Eine weltberühmte Hackerin und Tochter der mächtigsten Verbrecherfamilie, die die internationale Unterwelt seit vielen Generationen beherrscht, wird getötet, als ihre Organisation in einer einzigen Nacht ausgelöscht wird. Sie wird im Körper von Iris Long wiedergeboren, einer jugendlichen Popsängerin, einem wilden Partygirl und einer verwöhnten Göre. Für die ehemalige Prinzessin der Unterwelt, die ein überbehütetes und gefesseltes Leben führte, ist dieses neue Leben eine Chance, endlich das Leben in Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben, das sie sich immer gewünscht hat. Jin Liwei ist der mächtigste Mann in der Geschäftswelt des Landes. Kalt und rücksichtslos ist er jemand, den nur wenige zu beleidigen wagen. Als die berüchtigte Iris Long, die einst seinen jüngeren Bruder verfolgte, aus einem jahrelangen Koma erwacht, bewegt sich sein gefühlloses Herz zum ersten Mal und er verliebt sich in dieses unerwartete geniale Mädchen. Sie will frei fliegen und hoch über dem Himmel schweben. Er will alles von ihr, um sie an sich zu binden und sie nie wieder loszulassen. Dies ist ihre Reise zum Superstar. Dies ist seine Reise, auf der er sie begleitet. Gemeinsam werden sie die Welt rocken, während sie sich vielen Herausforderungen stellen. Aber was wird passieren, wenn sie entdeckt, dass sie niemals aus dem Schatten ihres früheren Lebens entkommen kann? Wird sie noch in der Lage sein, ihr Traumleben von Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit zu leben? Wird er in der Lage sein, sie vor den Gefahren zu schützen? [Warnung: Nicht jugendfreier Inhalt, Vorsicht ist geboten]. ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cSUhBdz
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859 Chs
Die Frau, die ich aufgegabelt habe, ist zu heftig

Die Frau, die ich aufgegabelt habe, ist zu heftig

Als Feng Qing geboren wurde, wurde sie aufgrund der Nachlässigkeit des Krankenhauses an ein Paar aus den Bergen verkauft. Sechzehn Jahre später holten ihre leiblichen Eltern sie aus einem kleinen Bergdorf nach Hause, und sie dachte, ihr Leben würde sich verbessern, aber das tat es nicht. Nicht nur, dass sie keine Liebe von ihren Eltern bekam, ihre Ersatzschwester machte sie auch noch blind. Schließlich verheirateten ihre Eltern sie mit einem alten Mann in den Fünfzigern. An ihrem Hochzeitstag flüchtete Feng Qing aus dem Hotel, während eine Reihe von Leibwächtern hinter ihr herlief. In einer kritischen Situation kletterte sie in ein schwarzes Auto, das am Straßenrand geparkt war. Auf dem Rücksitz des Wagens saß ein gut aussehender Mann, dessen Gesicht von kalter Rücksichtslosigkeit geprägt war. Er sah aus wie jemand, mit dem nicht zu spaßen war. Feng Qing tätschelte ihre schmutzigen kleinen Hände. "Also, Mister, ich habe bemerkt, dass Ihnen die Einsamkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben steht. Was halten Sie davon, eine Frau zu haben, die sich Ihnen jetzt vorgestellt hat?" Xie Jiuhan wurde gemeinhin als der Neunte Meister bezeichnet. Er war der Oberherr der Hauptstadt und hatte eine sprunghafte Persönlichkeit. Er war stur und rücksichtslos. Die Gesellschaft in der Hauptstadt setzte alle Mittel ein, aber keiner von ihnen kam auch nur in die Nähe des Saums der Kleidung des Neunten Meisters. Von diesem Tag an begannen sich in der Hauptstadt Gerüchte zu verbreiten. Der Neunte Meister, der sich normalerweise von Frauen fernhielt, zog eine zierliche kleine Frau im Herrenhaus groß und verwöhnte sie bis aufs Blut. Meister Neunter: "Meine Frau ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen." Der Arzt: "Wer ist dann die Dame, die jemandem mit einem einzigen Tritt die Kniescheibe zertrümmert hat?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau lebte früher auf dem Dorf, sie ist nicht gut im Lernen." Die Studenten der Capital University: "Ihre Frau wird in jeder Prüfung die Nummer eins. Wenn sie nicht gut in der Schule ist, was sind wir dann? Zurückgebliebene?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau ist extrem schüchtern. Sie hat noch nicht viele große Namen oder prominente Persönlichkeiten getroffen." Das Publikum: "Bitte halten Sie den Mund!" Die führende Autorität in der Medizin, Wissenschaftsprofessoren und berühmte internationale Regisseure standen vor Ihrem Haus Schlange und baten darum, sie zu sehen! Ja, Ihre Frau war noch nie mit großen Namen oder prominenten Persönlichkeiten zusammengetroffen, denn sie war hier die prominenteste Persönlichkeit.
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551 Chs
Meine unerwartete Ehefrau ist ein heimlicher Boss!

Meine unerwartete Ehefrau ist ein heimlicher Boss!

Jeder wusste, dass die älteste Tochter der Shens in Ungnade gefallen war, nachdem sie von einem Schurken verlassen worden war, außerehelich schwanger wurde und dann von ihrer Familie verstoßen wurde, mittellos und verzweifelt. Die berüchtigte Shen Ruojing trat beim Geburtstagsbankett der Matrone der ersten Familie, der Chus, in Erscheinung, wo die Menge höhnisch lachte: "Diejenigen, die eine Million schenken, sitzen an einem Tisch." "Wer zehn Millionen schenkt, sitzt an einem Tisch." "Fräulein Shen, darf ich fragen, wie viel Geldgeschenke Sie mitgebracht haben?" Die Menge wartete darauf, sie auszulachen, doch dann sahen sie, wie Shen Ruojing einen zierlichen, hübschen kleinen Jungen vor sich herschob: "Könnten Sie bitte die Oberin fragen, wo man sitzen muss, wenn man einen Urenkel mitbringt?" *** Shen Ruojing, die nur wegen des Wertes ihres Sohnes in den Haushalt der Chus aufgenommen worden war, wollte einfach nur dahinvegetieren und sich damit begnügen, ein untätiger Fisch zu sein, aber sie sah sich von allen Seiten mit Verachtung innerhalb der Familie konfrontiert: "Unsere Familie hat einen erstklassigen Hacker, einen Meister der Musik, ein künstlerisches Genie, einen technischen Verrückten - jeder von ihnen ist auf seinem Gebiet berühmt. Was ist mit dir? Was kannst du tun?" Shen Ruojing berührte ihr Kinn: "All diese Dinge, die du erwähnst ... Ich weiß über alles ein bisschen was." Drei bezaubernde Kinder standen an ihrer Seite und nickten unisono: Wir bezeugen, dass Mama tatsächlich von allem ein bisschen weiß.
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567 Chs
Mr. CEO, Ihre Frau ist ein versteckter BOSS!

Mr. CEO, Ihre Frau ist ein versteckter BOSS!

Vor fünf Jahren wurde Qiao Nian von ihrer Schwester, Qiao Xin, hintergangen. Nachdem sie eine Nacht mit einem Fremden verbracht hatte, wurde Qiao Nian schwanger. Sie wusste nicht, wer der Vater des Kindes war, und brachte schließlich eine Totgeburt zur Welt. Durch die Machenschaften ihrer Mutter und ihrer Schwester wurde Qiao Nian ihre Anteile an der Qiao-Gruppe entzogen und in eine psychiatrische Klinik eingewiesen. Fünf Jahre später sollte ihre jüngere Schwester, Qiao Xin, mit dem zweiten jungen Meister der Familie Gu verheiratet werden. Es wurde gemunkelt, er sei extrem hässlich. Am Tag seiner Geburt sagte der Arzt voraus, dass er nicht älter als zwanzig Jahre alt werden würde. Ihre Mutter konnte es nicht ertragen, dass Qiao Xin einen solchen Menschen heiratete und dachte an Qiao Nian, die immer noch in der Nervenheilanstalt eingesperrt war. Über Nacht wurde Qiao Nian aus der Klinik geholt, um Qiao Xin in ihrer Ehe mit der Familie Gu zu ersetzen. Ihre Mutter sagte: "Es ist gut, dass Qiao Nian, dieser Taugenichts, Xin'er als lebende Witwe in der Familie Gu ersetzen kann. Wenn Xin'er in diese Familie einheiraten würde, würde es mir das Herz brechen." Qiao Xin sagte: "Mutter, sag das nicht über die Schwester. Wenn sie nicht wäre, wüsste ich nicht, was ich tun sollte. Ich mache mir nur Sorgen, dass die Schwester nicht einverstanden ist." Ihr Vater sagte: "Xin'er, du bist zu nett. Hast du vergessen, wie Qiao Nian dich vor fünf Jahren verleumdet hat? Sie hat keine Selbstbeherrschung. Sie wurde vor der Ehe schwanger und brachte sogar eine Totgeburt zur Welt. Wir behandeln sie gut genug, indem wir sie jemanden aus der angesehenen Familie Gu heiraten lassen! Welches Recht hat sie, wählerisch zu sein?" Qiao Nian spöttelte. Damals war die Intrige gegen sie nur durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren erfolgreich gewesen, unter denen sie zu leiden hatte. Sie wollte es ihnen allen heimzahlen! Alle dachten, dass ihre Handlungen auf einer Kombination aus Verlierermentalität und Geisteskrankheit beruhten, aber sie ahnten nicht, dass diese Ehe eine so starke Verbindung sein würde, wie der Mars, der auf die Erde stürzt! Qian Nian machte sich ihre brillanten medizinischen Fähigkeiten zunutze und brachte so manchen Abschaum zum Schweigen. Im Handumdrehen schockierten ihre zahlreichen Identitäten die Welt, als jede von ihnen aufgedeckt wurde. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie reich genug war, um es mit einem ganzen Land aufzunehmen! Später stellte der Zweite Junge Meister Gu ein Paar von Qiao Nians Miniaturklonen vor sie hin. Angesichts dieser beiden Kinder, die ihr und Gu Zhou ähnelten, blinzelte Qiao Nian schockiert. "Wann habe ich eure Kinder zur Welt gebracht?"
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541 Chs
Mia ist kein Störenfried!

Mia ist kein Störenfried!

Die Familie Miller hatte eine Unruhestifterin in der Familie. Ihr Name war Amelia Miller. Ihre Mutter starb bei der Geburt, als sie geboren wurde. Ihre Stiefmutter stürzte während der Schwangerschaft von einer Treppe und starb. Amelias Vater bestrafte sie, indem er sie mit dem Gesicht zur Wand auf dem Dachboden stellte. Auf dem Dachboden war es dunkel und feucht, und es gab überhaupt kein Sonnenlicht. Niemand brachte ihr etwas zu essen, und Amelia dachte, dass sie vielleicht dort sterben würde. Kurz vor ihrem Tod wählte sie eine Nummer, die ihre Mutter ihr vor ihrem Tod gesagt hatte. Nachdem sie aufgelegt hatte, hörte sie ein Rumpeln um sich herum. Das Haus der Familie Miller war von einer Gruppe schwarz gekleideter Leibwächter umstellt. Acht Männer stiegen aus ihren Autos aus, jeder mit einer anderen Aura. Sie gingen direkt auf den Dachboden. Der Mann, der sie anführte, kniete nieder und hielt Amelia, die bewusstlos war, in seinen Armen. Er hatte einen ernsten Gesichtsausdruck. "Die Familie Miller muss bankrott gehen." Nachdem sie die ganze Nacht geschlafen hatte, wachte Amelia auf und musste feststellen, dass ihr Vater bankrott war. Ihre Familienmitglieder waren alle obdachlos. Inzwischen hatte sie... Sie hatte acht Onkel und einen netten Großvater, der sie sehr liebte. Amelias Vater bereute, was er getan hatte, und war nicht bereit, sein Schicksal zu akzeptieren. Und was ist, wenn Amelia jetzt ein gutes Leben führt? Sie war immer noch die Unruhestifterin, die für den Tod ihrer Mutter und den Bankrott ihres Vaters verantwortlich war! Er ahnte nicht, dass sich ihr Glück nach Amelias Rückkehr ins Haus ihres Onkels nur noch zu verbessern schien. Sogar ihre bettlägerige Großmutter konnte jetzt aufstehen und auf dem Platz tanzen! Schließlich behauptete ein gottähnlicher Mann, ihr Vater zu sein. Er verwöhnte sie so sehr, dass die ganze Welt neidisch auf sie wurde.
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513 Chs
Who is the author of 'er ist wieder da novel'?
2 answers
2024-12-02 00:52
I'm not sure who the author of 'er ist wieder da novel' is. You might need to check some literary databases or bookstores for that information.
What is special about 'er ist wieder da novel'?
3 answers
2024-12-01 05:22
Well, one special thing could be its unique cultural context. It might offer insights into the language and society it originates from.
What was an urban life novel with the male protagonist's surname Yang and the female protagonist's surname Ye? It had to have elements of rebirth, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, the return of the strong, relaxation, money making, and humor? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-24 23:05
This book was called " Rebirth Begins with Fried Rice Noodles." The characters in the book included the male lead, Yang Ye, a young talent! The female lead-Ye Wei, the male supporting-Wang Mingli, Fatty Wang! Male supporting role-Hou Fei, Fei Zai! Female supporting role-Zhao Qingwan, Lady Zhao! This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " Rebirth Begins with Fried Rice Noodles " by Shangwan. It was an urban novel with elements of rebirth, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, the return of the strong, relaxation, money making, and humor. [User recommendation: Today, I have been reborn in my homeland, re-established my golden body, stood at the top of the stock market, created a star enterprise, and led my brothers to conquer the world!] I hope you will like this book.
Is there a better novel than I Can Help People Choose?
1 answer
2025-01-24 23:05
There were novels similar to I Can Help People Make Choices: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1. Book of Troubled Times 7 Xiao Bai Shuang Wen had a more cliché setting. It could be used to pass time if it did not have high hardware requirements. After all, the author was an experienced writer, so his writing style was guaranteed. 🔥 The young man could enter the dream, but he couldn't kill anyone in the dream. He was tortured to death. Even though he died ten thousand times, his original heart didn't change. He still loved her like his first love. He was intoxicated in the dream every day, especially for Miss Ah Ke who liked backstabbing. 2."Spiritual Walker":"Spiritual Walker" was a science fiction novel, but it was different from ordinary science fiction novels. It incorporated some elements of Eastern mythology, combining the two very well without any sense of separation. The author's writing was excellent, without any obvious flaws. The plot was so tight that it was hard to stop. This novel inspired many people, not only limited to the sci-fi world described in the book, but also inspired readers to think about life, emotions, psychology, society, and history. The author's structure and writing style were outstanding, leaving a deep impression on everyone. All in all,"Spirit Realm Walker" was a book worth looking forward to and recommending. 3."Tang's Table": Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. 4."King of Familiar":"King of Familiar" was a refreshing work. The author, Qing Quan Liu Xiang, once again demonstrated his talent in the field of beast taming. This book continued the success of the previous book, Unscientific Familiar, and once again proved the author's creative ability. The story revolved around familiars, telling a story about animal contracts and training. The main character's parents went missing, leaving behind a mysterious family heirloom. This allowed him to shine in the Familiar Instance Dungeon. The story left suspense at the beginning, making people unable to wait to continue reading. The author's update speed was also very fast, making people feel at ease reading. I recommend this book to readers who like beast taming. This book is definitely worth reading. 5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation":[Strong Promotion] I haven't seen such a good book in a long time. I'm Tian Yan's Pi! I can also do big ice dunes ~ 6. National Forensics: The Almighty's New Book [Corpse: Are you polite?] 7."Heroine Wait": Guan Guan's new book, still a familiar taste O(> ▽>)O 8:"Full Tang Colorful":"One-sentence Introduction": The Dark and Gorgeous Tang Dynasty [Book Status]: In Progress [Book Type]: History <Tagging> Time Travel, Group Images, Wisdom Battle, Court, Strategy <Remarks> He was picked up and brought back to the Du family at the beginning, and then the Du family faced the destruction of their family. Xue Bai had been killed after defecting to the Crown Prince, but he had relied on Li Linfu to help the Du Family survive. Together with the Du Sisters, they had dragged the Crown Prince down step by step and shone brightly. The building was about to collapse, and danger lurked everywhere. What kind of storm would Xue Bai's origin cause? <What to Watch> Many historical figures during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty Xue Bai's Origins The writing style was experienced, the characters were three-dimensional, and the historical figures matched the historical records. He was good at portraying the characters in detail and had his own views on history. He was good at hiding his pen and writing. His logic was reasonable, his rhythm was compact, and his scheming was amazing. [Rating] 9 [Character Setting] Protagonist: Xue Bai| Supporting roles: Yan Gaoqing, Yang Yuhuan, etc. 9."Hidden Dead Corner":"Hidden Dead Corner" is a terrifying science fiction novel set in a modern society in another world. The protagonist, Li Chengying, transmigrated to this world and entered a strange space (blind spot). She was often captured by this space. However, Li Chengying tried to find a way to escape from the blind spot by absorbing the flower to obtain the flower language ability and summoning the flower scale garment. The atmosphere of this story was very strong, and the setting of the flower language ability was also very novel, which made people's eyes light up. However, the novel also had some shortcomings. Among them, the protagonist's sister was too disgusting and might make the readers unhappy. As for his writing style, it could only be said to be average. There was nothing particularly outstanding about it. In terms of setting, although there were some new ideas, there were also some shortcomings. Overall, this book left a deep impression on people, and the recommendation index was four-and-a-half stars. From the first two chapters of the new book, the beginning of the story gave people a feeling of a mysterious journey. In just a few thousand words, the protagonist had just transmigrated to another world, his family situation, social relationships, and so on. It was immersive. This story depicted the living conditions of the people in this low-class society, and at the same time, there was a sense of peace. In addition, the story also described the scene of preparing for war, making people speculate that a small number of high-level people might have extraordinary powers. The foreshadowing in the story was also very interesting, such as whether the original body died and whether the protagonist could obtain extraordinary powers. Scram's new book,"Hidden Dead Corner," continued his previous style. Other than the slightly toxic sister at the beginning, it gradually became more and more fascinating. The golden finger was a floral mech formed by absorbing the language of different flowers. This setting was very creative, but the story was too short and somewhat lacking. Generally speaking, the books that had been published started from the ❮ The Art of Kendo ❯. Although it was sometimes difficult to read continuously, each book had its own unique aspects. Although he would sometimes lose his combat power due to the settings, the early and middle stages were still worth watching. It was both exciting and torturous, and there was not much sloppiness. This also led to the emergence of many imitators. 10."The Final Divine Order":"The Final Divine Order" is a fascinating novel. The story was set in a world similar to the modern world. The protagonist started learning martial arts in a martial arts dojo and stepped into the extraordinary world step by step. The author had a good grasp of the rhythm, allowing the readers to quickly immerse themselves in it and feel the protagonist's growth and improvement. The plot of the story was also handled more naturally, making people look forward to the protagonist's future development. However, some of the plots in the book were a little disappointing. The missing people and the hero saving the damsel in distress made people feel a little toxic, and they couldn't help but doubt the author's intentions. Although this might be for the sake of the plot, it was indeed a little difficult to accept. Overall, The Final Divine Order was a decent novel. Although some of the plots were not ideal, the author still had considerable skill in telling the story and shaping the characters. The readers could feel the protagonist's growth and hard work, as well as his courage and wisdom in the face of difficulties and challenges. Although some of the plot was not very satisfactory, overall, the book was worth reading. 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? "This Game Is Too Real": 7 points After the main character dies, he will travel to the apocalyptic world and can summon players to help him. Therefore, the protagonist claimed that this was a 100% realistic holographic game and successfully attracted the first batch of players. Relying on the players 'fearlessness, the protagonist slowly obtained money and more equipment. As a way to attract players to the other world and become the "fourth natural disaster" in the real world, this kind of behind-the-scenes method was not new. In terms of content, the overall style of the new book is relatively relaxed, and the protagonist chooses to invite acquaintances to do closed beta testing first, so that they inadvertently help to improve the game settings is also quite interesting "Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was a novel with the theme of Xianxia. It used the merciless nature of the Heavenly Dao as its theme, depicting a world full of chivalry and sincerity. The setting of the characters in the story was unique. The protagonist was a beggar who had obtained a Meridian Unlocking Pill. He was trying his best to find his own path in a world full of competition and war. This world had a variety of settings, making people feel as if they were in a fantasy world of Xianxia. The story was fascinating, stimulating people's curiosity about the truth of history, and at the same time, bringing suspense to the development of the story. The author described the protagonist's inner world with delicate strokes, showing his yearning for light and his pursuit of chivalry. The whole book was inspiring and made people think about the meaning and value of life. Overall, Red Heart Sky Patrol was an impressive Xianxia novel and was worth reading. Ring of Destiny: Surging emotions, unlimited fantasies, waving against the wind, young undefeated hot-blooded! The Mysterious World, Part Two. In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky. "Great Ming State Preceptor":"Great Ming State Preceptor" is a rare historical text. The author has shown a solid foundation in writing. The story started from the protagonist's release from prison. He began by asking for death and then gave a sermon that shocked Zhu Di. It gave people a sense of absurdity, but it also made people want to continue reading. Through step-by-step reasoning and intelligent descriptions, the author made the protagonist stand out in history. The historical content of this book had already surpassed that of his father, Han Gaozu, and the author was still constantly updating it. As a historical novel, although the plot was not too complicated, the author's writing style and the shaping of the protagonist allowed the readers to immerse themselves in it and enjoy the pleasure of reading. In general,'The Great Ming State Preceptor' was a historical novel that made people's eyes light up and was worth reading. As a snake hunter, Xu Ying had always been honest and diligent until this day when he caught a different snake... On the first day of the third month, incense was burning everywhere in the Divine Land. The statues that protected the villages, towns, cities, and counties woke up one after another to enjoy the sacrifices of the people. However, from that day onwards, the world was in chaos. "Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was a fascinating novel. The author brings the readers into a world full of passion and emotion with delicate strokes and keen insight. The protagonist of the story, Jiang Qin, was reborn. He was determined to change his fate and pursue wealth and freedom. By describing Jiang Qin's hard work and struggle, the author showed the story of an ordinary person who kept working hard to pursue his dream. The story was compact and fascinating, making it impossible for people to stop reading. In addition, the author's writing style was elegant and smooth, giving people a gentle and poetic feeling. The whole book was filled with hope and expectation, making people feel the enthusiasm of youth and the longing for the future. Overall,"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth" was a delightful and positive book that was worth reading. "Deep Sea Ember": -[Continuing-]--Top 3500 likes next time! Although his works were mainly fantasy and science fiction, the scenes he wrote were very realistic and the details were handled quite well. This book was no exception. At the beginning, he wrote the scene where the protagonist was in an abnormal space very well. The subsequent scene changed to the process of the ship without being abrupt. His description of the characters 'expressions and language was not inferior. Every sentence he wrote fit the atmosphere at that time, and it would not make people feel out of character or confused. The book combined elements such as strangeness and navigation. At the same time, in the strange atmosphere, it was mixed with the usual serious humor of the distant pupil. Especially the pigeon that appeared later, it made people laugh and cry. What was even more interesting was that the appearance of such a humorous plot in the Distant Pupil Book did not affect the perception of the book and did not make people feel fragmented. The book's worldview structure was also very outstanding, and the distant pupil described the worldview bit by bit in the plot, so there was no need to spoil the story here. Overall, this book was a top-notch work. Whether it was the character creation, the worldview structure, or the control of the rhythm, it was all first-class. It's getting better. I recommend it. 19."Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is an unforgettable novel. The author used the background of the cultivation world as the background to tell the story of an ordinary person's adventure in the foreign world. The main character, the Dao of Living Forever, lived in the cultivation world with a suppressed attitude, but in the outside world, he was able to attack with heavy fists, showing his power. The entire story was compact and fascinating, making people want to continue reading. The plagiarist's new book made people look forward to it. His works had always been known for their high quality, allowing people to find the best when there was a shortage of books, and when there was a surplus of books, they could be kept at the bottom of the box. Eunuch Wen's writing style was stable and carried forward the essence of the Dao of Gou, while the golden finger was the main line that could communicate with different worlds, making the whole story more interesting. Overall, this book was an enjoyable reading experience. The quality was guaranteed, and it was worth recommending. "Who told him to cultivate!" The funny immortal cultivation novel that was so imaginative made people's eyes go black. There was no need to introduce the author, White Raven. The standard of this book was also high. The jokes were very dense, and there were many interesting tricks. The protagonist, whose thinking was different from ordinary people, joined a large sect that was completely different from the traditional style of the cultivation world, and gradually brought the sect's atmosphere to the outside world, leading the entire cultivation world astray. The main character was talented enough to cultivate the Earth Shrinking Technique into the Earth Shrinking Technique and the Earth Shrinking Technique. Together with the barbarian Confucian cultivator who had found the wrong target to learn from and the eldest son who had run away from home, they led the world of Cultivators down a crooked path. It was exciting to see what other tricks they would play next. This book was more about daily life. Those who didn't like reading daily life content would definitely get addicted to it. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Similar to the novel recommendation of "Wandering: Enlightenment"
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2025-01-24 23:05
There were novels similar to Wandering: Enlightenment: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2."Spirit Realm Walker":"Spirit Realm Walker" was a very interesting book. Although there was a little bit of poison at the beginning, the rest of the book was written very smoothly, allowing one to gradually enter a better state. This book was set in a modern city and told the story of a young man with supernatural powers who was involved in the invasion of another world by chance and finally saved himself and the world. The main character's ability was the Night Wandering God. In this world full of ghosts and monsters, he displayed outstanding assassin and Taoist skills and gradually grew into a big shot. The plot was exquisite and fascinating, making people unable to sleep at night. The follow-up development of this book was even more exciting. All in all,"Spirit Walker" was a highly recommended book. Whether it was funny or relaxing, it could make people relax and enjoy reading. 3."Tang People's Table": Telling the book has been written. Contact list owner can get it. [The review is too strict. The single owner really has no choice but to try to modify it back and forth.] [Everyone can leave a message on the book list or contact the fan group of the novel.] 4."King of Familiar": The King's Descent, Glory! Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a fascinating novel. The story began when the protagonist transmigrated into the game world and became the son of a villain, but fate brought him all kinds of challenges and adventures. The story was full of black humor and humorous elements, making people laugh. The setting of the world view was also very attractive, making people want to continue reading. The author's writing was smooth, the plot was compact, and the characters were vivid. Especially the protagonist's growth and self-cultivation. Overall, this book was worth reading. It was recommended to readers who liked to fight with wits, be funny, and have a system. 6."National Forensic Medicine":"National Forensic Medicine" is a fascinating novel. The author has integrated the professional knowledge of forensic medicine into it, allowing readers to understand the fun and subtleties of this profession. Compared to the previous novel, the protagonist's personality was more realistic, showing the communication and interaction in the police station. Moreover, the author had a deep understanding of character design and web novels. He used skills and strength to reflect the character's pretentiousness, avoiding the shortcomings of primary school dropouts. The whole story had a better rhythm. A case was considered a short story, interesting and fascinating. Although capybaras liked the water word as always, the way the water word was described was also interesting. In general, National Forensics was a positive forensic novel that gave people a deeper understanding of the profession of forensic science. 7:"Heroine, Wait":"Heroine, Wait. Do you know who I am?" "I know. He's the empress's favorite minister, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a famous sect in the pugilistic world. You're the one I'm going to cut!" 8."Mantang Colorful Scenery" The bizarre cousin's new historical novel, the opening plot was compact and eye-catching. [Author's impression] Level 5 authors were very strong and would soon become gods. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": Author of this book: Get lost, old author, eternal beast. It was obvious that the strength of the book was still there. In just 30 chapters, it could show the world view, main plot, and the character of the main character. I believe that if this novel doesn't collapse in the later stages, it will still be a very good novel. [Reward index: 3 (4.5 if it doesn't collapse in the later stages)] [Plot summary: A story of the protagonist who transmigrated to this world, struggling to survive under the threat of death from a dead corner.] The golden finger absorbed flowers to strengthen itself. The "blind spot" was similar to the "back room" mode. In the later stages, it would probably become an instance dungeon. [Goldfinger: By absorbing flowers to strengthen oneself. Different flowers strengthen in different directions and have different special abilities.] 10.<<Final Divine Duty>>: In a world similar to the modern world, one starts from learning martial arts in a martial arts dojo and steps step by step into becoming extraordinary. 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? "This Game Is Too Real": A New Book by the Academic Genius Author It was similar to the writing style of a top student. The author was very good at writing novels with a little professional knowledge and a faint pretentious aura. Demining: The author's emotional scenes are hard to handle. At present, I can't tell which one is the female lead, but when it comes to emotional scenes, it's really awkward. Just endure it or skip it. [What to Watch: The protagonist traveled to 200 years after the end of the nuclear war and rebuilt the ruins with the players who worked. This setting itself is very interesting.] It was obvious that the structure was very large. He wanted to describe a more complete wasteland world. The author's ability to control things had also improved compared to the previous book. The protagonist had self-proclaimed himself as a planner, tricking the players into working for him, pretending to release an update announcement and strategy, first summoning a few players for closed beta, and then slowly spreading it step by step. Let's see if it will collapse in the later stages. If it doesn't, we'll be able to become gods. [Rating: 4 stars] 13."Red Heart Sky Patrol": I actually forgot about this book. This book can become a classic in Xianxia. The main character was a good person. (emphasis) The protagonist spent his most vulnerable period with his best brothers in a chaotic country, and also encountered the heaviest despair. In order to take revenge, the protagonist embarked on a journey to a foreign land in search of a stronger path. The setting of yao was quite interesting, and the starting point of cultivation was also very interesting. "Ring of Destiny" was a mind-blowing fantasy novel. With a humorous tone, the author cleverly integrated the small stories into the story, making the readers feel happy and relaxed in the process of reading. The story was full of interesting and unexpected plots, making people unable to stop. At the same time, the author also ingeniously integrated the elements of violence, allowing the readers to enjoy the humor and also feel the pleasure of invisible posturing. This book was not only a novel, but also an exciting work. It aroused the readers 'yearning for unlimited fantasy, allowing them to wave in the wind and show the undefeated hot-blooded spirit of a young man. In addition, the author also ingeniously integrated the mysterious world and the story of 1368 into it, adding a sense of mystery and the unknown to the whole story. Overall, The Ring of Destiny was an immersive and imaginative novel that was worth reading. 15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor": Elixir Grass-Elixir [Top] [Strong][Walking Encyclopedia] The main character would obtain eternal life after 10 transmigration deaths. In his last life, when he was on his deathbed, he was a good teacher and gave his cellmates a big story about the history of the Ming Dynasty. Who would have thought that this prisoner was actually the second son of Emperor Zhu Di? Separated by a wall, Emperor Zhu Di and his important ministers felt the baptism of the ideology and culture of their descendants through the monitoring equipment of the Ming Dynasty, and they glimpsed the future... At this moment, the wheel of history took a huge turn. 'On Sea Power',' On the Fate of the Nation 'and' The History of Chinese Coins'… Da Ming was fully armed as he rushed towards the new era. If the change of thinking could be from top to bottom, would there be less blood and tears for social change? If Da Ming could have stood at the center of the world stage earlier, would he have been able to avoid the tragedy of the Little Ice Age, would he have been able to avoid the humiliation of a hundred years in the future? [Reason for recommendation: If you were in middle school and high school, holding textbooks and thinking about history, geography, biology, politics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and economics…what was the need to study them?] You can read this book. How many dynasties had been influenced by this familiar basic knowledge of modern people? I didn't understand the economics class in university, but I understood it here, hahaha. [Reason for pulling weeds: If it was a web novel, it might be more preaching.] The front swing was longer. However, if it was used as an alternative science book, it was just right. [Manual top method]: 50 likes for the next post. ------.----..---- ⭐⭐ ⭐都看到这儿啦,如果觉得还不错⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌸👇别忘了顺手点喜欢哟~♥(:3”∠❀)👆或关注。 "Ascending on the Right Day": At the moment, it feels a bit like the feeling of looking at the divine tomb. It's undoubtedly a divine work. Ranking index: "Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was an admirable work. The author's style was grand, the writing was smooth, and the plot was deeply rooted in people's hearts. The story used rebirth as the theme, but it was not limited to this routine. Instead, it was presented in a humorous and funny way, making people unable to help but laugh. The author's writing style was praised, and the story was compact and fascinating. At the same time, every character in the book had their own personality and charm, which was unforgettable. This book was not only an entertainment work, but also a deeply rooted thought. He hoped that the author could continue to maintain this standard and create more outstanding works. "Deep Sea Ember": Big Eye's new work. The protagonist wakes up one night and finds himself inexplicably transformed into a ghost ship, the captain of the Lost Homes. His image has also changed. Under his uneasiness, he came to the ship and encountered the waves of the Wall of Reality. He brushed past a ship that was escorting a strange doll girl. Using the strange power of the transformation skin, he transformed into a green light superman and obtained a doll maid. 19."Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is an unforgettable novel. With his unique creativity and superb writing skills, the author perfectly combined the immortal cultivation and the martial arts world, bringing a new reading experience to the readers. The protagonist transmigrated to the world of immortal cultivation and became a low-level spirit farmer. However, with the golden finger of the double door, he could transmigrate to the martial arts world with the power of demons. He used the spiritual farming techniques and the resources of the cultivation world to cultivate martial arts in the martial arts world, and then fed back to the cultivation world. This kind of innovative cultivation method made people's eyes light up. It made people look forward to the growth process of the protagonist. The author's writing was smooth and the plot was compact, making it difficult to put it down. Although there were some small flaws, such as the fact that the transmigration was not fully displayed, overall, this book was a good book worthy of recommendation. Whether it was a reader who liked cultivation or martial arts, they would be satisfied with reading. "Who told him to cultivate!" [24's Book Collection Pavilion]"Who told him to cultivate!" Who sent this kid to harm our cultivation world! [A brief review] It was a relaxed and happy cultivation art. Lu Yang's transmigration into the Immortal Cultivation World could not be described as calm and uneventful. It could only be described as chaos. The author used cheerful language to tell the story of Lu Yang, a fun person. The relaxed style was very suitable for reading. His character creation was also extremely outstanding. Meng Jingzhou, who had a single spiritual root, and Barbarian Bone, a physics scholar…These characters seemed to be real and brought us joy. [Work Information] Title: Who told him to cultivate! Author: The Whitest Crow [Genre: Xianxia-Ancient Xianxia] [Tagged: relaxed and happy, silly and happy, immortal cultivation] [Status: In Progress (350,000 words)] [Ranking Index] [Reason for recommendation] Lu Yang had been in the Immortal Cultivation World for more than ten years. When he heard that the Immortal Gate was selecting disciples, he also wanted to try his luck. On the way, they met Meng Jingzhou, a disciple of an aristocratic cultivation family, and an extremely beautiful woman. The three of them immediately decided to travel together. On the way, Meng Jingzhou even shared the assessment content he had bought with them. When they arrived at the assessment site, the woman who was traveling with them soared into the air. She was actually the host of the assessment? The two of them were discussing how to cheat in front of the invigilator! Fortunately, the woman had let them go. When the assessment began, Meng Jingzhou had the single spiritual root that everyone was looking at, and Lu Yang had the rare sword seed that was naturally cheap (crossed out). The second test was the story of the three axes. Lu Yang had cheated the River Spirit of its axe and successfully cleared the level, while Meng Jingzhou had jumped into the river and picked up the axe… Ever since Lu Yang entered the cultivation world, the entire northwest of Shanxi Province (excluding) was in chaos. [Similar recommendations] Palace Amongst the Clouds '[You said you were going to brag, but why do you really have the potential to become a Great Emperor?] You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
What was a Xianxia/fantasy cultivation novel with Gu Ruyue as the female lead? It had to have elements of transmigration, system style, daily life style, soft rice style, decisive killing, and relaxation? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-24 23:05
The book was called 'Female Empress: Marry Me If You Want to Cultivate Immortals', and the characters in it included the male protagonist, Meng Chao, who was as hard as iron every eighteen years! The female protagonist, Gu Ruyue, had two souls and was possessed by the empress! The supporting actress, Situ Yourong, how could a child not have huge breasts? Female supporting role-Gu Qingrong, Gu family's Tianjiao, can be sweet or salty. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "Female Empress: Marry Me If You Want to Cultivate" was written by Super Fire. It was a Xianxia/fantasy immortal cultivation novel with transmigration, system style, daily life style, soft rice style, decisive killing, and relaxed elements. User recommendation: [Add points + longevity + upgrade + follow heart + contrast] In this world, demons were rampant, and the imperial power controlled the power. Ordinary people were forbidden from cultivating illegally, and it was difficult for mortals to survive. Meng Chao had transmigrated with the point-adding system, so he could get points every month. Increases lifespan by 20 years. By increasing one's realm, one can quickly increase one's cultivation. Adding cultivation techniques can increase the level of cultivation techniques. Adding Dharma treasures can increase the grade of Dharma treasures. He could add points to anything. As long as he added his lifespan, he could kill countless big shots and play music at their graves. Just as he was about to enjoy himself in the mortal world and kill all the Immortal Cultivators and demons, a top-notch rich woman came to him! Little rich woman: Do you want to cultivate? If you want to, marry me! Meng Chao thought,'There's such a good thing? Actually, one did not need to rely on rich women to cultivate, nor did one need to work hard. However, who could refuse a rich woman? A few years later, Meng Chao realized that not only did he marry a rich woman whose wealth could rival that of a country, but he also married an empress who had descended from the cultivation world. I hope you will like this book.
What was Li Changsheng's novel about the heavens? It had to have transmigration, system style, intelligence, decisiveness, group portrait, heavens style, future world, and the fourth element of catastrophe? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-24 23:05
This book was called " High-Dimensional Earth: Tracking with One Thought, Reaching the Maximum Level with One Thought." The characters in the book included the protagonist, Li Changsheng. If the heavens did not give birth to Li Changsheng, the heavens would be like a long night. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " High-Dimensional Earth: One Thought Tracking, One Thought Maximum Level " Author: Snail of Mars. It was a novel about the infinite universe. It had transmigration, system style, online intelligence, decisive killing, group image, universe style, future world, and the fourth natural disaster element. On the high-dimensional Earth where the will of humanity was awakened, Li Changsheng took his unique talent [One Thought Search, One Thought Max Level] and embarked on his journey to conquer the heavens. [Complete Version Description: In Parallel World, the Will of Humanity awakens and gives all humans a data panel, allowing all humans to become the fourth catastrophe and head to various dimensions to plunder the origin.] Hundreds of thousands of years later, Li Changsheng transmigrated and discovered that with the main world as the anchor point, the humans on Earth had long become the overlord civilization in the billions of universes. Only true gods and demons could contend with them. He thought that he was destined to be a passerby in this glorious era, but at this moment, he unexpectedly awakened a top-notch human talent like [One Thought Search, One Thought Max Level]. From then on, his turbulent and magnificent life began. When Li Changsheng turned around, he realized that he had long stood at the peak of the myriad worlds. Even the entire human path was already in his hands. [Key words: Ancient Jin Jianghu, Wind and Cloud, Mount Shu, Immortal Sword, Immortal Slaying, Great Feng, Battle Break, Mysteries, Stargate, Heaven Covering, Perfection, God Sealing, Primordial, Buddha's Origin, Yang God, Eternal Life…] The order is for reference only, and the rankings are not in order! I hope you will like this book.
" Entertainment: The female boss begs me not to expose herself "
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2025-01-24 23:05
The characters included the male lead, Shen Fei, who was nicknamed the spokesperson brother. The word handsome ran through his life. "Entertainment: The Female Boss Begged Me Not to Expose Her at the Beginning of the Game" by Tianya Yuanyi. It was an urban/entertainment novel with transmigration, relaxation, and star elements. [User recommendation: Shen Fei is a small artist under Jiaxing Media.] Unexpected awakening of the troublemaker system. From then on…he began to walk further and further down the road of courting death. …… As more and more shocking news came out, Shen Fei was already invincible in the world. People's newspaper commented on him like this-- Shen Fei, the youngest actor in China, was a classic. Shen Fei, China's most tear-jerking god-level singer, each song was heart-wrenching. Shen Fei, the most amazing viewership emperor in China, was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However… When he stood on the highest podium in the Chinese entertainment industry, everyone realized that he was also a sculpture master, a martial arts master, and a painting genius…! [I've actually become the public enemy of the goddess!] [Wow, you're the boss 'number one anti-fan!] I hope you will like this book.
The male protagonist was Lin Dong, while the female protagonist was Shui Liuxiang. What was a novel about urban life? It had to have elements of daily life, spiritual energy recovery, live broadcast and exposure? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-24 23:05
This book was titled "The me who was transcending the tribulation was exposed by the live broadcast". The characters in it included: the male lead, Lin Dong, who believed that hard work would usher in a beautiful tomorrow; the female lead, Shui Liuxiang, who liked to do what she liked and did not like to cater to others; and the female supporting character, Zhang Mingming, who was a little scheming and had a good heart. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " The Me Who Is Going Through the Tribulation Was Exposed by a Live Broadcast " Author: Huo Tianyue. It's a novel about urban life. It has daily life stories, the revival of spiritual energy, and live broadcasts. It has elements of exposure. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: In an accident, Lin Dong was live-streamed as he transcended his Immortal Cultivation Tribulation, causing modern Immortal Cultivation videos to become extremely popular.] Using the Hua Tuo Medical Canon, he pulled a dying person back from the gates of hell with a single breath and a set of silver needles. When he used the Virtuous Man's Ten Thousand Mile Walk, he could walk as if he was flying. He could travel ten thousand miles in a day without breathing. Using the Lightning Attracting Technique, he could control tens of thousands of lightning bolts without being injured at all. Using the [Beast Taming Art] and looking at the big black bear acting coquettishly like a pug, the three views of the netizens were shattered. Using the [Turtle Breathing Technique], he could stay underwater as if he was on land. The livestream room was in an uproar as he did not go ashore for a day. Everyone was in an uproar when they saw Lin Dong's series of unconventional actions. Immortal, stop pretending. You are cultivating! …… As Lin Dong's actions became more and more like that of an immortal cultivator, and more and more abnormal, the netizens: " Lin Dong, stop pretending. You are just an immortal cultivator. Please guide me." 。 I hope you will like this book.
Is there a novel similar to Fantasy: Stealing the Big Villain System at the Beginning?
1 answer
2025-01-24 23:05
There were novels similar to "Fantasy: Stealing the Great Villain System at the Beginning" Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Ji Cha's book, anyone who understands it will understand o(*^▽^*)o 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties. From the Qi Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the mountains were desolate, the spiritual realm was lonely, and few people visited. It is difficult to find a ghost in the spiritual realm. 3.<<The Tang's Table>> The people of the world and the affairs of the world are just the dishes on the table of the Tang people. Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. Steaming, braising, stir-frying, stewing... There were many cooking methods in the kitchen. Whether it was Goguryeo, the Turks, Tubo, Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, Tiele…or even whales, tigers, sharks, and hungry wolves, the Great Tang was a furnace that could cook them all into peerless delicacies… In addition to Li Zhi, Wu Wei, Zhangsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and other peerless seasonings, there would always be one thing that you would never forget, regardless of color, fragrance, or taste. Yun Chu hoped that she would definitely have a seat at such a luxurious banquet! Now, the delicious food had been cooked. Yun Chu laid out the napkin, picked up the deer knife, and closed her eyes. She was ready to enjoy an unprecedented feast to satisfy her hungry stomach. 4. King of Familiar: 8.7 points If you don't know what to major in university, how about taking the beastmaster exam? In a brand new era, who would be the new king of beasts? 5: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Ji Cha's recommendation The Great Yan Empire had existed for more than 1,300 years. The emperor was critically ill, the crown prince supervised the country, the local immortal sects occupied, and the central power disturbed the court. When she woke up, Xu Yuan saw the ruined temple in the mountains on a rainy night. He saw a strange stone Buddha with a broken arm. Also, The woman in black beside the bonfire with a veil over her face. He became the third son of the final BOSS, the direct descendant of the villain with a clean background and a good reputation. The fake villains were waiting to be slapped in the face, while the real villains were carried around the world by a big block of ice. Goldfinger? Only fake villains relied on their golden fingers to make a fortune. Real villains dared to face their bleak lives! "The heavens did not give birth to me, Xu Changtian. "Father, save me!" 6.<National Forensics>: I didn't expect to be attracted to it just after watching it. He wasn't sure if he was an old author, but his writing style was really experienced. He used humorous language to write professional knowledge. His skill was obvious. It was a rare online novel that could be read word by word. The plot was also very smooth. Whether it was handling cases or daily life, it was orderly and comfortable to read ~ Looking forward to the follow-up ~ 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" was a very comfortable book. The author's writing process was steady, steady, and step-by-step, making it easy and enjoyable to read. The plot in the book was compact and made people immerse themselves in it. They could feel the author's foundation and knowledge. Even though there were some places that were a little over-the-top, overall, the book was worth reading. In addition, the author's writing style and character description were excellent, especially the description of the pet bird, which gave people a vivid feeling. In short, this book was a joyful novel that could make people laugh. If you like novels with multiple female protagonists, then this book is definitely not to be missed. 8."Mantang Huacai": Tang Chuanwen, the author has a good foundation. 9."Hidden Dead Corner":"Hidden Dead Corner" is an unforgettable novel. His works started from the Kendo Quintessence, and each of them had fascinating settings. Although there were times when one's combat strength would collapse, overall, the early and middle stages were quite exciting. The plot was compact, refreshing and heartbreaking, without any sloppy descriptions. This made "Hidden Blind Spots" attract many imitators. Although I haven't read his new book yet, from his status as a guru, the quality is guaranteed. His books were usually very exciting in the early stages, but they were easy to end badly in the later stages. It was unknown if this book,"Hidden Blind Spots", had corrected this problem. Currently, it had already written 500,000 words. He was looking forward to an exciting ending of 800,000 words! The beginning of the book was so exciting that I didn't know it was a new book until I got on Dragon. This was a book of fresh seedlings, and the beginning must be followed. Although there were only four chapters, it would be even more exciting after ten chapters on the weekend. The Almighty's new book, Get Lost, was exciting. Although he was once a rotten dog, it was undeniable that his early skills still existed. At the beginning of the story, he showed a superpower similar to the Saint Seiya armor, making people think that he would write about mecha, but later on, the style of writing returned to the supernatural horror style he was good at. This book was similar to his "Nightmare Summoning". It had a supernatural and infinite feeling, and the details were not bad. In short, the evaluation of the early stage was grain. 10:"The Final Divine Order": The Plot of a Missing Person Saving a Beauty Is Poisonous 11."Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" is a new work of great quality that is definitely worth reading. The author used the unique writing technique of the ear to create the plot and characters of the fantasy novel to be vivid and lifelike, making people feel like they were in the same place. The main character was a handsome man with an IQ that was on the line. He did not have the cliché of a little white text, allowing the readers to get a new experience in the reading process. The plot was compact, and the quality of the updates was guaranteed. It was already very rich. The author, Er Gen, had always had a high level of creativity. His previous works,"The Rebel Immortal,""Seeking the Devil,""I Want to Seal the Heavens,""One Thought for Eternity," and "Three Inches of Humanity" were all outstanding novels. 'Beyond Time' continued his style and was a good book worth recommending. At the same time, the theme of the book also gave people a deep thought. It allowed the readers to extend from the story to life, emotions, psychology, society, history, and other aspects, triggering the readers 'thoughts. In general, Beyond Time is a high-quality fantasy novel. Friends who have not read it can read it without worry. Beyond time, only I am eternal! "This Game Is Too Realistic":(° ° ° ° The overall tone of the wasteland game is relaxed, but it doesn't lose its hardcore. It even feels a little like a farm. The beginning of a sanctuary is to rely on the name of the closed beta game to attract people through Group chats. Then, through the addition of people, the game is set up. The map is slowly expanding the world view, gradually improving, and slowly advancing. The beginning of the wasteland is relatively rare now. The interaction between the game and reality at first attracted players, and it was also very funny. There was obvious progress on the basis of the previous book. The setting is more daring and fascinating. I also like the author's previous book very much. The direction of this book is completely different from the previous book. Chen Xing has also been making breakthroughs, improving, inheriting, and creating new ideas. I recommend it very much! 13:"Red Heart Sky Patrol": Candidate. I haven't read it yet. The word of mouth seems to be divided. Some love it very much, while others hate it. However, the author used to write physical books. There should be no problem with the writing style. I'll look forward to it. "Ring of Destiny" was a mind-blowing fantasy novel. With a humorous tone, the author cleverly integrated the small stories into the story, making the readers feel happy and relaxed in the process of reading. The story was full of interesting and unexpected plots, making people unable to stop. At the same time, the author also ingeniously integrated the elements of violence, allowing the readers to enjoy the humor and also feel the pleasure of invisible posturing. This book was not only a novel, but also an exciting work. It aroused the readers 'yearning for unlimited fantasy, allowing them to wave in the wind and show the undefeated hot-blooded spirit of a young man. In addition, the author also ingeniously integrated the mysterious world and the story of 1368 into it, adding a sense of mystery and the unknown to the whole story. Overall, The Ring of Destiny was an immersive and imaginative novel that was worth reading. After witnessing the end of the Battle of Jingnan, Jiang Xinghuo, who was the target of the Ten Clans Execution, finally heaved a sigh of relief. As a transmigrator, he could return to the modern world for eternal life after transmigrating for nine lifetimes. Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he began to teach in prison, but it seemed that something was wrong... 16:"Ascending on the Right Day": A new work by the Great God. Reading it now. It's very good. 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" I haven't seen such a fresh and refined urban rebirth posturing article in a long time. "Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is an eye-catching fantasy novel. The author, Far Eye, uses his unique brush strokes to unfold a world full of mystery and the unknown. With Zhou Ming as the captain, he led the Lost Homelands to find their hometown under the erosion of mysterious phenomena, which filled people with anticipation and curiosity. The author's idea was unique, and the transition between the serious and off-topic styles was extremely natural, making people's eyes light up. The plot was so compact that it was impossible to stop reading. Although there were some places where it was a little exaggerated and long-winded, overall, this book was still worth reading. If you like Dayan's works, then this book, Deep Sea Ember, will definitely not disappoint you. Chapter 19:"Living in the Demonic Martial World and Cultivating Immortals": A new novel copied from the novel. It's a super tender seedling. There are only two chapters. There's nothing much to describe, but just by looking at the author, you can tell that it won't be bad ~ "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a novel that made people laugh out loud. The author used humorous language and unique writing techniques to create a different world of cultivation. After the protagonist of the story, Lu Yang, joined Dao Seeking Sect, he began a series of ridiculous immortal cultivation journey. From the discussion with his senior sister about how to cheat, to the fact that he and his three senior brothers accepted the Demon Sect's commission to infiltrate their sect as spies, to the accidental opening of the Internet Celebrity Barbecue Restaurant, Lu Yang's path of cultivation was full of jokes and accidents. The author's writing style was humorous and the plot design was reasonable, making people laugh. This novel was not only a cultivation novel, but also a work that made people happy. It was worth reading. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.