
die sheeple die

Der Alpha: Der Anspruch auf die Tochter seines Feindes

Der Alpha: Der Anspruch auf die Tochter seines Feindes

## REIFER INHALT! ## "Warum hast du Narben?" Plötzlich wechselte Iris das Thema, als sie Cane in die Augen sah. Sie hielt sich immer noch an seinen Ärmeln fest. "Dein Vater hat sie mir gegeben", antwortete Cane. Er dachte, Iris würde sich an dieses Gespräch nicht mehr erinnern, wenn sie aufwachte. "Das muss so schmerzhaft sein." "Das sind sie." "Werden die Narben heilen?" "Ich glaube nicht." Die Nacht hat dich in der Tat verletzlich gemacht und dich etwas sagen lassen, was du im Hellen nie zugeben würdest. Die Dunkelheit hat dein Herz erweicht. "Schade. Du hast eine warme Seele." Iris runzelte leicht die Stirn. "Ich habe keine Seele mehr." Er hatte seine Seele für die Freiheit seines Volkes verkauft. Jetzt war nichts mehr von ihm übrig. "Doch, das hast du, aber du hast so große Schmerzen." Iris blinzelte mit den Augen. "Deine Bestie hat Schmerzen. Du hast so viele Narben." "Die einzigen Narben, die ich habe, sind in meinem Gesicht." Iris schüttelte sanftmütig den Kopf. "Ich spreche nicht von deinem Gesicht. Ich spreche von deiner Seele. Schade, dass du so viele Schmerzen hast ... was mein Vater und mein Bruder dir angetan haben, muss sehr schmerzhaft sein ..." Und danach schloss Iris die Augen und schlief ein. ====================== Sie ist die Tochter eines Alphas, der seine Familie getötet, sein Rudel ausgerottet und seine Leute zu Sklaven gemacht hat. Jetzt hat er sich gerächt, nachdem er zehn Jahre lang wie ein Sklave behandelt wurde und ein Leben führte, das sich niemand vorstellen kann. Ein Leben, das der Hölle gleicht. Und zehn Jahre später gelingt es Alpha Cane, die Macht zu übernehmen und den Alpha zu töten, der das Leben seiner Leute schlimmer als den Tod gemacht hat. Es war an der Zeit, dass er die Kinder des Alphas für die Taten ihres Vaters büßen ließ. Nur... Iris war ein Zwerg und sie war ganz anders als ihr Vater.
1040 Chs
Die Liebe eines Lykaners

Die Liebe eines Lykaners

ABGESCHLOSSEN! Schnipsel: Vor einem Jahr wurde Raine aus der Nervenheilanstalt entlassen und musste im Waisenhaus leben. Es war nicht der beste Ort. Zumindest nicht für jemanden wie sie. Bis sie eines Abends auf ihn traf. *** Er hielt den Wagen an. Sie klammerte sich fester an die Decke und Raine fragte sich, ob sie etwas falsch gemacht hatte. Sie konnte es spüren, als Torak seine Hand nach ihr ausstreckte. Wird er mich schlagen? Raine schauderte bei diesem Gedanken. Torak zog ihr den Kapuzenpulli vom Kopf und strich ihr sanft das Haar hinter das Ohr. "Tu das nicht." Sagte er fest, "Ich will dich sehen, versteck dich nicht..." ************** "Der Geist des Schutzengels wird dem Menschenkind neues Leben einhauchen. Drei Schutzengel werden wieder in die irdische Welt hineingeboren werden und ihr drei werdet ihre Beschützer sein." "Beschützer!!!?" Jedrek schnaubte. Schließlich blieb er stehen, drehte der Mondgöttin den Rücken zu und blickte sie aus der Ferne an, seine Augen glitzerten rot vor Zorn. Seine Wölfin war wütend. "Warum glaubst du, dass wir dir helfen werden?" fragte Kace und verengte seine obsidianschwarzen Augen, während sein Wolf die Kontrolle über ihn übernahm. Er war der Jüngste der drei und der am wenigsten temperamentvolle unter ihnen. Die drei waren von Selene verflucht worden, weil sie mit ihrer Wildheit die höchste Macht und Autorität anstrebten. Die Mondgöttin segnete sie zur Strafe für ihr grausames Verhalten nicht mit einer Gefährtin und zwang sie, sich an diesem tödlichen Krieg mit den Dämonen zu beteiligen. "Ihr wollt uns zu Sklaven für diese kränklichen Kreaturen machen!?" fragte Torak ungläubig. "Habt ihr keine Angst, dass wir sie in zwei Hälften reißen?" Der Schutzengel war so zerbrechlich und sie als Lykanthropen wussten die Schwächen nicht zu schätzen. "Nein, das werdet ihr nicht." sagte Selene geduldig. "Du wirst nicht ihr Sklave sein und sie nicht verletzen, du wirst sie in jeder Hinsicht wertschätzen." Jedrek lachte bedrohlich, als er das hörte, die Wiederauferstandenen der Bestie waren ihnen egal, sobald sie ihr Territorium betraten, mit oder ohne Schutzengel, würde er ihren Körper in Stücke reißen. "Ich werde der letzte Mensch sein, den sie sehen werden, wenn ich sie finde." Er bezog sich sowohl auf den Schutzengel als auch auf den Dämon. Aber die nächste Stimme von Selene war von Heiterkeit durchzogen, als sie sprach. "Du wirst deiner Gefährtin nicht wehtun." ============================ Sitzung 1 (Kapitel 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (abgeschlossen). Sitzung 2 (Kapitel 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (abgeschlossen) Sitzung 3 (Kapitel 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (abgeschlossen) Session 4 (Kapitel 1084 - in Arbeit) : Nebengeschichten ============================ Dies ist eine Werwolfgeschichte und natürlich eine Fantasy! Da jeder seine eigene Version des übernatürlichen Lebens hat, versuche ich hier, meine zu schreiben. Wenn du schon andere Werwolfgeschichten gelesen hast, wirst du wissen, dass es Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede gibt. ============================ ***Vorsicht! Englisch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, daher besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie grammatikalische Fehler finden (ich habe es nicht absichtlich getan), wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen, damit ich es korrigieren kann. *Du bist gewarnt worden ^^ Jede konstruktive Kritik ist sehr willkommen! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Schau dir meine anderen Geschichten an: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: am liebsten durch die Zeit **DIE GESCHICHTE DER DÄMMERUNG
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1026 Chs
Die verborgene Ehefrau des kalten CEO

Die verborgene Ehefrau des kalten CEO

Was passiert, wenn ein mächtiger CEO in der Modewelt, der bereits versprochen hat, seine Freundin zu heiraten, gezwungen wird, gegen seinen Willen eine Frau aus einer im Vergleich zu seinem hoch angesehenen Familienhintergrund niederen Familie zu heiraten? Fu Hua, ein bekannter Name in der Modebranche, wird von seinem Großvater, gegen den sich niemand in seiner Familie zu wehren wagte, gezwungen, eine Frau namens Jia Li zu heiraten, die weit unter seinem Niveau liegt, ihn eingeschlossen. Irgendwann geschah etwas, und Fu Hua musste die Heirat akzeptieren, allerdings unter Bedingungen. Aber was passiert, wenn Jia ihre Ehe mit Fu Hua vollzieht und ihm im Gegenzug ein kleines Brötchen gibt? Was passiert, wenn ihr Ehemann ihr verborgenes Talent entdeckt, wird er sich langsam in sie verlieben? Was aber, wenn Jia Li herausfindet, dass Fu Hua schon seit ihrer ersten Begegnung ein Auge auf sie geworfen hat, wie würde sie dann reagieren? ***************** Fu Hua bittet Jia Li am Telefon, ihm beim Zusammenlegen seiner Kleidung zu helfen, und Jia Li geht in sein Schlafzimmer, um ihm zu helfen, obwohl sie denkt, er sei nicht da. Jia Li betrat sein Schlafzimmer und schloss die Tür, ohne hinter sich zu schauen. Sie war nur ein paar Schritte gegangen, als sie hörte, wie sich die Tür hinter ihr schloss. Sie erschrak ein wenig, als sie hinter sich blickte und Fu Hua sah, der sie mit einem Lächeln anstarrte. "Wie hast du... Bist du hier gewesen?" Fragte sie schockiert. "Hast du Angst?" fragte Fu Hua, während er sich mit einem gefährlichen Lächeln auf sie zubewegte. Das Spiel endete damit, dass die unschuldige Jia Li von dem hungrigen Wolf aufgefressen wurde. Buchcover in Auftrag gegeben von Artist Laylee Folgen Sie mir auf Instagram: @authorpaschalinelily Treten Sie meinem Discord-Server bei, um Informationen aus erster Hand zu erhalten... https://discord.gg/GywPN7X
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808 Chs
MMORPG : Die Wiedergeburt des stärksten Vampirgottes

MMORPG : Die Wiedergeburt des stärksten Vampirgottes

Im Jahr 2100 wurde der Menschheit das revolutionäre VR-Volltauchspiel "Omega" vorgestellt. Das Spiel war jedoch keine von Menschen entwickelte Technologie, sondern eine, die der Menschheit von einer höheren Macht gewährt wurde, um sie auf das erste Erwachen vorzubereiten. Es war nur ein Tutorial und ein Mittel, um die primitive Spezies von dem Glauben, sie sei allein im gesamten Universum, zu einem reibungslosen Übergang in das wahre, weite Universum zu bringen. Als die durchschnittliche Benutzerstufe im Spiel die vorgegebene Schwelle überschritt, endete das Tutorium schließlich und der Planet Erde erlebte ein katastrophales Ereignis, das als "Erstes Erwachen" bezeichnet wurde, als das Mana in der realen Welt genauso frei zu fließen begann wie in der virtuellen Welt und das echte universelle Bühnenspiel namens "Sigma" enthüllt wurde. Sigma" wurde von der allmächtigen KI, der universellen Königin, regiert und war die große Bühne, auf der Rassen aus dem ganzen Universum gemeinsam um Territorium, Ressourcen und Ehre kämpften. In einem Universum, in dem Fantasierassen wie Elfen, Drachen und Vampire kein Mythos, sondern reale Machtspieler sind, fanden die Menschen schnell heraus, dass sie eine der schwächsten Rassen waren, die "Sigma" spielten. In dieser verzweifelten Situation wandten sich die Menschen an ihre besten Profispieler, um sie zu retten. -------------- Max war ein Genie in der Welt von Omega und galt als die Hoffnung der Menschheit nach dem ersten Erwachen. Doch ein Unfall verkrüppelte seine Mana-Adern und führte dazu, dass er in Sigma als mannloser Abschaum eingestuft wurde! Da er als hoffnungslos und unverbesserlich galt, wurde er schnell vom Helden zum Nullpunkt, und die Welt ignorierte ihn. Zehn Jahre lang, seit dem ersten Erwachen, lebte er das Leben eines manalosen Abfalls und wurde zu einem Abschaum der Gesellschaft, der langsam seinen Stolz, seine Besitztümer und schließlich seine Identität verlor. Am Ende starb er einen tragischen und schmerzhaften Tod, als er es nicht schaffte, seinen jungen Neffen und seine Nichte vor Angreifern zu retten. Doch das war nicht das Ende von Max' Geschichte, sondern erst der Anfang, denn er wurde in der Zeit vor dem ersten Erwachen reinkarniert, bevor sein Untergang begann! Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen um die Zukunft, sehen Sie, wie Max in seinem zweiten Leben nach dem Gipfel strebt und mit Mut und Hartnäckigkeit gegen sein Schicksal kämpft. ------- Meine anderen Werke - MMORPG: Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master Terra Nova Online: Rise Of The Strongest Player (Aufstieg des stärksten Spielers) Bösewicht mit dem stärksten System discord link :- https://discord.gg/KJtRdwcW94
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780 Chs
Did Ni Mantian die in the end? How did he die? When would he die?
1 answer
2024-09-17 00:22
Ni Mantian of Hua Qiangu died in the end. He had been killed by Bai Zihua during the final battle. To be more specific, Ni Mantian had always had complicated feelings for Hua Qiangu during the emotional entanglement between Bai Zihua and Hua Qiangu. However, in the final battle, in order to prevent Hua Qiangu from obtaining the power of immortality, he had sacrificed his life to fight with Bai Zihua and was eventually killed by Bai Zihua.
Was the name of the female lead in the novel Die Yi or Die Yi?
1 answer
2024-07-17 03:22
"I don't think it'll necessarily satisfy your needs, but I'll try my best to recommend a novel that's the most relevant to your description. Butterfly: Rebirth of Palace Master Brightmoon is an ancient romance novel written by the author, Wu Ying. The general plot of this novel is as follows: She was once a princess who was doted on by thousands of people, but she lost her loved one overnight. Conspiracy, framing, betrayal of sisters, and abandoning of his first love. The fire caused her to wear a mask. When she returned four years later, she was no longer the innocent little princess from before. She was a cold, arrogant, and iron-hearted beauty. Her mother and brother had passed away unjustly. She vowed to take revenge on those who had harmed her loved ones and regain the power and status she deserved. The ugly face under the mask made her decide not to love again in this life, but that cold, arrogant, and evil monarch had barged into her heart without any fear… ---------------------------- " Pure White Butterfly " was a fantasy and magical romance novel written by the author, the girl in white. The general plot of this novel was: She was a demon who was born to not understand love, and he was a handsome playboy in the human world. When he met her, he finally understood what it felt like to fall in love with someone. It was a feeling that would follow forever even if he was doomed. ---------------------------- The book, Nirvana Butterfly, was written by the author, Bai Pinyue. It was a novel about Xianxia and Wuxia romance. The general plot of the novel was: [In my previous life, you dug out half of my heart and gave it to another woman. In this life, you even cut off all ties with me and never talked to me again.] Dia Wu: " Reborn, I just want to say goodbye to you and be with the person who loves me." She was a young lady from a noble family, and her talent was extraordinary. She was scared out of her wits. He was a genius in cultivation, and his future was boundless. He was the leader of all the sects. They were once the most admired couple in the eyes of others. A premeditated war between immortals and demons took everything from Hua Dia Wu, and she was reborn. Mo Yunfei said," I regret it very much. I regret giving up on her for the sake of the world." "It's alright, she has already forgiven you." Hua Dia Wu, who had been wearing a fake identity after her rebirth, replied. "That's impossible. She likes to hold grudges." "Then she definitely doesn't want to see you." Who wants to see their enemies make trouble for themselves?" Mo Yunfei was speechless. "And you told her that you, the Head Chief of a sect, was poisoned to death for no reason. Do you have the face to see her?" Mo Yunfei was speechless. At this moment, Hua Dia Wu's only thought was, Big brother, please don't die. I still want to take the Golden Soul Cup from you to save my beloved little kitten! Mo Yunfei: " Wait, I found you a big cat. You like it!" The audience: " The Immortal Cultivation Rankings have been updated again. The first on the male rankings is Mo Yunfei, and the first on the female rankings is... What?" The number one beauty, Zhang Shuting, was pushed down? Who is Hua Dia Wu? ---------------------------- " Dream of the Butterfly " was a novel written by the author. The general plot of this novel was: An unforeseen event caused her to wander into the present world and lose her childhood memories. For the sake of the person she loved, she took the risk to travel to another world, but she did not know that this was her hometown. After returning to her original body, she thought that she had taken over someone else's life. The dreams of the past were actually all remnant memories…The two worlds shuttled back and forth, and there was a slim chance of death. They became kings when they were punished, and flowers blossomed step by step. They were young and innocent, and things remained the same but people had changed. They loved and killed each other, so close yet so far. A pair in a generation, a fool and a wake-up call, a lifetime, a word and a tear, an inch of yearning, an obsession, a cup of melancholy, a butterfly dream... ---------------------------- The book," Daily Life of the Supporting Female Cultivator," was a Xianxia novel written by an innocent young lady. The general plot of this novel was: Xiaodie Ye was a second-year student from an ordinary family. When she had nothing to do, she would read novels and cook delicious food. She was very envious of the female protagonists in various novels. Unexpectedly, one day, when there was nothing to eat at home, she died in a car accident in the wind and rain. Xiaodie didn't expect that her popularity would explode this time and she would also obtain a space. Of course, it wasn't as magical as the rumors said. Xiao Die later realized that this world was a bit like the one she had seen in " Lin Li's Fairy ". Of course, the female lead was more rational. Moreover, she was an 18-star female supporting character who had been affected by some external force before. She couldn't blame anyone. Xiao Die decided to live a little more freely in this world. The female lead and supporting role in this novel had relatively few conflicts and emphasized more on personal struggle. It was her first time writing, so she shouldn't scold her. If there were any good suggestions, such as naming, or setting up the scene, he could leave a comment. ---------------------------- " Beauty Butterfly " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Su Xin Xian Ren. The general plot of this novel was: He mixed in with the brothels, broke into the palace, and was killed before he could survive. Holding fate, stirring up the wind and rain, iron bones and soft intestines to save the country. ---------------------------- " The Vicious Female Supporting Character Dressed in Chronicles " was a modern romance novel written by the author Die Yi. The general plot of this novel was: She had transmigrated into a female villain in a novel. She was ugly, vicious, and notorious. Dou Dou was under a lot of pressure. Fortunately, her mother doted on her to the heavens, and her brother and sister-in-law supported her. With her culinary skills, she changed her image and brought her family to become rich, becoming the richest woman. His life was flourishing and his family was in harmony. ---------------------------- " Immortal Couple's Love: The Butterfly's New Moon " was a novel written by the author, Yang Yue. The general plot of this novel was: Since the creation of the world, gods and devils coexisted side by side and lived in peace. He was the master of the Divine Palace, holy and flawless. He was noble and elegant, respected by tens of thousands of people. She was the heir to the Lord of the Demon World. She was as beautiful as fire, proud and unrestrained, and sometimes overbearing. An accidental encounter made the two of them fall in love in the peach blossom forest. An unexpected rebellion had cut off all ties. Who had betrayed whom? Who let whom down? Who planned everything? Would the two of them meet again hand in hand? The male and female lead are both clean... ---------------------------- The book " The Butterfly Under the Parasol Tree Leaves " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Wanzhou. The general plot of this novel was: It was said that Wu was male and Tong was female. Wu was the symbol of a loving couple who grew up together and died together! The parasol tree was in full bloom! In the 1940s, Qiao Du was in eight cities. Let's see how the third daughter of the Liu family, Xi Die, who had been dormant for ten years, worked together with the bank director Mo Chenxi, who controlled the financial power, and the business heir Liu Qinlun, who had returned from studying abroad, to help the poor and create a future in the ruins of the bombing. ---------------------------- The book " Red Military Advisor Seeking a Unique Favor " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Han Shengsui. The general plot of this novel was: Chu Dieyi, a rustic girl with an unattractive appearance, dressed as a man and went out to ask for information. She met a young master in white. He walked down the mountains and rivers in his white clothes. His eyes were cold like lightning under his long eyelashes. Chu Dieyi slipped away…After she woke up at the Cloud Transformation Workshop, the man in white was sitting in the light and staring at her. The two people who had never interacted with each other before, because of Chu Dieyi's casual words, Young Master, do you know how to break the array? From then on, they were fated! He had started a journey of killing. The waves of Jianghu, the joy of life, the female protagonist is both graceful and bold, come and conquer the world with her.
The protagonist group will die
1 answer
2025-01-13 02:40
The following are some recommendations for novels where the main characters would die: 1. " The Story of Every Door ": This novel is very well written. The horror atmosphere is very well rendered. When my favorite character died, I couldn't help but cry. Strongly recommended! 2. [Painted Horror: This novel is also very good!] The story was about the protagonist group being forced into one painting after another. The story was full of horror and horror elements. 3. " Wolf Pack ": This novel is also a similar recommendation. The main character team will also die. Although I don't have any specific information, according to the title, this book might meet your needs. I hope these recommendations will satisfy your reading needs!
6 movies that die laughing
1 answer
2025-01-07 04:22
The following are the recommendations for the six movies: 1. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert- 1994 release, Douban rating 8.3. 2. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty-released in 2013, Douban rating 8.5. 3. Knives Out-released in 2019, Douban rating 8.2. 4. The Hangover-This movie tells the story of the male protagonist who forgets the experience of the previous night after a hangover and slowly finds his memories. 5. 3 Idiots-This Indian film is famous for its funny language and funny plot. 6. Lost on the Road-This movie was about a big boss and a silly milkman who had a series of embarrassing situations on a trip. These movies all had funny plots and high ratings of more than 9 points. They were very suitable for making the audience laugh until they died.
The protagonist can not die
1 answer
2025-01-03 08:44
There were a few game novels that could be recommended, in which the main character had the characteristic of being immortal. The first was " The protagonist cannot die [Unlimited]". This was a pure romance novel that described the setting of the game's rules that the protagonist could not die. In addition," The Iron Throne " was also a game novel. The main character was a blind man, but he became a muscle mage through practicing special tactics and magic. He was looking for hope in the game world. In addition," Super God Mechanic " was also a game novel. The main character was reborn and transmigrated into the game world. He was a top-tier substitute trainer. Through the power of machinery and mecha, he established his own throne in the game world. These novels all had exciting and exciting plots, suitable for readers who liked games.
The Female Lead Will Die
1 answer
2025-01-01 09:11
The following were some of the recommended ancient novels where the female protagonist would die: " The Eastern Palace,"" Leaving the Phoenix: The Cold Empress in the Deep Palace,"" Good Mistake,"" The Miserable Concubine: The Good Girl Conspires the World,"" Rebirth After Poison: The Di Daughter Feng Hua,"" Wu Chuan,"" The Heartbroken Demon,"" Step by Step," The Di Daughter Rebirth,"" Phoenix Power,"" Yearning and You Ashes," and so on.
6 movies that die laughing
1 answer
2024-12-30 15:37
The following are six movies: < The Hangover >: After a night of hangover, the male protagonist wakes up to find that he has forgotten everything that happened that night. After slowly exploring, he slowly finds his memories. The process is very funny. 2. " The Three Idiots in Bollywood " was a series of hilarious stories about the three protagonists at school. 3. 'East Cheng West Ghost': A comedy film directed by Wong Kar-Wai, with superstars such as lesser-wing, Tony Leong, Briggie Lin, and so on. 4. " Charlotte's Worries ": A TV series starred by Shen Teng and Ma Li. It tells the story of the male lead suddenly traveling back to his student days. 5. " Death at a Funeral ": A death brings together relatives and friends who have not seen each other for a long time. The originally sad funeral has become a farce that makes people laugh and cry. 6. " Lost Journey ": The strong combination of Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang made people laugh. The plot was realistic.
Will Fan Xian die?
1 answer
2024-12-30 15:03
Fan Xian would not die. Fan Xian was stabbed in the end of the first season of " Celebrating Years," but he did not die. The other search results also showed that Fan Xian was not dead and would continue to appear in the second season. Thus, it was certain that Fan Xian would not die in " Celebrating Years."
Will Ling Chi die?
1 answer
2024-12-29 09:35
The victim who was executed by a thousand cuts would eventually die. According to the Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty's punishment regulations, the victim had to die when the throat was cut. All the meat that was cut off had to be displayed on the table. Therefore, the process of being dismembered would take a day or even ten days. It was extremely painful for the victim. Even for an executioner, it was a heavy job. Therefore, those who were executed by dismemberment would eventually die after hundreds or even thousands of cuts.
Will Ling Chi die?
1 answer
2024-12-28 11:10
Cutting by a thousand cuts was an extremely cruel punishment. The victim would be sentenced to multiple cuts until his throat was cut off. The number of cuts ranged from eight in the Song Dynasty to one thousand or even three thousand in the Ming Dynasty. Although the victim would lose a large amount of blood during the process of being dismembered, according to historical records, the punishment of being dismembered could last for several days or even longer. Therefore, excessive blood loss, coma, and shock during the dismemberment process might not cause the victim to die immediately. However, the degree of pain and the time of death of the victim during the execution process may vary depending on individual differences and the technical level of the executor. In short, being dismembered was an extremely cruel punishment, causing great pain and torture to the victim.