
maya dans

Mage de Sang: Partenaire Succube dans l'Apocalypse

Mage de Sang: Partenaire Succube dans l'Apocalypse

La légendaire mana atteignit finalement la planète Terre, faisant entrer officiellement tous les êtres vivants dans le chemin de l'évolution. Les animaux se transformèrent en bêtes terrifiantes, certaines plantes acquirent une conscience et les humains parvenant à résister à la vague de mana éveillèrent la capacité d'acquérir des compétences en vainquant des ennemis puissants. La planète entière entra dans une nouvelle ère où les anciennes lois tombèrent. La seule loi était celle de la jungle où les plus forts dévoraient les plus faibles. Bai Zemin, un étudiant apparemment normal, se révéla être un génie sans égal dans la voie de la magie. Cela attira l'attention d'une belle démone qui deviendrait sa partenaire dans ce voyage vers le sommet absolu. Dieu, Ange, Démon, Dragon, Vampire, Loup-garou; aucune existence ne sera digne d'être son ennemi! Avertissement: La "Terre" dans ce roman n'est pas la même Terre sur laquelle nous vivons actuellement, alors n'utilisez pas notre bon sens pour ce roman. Après tout, c'est de la pure fantaisie.
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1356 Chs
En attendant le retour de la lune dans la ville du Sud

En attendant le retour de la lune dans la ville du Sud

Eve Thompson se réveilla dans le lit du célibataire le plus convoité de la Ville S, son bras entourant sa taille, mais elle n'avait en tête que les paroles de sa mère. « Assure-toi que personne ne découvre que tu es déguisée en ta sœur », lui avait-elle dit, en regardant la fausse tache de naissance dessinée au maquillage sur le visage de sa fille restante. « Tu dois faire en sorte que M. Charlie t'épouse, tout ce que nous possédons en dépend ! » dit-elle. C'était dommage, car l'homme à ses côtés ressemblait étrangement à l'homme qu'elle avait perdu tant d'années auparavant. La faveur d'Anthony Charlie auprès des femmes était notoirement difficile à obtenir, mais, dans un excès d'ivresse, il se glissa sous les draps avec la femme à ses côtés, séduit par le souvenir de quelqu'un qu'il avait perdu il y a longtemps et à qui cette femme ressemblait. Cependant, elle n'avait jamais eu de tache de naissance. Ça ne pouvait pas être elle. Leur rencontre était-elle fortuite ? Que révélerait leur passé caché !? Rejoignez Eve Thompson dans son palpitant périple de courtoisie et d'espionnage politique alors qu'elle endosse le rôle de la vie à présent abandonnée de sa sœur jumelle et tente de sauver sa famille en gagnant le cœur du mystérieux célibataire, Anthony Charlie!
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751 Chs
Ma femme est un docteur miracle dans les années 80

Ma femme est un docteur miracle dans les années 80

Le tout nouveau roman "Renaissance de la Noble Dame : L'Épouse de la Maison du Marquis" raconte l'histoire de sa vie passée où sa mère s'est remariée, et elle est devenue un vulgaire chou commun. Alors que sa soeur mangeait de la viande, elle se contentait de soupe ; sa soeur avait des nouilles, elle devait se contenter d'eau ; sa soeur était la princesse, et elle était étiquetée comme déchet. Elle était piégée dans une vie entièrement planifiée par ce duo mère-fille pour elle ; sa famille, son mari, tous réduits à une misérable plaisanterie. Puis un accident de voiture l'a transformée en un gâchis sanglant. Elle lui dit, 'mon argent va entièrement à mon père, mon rein à toi, parce que tu es un bon homme.' À trente-trois ans, elle mourut dans un accident de voiture, laissant son rein à un bon homme. À trois ans, elle renaquit. Dans cette vie, face à la manipulation, elle a riposté. Quelle soeur ? Elle n'avait même pas de mère biologique, alors d'où viendrait une soeur ? Et dans cette vie, elle ne savait pas si elle rencontrerait de nouveau ce bon homme...
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654 Chs
La Montée du Sacrifice : Je suis devenu invincible après être entré dans le Temple Tueur de Dieux

La Montée du Sacrifice : Je suis devenu invincible après être entré dans le Temple Tueur de Dieux

``` Mise à jour quotidienne ! 9 h PST ---------------------- John Foster, un expert de haut niveau dans un certain studio de jeux vidéo, qui a un jour offensé un enfant de riche. En conséquence, il a été piégé et attribué le pire talent - "Sacrifice", dans le nouveau jeu "GODSLAYER" dès le jour de son lancement. John était le seul parmi les sacrifiés qui insistait pour ne pas supprimer son personnage. Supposé être sacrifié au Diable, John persistait dans sa quête. Après avoir été tué plusieurs fois, il continuait à se ruer sur le Diable avec sa chair et son sang ! [Ding : Vous avez été tué, perdant 10 points de durabilité d'Arme et d'Équipement.] [Ding : Vous avez été tué, perdant 10 points de durabilité d'Arme et d'Équipement.] ... Après de multiples échecs, John fut surpris de constater que ses compétences et son XP s'amélioraient rapidement alors qu'il combattait le Diable ! Quelques mois plus tard, alors que les joueurs du monde entier étaient occupés à monter de niveau, une notification du système a retenti comme le tonnerre : [Ding : 'Joueur Anonyme' a réussi à tuer le BOSS Mondial - Diable 'Azazel', obtenant la récompense du Premier Tueur !] ---------------------- Participation WSA 2023 ! Merci de votre soutien si vous appréciez l'histoire ! Comment pouvez-vous montrer votre soutien ? Offrez des Pierres de Pouvoir ! 150=1 chapitre bonus 200=2 chapitres bonus 500=3 chapitres bonus La publication bonus aura lieu la semaine suivante ! ```
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569 Chs
Réincarné avec les Pouvoirs de Contrôle Mental dans un Autre Monde.

Réincarné avec les Pouvoirs de Contrôle Mental dans un Autre Monde.

``` Quel enfer ? Je me suis réincarné dans un autre monde. [Choisir une classe] [Classe Monstre ou Humain ?] Classe Monstre. [Flagelleur Mental] Ouais, je choisis Flagelleur Mental. Je vais hypnotiser ma belle-mère MILF à gros cul et ses trois filles pour mon usage. putain!!?? Des filles Ogre au corps sexy et aux gros seins, je ne vais pas rater ça. "Mets-toi nue et penche-toi, fille." "oui, maître." Attends ? cette fille bête a 6 seins et tout le monde déteste ça, mec, pourquoi ? C'est le ciel. Ceux qui se mettent en travers de mon chemin se tueront en me regardant dans les yeux et toutes les femmes qui me refusent recevront ma semence sacrée même sans leur consentement. [La grammaire jusqu'au chapitre 115 n'est pas très bonne... mais ça vaut la peine de lire. Après ça, tout est bon.] [La couverture n'est pas à moi, contactez-moi pour la retirer.] [Note : CHAQUE PERSONNAGE DE CE ROMAN A PLUS DE 18 ANS ET ILS SONT ADULTES LÉGALEMENT SELON LES RÈGLES DU MONDE SUR LESQUELLES CETTE HISTOIRE EST BASÉE.] [Discord: https://discord.gg/wEMdgmkt9Q] ```
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569 Chs
Je me suis réincarnée dans un roman et suis devenue la belle-mère cruelle de cinq adorables bébés

Je me suis réincarnée dans un roman et suis devenue la belle-mère cruelle de cinq adorables bébés

# DOUILLET # OMNIPOTENT # ASSISTANTDECHOC Dans sa vie antérieure, Mo Ruyue était une assassin hors pair. Elle était aussi indifférente que les abysses et avait tué plus de personnes qu'elle n'avait de doigts pour compter. Dans sa nouvelle vie, elle devint la belle-mère cruelle de cinq marmots dans une vallée montagneuse isolée, et ils étaient terrifiés par elle. Dans cette vie, elle décida de changer sa manière de vivre. Elle n'avait que quatre murs nus pour maison ? Ses enfants mouraient de faim au point de n'être que peau et os ? Pas de problème. Elle pouvait tuer des sangliers à mains nues, donc la nourriture n'était pas un souci. Elle était aussi douée en tables de multiplication, et ses enfants devinrent instantanément de grands fans d'elle. Le chemin fut difficile pour passer de belle-mère cruelle à chaleureuse. Puis, son mari présumé mort revint soudainement, maintenant premier ministre de la dynastie.« Divorçons. Donne-moi les enfants, et je te rendrai l'argent. » « Je ne manque de rien, juste de toi et des enfants. »
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551 Chs
Le périple d'Atticus : Réincarné dans une aire de jeux

Le périple d'Atticus : Réincarné dans une aire de jeux

Protagoniste travailleur : Oui, Distribution de personnages intéressants : Oui, Création de monde : Oui, Protagoniste surpuissant : Oui, Transmigration : Oui. Atticus a affronté le pire jour de sa vie : son cœur a été brisé, et il a été soudainement tué chez lui, pour se réveiller dans un domaine magique en tant qu'héritier de l'une des familles les plus puissantes du domaine humain. Poussé par la détermination, il a juré de devenir plus fort et de prendre sa revanche sur quiconque l'a tué et l'a amené dans ce monde, quel qu'en soit le prix. N/D 1. Il n'y a pas de harem. 2. Le MC se soucie uniquement de lui-même et de sa famille. Il ne se gêne pas pour franchir la limite si cela signifie qu'il peut garder sa famille et lui-même en sécurité. 3. Il a une personnalité extrêmement vengeresse. Quelle que soit la raison ou ce que vous traversez, ça lui est égal. Ce qui compte, c'est que vous lui avez fait mal, et c'est tout ce dont il a besoin. 4. Il n'y aura pas de 'dissimulation de force'. Il sera prudent sur ce qu'il montre, mais il ne perdra pas s'il peut l'éviter. 5. Le MC travaille dur pour sa force ; ne vous laissez pas tromper par l'étiquette du système. 6. Enfin, si vous avez la moindre affection pour ce roman, donnez-moi tout, hahaha. Je plaisante, s'il vous plaît donnez-moi des pierres de pouvoir et laissez des critiques. Merci ! Discord : https://discord.gg/t7z25ZzKX3
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527 Chs
Je suis la Méchante dans l'Apocalypse

Je suis la Méchante dans l'Apocalypse

La fête de fiançailles tant attendue se transforme en annonce de rupture et en avis d'expulsion de la maison. En une journée, Anna a tout perdu. Elle a accidentellement activé un espace et pris les fournitures de l'entreprise pour se venger. Mais qui aurait cru que des catastrophes naturelles allaient survenir ? Le monde change et les ressources se raréfient. Donc, le style de peinture a changé. Quand d'autres personnes se bousculent pour trouver quelque chose à manger, Anna cuisinait encore chez elle. Quand d'autres personnes se battent pour de la nourriture, Anna était allongée sur son lit en grignotant ses chips préférées. Quand d'autres personnes travaillent dur pour obtenir de l'eau, Anna était confortablement allongée dans sa baignoire. Les parents sont venus frapper à la porte pour demander de l'aide. Anna les a seulement regardés froidement et a craché, "Dégagez !" Son ex-fiancé est également venu, demandant réconciliation et amour. Son nouvel homme l'a mis à la porte et l'a claquée. Il a ensuite regardé Anna d'un air pitoyable. "Chérie, tu ne me veux plus ? Je suis facile à entretenir." Anna a regardé l'homme à l'allure de chiot et l'a tiré plus près avec un sourire sur le visage. . . . Ce n'est que plus tard qu'elle a réalisé que le chiot est en fait un grand méchant loup... Mais les marchandises ne pouvaient pas être rendues ! … Notes : la couverture est une image d'IA. Je l'ai juste un peu retouchée.
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523 Chs
Madame est une figure sensationnelle dans la ville

Madame est une figure sensationnelle dans la ville

En tant que cheffe des bandits, Yan Jinyi a été une brute pendant vingt ans, et elle a fini par causer sa propre mort. La chose suivante qu’elle sait, c’est qu’elle se réveille et découvre qu'elle est devenue la Deuxième Jeune Maîtresse de la Famille Huo. Armant son couteau, Yan Jinyi commence à nouveau à se comporter de manière arrogante. Le Jeune Maître Huo dit, "Si je suis encore célibataire, j'épouserais probablement ma belle-sœur." Le Troisième jeune maître Huo dit, "Si je pouvais remonter le temps, j'aurais concouru avec mon frère pour épouser ma seconde belle-sœur." Mademoiselle Huo dit, "Si j'étais un homme, ma seconde belle-sœur serait ma femme !" Un PDG dit, "Je pensais que j'étais assez voyou, mais je ne m'attendais pas à ce que Yan Jinyi soit plus voyou que moi !" Le Meilleur Acteur dit, "Huo Xishen, pourquoi n'es-tu toujours pas divorcé ?" Le Deuxième jeune maître Huo pointe Yan Jinyi du doigt et dit, "Elle est à moi." Il se dit que la seconde belle-fille de la Famille Huo peut rosser une briseuse de ménage et est particulièrement douée pour gagner de l'argent. D'innombrables grands patrons font la queue pour faire de Huo Xishen un cocu.
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523 Chs
Après avoir échoué à séduire le grand ponte tyrannique, j'ai été entraînée dans un mariage

Après avoir échoué à séduire le grand ponte tyrannique, j'ai été entraînée dans un mariage

# THÉRAPEUTIQUE # GÂTERSAFEMME # TÊTUE Sang Qianqian, la fille aînée de la famille Sang, avait dix-huit ans quand elle est tombée amoureuse de Shen Hanyu à première vue. "Je t'aime, Shen Hanyu." "Mais pas moi," répondit Shen Hanyu sans pitié, chaque mot plein de détermination. "Ni maintenant, ni jamais."Furieuse, la riche héritière planifia sa vengeance contre Shen Hanyu mais découvrit par hasard qu'il deviendrait un tyran froid et impitoyable qui détruirait sa famille ! Sa rancœur envers lui monta en flèche, mais après son départ, il manqua Sang Qianqian comme un fou, alors qu'elle menait maintenant une vie insouciante après avoir déménagé loin et feint sa mort. Soudain, elle entendit la nouvelle que Shen Hanyu, devenu un magnat et apparemment plus fou encore, avait fait exhumé sa tombe et était maintenant à sa recherche. Alarmée, elle se dépêcha de faire ses valises pour s'enfuir à nouveau... seulement pour trouver l'homme lui-même debout à sa porte, respirant à travers des dents serrées, "Tu fuis encore ? Vas-y."Sachant que l'évasion était futile, Sang Qianqian changea de tactique et tenta de s'en sortir en usant de son charme, mais échoua et finit par s'y soumettre.***Des années plus tard, réalisant qu'elle avait été dupée, Sang Qianqiang jeta les papiers du divorce devant Shen Hanyu. "Je veux divorcer !"Shen Qianyu la tira simplement dans ses bras et se pencha pour l'embrasser. Se détachant après un long moment, il demanda d'une voix rauque, "Tu veux toujours divorcer ?"Étourdie par le baiser, Song Qianqian marmonna, "N-Non..." "Alors appelle-moi chéri." "C-Chéri..."Shen Hanyu acquiesça, satisfait. "C'est bien, ma fille."
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517 Chs
What is the 'du plomb dans la tete graphic novel' about?
1 answer
2024-11-12 15:06
Since I'm not familiar with this graphic novel, it's all speculation. However, the title gives a very vivid and somewhat dark image. It might deal with themes of trauma. The 'lead in the head' could be a metaphor for a past event or situation that has left a lasting, heavy mark on the protagonist's mind. Maybe it's about a character trying to come to terms with this internal 'lead' and move forward in their life through the story told in the graphic novel.
Why is the longueur du texte dans un web novel important?
2 answers
2024-11-08 21:48
The length of the text in a web novel is important because it can affect the reader's experience. A longer novel might provide more in - depth character development and a more complex plot. For example, if it's a fantasy web novel, a longer text allows for more world - building.
How to measure the longueur du texte dans un web novel?
2 answers
2024-11-08 19:41
One way to measure the length of the text in a web novel is by using word count tools. Many text editors have a built - in function to count words. You can also copy - paste the text into an online word count tool. Another approach could be to estimate based on the number of pages or chapters, if you have an idea of the average length per page or chapter in that particular web novel.
Who is Maya in 'my 600 lb life maya's story'?
1 answer
2024-11-14 21:50
Maya is the focus of this particular story within the 'my 600 lb life' series. Her story probably involves her day - to - day experiences living with a very high body weight. It may also include her relationships with family and friends in the context of her weight. They might have been either a source of support or an added stress factor. Additionally, her own personal goals and efforts towards losing weight and improving her quality of life are likely to be part of the story.
Is there a novel similar to "The Beginning Becomes a Dans Slave, Eating to Become a Peerless Genius"?
1 answer
2025-01-21 23:48
There were novels similar to "Becoming a Pill Slave at the Beginning, Becoming a Peerless Genius by Eating": 1:"Mix in the Escort Agency and Add Some Cultivation Points", Author: Love to Rub Tangyuan 2."Longevity Begins with the Night Watcher." Author: Jing Lu 3."High Martial Arts: I Can Cultivate with One Key", Author: Corpse Catcher 4."Combining Martial Immortals: Starting from the Vajra Crouching Bull Fist", Author: Riding a Horse to Chase the West Wind 5:"Family Cultivation: My Cultivation Has No Bottleneck", Author: Write All the Elegance 6."A Hundred Years of Cultivation, My Goldfinger Came Only When I Was About to Die", Author: Far West Traveler 7."Longevity, I rely on hunting to strengthen my Vitality." Author: Yak Yak 8:"Martial Arts Longevity: I Can Change the Past", Author: Flying Chicken Wings 9."Martial Arts Cultivation: I Enlighten Once I Cultivate", Author: Aswansa 10:"Longevity Begins from Becoming an Executioner of the Heaven Prison", Author: Long Wind Chants the Moon 11:"The Great Dao is simplified: From Perfect Divine Archery to True Immortal." Author: Long Xuntian Cultivation: From the Exceptional Gold Core Realm, Author: Mu Siyunyan The First Immortal of Destiny, Author: Lonely I Walk Alone High Martial Arts: An Exclusive Enhancement Every Month. Author: How Much Hate Is Nanfeng? My Apprentice Is Too Hardworking, Author: Lu Pingan [16:"A disciple is returned ten thousand times over, and a teacher never hides his secrets." Author: Su Yu 17:"Comprehension: Sixty Years of Sword Pavilion Observation", Author: I'm Not a Small Name Gou Dao Changsheng: Starting from Adding Points, Author: Kitchen Knife for Cooking 19:"Cultivate and pick up attributes, I'm well-prepared!" Author: Great Ming Nation Master 20:"It's all martial arts, why did you activate the simple mode?" Author: Ten Directions Majestic Identity The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Adding Some Cultivation Points in the Escort Agency": I think it's not bad, it's written in the taste of the Escort Agency. It's just that the plot rhythm is still not very good Unlike the old web novel authors, who first suppressed and then raised, they were very unskilled in posturing and slapping their faces. 2."Longevity begins with a night watchman": When Fang Bai woke up, he became an intern night watchman in a small county town of the Great Qian Dynasty. He realized that he had awakened the divine ability of immortality. [Level 1: Obtained the effect of "compatibility". Your injuries will recover faster, the effect of healing pills will increase, and the efficiency of cultivating health cultivation techniques will double.] [Level 2: Obtained the effect "Endurance". All mental and non-mental damage received will be weakened to varying degrees.] [Level 3: Obtain the skill "Life Risking". For every year of lifespan sacrificed, the power of the next attack will increase by 3%.] …… Other than that, the god art also provided the ability to add points! It felt good to use cheats for a while, and it felt good to add points all the time! Fang Bai wanted to use his divine art to operate steadily and avoid fighting, imitating Gou Sheng. However, in times of chaos, people were like grass. Seeing too many unfair things, Fang Bai could not help but attack. In the end, he walked a different path of longevity! "I don't agree to let scum like you enjoy your life and die easily." Fang·Black-bellied·Longevity Immortal Venerable·White said. 3."High-Level Martial Arts: I Can Cultivate With One Touch": Traversing the world of high-level martial arts invaded by thousands of races, where mecha and martial arts coexisted. As an ordinary student in the last class, Lin Yang awakened the one-touch skip upgrade system. Ordinary people would need to spend a long time to improve their cultivation techniques and martial arts. However, Lin Yang could skip it all at once and directly advance to the perfected realm! "Ding! Detected that the host has obtained an SSS-rank cultivation technique, the Star Swallowing Heavenly Technique. Do you wish to skip the cultivation process and directly max out?" "Ding! Detected that the host has obtained the SSS-rank martial art, Heavenly Desolation Slash. Do you choose to skip the cultivation process and directly max the level?" "Ding! Detected that the host has obtained an E-rank physique, Wind Speed Body. Do you choose to skip the cultivation process and evolve the SSS-rank physique, Space Flying Immortal Body?" Just like that, Lin Yang stood at the top of the universe and looked down at the myriad races."Now, I can tear apart a Martial God-level mecha with my bare hands, right?" 4.<<Combining Immortal Warriors: Starting from the Vajra Crouching Bull Fist>>: Wu Hu, who had transmigrated from another world, became a servant of the Li Residence until he opened the synthesis panel. The most trashy body-tempering martial arts, Crouching Bull Fist + Diamond Sutra = transcendent-grade body-tempering martial arts, Vajra Crouching Bull Fist. While the young master of the Li Residence was still fighting for a superior-grade body-forging martial art, Wu Hu was already cultivating a transcendent-grade body-forging martial art. Snake Saliva Pill + Dragon's Blood Grass = Dragon Transformation Pill When the elites of the aristocratic families were fighting over a Snake Saliva Pill, Wu Hu directly synthesized a Dragon Transformation Pill. After consuming it, his body became like a flood dragon, instantly killing the elites. Wu Hu attacked the enemy's sect, and the other party activated the mountain-protecting array. "Haha, this formation was passed down from ancient times. It's the number one formation in the world. You can't break it!" The enemy sect leader laughed wildly. Six Harmonies Psychic Array + Eight Desolate Stone = Six Harmonies Eight Desolate Limitless Array. Wu Hu smiled and activated the Universal Limitless Formation. Once this array formation is activated, it will envelop the entire world, and the power of the world will be at your disposal. "I am the only one in the world!" Entering the path through martial arts and breaking through the void, one was called a Martial Immortal. Wu Hu was the first Martial Immortal in this world in tens of thousands of years. Su Changqing, who had transmigrated to the cultivation world and become the patriarch of a fallen cultivation family, had already decided to mess things up when he saw the words that appeared in his mind: [The upper limit of a ninth-rank clan leader's realm is the foundation establishment realm. There is no bottleneck for the host to cultivate to this realm.] Su Changqing immediately made up his mind. "I, Su Changqing, will definitely use my life's effort to strengthen the family!" …… Slow in the early stages, farming to upgrade the text, absolutely not a eunuch! 6."A Hundred Years of Cultivation, My Goldfinger Came Only When I'm About to Die": Not a bad cultivation novel. The Goldfinger was an achievement type, and the reward was a meritorious technique. However, it was a little abrupt to give it to the real thing. Also, the main character's character setting is okay. Although the female lead has a more sense of existence than some novels, I feel that she's quite a tool. However, she's not really a face. Also, although the male and female leads have been married for a long time, the female lead is still a virgin. Because of her cultivation, if you mind, don't look at her. 7."Live Forever, I rely on hunting to strengthen my Vitality": Reborn in the world of immortal cultivation, Fang Xing, who had no spiritual roots, could only become a hunter and rely on hunting for a living. After Fang Xing's first successful hunt, the system that he had been longing for finally appeared. [Hunting successful, Vitality +1] As long as he managed to kill his prey, Fang Xing would be rewarded with Vitality points. Not only would it increase his lifespan, but it would also increase his strength and speed. Although he did not have a spirit root, Fang Xing was confident that he could achieve immortality with his qi and blood when faced with prey all over the mountain! …… …… "It's rumored that there are immortals in the Undying Realm hiding in this mountain range, and there are even top-notch demon kings occupying it?" "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" "Other than me and the two old men playing chess, there are only some obedient half-beast mothers in the entire mountain range!" 8:"Longevity Martial Arts: I Can Change the Past": It's a good book. It's relaxed and humorous. It looks very smooth. There's no poison for the time being. It doesn't suppress the protagonist. It's worth recommending.️️️️ 9."Martial Arts Cultivation: I Enlighten Once I Cultivate": The world collapsed and disputes arose everywhere. The powerful and influential people occupied the mountains and became kings. They divided their territories and natural disasters occurred frequently. Strange disasters emerged one after another. Human lives were as cheap as grass. As a civilian who fled, Liu Hao struggled to survive in this chaotic world. Only by practicing martial arts and becoming a martial artist could he become stronger and stronger. Only then could he control his own destiny. Warrior, Martial Master, Great Martial Master, Grandmaster, Great Grandmaster, all the way to Celestial Being Realm, but Celestial Being Realm was just the beginning. There was a wider world beyond this world, and that was the world of Immortal Cultivators. 10:"Immortality begins when I become an Executioner of the Celestial Prison": Jiang Ye accidentally transmigrated to a world of high-level martial artists and was sold to the Great Yin Dynasty's Celestial Prison at the beginning and became a slave there. Fortunately, he had awakened the "life-saving" golden finger, which allowed him to exchange 10 points of lifespan for 1 point. In order to become the executioner of the imperial prison, he would be able to wear his official robe, receive his salary, and have a day off every month…Jiang Ye used his lifespan to exchange for power from the "demon." As he watched his lifespan dwindle, Jiang Ye felt like he was going to die young. However, when Jiang Ye, who had already become the executioner, raised his sword and chopped off the first head, he was surprised to find that the remaining lifespan of that person had been transferred to him. From that moment on, Jiang Ye knew that he would be immortal… …… When the day of the Great Yin Dynasty's destruction arrived, Jiang Ye sat and watched the world change. When no one pursued the power of the secular world, cultivators began to search for the path to immortality. And the only immortal in this world was already immortal and immortal, living as long as this world… "The Great Dao is simplified: From Perfect Divine Archery to True Immortal": 68 points,"Food" He had seen several books with the same style before. The cheat could simplify all skills into daily trivialities and increase proficiency at a high speed. It could be considered an advanced version of proficiency. In short, it was an upgrade of the style. The writing style was still acceptable. "Cultivation: Starting from Exceptional Gold Core Realm":"I'm a sword cultivator in Exceptional Gold Core Realm, but my [Sword Mastery] is only 1?" "Are you kidding me? If the cultivators next door saw this, they would think that I couldn't afford it!" "Full! Full! Every panel is full!" 13."The First Immortal of Destiny": The writing style is average. Although this kind of system point adding style is common, at least it's still acceptable. The first half was also interesting occasionally. After that, the otherworldly demons invaded, and the heavens and earth shit. Although the Devil's Invasion was worse than the point adding style, it was written quite well. At least it could be read for entertainment. However, before the invasion was even halfway through, Chen Dong possessed her and began to write messy accounts. There were many books that wrote about the good ending of the demon invasion, and the books that imitated Chen Dong's life forbidden zone all died in the end. [High-Level Martial Arts: Exclusive Enhancement Every Month]: Fang Lang traveled through a high-level martial arts world and obtained a golden finger similar to the Yunding Chess and Golden Shovel Hicks Enhancement Runes. These strengthening runes could be chosen one out of three every month. Some of the effects were permanent, while others were only effective for a month. Fang Lang made use of these strengthening runes to become the strongest one step by step. [Kai Bai: Unable to cultivate for a month. After that, your realm will permanently increase by two small levels.] [Upgrade: Your cultivation speed has increased by 75%.] [Guilty Pleasure: Every time you kill a demon beast of the same level, permanently increase your combat power by 1%.] [Advanced-level God Ascension: Immediately and permanently increase one level. After each level increase, your combat power will permanently increase by 2%.] [Martial Saint's Blessing: provides a martial art, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.] [Heart of Chinese Martial Arts Master: Grants you the title of Chinese Martial Arts Master. Possesses and is proficient in all traditional Chinese martial arts.] [Unexpected Wealth],[Tons of Damage],[Gift from Heaven],[Devil Contract],[Birthday Gift]… Thousands of strengthening runes, three of which were randomly refreshed every month. "Let's go! Was it so difficult to refresh the game? What? A god-level cultivator is not bad either, hehe!" 15:"My Apprentice Is Too Hardworking": Sigh, My Apprentice Is Too Hardworking, Pushing Me to the Peak and Invincible in the World. <Elements of the work> Fantasy Oriental Fantasy Crossing Invincibility Genius Leveling Hot Blood Fast Rhythm Killing Decisiveness Calm [Work Status]: Series (signed) [Work Rating] [Work Information] The protagonist transmigrated to an ancient world with powerful martial masters, terrifying and strange demons that ate human souls. He became the head of the Chen family's Hidden Dragon Sect and had eight disciples. After obtaining the golden finger system interface, the disciples who were loyal to the main character could AFK Farming and cultivate. The disciples who cultivated martial arts techniques could feedback the proficiency of the main character. The plot was about the betrayal of the seventh disciple and the others spying on the family business. <Reason for recommendation> The writing is smooth, the character settings are good, and the plot is easy. The author showed the daily cultivation of the protagonist and his seven disciples, the warmth of the old butler, and the protagonist's merciless attitude towards his enemies. The best part of the plot was that as long as the disciples were loyal and hardworking enough, the protagonist could constantly improve himself to protect the people he wanted to protect. <Personal complaint> Some of the plot progression was not reasonable enough, and the battle scenes were not smooth enough. "10,000-fold Return to Disciple, Master Never Conceals": Ye Qiu transmigrated to the Great Desolate World and obtained the 10,000-fold Return System. 17."Comprehension: Sixty Years of Sword Pavilion Observation":"Comprehension: Sixty Years of Sword Pavilion Observation" was a fascinating novel. The main character of the story, Han Muye, was reborn in the world of cultivation. He entered a sword sect and became a sword watcher who guarded the Sword Pavilion. There were 100,000 swords hidden in the Sword Pavilion, and the sword watchers had to clean their swords once a month. By wiping different swords, Han Muye could obtain a wisp of sword aura and comprehend the sword technique of the original sword owner. This story had a very good grasp of the fun point, allowing the readers to experience the thrill of being invincible. The author's writing was so strong that it made people suspect that he might be a smurf author. All in all, this book is an unforgettable masterpiece and worth reading. "Gou Dao Live Forever: Starting From Adding Points": Lifespan of 100 years, Attribute Points of 0 90 years of lifespan, 300 attribute points 80 years of lifespan, 600 attribute points ..... What if I have 10,000 years of lifespan? Lu Ming's gaze was deep as he looked at the countless cultivation techniques in front of him. Martial arts might have their limits, but I don't… 19:"Cultivate to pick up attributes, I'm well-prepared!" Han Ye had transmigrated to the Xianxia world and became a landlord and tenant of Lang Lang Village. He had thought that he would work hard for the rest of his life and accidentally awaken his Life Providence [Accumulated Wealth]. [Thick accumulation and thin hair: Rome wasn't built in a day, and water didn't break through a stone in a day. You can pick up and accumulate other people's attributes. It's fine if it doesn't make a sound, but it's amazing.] In Langlang Village, he was hoeing with a farmer and eavesdropping on a private school lecture. "Strength as a bull +1" "Slightly proficient in writing +1" In the sect competition, disciples would compete and observe the selection. "Fire Life Spiritual Root +1" "Brilliant Sword Heart +1" With such help, Han Ye's heart was filled with hope. He developed steadily, worked hard to accumulate attributes, and increased his strength to transform and become stronger silently. That year, the gears of fate began to turn. No one had expected that the cultivation world, which had been peaceful for ten thousand years, would start to fall into chaos! The Heavenly Dao collapsed, mighty figures came out of seclusion, immortals descended, and immortals and demons fought. He had never thought that a farmer from back then would become the Celestial Venerable Han that everyone feared. 20:"It's all martial arts, why did you activate the simple mode?" Poor guy, not fit to practice martial arts? If his constitution was weak, he wouldn't be qualified to practice martial arts? Low talent, not fit to practice martial arts? No background, not fit to practice martial arts? I'm sorry, but my martial arts has activated the simple mode: The normal method of cultivating the [Vajra Iron Skin Technique] was a hundred years of bitter cultivation. [Simple Mode: Bathe in warm water for an hour.] The normal mode of cultivating the Heaven Slaying Saber Drawing Technique was 200 years of bitter cultivation. [Simple Mode: Five hundred swings.] The normal method of cultivating the Eight-armed Dragon-subduing Elephant was 300 years of bitter cultivation. [Simple Mode: Stand for an hour.] Su Chen had traveled through the chaotic world and started the simple mode of martial arts. Any martial arts technique could be mastered, improved, and even exceeded its limit in the simple mode. With the help of the interface, he kept getting stronger, climbing to the peak, and dominating the sky. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
What is Maya doing?
2 answers
2024-12-12 23:18
Maya is reading a novel.
What is the story of Maya?
3 answers
2024-10-04 04:43
I'm not sure exactly. It could be about her adventures, her relationships, or her personal growth.
Where can I find the 'du plomb dans la tete graphic novel'?
1 answer
2024-11-11 22:42
First, start with your local libraries. They sometimes have graphic novels in their collections. If not, ask the librarian if they can order it for you. As for buying it, aside from the big online retailers, there are some smaller, independent bookstores that focus on graphic novels. They might be more likely to carry something a bit more unique like 'du plomb dans la tete graphic novel'. You could also try reaching out to the publisher directly if you can find out who it is. They may be able to tell you where it's sold or if they have any plans for re - printing it.
Maya 1441's Character Introduction
1 answer
2025-01-18 16:00
The characters included the male lead, Xiao Er, the male supporting character, Kayum, Bakan, Night Snake, Ouch, Gitze, Mo Cheer, Shupan Xiu, Chijin Kochwah, Shupan Navat, Chi Shan, Akinshuk, Ten Flowers, Shaknit, Ayita, Nayeli, Namosh, Halona Xiu, and Saul. "Maya 1441" by Louis Rosa. It is a historical/foreign historical novel with transmigration, strategy, passion, and American elements. It is completed and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: Zhihu, the master writer of the Great God God-Level Examination A strong sense of history No golden finger, minimally invasive technology One of the only two civilizations in the history of Central America. I hope you will like this book.
The Lost Maya Civilization Game
1 answer
2024-12-17 01:29
The Lost Mayan Civilization was an adventure and puzzle-solving mobile games. In the game, the player played the role of an archaeologist, investigating the cause of death of the Mayan royal family and unraveling the truth through solving the mystery. The game contained 30 dream-like scenes that showcased the Mayan civilization. The player needs to solve the puzzle step by step according to the clues. There are a total of 70 chapters from the Mayan civilization to modern times waiting for the player to explore. The game was developed by BlueTeaGames and released in 2007.