
destino libro

Escolhida pelo Destino, Rejeitada pelo Alfa

Escolhida pelo Destino, Rejeitada pelo Alfa

A Trindade, de dezoito anos, é diferente de qualquer outro lobo em sua alcateia. Por um lado, houveram circunstâncias incomuns em torno de seu nascimento, por outro, ela é o único membro da alcateia que nunca se transformou em forma de lobo. Então agora ela não pertence a lugar nenhum. Nem bem humana e nem bem lobo. Ela pensava que poderia viver a vida como quisesse quando completasse dezoito anos. Ir para a faculdade, fazer alguns amigos, se divertir. Mas o que ela faz quando o Alfa perigosamente sexy cai literalmente em seu colo? "Eu não sou humana e não sou um lobo. Eu não pertenço a lugar algum..." "...nós dois sabemos que ninguém vai se acasalar comigo, e mesmo que o fizessem, eles simplesmente me rejeitariam de qualquer maneira." O que o Alfa sexy e carrancudo vai fazer? Os anciãos estão fazendo ele realizar essas festas ridículas para procurar uma companheira. Ele não quer uma companheira, mas sabe que precisa de uma para completar o Círculo Alfa. Sem uma companheira, uma Luna para a alcateia, seu povo sofreria. E o que ele vai fazer quando se depara com a garota que o destino escolheu para ele e descobre que ela não tem lobo? "Isso não pode ser!" Eu rugi. "Não há como eu me acasalar com uma garota que nem sequer tem um lobo. Ela será muito fraca. Ela será inferior. Ela não será forte o suficiente para ser uma Luna." "Eu simplesmente não poderia aceitá-la como minha companheira. Não inteiramente. Não seria seguro para ela. Ela se mataria. E ela derrubaria meu bando junto com ela." Quando esses dois se encontram, faíscas certamente voarão. Mas será por paixão, ou por suas constantes brigas? Nenhum deles queria um companheiro. Nenhum deles quer o companheiro que o destino escolheu para eles. E nenhum deles pode fazer esse vínculo de companheiros desaparecer. O que eles vão fazer agora que estão literalmente presos um ao outro? ***Aviso de Classificação*** Linguagem Adulta Violência Conteúdo Sexual Forte ESTE LIVRO ESTÁ SOB UM CONTRATO EXCLUSIVO E NÃO DEVE SER POSTADO OU PUBLICADO EM NENHUM OUTRO LUGAR. Siga-me para encontrar meus outros livros ou me faça perguntas, obrigado por ler!!! SIGA-ME E DEIXE-ME SABER O QUE VOCÊ PENSA https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 https://www.instagram.com/dcinmi87/ ***A ARTE DA CAPA É PROPRIEDADE EXCLUSIVA DO AUTOR E FOI ILUSTRADA POR VICTORIA DAYEN DO ART MSPUGLUVER'S***
1195 Chs
Elegida por el Destino, Rechazada por el Alfa

Elegida por el Destino, Rechazada por el Alfa

Trinidad, de dieciocho años, es diferente a cualquier otro hombre lobo en su manada. Para empezar, hubo circunstancias inusuales en torno a su nacimiento, y además, ella es el único miembro de la manada que nunca ha adoptado una forma de lobo. Así que ahora no encaja en ningún lado. No es completamente humana ni loba. Pensó que podría vivir su vida como quisiera cuando cumpliese dieciocho años. Ir a la universidad, hacer amigos, divertirse. Pero, ¿qué debe hacer cuando el peligrosamente sexy Alfa cae literalmente en su regazo? —No soy humana ni loba. No pertenezco a ningún lugar... —...ambos sabemos que nadie se emparejará conmigo, y aunque lo hicieran, me rechazarían de todos modos. —¿Qué hará el sexy y hosco Alfa? Los mayores lo obligan a realizar ridículas fiestas para buscar una pareja. No quiere una compañera, pero sabe que necesita una para completar el Círculo Alfa. Sin una compañera, una Luna para la manada, su gente sufriría. ¿Y qué va a hacer cuando se encuentre con la chica con la que el destino tiene ex esposa del Presidente Embarazada, Ex Esposa para él y descubra que no tiene lobo? —¡Esto no puede ser! —rugí—. No hay forma de que pueda emparejarme con una chica que ni siquiera tiene un lobo. Será demasiado débil. Será inferior. No será lo suficientemente fuerte para ser una Luna. —Simplemente no podía aceptarla como mi compañera. No completamente. No era seguro para ella. Se pondría en peligro. Y arrastraría a mi manada con ella. —Cuando estos dos se encuentren, seguro que saltarán chispas. ¿Pero serán de pasión, o de sus constantes luchas? Ninguno quería una pareja. Ninguno quiere la compañera que el destino eligió para ellos. Y ninguno puede hacer desaparecer ese vínculo de pareja. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora que están literalmente atrapados el uno con el otro?
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1195 Chs
Mito del milagro: Renacido para desafiar mi destino

Mito del milagro: Renacido para desafiar mi destino

Xiu Wanxue despertó y descubrió que había renacido. Esta vez, se enteró de que era solo una don nadie en este mundo donde existían la hija y los hijos del destino. Recordando todos los eventos trágicos que ocurrieron en su vida anterior, suspiró amargamente. No es de extrañar; la odiaban tanto, incluso si ella no hacía nada malo, solo deseaba obtener el 'cuidado' y amor de 'ella'. No es de extrañar; todos amaban tanto a 'ella'. Resultó que Xiu Wanxia, su hermana gemela, era la hija del destino, quien estaba rodeada de oportunidades desafiantes, hombres extraordinarios y poderosos compañeros bestia. El cielo y la tierra le otorgaron la oportunidad de cambiar de rumbo, no cometerá los mismos errores ni malinterpretará a las personas nuevamente. Solo será amable con aquellos que la traten con amabilidad y castigará a aquellos que lastimen a sus seres queridos. La vieja pulsera que llevaba en la muñeca era en realidad un espacio portátil con un pequeño mundo dentro donde podía plantar todo. Aprender alquimia, dibujar runas, contratar bestias, explorar tesoros... muchas más cosas emocionantes van a suceder aquí. A través de la sangre y el trabajo duro, se embarcó en su viaje hacia la inmortalidad y se elevó más allá del cielo para encontrar su libertad y desafiar su destino de su última vida. Sin embargo, algo estaba mal. ¿Qué pasaría cuando descubra que todo era exactamente diferente de cómo parecía ser? Cuando los secretos comienzan a transpirarse, todo resultó ser tan... Este libro es para participar en el Premio Spirity de Webnovela 2024. NOTA: Este libro es una novela de harén invertido, el final es absolutamente de harén invertido. Portada de: Generador de IA de Webnovela Imagen del personaje: Pinterest, el crédito corresponde a todos los propietarios originales Las citas de cada personaje no son mías. Las investigué en un sitio web. El crédito corresponde a los propietarios de esas citas. Mi nombre de usuario de DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 https://discord.gg/8tn2JkKs Mi Instagram: Littlecarrot006__ #HarénInvertidoFL #Renacida #EspacioPortátil #CarneDeCañón #Romance #CompañerosBestia #Aventuras #RomanceOscuro #MundoInmortal #Xianxia #TramasRetorcidas #Lucha #NovelaDetallada #PasadoMisterioso #MemoriaDeVidaAnterior #NovelaConMoral #Inspiración
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332 Chs
Mitologia do Milagre: Renascido para Desafiar Meu Destino

Mitologia do Milagre: Renascido para Desafiar Meu Destino

``` Xiu Wanxue acordou e descobriu que havia reencarnado. Desta vez, ela aprendeu que não era ninguém neste mundo onde existiam a filha e os filhos do destino. Olhando para trás, para todos os eventos trágicos que aconteceram em sua vida anterior, ela suspirou amargamente. Não é de se admirar; eles a odiavam tanto, mesmo que ela não tivesse feito nada de errado além de desejar receber o 'cuidado' e o amor 'dela'. Não é de se admirar; todos amavam tanto 'ela'. Acontece que Xiu Wanxia, sua irmã gêmea, era a filha do destino, cercada por oportunidades que desafiavam o Céu, homens extraordinários e poderosos parceiros bestiais. O Céu e a terra lhe concederam uma chance de mudar de vida, ela não cometeria os mesmos erros e interpretaria as pessoas erroneamente outra vez. Ela só será gentil com aqueles que a tratarem com bondade e punirá aqueles que machucarem seus entes queridos. A velha pulseira que ela usava no pulso era na verdade um pequeno mundo portátil onde ela poderia plantar tudo dentro. Aprender alquimia, desenhar runas, fazer contratos com bestas, explorar tesouros... muitas coisas mais emocionantes vão acontecer aqui. Através do sangue e do trabalho árduo, ela embarcou em sua jornada para a imortalidade e voou além do céu para encontrar sua liberdade e desafiar seu destino da última vida. Entretanto, algo estava errado. O que aconteceria quando ela descobrisse que tudo estava exatamente diferente do que parecia ser? Quando os segredos começaram a se revelar, tudo se mostrou tão....... Este livro está concorrendo ao Prêmio Spirity da Webnovel 2024. NOTA: Este livro é um romance harém reverso, e o final é absolutamente harém reverso. Capa de: Gerador de IA da Webnovel Imagem do Personagem: Pinterest, créditos a todos os proprietários originais As citações de cada personagem não são minhas. Eu as pesquisei em um site. Créditos aos donos dessas citações. Meu nome de usuário no DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 https://discord.gg/8tn2JkKs Meu Instagram: Littlecarrot006__ #HarémReversoFL #Reencarnada #PequenoMundoPortátil #AlívioCômico #Romance #ParceirosBestiais #Aventuras #RomanceSombrio #MundoImortal #Xianxia #EnredosComplexos #Luta #DetalhamentoNovel #PassadoMisterioso #MemóriaDeVidaAnterior #RomanceComMoral #Inspiração ```
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332 Chs
El Destino Ciego del Alpha

El Destino Ciego del Alpha

Zina, una joven de dieciocho años que ha sido rechazada, está ciega y no tiene lobo, es convocada a la capital para contar una visión al despiadado y temido Rey Alpha del Norte, conocido notoriamente como 'El Rey que se Coronó a Sí Mismo'. El resultado de la 'falsa' visión de Zina hace que el Príncipe Alpha y futuro Alpha Supremo, Daemon, sea desterrado de la capital para luchar en las fronteras, donde solo la muerte le espera a manos de los famosos Renegados Ascendentes y los aún más famosos Deformados. Pero Daemon sobrevive al fuego, la sangre y las garras, y no solo sobrevive, sino que seis años después, regresa como Alpha Supremo, impulsado por la venganza contra aquellos que lo derribaron. Comenzando por sus astutos hermanos, y la joven de dieciocho años ahora con veinticuatro que definió su destino con meras palabras, Daemon promete no dejar a nadie ileso. Sin embargo, Zina es muy consciente de su propia traición. Ahora es la Theta de la misma poderosa casa de hombres lobo contra la que contó la peligrosa mentira, y después de haber probado la amarga píldora de la traición de las mismas personas por las que contó la peligrosa mentira, no está dispuesta a resignarse a su destino aún. Pero, ¿cómo se derrite el corazón de un hombre al que una vez arruinaste? ¿Y cómo destruyes a una mujer amada por todo el pueblo, y quizás, incluso por los dioses? Daemon aprenderá por las malas que no toda venganza se puede tomar y que no todas las deudas se pueden cobrar. Los secretos abundan, los Hombres Lobo Deformados están listos para levantarse, y una rara oportunidad de un segundo emparejamiento se presenta a las dos personas más inusuales. Y ahora, una cosa se ha vuelto segura: Daemon debe primero derrotar al enemigo exterior, antes de poder realmente confrontar a ella, que se ha convertido en la enemiga de su corazón.
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208 Chs


Ito po ay compilation ko po ng mga sinulat ko, sana po ay magustuhan nyo!? God bless you all!? Meron din po nyan sa Wattpad.
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98 Chs
Vendida al destino

Vendida al destino

Amelia no siempre fue Amelia. En una vida pasada, fue un joven que se dejó llevar por la apatía y la indiferencia, grabando en silencio una atrocidad sin intervenir. Por ello, una organización secreta decidió aplicar un castigo tan severo como simbólico: transformar a los culpables en lo que más despreciaban. Convertido en mujer a través de un oscuro ritual, Amelia se ve atrapada en un cuerpo que nunca pidió y en una mente asediada por nuevos impulsos y emociones inducidos por un antiguo y perverso poder. Vendida a Jason, un CEO tan poderoso como enigmático, Amelia se enfrenta a una contradicción emocional desgarradora. Las nuevas sensaciones y deseos implantados por el ritual la empujan a enamorarse de su dueño, pero su memoria guarda los ecos de quien fue, y la constante lucha interna amenaza con consumirla. En medio de su tormento personal, descubre que Jason, al igual que la líder de la organización, Inmaculada, son discípulos de un maestro anciano y despiadado, un hechicero capaz de alterar el destino de quienes caen bajo su control. Mientras intenta reconstruir su vida y demostrar que no es solo una cara bonita, Amelia se ve envuelta en un complejo juego de poder entre los intereses de Inmaculada y Jason, los conflictos familiares y las demandas del maestro. Las conspiraciones se intensifican cuando el mentor descubre en ella un potencial mágico inexplorado, exigiendo su entrega a cualquier precio. Para ganar tiempo, Jason e Inmaculada recurren a métodos drásticos, convirtiendo a los agresores de Amelia en mujeres bajo el mismo ritual oscuro, con la esperanza de desviar la atención del maestro. En un mundo donde la magia, la manipulación y la lucha por el poder son moneda corriente, Amelia deberá encontrar su verdadera fuerza para sobrevivir y decidir quién quiere ser en un entorno que constantemente la redefine.
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96 Chs
El villano es un control esponjoso [Llevando un libro]

El villano es un control esponjoso [Llevando un libro]

Género: Transmigración-Cultivo Trama: Nuestro shou muere en el mundo moderno y cuando abre los ojos, resulta que transmigro a una novela de cultivo. Pero no como humano, sino como un monstruo espiritual, es decir, un zorro de varias colas. Para sobrevivir en tan extraño mundo, y sabiendo que el villano es un loco psicopata oscuro y despiadado, decide abrazar los muslos del protagonista y quedarse con él. En una gran muchedumbre de cultivadores, ve a un niño guapo, con todas las características de un protagonista, y se lanza sobre él para convertirse en su mascota espiritual...Tarde se da cuenta que se equivocó de persona y abrazó al villano . Desde ese momento está unido al villano, y decide hacer todo lo posible para que este joven hermoso y talentoso no se ponga negro y destruya el mundo. Son muy divertidas las escenas de cuando están juntos, muy interesante la historia de vida del villano, muy tierna la relación que se irá formando entre ambos...y muy, muy recomendable el romance cuando el villano descubra que su mascota espiritual puede transformarse en un humano 0.0
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100 Chs
El papel secundario en el libro renace

El papel secundario en el libro renace

A Jiang Chengyi le inyectaron drogas y murió, pero sabía que los periódicos de mañana definitivamente solo informarían sobre la muerte de famosas estrellas de cine por sobredosis de drogas. Realmente no entendía que tenía apariencia, calificaciones y fuerza, pero en este lugar en la industria del entretenimiento, ¿por qué ni siquiera Han Tian, ​​que nació como extra, podría compararse? Han Tian, ​​esa persona robó el papel que se suponía que debía desempeñar, su gerente y su prometida, y la trampa lo arruinó y perdió a Yu Rui. Al final, fue tan fácil. Sin apretar, mátalo con ¡una sonrisa! No fue hasta después de su muerte que Jiang Chengyi supo que solo era un papel secundario en un libro, y ese libro contaba la historia de una base que eventualmente se convirtió en el padrino de la industria del entretenimiento. Una vez más, nunca volverá a ser esa trágica carne de cañón y apreciará a la persona que siempre ha estado a su lado. ¡Y lo más importante, por supuesto, es la venganza! El papel secundario en el semental renace, la historia del protagonista en la trama de lucha y el protagonista que perturbó la fundación por cierto ~ Antecedentes en la industria del entretenimiento, CP: Jiang Chengyi X Yu Rui Etiqueta de contenido : Renacimiento, círculo de entretenimiento, debilidad por la venganza, palabras clave de búsqueda de venganza: protagonista: Jiang Chengyi, Yu Rui ┃ papel secundario: Han Tian, ​​​​Jiang Heng, Mo Yuting ┃ Otros: papeles secundarios, renacimiento, entretenimiento
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94 Chs
Pequeño fuego: El libro del conocimiento

Pequeño fuego: El libro del conocimiento

¿Animal? ¿Mascota? ¿Humana? Katherina jamas pensó que después de un accidente aéreo se encontrara en una situación tan compleja y sin saber que esperar para el día siguiente. Ahora ella se encuentra en un mundo nuevo ambientado en la época prehistórica, ella intentara junto con sus conocimientos lograr tener una buena vida y poder regresar a su mundo.
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93 Chs
What is the 'destino florida true story' about?
1 answer
2024-12-07 15:04
Since I don't have more context, it's difficult to say precisely. It could potentially be a story centered around a particular place in Florida. For example, it could be about a small town in Florida and the unique experiences of its inhabitants. It could involve stories of local traditions, relationships between the people, or even some kind of mystery or discovery in that Florida destination.
What is the 'destino full story' all about?
3 answers
2024-12-04 08:38
I'm not sure specifically what the 'destino full story' is without more context. It could be about a person named Destino, or it could be the name of a project, a place, etc.
What are some of the stories presented in 'El Libro de la Vida'?
1 answer
2024-09-27 20:26
The book contains stories such as those of heroic quests, magical encounters, and personal growth. They all contribute to the overall charm and depth of 'El Libro de la Vida'.
Who are the main characters in the 'destino florida true story'?
2 answers
2024-12-07 21:14
The main characters could be immigrants who were making their 'destino' (destination) Florida. They might include a young couple trying to start a new life, or a group of friends looking for opportunities in the Sunshine State. There could also be local characters who play important roles in the story, like a kind-hearted old man who helps the newcomers adjust to the Florida lifestyle.
Tell me the full story of Gabriela Giro del Destino.
2 answers
2024-11-04 19:51
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the specific 'Gabriela Giro del Destino' story. It could be a very unique or regional story that I haven't come across yet.
Can you share some key elements from the 'destino full story'?
1 answer
2024-12-05 05:39
As I don't know what the 'destino full story' really is, it's hard to pick out key elements. But generally in a story, characters are important. So if there are characters in this 'destino' story, their personalities, desires, and actions would be key elements. Also, if there is a plot related to reaching a destination, the events that lead up to that final destination would be crucial, like any turning points or revelations that change the course of the journey towards the destino.
Tell me more about 'el fuego del destino based on a true story'.
3 answers
2024-11-19 11:37
I'm not very familiar with 'el fuego del destino based on a true story' specifically. It could be a movie or a book. Maybe it's about someone's journey full of challenges and how they overcame difficulties in a real - life - inspired scenario.
What can we expect from 'el fuego del destino based on a true story'?
1 answer
2024-11-19 14:51
We can expect it to be a story that has some basis in reality. So there may be real - life lessons in it.
Can you give some details about Gabriela Giro del Destino if you don't know the full story?
2 answers
2024-11-04 20:10
I still don't have any specific information about it. It could be a name for a project, a character in a local legend, or just a very personal story within a small community.
Who has a novel similar to The Legendary Fourteen Spirits?
1 answer
2025-01-19 17:09
There were novels similar to The Legendary Fourteen Spirits: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1. Book of Troubled Times: Author: Ji Cha (Great God) [Tagged: Fantasy Oriental Fantasy Status: Series] Total Words: 84.00000 True Fans: 22.91000 Total Favorites: 56.040,000, Total Favorites: 43.800,000, Number of Alliance Leaders:125+ First Orders:30318 (Added on February 1, 2023) Holding a sword in the Jianghu, drinking wine, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3.<<The Tang's Table>> The people of the world and the affairs of the world are just the dishes on the table of the Tang people. Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. Steaming, braising, stir-frying, stewing... There were many cooking methods in the kitchen. Whether it was Goguryeo, the Turks, Tubo, Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, Tiele…or even whales, tigers, sharks, and hungry wolves, the Great Tang was a furnace that could cook them all into peerless delicacies… In addition to Li Zhi, Wu Wei, Zhangsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and other peerless seasonings, there would always be one thing that you would never forget, regardless of color, fragrance, or taste. Yun Chu hoped that she would definitely have a seat at such a luxurious banquet! Now, the delicious food had been cooked. Yun Chu laid out the napkin, picked up the deer knife, and closed her eyes. She was ready to enjoy an unprecedented feast to satisfy her hungry stomach. 4."King of Familiars": Please Pay Attention, Please Collect [Qingquan's new book is here. Brothers, let's go!] This was a foreign world where familiars were the mainstream. Animals, plants, elements, undead, machines... Nine-tailed Flame Fox, Ancient Tree of Life, Thundercloud Elf, Skeleton Monarch, Mechanical Ship Lady, and even antique swords that gave birth to spirits could all be pets. The humans who contracted, nurtured, and controlled them were collectively called beastmasters! Shi Yu, a mythologist and archaeologist, had transmigrated. In order to explore the blank history and lost myths, he chose to embark on an extremely unscientific path of beastmasters... 5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation" S- The name of the book attracted Xiaobai, but for Lao Bai, the name was enough to dissuade him. Therefore, he sank it into his collection. Today, Book Desolate found out that it was a divine work that was delayed by its name. The minus sign was only because of the title. 6."National Forensic Science":"National Forensic Science" was an urban forensic crime solving novel. The author, Shiniao Village, used his deep writing skills and industry knowledge to skillfully integrate professional knowledge into the novel, allowing the readers to feel the illusion of becoming an expert in the light and interesting text. The author's writing style was to make the social background of the novel rational through subtle settings, so as to focus on the description of industry knowledge, using a relaxed writing style to dilute the heaviness of the industry's reality. At the same time, the plot progressed slowly, mixed with a lot of descriptions of the environment or behavior. Behind the seemingly empty words, there was actually a lot of ridicule and innuendo. Therefore, I advise the reader not to skip through, but to carefully savor each paragraph, because this may miss the essence. In addition, there were still some parts of the book that he did not understand. He could seek answers through this chapter. In general, National Forensic Medicine was a highly recommended book. It focused on forensic science and combined medical knowledge with solving cases. It was very refreshing. Moreover, the author's previous book, the Divine Text Doctor Ling, was also very good. The main character was very well portrayed. Overall, National Forensics was a very solid book. It was a good choice for both food and entertainment. 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" is an unforgettable novel. The author, Guan Guan Gongzi's writing style was smooth and delicate. Coupled with the wonderful fighting scenes, it made people unable to stop. The protagonist's semi-invincible setting made the story interesting. There was no bitter plot or sudden plot. The author did a good job in describing the copying part so that the readers could accept it. This book had a grand worldview. The protagonist collected the nine dragon pictures step by step, bringing the readers the joy of collecting. At the same time, this book was also a 2-star Qidian Glory work. It was of top quality and was a rare masterpiece. No matter if it was a fantasy, genius, daily life, or a multi-female protagonist, readers should not miss this book. It will certainly surprise you and bring you endless pleasure in reading. [Rating: 9 points] "Reward index: " 8."Mantang Colorful Colors":"Mantang Colorful Colors" is an amazing novel. The author used the prosperity and decline of the Great Tang as the background to describe a story full of suspense and conflict. The story was compact and fascinating, making it impossible for people to stop reading. The protagonist displayed his wisdom and courage in the face of the corruption of the imperial court and the invasion of foreign enemies. It was admirable. The descriptions in the book were vivid and detailed, making people feel as if they were in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Reading this book, not only could one feel the author's in-depth study and unique insights into history, but one could also have a deeper understanding of the history of the Tang Dynasty. All in all,"Colorful Tang" was a good book worth recommending. Whether it was a reader interested in history or a reader who liked to travel through time, they would love this book. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": Get lost, the great god's new book is here. Final Divine Duty: 7.0 This book was also an upgrade, but it was written at a relatively high level. The writing style of this book was smooth, the plot was smooth, and the reading experience was good. In terms of the plot, the main character became stronger quickly and the process was pleasant. The system data and the speed at which he became stronger were better integrated, and the improvement was sufficient. The plot was smooth. When it was time to kill someone to show off or solve an incident, he was not soft-hearted or hesitant. He grasped the essence of the leveling novel. "Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" was a Xianxia classic. The author, Er Gen, showed his unique talent when writing this work. The plot of this novel was compact and fascinating, making people want to finish reading it in one go. The main character was decisive, not a saint, not a set of tricks. He had broken away from the comical route of the previous works. There was a hint of the shadow of the rebellious immortal and the devil, which reminded people of the works before Er Gen's. This novel was not only a Xianxia novel, but also a work that made people think deeply. It makes us think about the difference between life and death, about the possibility of transcending life and death, and about what we are waiting for outside of time. This is a work that is worth reading. I strongly recommend it to everyone. "This Game Is Too Realistic":"This Game Is Too Realistic" is a novel about a summoning game with a wasteland setting. Compared to other novels of the same genre, I prefer this one. Through the story of Chu Guang's transmigration to the wasteland, the author presented a game world full of challenges and adventures. The game elements in the story were very realistic, making people feel as if they were in it, experiencing the hardships of moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, and delivering packages. This game world not only allowed people to experience the hardships of real life, but it also allowed people to feel the super 007. By describing the interaction between Chu Guang and the "players", the author made the entire wasteland world seem indecent, increasing the interest and humor of the story. In short, this book was set in the wasteland world, with game elements as the main storyline, giving people a unique reading experience. It was a good book worthy of recommendation. "Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" is a novel that can be easily read. The story will not make people feel sad and it is very enjoyable to read. The author's writing style was excellent, and it could give the readers a particularly good reading experience. I highly recommend this book, especially for those readers who like to read light-hearted novels. This book is definitely worth reading. The story was about a young man who bore a blood feud. When he was faced with a disaster, he used a life-burning skill to save his sister. This immense sense of powerlessness made people feel extremely heavy, but it was also an emotional expression in the story, making people feel the pain and helplessness of the protagonist. The first time I heard of this book was when it was first published. I gave up after reading only one chapter. But recently, this book has been ranked first in the monthly votes, so I picked it up again. After reading the first two chapters, I felt that it was a little toxic, but then I stayed up for three consecutive nights, completely absorbed by the description of the story. The author's efforts and effort were evident. This book gave people a sense of epic, and it could be seen that the author had put a lot of effort into it. My evaluation of this book is an upgraded version of Da Feng's Watchmen. The mid-stage plot is very suitable for Buddhist reading. Reading a few chapters from time to time can bring some relaxed and happy feelings. Overall, I highly recommend Red Heart Sky Patrol. It's a novel that's worth reading. Ring of Destiny: Starting…This Wave of Operation Is a Little Fierce, I Can't Understand It "The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" is a fascinating novel. The story was centered around the protagonist Jiang Xing Huo's nine lifetimes, showing the process of his return to the modern world for eternal life. The author cleverly described the protagonist's experience. There was no messy system or holy mother b * tch. The plot was tight and there was not much of a mess. Especially the plot similar to the official residence, the author cleverly avoided the suspicion of plagiarism, making people feel novel and interesting. The emotional scenes in this book were also better than those in the first grade. The author even deliberately avoided it, giving people a sense of mystery. The characters in the book, such as Ma Sanbao and Yao Guangxiao, were vivid and inspiring. The plot of Jiang Xinghuo's lecture in prison was even more irresistible. This book was not just a historical novel. It also incorporated hardcore knowledge such as economics, politics, and management, allowing people to gain inspiration from reading. If you like history and hardcore knowledge, then this book is definitely a good book that you can't miss. 16."Ascending on the Right Day": The beginning is the scene of the snake hunter saying his name. The second chapter has a small climax. It's a rare orthodox Xianxia novel. Platinum author, Otaku Pig's new work 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth": Bei Tai·Bottom-licking Rebirth Counterattack: "I Really Didn't Want to Be the Sea King" It's a pretty girl, worth recommending Description: Struggle until you can't afford a house at the age of thirty-eight. If you want to get married, you have to pay 300,000 yuan as a betrothal gift. You have to live frugally for most of your life. Who earned the money? Jiang Qin, who had been reborn at the age of 18 with countless grievances, opened his eyes and the only thought was to start a business and make money. The first step was to snatch back the love letter, turn it over, and write three lines under the school belle's shocked eyes: No matter what, he couldn't work. If he could get rich, he would get rich. Money can be earned again, but conscience can be earned even more! The livestock of the society will never be slaves! As for love? Even dogs wouldn't talk about that! On that day, the thick fog sealed everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he crossed the thick fog and faced a world that had been completely overturned and shattered. The order of the past was gone, and strange visions dominated the endless sea beyond civilization. The isolated island cities and the fleets that challenged the sea had become the only lights of the civilized world, while the shadows of the past were still stirring in the deep sea, waiting to continue to devour the dying world. However, for the new captain of the Lost Home, there was only one problem he had to consider first. Who knew how to sail the boat? 19:"Cultivate in Demonic Martial Troubled Times": Food and fodder He wrote a new book. Cultivation + original dungeon. The previous book, the mysterious calamity, was a cultivation dungeon. It had endless good reviews and could be considered the highlight of that book, leading a trend. After that, the results of the copycats were not bad, and he had ordered several books. It seemed that he was planning to take advantage of himself this time. A book that was copied from a book had smooth writing and few bugs. The upper limit was up to fate, but the lower limit was relatively high. Basically, he could see everything. "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a funny novel, but it also had a more rigorous setting. The story of this book was simply amusing, but at the same time, it had a sense of seriousness. The story used daily cultivation as a clue to describe the various experiences of the protagonist, Lu Yang. Due to the protagonist's character, the plot gradually became ridiculous and logical, and this romantic feeling also affected the people around him. Many funny characters were playing a scene, not to mention the book review, which was also a source of happiness. Overall, this book was worth reading with its unique style and interesting storyline. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.