
air crash investigations

“AIR” Kasus Terlarang Agen Spionase dan Seorang Bintang

“AIR” Kasus Terlarang Agen Spionase dan Seorang Bintang

Siapakah ‘AIR’ yang selalu ditakuti oleh para organisasi gangster? Apakah dia seorang pria atau wanita, orang itu ada dimana-mana, tidak terlihat, tidak tersentuh, dan sangat membunuh. Begitu banyak uang terbakar habis hanya demi menemukan keberadaan tokoh misterius yang melegenda itu… “Berikan aku cucu, maka kamu bisa kembali melakukan apapun yang kamu mau.” Ketika kakeknya bertitah, pria itu menarik kembali identitasnya dan menjalani hidup sebagai orang biasa pada umumnya demi memberi sebuah pewaris baru pada keluarganya. Tidak masalah wanita manapun, kencan buta dengan 1000 gadis berkelas memang cukup membuang waktu. Tapi hanya dengan cara ini, ia bisa kembali ke dunianya yang diam-diam brutal penuh kebuasan! Sayang sekali… Inikah takdir? Seorang bintang yang sangat mempesona menggelitik kepolosannya sebagai seorang pria. Seorang bintang yang sangat rapuh itu harus ikut tenggelam dalam lautan kasus berdarah yang masih terus mengekor dibelakang pria itu. Kisah cinta yang dilarang oleh dunia, seberapa kuatkah mereka melawan arus ini?
420 Chs
ELYANA SEASON 2 : Air Mata Pernikahan

ELYANA SEASON 2 : Air Mata Pernikahan

Menjalani kehidupan pernikahan bersama seorang madu bukanlah hal yang mudah. Aku, akan menganggapnya mudah tunggu sebelum Habib akhirnya jatuh cinta pada Farida. Cinta yang tak diinginkan itu datang, memporak-porandakan kehidupan rumah tangga kami beserta perjanjian yang sudah tertulis sebelumnya. Ingat betapa manisnya ucapan Habib ketika berjanji akan menjaga cintanya untuk satu wanita? Bahkan surat perjanjian pernikahan antara Habib dan Farida juga sudah di tanda tangani. Tapi semuanya berubah saat cinta di antara mereka datang. Aku semakin tersisih, hingga Umar datang kembali ke kehidupanku dan membuat kebimbangan pada diri ini. Sejak dulu, Umar selalu menyimpan cintanya untukku. Dia pergi membawa cinta, dan kembali dengan penuh cinta. “Pernikahanku hancur, mas Habib mencintai Farida tanpa sengaja. Apa yang harus kulakukan?” tanyaku pada Umar. “Akhiri saja pernikahanmu dan kembali bersamaku. Kamu tahu, El? Ini adalah sebuah pertanda jika kita memang berjodoh.” Aku terdiam, menahan air mata di pelupuk mata. Pernikahanku tidak lagi di penuhi kebahagiaan, melainkan air mata pernikahan.
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400 Chs


Rubi telah resmi menjadi istri dari Jaya Kusumo. Setiap kali berhubungan badan, Rubi kerap mengeluarkan cairan kental berbau busuk dari area kewanitaannya. Hingga pada suatu saat, Rubi mendapat kabar bahwa dirinya mengidap kanker serviks stadium tiga dan divonis tidak akan bisa hamil. Namun, Jaya tak pernah mempermasalahkan hal tersebut. Justri pria 28 tahun itu semakin mencintai istrinya. Mereka kerap menghabiskan waktu dengan segala hal yang berbau romansa. Keadaan itu membuat Anti (Ibu Kandung Jaya) terbakar api. Selain tidak setuju putranya menikah dengan Rubi, Anti juga semakin membenci menantunya itu saat tahu bahwa Rubi divonis mandul. Hingga pada suatu hari, wanita itu menjebak anak serta menantunya sendiri. Sebuah nomor baru menghubungi Rubi dan mengatakan bahwa suaminya sedang sekarat di tepi jalan dekat taman. Rubi diminta untuk segera datang. Di sisi lain, Anti juga mengabarkan Jaya bahwa istrinya sedang berduaan dengan pria lain. Cepat-cepat Anti meminta Jaya untuk hadir di taman yang letaknya tidak jauh dari rumah mereka. Saat berada di sana, Rubi kembali menghubungi sosok pembawa berita tadi. Ia tidak melihat ada tanda-tanda manusia di sini. Namun, hal yang tak terduga terjadi. Tubuh Rubi dipeluk oleh pria tak dikenal. Rubi berusaha mengelak, tapi tenaganya bukan apa-apa bagi lelaki tegap tersebut. Bersamaan dengan badan Rubi yang tenggelam dalam dekapan sang pria asing, saat itu pulalah Jaya datang bersama Anti. Betapa hancur dan terkejutnya Jaya ketika melihat wanita yang disayang sedang berada dalam pelukan laki-laki lain. Anti berakting seolah Rubi memang berselingkuh. Tanpa sepengetahuan Jaya, Mamanya sendirilah yang merencakan hal tersebut. Sejak kejadian itu, Jaya berubah total. Ia mulai tidak memedulikan Rubi. Jaya juga mudah terguncang saat orang-orang mencibir tentang istrinya yang tidak bisa hamil. Dan, di sanalah Anti mengambil kesempatan untuk mendekatkan Jaya dengan Agnes, teman lama Jaya. Tak butuh waktu lama, Jaya langsung jatuh cinta dengan perempuan itu. Keduanya menikah, tapi Rubi tak juga dicerai. Pengantin baru itu membuat Rubi bak pembantu di rumahnya sendiri. Rubi kerap disiksa, disuruh mengerjakan sesuatu yang tidak ia sanggupi. Hingga pada suatu hari, Rubi merasa bahwa penyakitnya semakin menjadi-jadi. Ia tidak ingin membuat beban siapapun. Karenanya, ia ngotot minta dicerai meskipun hatinya tidak ikhlas berpisah dengan Jaya. Dikarenakan Jaya yang sudah puas menzalimi Rubi, ia lantas saja mengindahkan permintaan istrinya itu. Jaya dengan entengnya menalak Rubi di hadapan Agnes. Agnes benar-benar menjadi Ratu di rumah itu. Ia hidup dengan gelimpangan harta. Namun, seketika perasaan ingin menguasai harta Jaya sepenuhnya mendadak muncul. Agnes mulai berpikiran untuk merebut sertifikat rumah suaminya. Suatu malam, Agnes menyuguhkan kopi untuk Jaya. Seberes minuman itu tandas, kepala Jaya mendadak pusing. Pria itu terkapar secara tiba-tiba. Agnes tertawa puas. Rencanaya untuk meracuni Jaya berhasil. Dan, saat itulah Agnes beraksi. Dia membawa sertifikat rumah beserta seluruh emas batangan yang ada di sana. Keesokan harinya Jaya diusir dari kediamannya sendiri oleh orang asing. Rupanya Agnes telah menjual rumah itu dengan harga fantastis. Jaya yang baru saja sadar dari pingsannya, lantas saja dikejutkan dengan kabar buruk itu. Sejak itu, Jaya jadi frustasi. Setelah berhasil menemukan rumah baru Rubi, Jaya bertekuk lutut guna meminta maaf. Sayang seribu sayang, Rubi sudah tidak ingin kembali pada pria itu. Dan, jadilah Jaya semakin depresi. Jaya kerap menghabiskan waktu dengan tertawa, kemudian menangis. Ngomongnya mulai ngelantur. Badannya kurus hanya menyisakan tulang. Jaya dimasukkan ke rumah sakit jiwa. Dua bulan setelah itu, ia dikabarkan meninggal dunia karena mengalami kebocoran lambung. Semenjak Rubi pergi dari sisinya, hidup Jaya jadi berantakan. Ia tidak nafsu makan. Akhirnya pria itu tewas mengenaskan dengan menggenggam foto Rubi yang ia dapatkan dari buku nikahnya dulu.
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363 Chs
Air Mata Agnia

Air Mata Agnia

Tahap revisi.
285 Chs
Ghostly Investigations

Ghostly Investigations

Jon Watts heard stories about ghosts but never believed in them ... until he becomes one. Now, if he wants to move on, he has to solve his own murder.<br><br>At least he'll have help from three new friends: Brody, an undercover cop who was killed five years earlier by an unknown assailant; Sage, a medium who can see and speak with ghosts; and Mike, the detective investigating Jon's murder, who doesn’t know ghosts exist until Sage convinces him otherwise.<br><br>Will the four men solve both Brody’s and Jon’s murders? The possible attraction between Mike and Sage only complicates things. Or are Jon and Brody doomed to remain ghosts forever?
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177 Chs
Love by the Air

Love by the Air

Long-distance relationships never work for her since she is the clingy sort, spoilt, and enjoys her lover's undivided attention. Additionally, she tends to be flirtatious, although her intentions have never been honest. She has a way of intriguing people and then leaving them once they develop stronger feelings for her. Since she travels a lot for her job as an air hostess, most of her past relationships find it difficult to be apart from her. That all changed when she encountered someone who was just as formidable. The most ignorant woman on earth, yet the most passionate lover. She's determined to make things work this time. Regardless of the distance, that woman belongs to her.
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169 Chs
Ghostly Investigations Box Set

Ghostly Investigations Box Set

Four gay paranormal mysteries by best-selling author Edward Kendrick. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Ghostly Investigations</strong>: Jon Watts had heard stories about ghosts but never believed in them -- until he became one. Now, if he wanted to move on, he had to solve his own murder with the help of Brody, another murdered ghost; Sage, a man who can communicate with ghosts; and Mike, the detective investigating Jon's murder. Can the four of them solve both murders or will Jon and Brody be doomed to remain ghosts forever?<br><br><strong>Searching for My Killer</strong>: My name is Tonio. I'm a ghost. To move on, I need to find out who killed me. Except, I have no idea how to do so. Or I didn't, until Brody and Jon showed up. They're ghosts, too, who know Mike, a cop, and Sage, a medium. With our help, can Mike find out who murdered me at the theater where I worked? And, can I come to grips with the fact that, in death, I've lost David, the one man I ever loved?<br><br><strong>..., can they find the evidence to back Kurt’s claim? And can Tonio, with Kurt’s help, forget the man he loved and move on?<br><br><strong>A Haunting of Ghosts</strong>: When Van and Gene are murdered, it's up to Mike, Sage, and their ghostly team to learn who the killer was. Van and Gene had been researching two cold cases for a book. One was old, with three potential suspects. The other was recent, involving Jon, one of the ghosts. Can Mike and company find Van and Gene's killer so they can move on? More to the point, can Van and Gene help solve Jon's murder?<br><br><strong>A Long Way Down</strong>: Daw lives on the streets until he's murdered and becomes a ghost. Brody finds him, taking him home to meet the other 'Ghostie Boys'. As the ghosts work to find Daw's killer, they meet Russ, another of the killer's victims. Can the ghosts stop the killer before he strikes again? If so, with the growing attraction between Daw and Russ, will they want to move on, separating them for eternity?
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164 Chs
My Air to breathe

My Air to breathe

Pareho lang kayo Yra! Kung ikaw ay nagising sa kama ng iba, siya naman ay nagising na may kasamang iba!
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101 Chs
Chronicles Of Multiverse Discovery Investigations And Crimes.

Chronicles Of Multiverse Discovery Investigations And Crimes.

At that time, in a moment of time, when everything changed, he traveled between dimensions, so that everything would bring to the world the great unknown pointing out the moment of pleasure and mysteries, he would be investigating the occurrences, when he traveled through dimensions He was mixing and unraveling the mysteries of the tales of gods and men, even as they tangled together learning from their masters. Including which one he allies with, both for his old allies and for new allies, where the most intriguing mysteries were, involved in cases of disappearances, while learning new powers. every time he manipulates his surroundings, he prevents some mysteries and everything he could avoid from happening, between traveling through dimensions, all this to bring the new chances, which would exchange one life for another of a child, which could change the future. , thinking the future between demons and old stories of past tales, masters and mafia. when he manipulated everyone around him, he made everyone ally with him, then everything changed, then comes a new day, new beginnings, in which he investigates, based on everything he saw while traveling in time, resetting all information and his involvement with the dark truths, with a new beginning.
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94 Chs
Drakes Air

Drakes Air

A world where mythical creatures ruled the land. Where humans and magic beings sometimes worked harmoniously together, and other times, quite the opposite. A world where spirits could be helpers of the household or powerful enough to bring the dead back to life. Where elves could be as tall as the tallest man or as small as a human child. Where plants grew tenaciously despite human interference, some possessing the ability to heal burns in an instant while others could kill a horse with just one drop of its essence. A world in which some fish could fly and some birds lived in the depths of volcanoes. In a world of pure magic and uniqueness there lived an extremely average woman. At the age of 25, Caeli was the most ordinary person that existed. At least she believed so. With long auburn hair, tan skin, and chocolate brown eyes, she felt she was the most ordinary being to walk the planet. She would lead an ordinary existence until the day she died. Or so she thought. Until one day when a horde of angry villagers cast her out of her home and she begins a journey to find a place where she belongs. On her journey she will discover things about herself she never knew, make friends she has never had, and meet the most powerful dragons known to the world she was born into. Suddenly immersed in a world of magic, go with Caeli to places unknown, discover a love forbidden and a magic forgotten.
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87 Chs
Works related to the Suez air crash
1 answer
2024-09-20 14:18
" Sucheng Air Disaster " was a story about the protagonist, Su Fei, who survived an air crash and explored the unknown world with his teammates. The novel had a high popularity among Ergen's creations and was loved by the majority of readers.
Are there any sadistic novels where the male lead is a werewolf and the female lead transmigrated in an air crash?
1 answer
2025-03-08 08:55
I recommend "Mo Xun Gui" to you. This book was an ancient romance novel. After the heroine traveled through time and space, she discovered the truth of her birth. Because of the blood feud, she was only bent on revenge. She met a male lead who was a victorious general. The two of them experienced life and death and finally fell in love. However, due to the disparity in their identities, would they be able to make it to the end? Although the male protagonist in this novel did not grow up in a wolf's den, the plot is heart-wrenching. If you are willing to try it, I hope you will like my recommendation.
24 Records of Major Case Investigations in Ancient China
1 answer
2024-12-26 21:07
There were a total of 24 records of major cases in ancient China.
What makes a 'mindspace investigations' novel engaging?
3 answers
2024-10-07 08:58
A good 'mindspace investigations' novel usually has a complex mystery, interesting characters, and a unique setting. The plot should keep you guessing and the characters need to be relatable.
Please recommend a novel describing a male passenger who transmigrated to the State of Zhao with an air stewardess after a plane crash.
1 answer
2025-03-08 03:53
I recommend 'The Wind and Cloud of the Country of Zhao's Time Traverse'. The storyline was similar to the given information. The male lead and the stewardess traveled to the State of Zhao together. The two of them began to find a way to return to the modern world and began a thrilling adventure in history. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
Is there anything related to the collection of evidence used in forensic investigations, as well as things similar to the discovery channel's inferential investigations and crime scenes?
1 answer
2025-03-05 08:39
I recommend "The Forensic Princess: The Prince Is in Need of a Tackle" and "The Brain Circuit of a Forensic Big Boss", these two mystery detective novels, which mainly talked about the female forensic doctor using her professional knowledge to solve many difficult problems and cases. In addition, if you like detective stories and crime scenes on the discovery channel, you can consider reading Murder Detective Notes and Don't Move, I've Found You. These two are also mystery detective novels that contain similar detective elements. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
What are some good fiction books that involve investigations?
3 answers
2024-12-14 09:08
Agatha Christie's 'Murder on the Orient Express' is a great one. In this book, detective Hercule Poirot investigates a murder that occurs on a train. The confined setting of the train adds to the mystery as Poirot has to sift through the alibis and motives of the various passengers.
True CSI Stories: Real - Life Forensic Investigations
3 answers
2024-12-12 09:37
There was a true CSI story where a body was found in a forest. The CSI team immediately started looking for evidence. They found some footprints near the body. By measuring the size and the pattern of the footprints, they could estimate the height and weight of the suspect. Later, they found some skin cells under the victim's fingernails which led to a DNA match and the arrest of the killer.
Are there any 'sex for cash stories' related to undercover investigations?
2 answers
2024-11-07 01:51
In undercover investigations, sometimes journalists also play a role. They might go undercover to expose the seedy underbelly of sex - for - cash industries. One journalist pretended to be a client interested in paying for sex and uncovered a network that was exploiting immigrant women. This led to public awareness and action against such exploitation.