
palabras que nunca te dije

El matrimonio escondido perfecto: con un niño te llevas un esposo gratis

El matrimonio escondido perfecto: con un niño te llevas un esposo gratis

—Cariño, me gusta mucho el guion de este drama. El único problema es que esta vez hay más escenas sexuales. ¿Puedo aceptar el trabajo de todos modos? —Claro —respondió calmado Lu Tingxiao. Esa noche, Ning Xi se levantó de la cama con las piernas temblorosas, teniendo que apoyarse por las paredes. —¿Todavía quieres tomar el trabajo? —preguntó Lu Tingxiao.
2165 Chs
Esposo del matrimonio a prueba: hay que trabajar duro

Esposo del matrimonio a prueba: hay que trabajar duro

La noche antes de su boda, su prometido huyó con su amante. Frustrada, abordó al hombre que se encontraba ante ella, frente al registro civil. —Presidente Mo, tu esposa no vino y mi esposo huyó. ¿Puedo proponerle que nos casemos? Antes de casarse, ella dijo: —¡Incluso si compartimos la misma cama, nada pasará entre nosotros! Luego de casarse, él dijo: —Si no lo intentamos, ¿cómo lo sabremos?
1274 Chs
Soy una madre jefa que quiere holgazanear.

Soy una madre jefa que quiere holgazanear.

Todo el mundo sabía que después de que la joven señorita Shen fue abandonada por un hombre salvaje, se volvió indulgente y quedó embarazada sin casarse. Después de ser expulsada de su casa, cayó en un estado de desesperación. Sin embargo, la infame Shen Ruojing apareció en el banquete de cumpleaños de la anciana señora de la familia Chu. Todos se burlaron de ella. —Los que envían millones en dinero de regalo se sientan en una mesa, mientras que los que envían decenas de millones en dinero de regalo se sientan en la otra. —Señorita Shen, ¿cuánto dio? La multitud esperaba que hiciera el ridículo, pero Shen Ruojing sacó de detrás de ella a un adorable niño pequeño y dijo: —Perdón, señora, ¿en qué mesa se sentará su nieto mayor? *** Tanto la madre como el hijo fueron llevados a la familia Chu, y Shen Ruojing quería pasar sus días holgazaneando, pero se encontró con el rechazo de la familia de diversas formas. —Tenemos hackers de primera clase, maestros de música, expertos en tecnología... Todos son conocidos en esta familia. ¿Qué aportas? Shen Ruojing se frotó la barbilla. —Bueno, todas esas cosas que mencionaron... Sé un poco de todo». Sus tres adorables bebés estaban a su lado y asintieron al unísono: —¡Podemos testificar que mamá sí sabe un poco de todo!
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879 Chs
Un viaje que cambió el mundo.

Un viaje que cambió el mundo.

``` Archer Bennett—contento con su vida actual, es repentinamente apuñalado, perdiendo todo lo que ama. Sin embargo, rápidamente descubre que la muerte no siempre es definitiva. Trasladado a un mundo mágico—como un niño llamado Archer Ashguard—se encuentra abandonado. Perdido y solo, con misteriosas y potentes habilidades mágicas, se lanza a una aventura que a veces es divertida, a veces seria, y llena de chicas. Únete a Archer mientras se embarca en un viaje legendario que cambiará el mundo. No NTR, Yuri o Violación. ----------------------------------------------------- Si quieres apoyarme, compra un café - https://ko-fi.com/neganspalace Estaré haciendo ediciones constantes aquí y allá, mejorando la gramática y la historia en general. Arte de personajes en Discord. Dos capítulos por día. 500 Piedras = 1 capítulo extra. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ ```
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883 Chs
Eu sou uma Mãe Chefe que Quer Relaxar

Eu sou uma Mãe Chefe que Quer Relaxar

Todo mundo sabia que depois que a jovem Senhorita Shen foi abandonada por um homem selvagem, ela se tornou autoindulgente e engravidou sem se casar. Depois de ser expulsa de casa, ela caiu em desespero. A infame Shen Ruojing, no entanto, apareceu no banquete de aniversário da velha senhora da família Chu. Todos zombavam dela. "Os que enviam milhões em dinheiro de presente sentam-se em uma mesa, enquanto aqueles que enviam dezenas de milhões em dinheiro de presente sentam-se na outra." "Senhorita Shen, quanto você deu?" A multidão esperava que ela fizesse papel de boba, mas Shen Ruojing tirou um adorável menininho de trás de si e disse, "Com licença, Senhora, em qual mesa seu neto mais velho vai sentar?" *** Mãe e filho foram levados para a família Chu, e Shen Ruojing queria passar seus dias preguiçando, mas foi recebida com rejeição pela família de várias maneiras. "Temos hackers de primeira classe, mestres em música, especialistas em tecnologia... Todos são conhecidos nesta família. O que você traz?" Shen Ruojing coçou o queixo. "Bem, todas essas coisas que você mencionou... Eu sei um pouquinho de cada uma." Seus três adoráveis bebês ficaram ao seu lado e assentiram em uníssono, "Podemos testemunhar que a Mamãe realmente sabe um pouquinho de tudo!"
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870 Chs
La Compagne Rejetée d'Alpha Revient en tant que Reine

La Compagne Rejetée d'Alpha Revient en tant que Reine

« Je, Benson Walton, te rejette, Selma Payne, de devenir ma future Luna et compagne. « Si tu es sensée, tu trouveras un endroit tranquille pour mourir seule, au lieu de ternir la gloire de notre peuple. « Tu n'es qu'un vilain crapaud. Reste dans la boue tranquillement, et ne charge pas notre meute. » Le dix-neuvième anniversaire de Benson, il a découvert que nous étions des âmes sœurs destinées. Mais je ne m’attendais pas à ce qu’il préfère endurer une grande douleur plutôt que de m'accepter. Chaque mot qu'il prononçait s'écrasait directement dans mon cœur, et la douleur me faisait trembler de manière incontrôlable. J'ai appris que je n'étais pas l’enfant biologique de mes parents quand j'avais seize ans. Bien qu'ils me considéraient comme un ange qu'une cigogne leur avait apporté, cela ne changeait pas le fait que j'étais un petit humain faible. J’étais juste un œuf fragile qui tomberait en se faisant piquer, un perdant qui ne pouvait même pas voir le chemin sans l’aide du clair de lune. Mon existence apportait de la honte à mes parents, et à ma meute ! Peut-être aurais-je dû mourir dans les bois dès le début. Avec cette pensée en tête, j'ai décidé de leur rendre une meute pure et immaculée ce soir. Alors, j'ai sauté d'une falaise et pensais que je mourrais. Je n'aurais jamais imaginé être sauvée, et ma véritable identité s'est révélée être la seule fille du Roi Lycan qui avait été perdue il y a dix-huit ans. J'étais aussi l'héritière du trône ! Cela m’a beaucoup surpris. J'étais en fait un loup-garou ? Mais… Pourquoi étais-je si faible ? Était-ce juste une erreur ? Pour devenir une héritière qualifiée, j'ai caché mon identité et reçu une formation. Cependant, cet instructeur frivole qui était en charge de ma formation, pouvait-il vraiment m’aider à éveiller mon loup, ou profitait-il simplement de moi ? Au fur et à mesure que je devenais plus forte et que je devenais une figure publique, d'autres m'attaquaient et complotaient contre moi à de nombreuses reprises. Avaient-ils un lien avec ceux qui m'avaient enlevée toutes ces années auparavant ? Je dois les attraper ! Je protégerai ma famille, et mon amoureux !
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819 Chs
Uma jornada que mudou o mundo.

Uma jornada que mudou o mundo.

``` Archer Bennett—feliz com sua vida atual, é subitamente esfaqueado, perdendo tudo o que ama. Contudo, rapidamente descobre que a morte nem sempre é definitiva. Transmigrado para um mundo mágico—como uma criança chamada Arqueiro Ashguard—ele se vê abandonado. Perdido e sozinho, com habilidades mágicas misteriosas e potentes. Ele parte em uma aventura que às vezes é divertida, às vezes séria e cheia de garotas! Junte-se ao Archer em sua jornada lendária que mudará o mundo. Sem NTR, Yuri ou Estupro. ----------------------------------------------------- Se você quer me apoiar, compre um café - https://ko-fi.com/neganspalace Estarei fazendo edições constantes aqui e ali, melhorando a gramática e a história em geral. Arte de personagens no Discord. Dois capítulos por dia. 500 Pedras = 1 capítulo extra. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ ```
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810 Chs
General, tu esposa solicita que vuelvas a casa para la agricultura

General, tu esposa solicita que vuelvas a casa para la agricultura

—Su Xiaoxiao estaba tomando una siesta, pero abrió los ojos para descubrir que había transmigrado y ahora estaba en el cuerpo de una chica regordeta. De ser una digna doctora militar, se convirtió en una glotona y una holgazana. Además, solía aterrorizar a la gente del pueblo junto a su padre y su hermano. Por eso nadie en millas a la redonda estaba dispuesto a casarse con ella. Aunque su familia consiguió organizar un matrimonio con una familia ilustre, el novio huyó el día de la boda. Cuando su padre dijo que le iba a conseguir un marido, no esperaba que fuera literalmente, capturando a Wei Ting con un saco después de que él estuviera exhausto de luchar contra los bandidos. Su Cheng le sonrió misteriosamente a su hija. —Papá tiene buenas noticias y malas noticias. ¿Cuáles quieres oír primero? —Cualquiera. —He capturado un marido para ti. ¡Es cien veces más guapo que He Tongsheng! ¡Definitivamente te gustará! —Entonces, ¿cuál es la buena noticia? —preguntó ella en un aturdimiento. Su Cheng decidió seguir la corriente y cambió sus palabras. —La buena noticia es que ya no tienes que dar a luz más. ¡Mi yerno ya nos ha dado hijos! Después de casarse, Su Xiaoxiao llevó una vida ajetreada mejorando a su padre gangster y a su hermano menor, salvando la vida de su guapísimo marido y criando a sus tres traviesos… Además, inesperadamente, ¡se convirtió en una de las damas más poderosas de la Dinastía Yan!
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756 Chs
Monsieur, que diriez-vous d'un mariage ?

Monsieur, que diriez-vous d'un mariage ?

Au sommet de sa carrière, l'actrice de liste A, Song Ning, a annoncé son retrait de l'industrie du divertissement par amour, choquant la nation. Tout le monde pensait qu'elle avait dû trouver son foyer idéal. C'est pour cela qu'elle était si déterminée. Au début, Song Ning le pensait aussi. Pour le reste de sa vie, elle ne serait pas une célébrité. Elle serait seulement une femme vertueuse et dévouée qui prendrait soin de son mari et de ses enfants à la maison. Cependant, la nuit précédant leur mariage, elle a découvert que son fiancé avait une liaison avec sa meilleure amie. Enragée, Song Ning a trouvé un homme au hasard pour enregistrer leur mariage à l'entrée du Bureau des Affaires Civiles. Elle voulait initialement se venger de son fiancé pourri, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que l'homme avec qui elle a enregistré son mariage fut l'héritier du plus grand groupe financier du pays, Mu Chen. Après leur mariage, Mu Chen chérissait Song Ning et la protégeait de toutes les manières possibles. Il ne laissait personne la tourmenter. Song Ning a toujours pensé qu'elle serait heureuse pour le reste de sa vie et vivrait la meilleure vie qu'elle désirait. C'est vrai, elle l'a obtenu. C'était juste un peu différent de ce qu'elle avait imaginé au départ. La personne qui lui avait tout donné était quelqu'un d'autre. Des années plus tard… Song Ning regardait Mu Chen avec affection. "Je suis vraiment chanceuse. Merci à Dieu de t'avoir rencontré et de m'avoir sauvée de l'enfer." Mu Chen sourit faiblement. "Oui, remercions Dieu." Cependant, Song Ning ne saura jamais. Mu Chen ne parlait pas de remercier Dieu de lui avoir permis de rencontrer Song Ning. Il remerciait Dieu d'avoir fait en sorte que le fiancé de Song Ning la trompe, pour qu'il puisse avoir sa chance. Il n'y avait pas de rencontre accidentelle. C'était juste une poursuite préméditée. Ce jour-là, il avait attendu Song Ning à l'extérieur du Bureau des Affaires Civiles pendant dix heures…
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654 Chs
La femme que j'ai ramassée est trop féroce

La femme que j'ai ramassée est trop féroce

Lorsque Feng Qing est née, elle a été vendue à un couple de la montagne à cause de la négligence de l'hôpital. Seize ans plus tard, ses parents biologiques l'ont ramenée à la maison depuis un petit village de montagne, elle pensait que sa vie serait meilleure, mais ce n'était pas le cas. Non seulement elle n'a pas reçu d'amour de la part de ses parents, sa sœur de substitution l'a rendue aveugle. Finalement, ses parents l'ont mariée à un vieil homme dans la cinquantaine. Le jour de son mariage, Feng Qing s'est échappée de l'hôtel poursuivie par une ribambelle de gardes du corps. Dans une situation critique, elle a grimpé dans la voiture noire garée en bord de route. Sur la banquette arrière de la voiture se tenait un homme séduisant où la froideur impitoyable était un élément constant sur son visage. Il avait l'air de quelqu'un avec qui on ne pouvait pas plaisanter. Feng Qing tapota ses petites mains sales. "Alors, monsieur, j'ai remarqué que la solitude se lit sur votre visage. Que diriez-vous d'avoir une épouse qui se présente maintenant à vous ?" Xie Jiuhan était communément appelé le Neuvième Maître. Il était le seigneur de la Capitale et avait une personnalité imprévisible. Il était têtu et impitoyable. Les femmes de la haute société dans la Capitale ont utilisé tous les moyens, mais aucune d'entre elles n'a même approché l'ourlet des vêtements du Maître Neuvième. À partir de ce jour, des rumeurs ont commencé à se répandre dans la Capitale. Le Neuvième Maître, qui se tenait d'ordinaire à l'écart des femmes, élevait une petite épouse dans son manoir et la gâtait à l'extrême. Maître Neuvième : "Ma femme est trop faible pour prendre soin d'elle-même." Le docteur : "Alors, qui est cette dame qui a brisé la rotule de quelqu'un d'un seul coup de pied ?" Maître Neuvième : "Ma femme a vécu dans des villages, elle n'est pas bonne dans ses études." Les étudiants de l'Université Capitale : "Votre femme obtient toujours la première place dans chaque examen. Si elle n'est pas bonne dans ses études, que sommes-nous ? Des débiles ?" Maître Neuvième : "Ma femme est extrêmement timide. Elle n'a pas rencontré beaucoup de grands pontes ou de figures marquantes." Le public : "S'il vous plaît, taisez-vous !" L'autorité de premier plan en médecine, les professeurs de sciences et les réalisateurs internationaux célèbres faisaient la queue devant votre maison, suppliants de la voir ! Oui, votre femme n'avait pas rencontré de grands pontes ou de figures marquantes auparavant parce qu'elle était la figure la plus marquante ici.
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654 Chs
Sick Beauty, Hua Que Que
1 answer
2025-01-06 15:36
One of Hua Queque's novels was called " Sick Beauty." This novel described the story between a sickly beauty and an affectionate male protagonist. Even though there were some minor sadistic plots, it was a touching modern romance novel overall.
Did Zhang Te Te and Du Xiaoleng appear in this novel?
1 answer
2024-09-20 14:26
"Spring Like Snow" is a short story written by the author, Whale Life. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Some people said that transmigration was very cool! There were also people who said that they would be reborn! Gold and iron horses, chess and life. However, it was a pity for Zhang Miaoyi to do it again. The meaning of the heavy spring finger was that Zhang Miaoyi was reborn in another world, but he was living like a living being, trapped in the deep snow and unable to come out. Every time he climbed out of the snow pit, he would be covered in snow, and his heart would freeze! ---------------------------- The Little Husband of the Tang Dynasty was a historical novel written by the author, Keng Huo. The general plot of this novel was: His soul had passed through the Great Tang and become the second son of the famous Prime Minister Du Ruhui. But before he could adapt to his new identity, he was told that his father, Du Ruhui, had died. Du He looked at the huge Duchy Mansion and thought of his future encounters. He was confused! He did not know what to do. Could he rely on that broken system? After a period of self-struggle, Du He's journey of seeking death had begun? ---------------------------- Autumn Wind Attacks People was a modern romance novel written by Zhang Yizheng and Huang Ping. The general plot of this novel was: Du Juan was a female reporter who could clearly distinguish between love and hate. The car accident of his grandfather, whom he had not contacted for many years, led to one mystery after another. Was his grandfather's death an accident? If not, then who was the murderer? Suspects were found and denied one after another. At the same time, her long-lost boyfriend also reappeared in her life. All of this was inextricably linked to the Grand Metropolis Hotel. Therefore, the author brought you through careful logic, meticulous reasoning, unexpected actions, and layers of silk to reveal the secrets hidden in everyone's heart. The truth that you think you see may not be the truth. The truth would put on this or that kind of coat, sometimes revealing itself, and sometimes hiding itself. Although the truth was cruel, it revealed the distortion of human nature and the greatness of human nature, the fall of human nature and the recovery of human nature. ---------------------------- " Rebirth After Poison: The Rise of an Orphan from a Noble Family " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Dumb and Dumb. The general plot of this novel was: Du Yujin sacrificed everything for her husband, but in exchange for a cup of poisoned wine and endless darkness. Before she died, she realized who loved her the most. After her rebirth, she decided to live a different life and let those who had harmed her live in pain forever! Tian family gossip: It was rumored that Prince Ning was cold and did not get close to women, but he was defeated by a woman. One day, the servant boy reported to him,"Your Highness, Miss Du was bullied by the Fourth Miss of the Du Family." Prince Ning said,"The next day, the face of the fourth daughter of the Du family was covered with terrifying red spots." "Your Highness, Miss Du has been poisoned by the Miao people." Wang Ye: The next day, someone actually cured Miss Du of the poison, but a certain Wang Ye's hand was strangely wrapped in a white cloth. ---------------------------- Du Ruo Heng Wu was an ancient romance novel written by the author. The general plot of this novel was: In her previous life, Du Ruo was a yes-man and listened to others in everything, but in the end, she ended up in a miserable state. After her rebirth, Du Ruo carefully avoided all the dangers that the Du family might encounter, but she did not expect to walk into another net step by step. A certain someone narrowed his eyes." Third Brother? Who is Little Lady calling?" "…You!" ---------------------------- " Shocking Concubines " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Langzi Fuyun. The general plot of this novel was: Du Shu's heart broke down when she transmigrated from a genius doctor to a lonely star. No way! She outwitted her scheming mother, stepped on her white lotus sister, and punched her viper-like cousin. Her life was endless. If she accidentally touched Sikong Muhan, this anomaly, he would chase and kill her. She would hide, he would seek; she would retreat, he would advance. Could she still live a good life… Du Shu, the Second Miss of the Defender General's Mansion, was good at stealing. Sikong Muhan, the third prince of the Tianyan Kingdom, had a strange personality and was cold and emotionless. He had a special liking for the female lead. ---------------------------- " Three Realms of Snow " was a novel written by the author, Zhang Yulei. The general plot of this novel was: A strong and brave young girl, carrying the mission of saving the entire clan, embarked on the difficult journey of becoming a disciple. However, she was gradually involved in a series of grudges…Smiling at the wind and clouds, smiling at the various situations of life, gradually growing up and maturing... ---------------------------- " The Little Lady of Du Family " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Mo Ran. The general plot of this novel was: Du Shiniang, the butcher from the east of the city, had nine muscular brothers. The Liu family, the nouveau riche in the south of the city, had finally obtained Liu Dalang, the only seedling. When Liu Dalang met Du Shiniang. The show was about to begin! Du Shiyang: You have to start from a baby to train a delicate bag! Liu Dalang was speechless. ---------------------------- " Big Boss Always Wants to Be Cute to Me " was a mystery detective novel written by Fat Rabbit Who Sold Wolves. The general plot of this novel was: One day, Du Baishuang obtained a strange little ball. Later on, she was tricked by the little ball and signed a contract to sell herself. But who could tell her what was in front of her? Some strange-looking things... The introduction ended, but don't take it seriously. In fact, the real situation was that Du Baishuang, who had a heart disease, ran into the terrifying world of escape and died! ---------------------------- " The Strongest Prince Consort of the Great Tang " was a historical novel written by the author Ling Yu. The general plot of this novel was: When he woke up, his soul had entered the Great Tang. The tragic Second Young Master Du was faced with two choices at the beginning of the game. He had to follow the path of history and marry the princess. A few years later, he would be killed by Li Er. He had to refuse the imperial edict and not be Li Er's son-in-law. He would face a serious crime. Second Young Master Du, who had lost his power, refused Second Young Master Li's imperial edict and was demoted to guard the gate of Youzhou City. Youzhou City fell, and the people suffered. At the crucial moment, Du He arrived and single-handedly turned the tide, forcing back the fifty thousand Turkic vanguard. He fought a bloody battle and became famous in one battle. They would conquer the Turks, sweep the north, defeat Koryo, and return the people of the Great Tang a peaceful and stable living environment…
Luan Feng Hua Que Que novel
1 answer
2025-01-09 14:03
Luan Feng Hua Que Que was a novel written by Hua Que Que. This novel described the story of an arrogant and despotic Princess Hua Yang. She met a young man and tried to pursue him. However, the young Langjun did not agree at first, but was later taken away by the princess. This novel seemed to be based on the theme of power, sex, seduction, and robbery, and it involved some emotional and sexual content.
Chang 'an Chunhua Que Que Princess Huayang
1 answer
2025-01-07 19:19
Princess Chunhua Que Que Hua Yang of Chang 'an referred to Chunhua Que and Princess Hua Yang of Chang' an City in the Tang Dynasty. The Spring Water Palace was a building in Chang 'an City, a symbol of respect. Princess Huayang was the daughter of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Her tomb was located in Chang 'an. As for the specific information about Princess Chunhua Que Hua Yang of Chang 'an, the search results provided by this article did not contain any relevant content, so it was impossible to give an exact answer.
Hua Que Que, Princess Xuan Hua
1 answer
2024-12-18 20:22
The main characters of Hua Queque's novel,"The Eldest Princess 'Little Lover (1v1)" were Xuan Hua and Lu Heng. This novel was a high-level novel with excellent writing. It told a beautiful and pure love story. The latest chapter of the novel was verse 38, which described Eldest Princess Xuanhua's anger and dissatisfaction at Lu Heng's victory. Xuan Hua had raised a male pet in the backyard for three years, but Lu Heng had won the top scorer in one fell swoop. Xuan Hua had decided to chase him out of the residence. Lu Heng returned to Luoyang after three years as an official. At the palace banquet, Xuan Hua looked at Lu Heng's face and recalled the scene of him being tied to the bed. Hua Queque's novel was loved and recommended by the readers.
What did the Tao Te Ching say? Who was the Tao Te Ching originally written for? Is reading the Tao Te Ching useful to us? Why was the Tao Te Ching so difficult to understand?
1 answer
2024-09-20 19:41
Tao Te Ching was a philosophical work written by the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. Its content included ethics, morality, politics, military affairs, and other aspects. It was considered one of the most important classics in the history of Chinese philosophy. The Tao Te Ching was originally written for Laozi, his disciples, and other philosophers to help them think and understand the world and life. The content of this book is very profound and requires the reader to have a certain amount of philosophical, religious, and cultural background knowledge. Otherwise, it may be difficult to understand. The Tao Te Ching is very useful to us. It can help us better understand ourselves and the world and improve our self-awareness and EQ. At the same time, the Tao Te Ching also provides some profound moral principles and philosophical ideas that play an important role in guiding our actions and decisions in our daily lives. The reason why Tao Te Ching was so difficult to understand was that the content of this book covered many aspects, including nature, the universe, life, morality, and so on. Moreover, Lao Tzu's philosophy and language were very unique and profound. In addition, the original text of the Tao Te Ching was written in classical Chinese, which made it easier for readers who were not familiar with classical Chinese to have difficulty understanding it.
The essence of the Tao Te Ching?
1 answer
2025-03-16 17:57
The Tao Te Ching was an important philosophical classic in ancient China, known as the source of Taoism. Its core ideas mainly include the following aspects: Rule by inaction: advocate that rulers should give up excessive intervention and manipulation and let the market and nature regulate themselves to achieve social harmony and stability. 2. Taoism follows nature: It stresses that humans should conform to nature, respect the laws of nature, and take nature as their teacher to reach a higher realm. The core idea of the Tao Te Ching was that Tao was the essence and law of the universe. He believed that Tao was supreme and could transcend all thoughts and actions. 4. Virtue is also obtained: emphasizing the importance of morality, believing that only with noble moral character can one obtain true happiness and achievements. 5. The weak change: It is emphasized that human beings should learn to adapt to changes from the perspective of the weak and play to their own advantages to realize their self-worth. The essence of Tao Te Ching was to emphasize respect for nature, compliance with laws, pursuit of self-transcendence, and the importance of morality and self-improvement. These ideas had a profound influence on the ideology and culture of not only China but also the world.
Is Te Ata a true story?
1 answer
2024-10-10 11:56
Te Ata is indeed a true story. It showcases the life and experiences of the person it's based on with authenticity. Minor artistic liberties might have been taken for cinematic purposes, but the core is true.
Is the story of Te Fiti true?
1 answer
2024-10-05 04:32
Te Fiti's story is purely fictional. It comes from the imagination of the creators and is not related to any actual reality or historical occurrence.
The author of Tao Te Ching is
1 answer
2024-09-20 19:40
The author of Tao Te Ching was Lao Tzu, one of the founders of Taoism in the Spring and Autumn Period of China. His representative work was Tao Te Ching. Lao Tzu's ideology emphasized the concept of Tao, believing that the root of all things in the universe lies in Tao, and Tao is the origin and foundation of the universe. His thoughts and theories had a profound impact on Chinese philosophy, culture, and religion.