Hawk had been tormenting me as long as I could remember.
I was a young mage and my power was still growing. But they thrust me under his watch in the service to our Warlord. And damn him for enjoying every moment he can torment me.
Every time I think my power strong enough to challenge him, he finds new ways to torture me.
He's told me that I'm his little prey and he'll be kinder when I succumb to him but I've vowed to never let the overbearing, insufferable cad put a hand on my bare skin.
It's a battle of wills and wits. He may be more clever but I'm certainly more stubborn!
But one thing I've learned about Hawk, never underestimate his conniving...I should've known better than to challenge him.
After all, he's made a name for himself by his skill in Managing Mages.
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10 Chs
In a dimension unlike our own the earth and the galaxy has by magical means grew 8 times larger. In this earth magical and non magical creatures of all kinds live together in complete and utter confusion. The story resides around a person who lost his former friends and he is gonna revenge them with his other friends.
Disclaimer: If I misrepresent any of your favorite magical creatures, please read my book with a grain of salt and all creatures that appear in my book don't belong to me, they all belong to their owners.
I hope you enjoy and have lots of fun reading.
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4 Chs
Kristina adalah seorang gadis yang berasal dari Korea dan lama tinggal di Oslo, usiannya dua puluh dua tahun. Gadis berprestasi dan memiliki banyak talenta saat ini ia tak tinggal bersama kedua orang tuanya, Kristina terjebak di sebuah negeri asing yang bahkan dirinya tak tau di mana keinginannya untuk pulang semakin kuat saat merasakan bahaya terus mengancamnya, apalagi ia kepilih sebagai penerus tahta yang sama sekali gak dia inginkan.
Toska adalah calon raja terpilih yang akan mendampingi Kristina dan segera melakukan kenaikan tahta di kerajaan Mago, Toska sendiri berasal dari negeri seberang yang kerajaannya tak jauh dari kerajaan Mago.
Marda adalah seorang ratu tapi dirinya tak terlihat seperti seorang ratu ia lebih senang berada di luar istana daripada ada di dalam istana, Marda juga tak seperti kebanyakan ratu dikerajaan lain, Marda selalu melindungi rakyat dengan cara tak biasa sampai-sampai ia memilih penerus tahtanya dari kalangan manusia biasa.
Goerge adalah seorang pangeran yang tidak diakui keberadaannya dan mencoba membalaskan dendamnya pada calon penerus kerajaan Mago, Goerge tak pernah mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya.
Mago merupakan kerajaan yang dibangun dengan dinding berkekuatan sihir Mago sendiri berdiri dari abad ke empat sejak Marda dilahirkan, Marda yang sebenarnya bukan penerus dari ahli waris tahta yang sesungguhnya Marda terpaksa diangkat menjadi Ratu karena adanya kudeta. Marda juga memiliki beberapa saudara laki-laki namun ada diantara mereka yang tidak menyukainya, akhirnya persaudaraan mereka pecah dan membuat Goerge diasingkan oleh Ibu Suri. Marda sadar bahwa kekuasaan dirinya akan runtuh dan dirinya belum memiliki keturunan resmi, Sang Ratu sangat memikirkan bagaimana masa depan kerajaan Mago dan mencari sosok Ratu baru yang berasal dari kalangan manusia. Marda memahami banyak hal yang seharusnya bangsa manusia dan serpent tak sepantasnya bersanding tetapi Marda pun memikirkan risikonya, dengan memilih Kristina sebagai Ratu baru kerajaan Mago. Tadinya Kristina hanya menganggap sebuah kebetulan saja ia berada di sana karena seingatnya ia tersesat di hutan dan masuk dalam sebuah pintu mantra Labirin. Kristina dibentuk dan dibimbing sedemikian rupa agar layak menjadi seorang Ratu bahkan Marda sendiri yang melatih serta mengajarkannya banyak ilmu, dan dari sanalah Kristina menjadi Ratu yang di segani oleh banyak orang walau begitu ia tetap manusia biasa yang memiliki kekurangan.
Kristina kira perjalanannya bukan tanpa alasan rupanya Marda telah menyiapkan dirinya sebagai Ratu dan itu langsung mendapat penolakan dari Kristina, sebagai manusia Kristina tak mampu menjalankan semuanya tetapi ia juga telah memiliki banyak kemampuan yang membuat para pemberontak enggan berurusan dengannya. Marda sengaja memberi tahu lebih awal agar tak ada kesalahpahaman di masa mendatang namun itu malah menjadi boomerang untuk dirinya sendiri, permasalahannya tak sampai di sana saja ketika peperang terjadi Marda menunjuk Kristina sebagai pemimpin yang padahal Kristina belum siap untuk memimpin. Kristina telah membuktikan bahwa dirinya layak menjadi Ratu bagi Mago dengan memenangkan perang tetapi ternyata Goerge tak semudah itu menyerah dan memiliki rencana baru untuk menggulingkan Marda, Marda merasa bahwa Kristina butuh sosok lain yang selalu membantunya dan sosok itu bisa menjaga Kristina. Marda menikahkan Kristina dan Toska yang juga merupakan calon Raja dikerajaannya, dan lagi Goerge kembali menyerang. Pemberontakan terjadi lagi bagi Goerge itu tak akan pernah berakhir selama kekuasaan ada ditangan yang salah, namun sekali lagi Kristina memenangkan pertempuran itu. Kristina merasa cintanya pada Toska terlalu besar sehingga pada saat ia kembali ke tempat asalnya rindunya terlalu membuncah dan itu membuat Kristina menginginkan Toska ada di dekatnya, pada saat keduanya kembali dipertemukan Kristina tak bisa menahan rasa rindunya dan keduanya hidup bahagia selamanya.
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51 Chs
Magical Marriage
A girl that just wanted a normal life has an unexpected turn will she make it out alive or die in the process...
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7 Chs
Agent Mage
Thousands of raging waves were rolled up in this troubled world. ...
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2 Chs
magic ✨
first me
magic I feel
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4 Chs
Earning a good
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6 Chs
Just a piece of writing for fun, don't expect great grammar cause I suck at English but, I'll try to make my sentences make sense......
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4 Chs
Magic, full of wonders and mystery.
Magic was used in the past but it was hidden in the world for decades, now new heroes will rise to fight Mages that are using magic to take over a country.
As the adventure continues so is the dangers that awaits the heroes.
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40 Chs
Master Mages Marriage
Rewarded for his contributions in the war, Nikolai Morales moved his small family to the border lands the Emperor granted him. As the youngest War Mage in the Imperial Army, Nikolai is caught in the middle of a power struggle as princes vie for succession.
The war may be over, but the Empire has been shaken and to many he is but a pawn for the powerful, his abilities and reputation the key to solidifying their power base.
His parent’s worry and in a bid to secure his future they look for an alliance with one of the great ancient Houses of the Empire, but not just anyone can match someone of his stature and the young woman dispatched to become his fiancée is a knight of the highest order.
Will politics get in the way of love?
Or will two people find a spark to protect themselves and maybe a nation in the process?
It’s time for the Master Mages Marriage.
The Maggi controversy full story is about food safety concerns. There were reports that Maggi noodles contained high levels of lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Lead can cause various health problems, especially in children, like developmental issues. The news spread quickly and led to a widespread ban. Consumers lost trust in the brand. Nestlé had to fight hard to regain that trust. They carried out extensive research and quality checks. After ensuring that the product met all safety standards, they relaunched Maggi. However, the whole episode is a prime example of how food safety issues can severely damage a well - established brand's reputation.
The tagline 'pulp fiction' is significant as it gives a sense of the kind of story. 'Pulp fiction' often refers to cheaply produced, mass - market stories that are full of action, crime, and colorful characters. In the context of the movie 'Pulp Fiction', it sets the tone for the wild, non - linear, and often gritty tales of crime and redemption that are presented.
One key aspect was the alleged presence of too much lead. Lead in food is a serious matter as it can lead to health problems like nerve damage. Another aspect was the MSG content which some people considered unhealthy. The resulting bans in multiple countries were also a big part of it. These bans made the brand look bad and scared consumers away.
Keep it simple. A simple tagline is easy to understand and remember. For instance, 'Success through hard work' is straightforward and gets the point across.
A great tagline for success stories should be concise yet powerful. It should capture the essence of the success in a few words. For example, 'Overcoming all odds' can be a great tagline as it immediately gives the idea that the success was achieved despite many difficulties.
A good tagline for a novel should be memorable and give a hint of what's to come. It could be a question, a bold statement, or a teasing description. Play around with different ideas until you find one that clicks.
The news story tagline is a brief but powerful description that accompanies the headline. It's significant because it can draw in the audience, provide a snapshot of the story's core, and create interest or urgency to know more.