
caos libro

Sistema Devorador del Caos

Sistema Devorador del Caos

En una línea temporal futura... El mundo entero experimentó un cambio desafiante del cielo cuando el planeta Tierra fue desplazado forzosamente de la Galaxia Vía Láctea a otra Galaxia por algunas fuerzas desconocidas. Una Nueva Galaxia completamente fuera de su más salvaje imaginación. Un nuevo tipo de energía cósmica conocida como Mana invadió la Tierra, transformando su misma esencia mientras el mundo presenciaba cómo su norma regular se hacía añicos. La energía cósmica entró en el cuerpo humano mientras despertaba a la fuerza nuevos genes en ellos que una vez se pensaron que eran un mito. Las reglas del mundo fueron cambiadas a la fuerza convirtiéndose en un lugar donde sólo importaba volverse más fuerte y sólo aquellos con los genes más poderosos eran dignos de respeto. La fuerza de la humanidad creció y también lo hizo su curiosidad, haciendo que emergieran de la Tierra y exploraran el nuevo universo, pero quedaron impactados por lo que vieron. Poderosas razas alienígenas que estaban mucho más allá de ellos en tecnología y comprensión del Mana, existencias que devoran mundos, mundos inexplorados y cosmos. Este Universo era simplemente ilimitado y la palabra "imposible" no existe. La historia sigue a un joven llamado Zeras Celestria, un descendiente de una de las Nueve Familias que fue considerado basura y vendido a una fuerza oscura que usa humanos para experimentos, debido a su incapacidad para despertar el poderoso Gen Martillo Relámpago de Grado A de la familia Celestria, y en su lugar despertó el degradado gen de cabello de colores múltiples de grado F. Arrojado a un montón de cuerpos muertos que fueron considerados fracasos experimentales y la vida se escapaba lentamente de él. Zeras apretó los dientes con fuerza mientras un loco gusto por la venganza centelleaba en la profundidad de sus ojos, pero también con un matiz de impotencia. Eso fue hasta que... —Felicidades. —Huésped ha sido bendecido por el Caos. —Huésped ha despertado con éxito el Gen Devorador de Caos de grado SSS. Armado con un Gen de grado SSS y una voluntad inquebrantable de venganza. Zeras se embarcó en un camino para convertirse en el más fuerte y dominar el ilimitado universo. Un camino en el que muchos se embarcaron pero ninguno tuvo éxito. -- -- -- Una Escena Futura... —Mira en mis ojos, ¿qué ves...? —Un joven, con cabellos blancos como la nieve más pura, labios más rojos que la sangre y un rostro esculpido por la perfección misma. Pero esos ojos, no, no podrían llamarse así... En lugar de eso, eran un agujero negro sin fin de... —Veo Muerte, Locura, Dolor, Y... —Sí, Soy La Última Encarnación del Caos... -- -- -- Calendario de Actualizaciones: Actualización diaria. Mínimo de tres capítulos por día. -- -- -- [También echa un vistazo a Mi Segunda Novela, Ascenso Del Soldado Hueco de la Muerte.]
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762 Chs
Sistema Devorador de Caos

Sistema Devorador de Caos

``` Em um futuro distante... O mundo todo passou por uma mudança desafiadora do céu, enquanto a Terra era forçosamente deslocada da Galáxia da Via Láctea para outra Galáxia por algumas forças desconhecidas. Uma Nova Galáxia completamente fora de sua mais selvagem imaginação. Um novo tipo de energia cósmica conhecida como Mana invadiu a Terra, transformando sua própria essência enquanto o mundo testemunhava sua norma regular despedaçada em pedaços. A energia cósmica entrou no corpo humano à medida que despertava forçosamente novos genes neles que antes eram considerados um mito. As regras do mundo foram forçosamente mudadas, pois tornou-se um lugar onde apenas ficar mais forte importava e apenas aqueles com os genes mais poderosos eram dignos de respeito. A força da humanidade cresceu e também sua curiosidade, fazendo-os sair da Terra e explorar o novo universo, mas eles ficaram chocados com o que viram. Raças alienígenas poderosas que estavam muito além deles em tecnologia e compreensão da Mana, existências devoradoras de mundos, mundos inexplorados e cosmos. Este Universo era simplesmente ilimitado e a palavra "impossível" não existe. A história segue um jovem chamado Zeras Celestria, um descendente de uma das Nove Famílias que foi considerado lixo e vendido a uma força obscura que usa humanos para experimentos, devido à sua incapacidade de despertar o poderoso Gene Martelo Relâmpago A-Grade da família Celestria, e em vez disso despertou o desprezível gene de cabelo multicolorido grau F. Jogado em uma pilha de corpos mortos considerados falhas experimentais e a vida lentamente se esvaindo dele. Zeras apertou os dentes com força enquanto um gosto louco por vingança cintilava no fundo de seus olhos, mas também com um toque de desamparo. Até que... "Parabéns." "Hospedeiro foi abençoado pelo Caos." "Hospedeiro despertou com sucesso o Gene Devorar Caos SSS-Grade." Armado com um Gene SSS-Grade e uma vontade indomável de vingança. Zeras embarcou em um caminho para se tornar o mais forte e dominar o universo ilimitado. Um caminho que muitos trilharam, mas nenhum jamais teve sucesso. -- -- -- Uma Cena Futura... "Olhe nos meus olhos, o que você vê..." Um jovem, com cabelos brancos como a neve mais pura, lábios mais vermelhos que o sangue, e um rosto esculpido pela perfeição em si. Mas esses olhos, não, eles não podiam ser chamados assim... Eram em vez disso um buraco negro sem fim de... "Eu vejo Morte, Loucura, Dor, E..." "Sim, Eu sou a Última Encarnação do Caos..." -- -- -- Agenda de Atualização: Atualização diária. Mínimo de três capítulos por dia. -- -- -- [Confira também o Meu Novo Livro: Crônicas Abissais: Renascimento nas Ruínas] ```
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729 Chs
Supreme Caos System

Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!
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160 Chs
Luzes de Sereia, Câmera, Caos! SEREIA FORA D'ÁGUA

Luzes de Sereia, Câmera, Caos! SEREIA FORA D'ÁGUA

[Conteúdo Maduro, Sem Estupro, Protagonista Feminina Doce/Fofa] Uma bela sereia foi repentinamente lançada em um estranho novo mundo por causa de uma profecia que ela não entendia. Sua linda cauda de sereia em tons de azul e índigo foi transformada em pernas humanas e ela foi forçada a chegar à superfície sem nenhuma orientação, completamente sem noção de como sobreviver. Acompanhe a doce jornada de Naia enquanto ela lentamente compreendia mais sobre o mundo humano e o que precisava fazer, afetando várias vidas humanas pelo caminho. É que... em algumas viradas estranhas dos acontecimentos, ela se viu mergulhando na indústria do entretenimento. Sua beleza e talento a permitiram desfilar para se tornar um nome conhecido em todas as casas com um ímpeto sem precedentes, deixando um rastro de admiradores de alta qualidade por onde passava. É que esses homens... eram tão úteis quanto problemáticos. Como isso poderia afetar sua missão? [Aviso: Protagonista Feminina Ingênua (no início), mas que se desenvolverá como mulher independente até o arco 2] *** A capa e as imagens são das adoráveis e incríveis senhoritas Lotuslin e RainhaFrieza~!
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153 Chs
Luces de Sirena, ¡Cámara, Caos! SIRENA FUERA DEL AGUA

Luces de Sirena, ¡Cámara, Caos! SIRENA FUERA DEL AGUA

[Contenido Maduro, Sin Violaciones, FL Dulce/Encantadora] Una hermosa sirena fue repentinamente arrojada a un extraño nuevo mundo debido a alguna profecía que no llegaba a entender. Su hermoso tale azur e índigo de sirena se transformó en piernas humanas y fue forzada a salir a la superficie sin ninguna guía, completamente desorientada en cómo sobrevivir. Sigue el dulce viaje de Naia mientras poco a poco va comprendiendo más sobre el mundo humano y lo que necesita hacer, afectando diversas vidas humanas en el camino. Es solo que... en algunos extraños giros de los acontecimientos, se encontró sumergiéndose en la industria del entretenimiento. Su belleza y talento le permitieron irrumpir y convertirse en un nombre familiar con un impulso sin precedentes, dejando tras de sí una estela de admiradores de alta calidad. Es solo que estos hombres... eran tan útiles como problemáticos. ¿Cómo podría afectar esto a su misión? [Advertencia: FL ingenua (al principio) pero se desarrollará como una mujer independiente para el arco 2] *** La portada y las imágenes son de las encantadoras y geniales damas Lotuslin y ReinaFrieza~!
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153 Chs


Ito po ay compilation ko po ng mga sinulat ko, sana po ay magustuhan nyo!? God bless you all!? Meron din po nyan sa Wattpad.
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101 Chs
El villano es un control esponjoso [Llevando un libro]

El villano es un control esponjoso [Llevando un libro]

Género: Transmigración-Cultivo Trama: Nuestro shou muere en el mundo moderno y cuando abre los ojos, resulta que transmigro a una novela de cultivo. Pero no como humano, sino como un monstruo espiritual, es decir, un zorro de varias colas. Para sobrevivir en tan extraño mundo, y sabiendo que el villano es un loco psicopata oscuro y despiadado, decide abrazar los muslos del protagonista y quedarse con él. En una gran muchedumbre de cultivadores, ve a un niño guapo, con todas las características de un protagonista, y se lanza sobre él para convertirse en su mascota espiritual...Tarde se da cuenta que se equivocó de persona y abrazó al villano . Desde ese momento está unido al villano, y decide hacer todo lo posible para que este joven hermoso y talentoso no se ponga negro y destruya el mundo. Son muy divertidas las escenas de cuando están juntos, muy interesante la historia de vida del villano, muy tierna la relación que se irá formando entre ambos...y muy, muy recomendable el romance cuando el villano descubra que su mascota espiritual puede transformarse en un humano 0.0
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100 Chs
El papel secundario en el libro renace

El papel secundario en el libro renace

A Jiang Chengyi le inyectaron drogas y murió, pero sabía que los periódicos de mañana definitivamente solo informarían sobre la muerte de famosas estrellas de cine por sobredosis de drogas. Realmente no entendía que tenía apariencia, calificaciones y fuerza, pero en este lugar en la industria del entretenimiento, ¿por qué ni siquiera Han Tian, ​​que nació como extra, podría compararse? Han Tian, ​​esa persona robó el papel que se suponía que debía desempeñar, su gerente y su prometida, y la trampa lo arruinó y perdió a Yu Rui. Al final, fue tan fácil. Sin apretar, mátalo con ¡una sonrisa! No fue hasta después de su muerte que Jiang Chengyi supo que solo era un papel secundario en un libro, y ese libro contaba la historia de una base que eventualmente se convirtió en el padrino de la industria del entretenimiento. Una vez más, nunca volverá a ser esa trágica carne de cañón y apreciará a la persona que siempre ha estado a su lado. ¡Y lo más importante, por supuesto, es la venganza! El papel secundario en el semental renace, la historia del protagonista en la trama de lucha y el protagonista que perturbó la fundación por cierto ~ Antecedentes en la industria del entretenimiento, CP: Jiang Chengyi X Yu Rui Etiqueta de contenido : Renacimiento, círculo de entretenimiento, debilidad por la venganza, palabras clave de búsqueda de venganza: protagonista: Jiang Chengyi, Yu Rui ┃ papel secundario: Han Tian, ​​​​Jiang Heng, Mo Yuting ┃ Otros: papeles secundarios, renacimiento, entretenimiento
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94 Chs
Pequeño fuego: El libro del conocimiento

Pequeño fuego: El libro del conocimiento

¿Animal? ¿Mascota? ¿Humana? Katherina jamas pensó que después de un accidente aéreo se encontrara en una situación tan compleja y sin saber que esperar para el día siguiente. Ahora ella se encuentra en un mundo nuevo ambientado en la época prehistórica, ella intentara junto con sus conocimientos lograr tener una buena vida y poder regresar a su mundo.
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93 Chs
Amor Tormentoso (Libro II)

Amor Tormentoso (Libro II)

TRILOGÍA CHOCOLATE (LIBRO II) Segunda Parte de la novela "Un Amor De Chocolate". Antthony Archer y Gabriel Sensi se aman con locura, sin embargo Mefis nunca les permitirá concretar ese amor debido a que Anthony le.pertenece solo a él. A su vez Gabriel tiene un oscuro secreto que lo atormenta. Si llegase a ser descubierto perdería a su amado Anthony para siempre. Cuando amar no bas
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57 Chs
The literary works of the Three Caos?
1 answer
2024-09-17 13:38
The Three Caos referred to Cao Cao and his sons Cao Pi and Cao Zhi during the Three Kingdoms period. All three of them were literary masters who had a profound influence on the development of Chinese literature. Cao Cao's literary works were mainly poems. His famous works included "Watching the Sea,""Short Songs,""Longevity of the Turtle," and so on. Cao Pi's literary works were mainly prose and poetry. His famous works included Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng and White Horse. Cao Zhi's literary works were mainly poems. His famous works included "Farewell to the Ancient Grass" and "Ode to the Luo God". The literary works of the Three Caos were known as one of the treasures of ancient Chinese literature for their superb artistic skills, profound thoughts and unique styles.
What are some of the stories presented in 'El Libro de la Vida'?
1 answer
2024-09-27 20:26
The book contains stories such as those of heroic quests, magical encounters, and personal growth. They all contribute to the overall charm and depth of 'El Libro de la Vida'.
Who were the ancient Chinese writers called the Three Caos?
1 answer
2024-09-25 08:23
Ancient Chinese writers were called the Three Caos, which referred to Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi. The three Cao's were all famous writers during the Three Kingdoms period, known as the " literary masters." Cao Cao's poetry style was magnificent and magnificent, mostly describing war, politics and military life; Cao Pi's literary style focused on speculation and reasoning, and his representative works included "Preface to Emperor Wen Zuwen" and "White Horse Chapter"; Cao Zhi's poetry was mainly based on literature. His poems were fresh and natural, expressing his pursuit of freedom and love. The works of the Three Caos had a profound influence on Chinese literature and were regarded as classics in the history of Chinese literature.
What was a fantasy novel with Caos as the female lead? It had to be calm, not have a cheat, and have elements of hegemony? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-04 17:50
This book was The Mysteries: The Queen and the Chariot. The characters included the female protagonist, Caos, the male supporting character, Amon, the male supporting character, Klein, the Lord of the Mysteries, the King of Spacetime, the Beacon of Fate, the Incarnation of Sefirah Castle, the ruler of the spirit world, and the female supporting character, Amanisis. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "Mysteries: The Queen and the Chariot" by Sun Xiaogui. It is a fantasy/otherworldly novel. It has the elements of calmness, no golden fingers, and hegemony. It has been completed and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: Collect.] I hope you will like this book.
What was a fantasy novel with Caos as the main character? It had to be calm, have no golden fingers, and have elements of hegemony? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-05 23:09
This book was The Mysteries: The Queen and the Chariot. The characters included the female protagonist, Caos, the male supporting character, Amon, the male supporting character, Klein, the Lord of the Mysteries, the King of Spacetime, the Beacon of Fate, the Incarnation of Sefirah Castle, the ruler of the spirit world, and the female supporting character, Amanisis. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "Mysteries: The Queen and the Chariot" by Sun Xiaogui. It's a fantasy/otherworldly novel. It has calmness, no cheat, and elements of hegemony. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: Collect.] I hope you will like this book.
Among the characters in the novel, there were Kronos, Caos, and Lorette. What was a novel about the infinite universe? It had to have the elements of calmness, black-bellied, online intelligence, big imagination, relaxation, and the flow of the universe? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-25 00:44
This book was called "Traversing the World from the Curse." The characters in the book included the male protagonist, Guo Xiao, the Lord of the World who had recovered his human personality, and the male supporting character, Kronos, the God of Time created by Guo Xiao. Rationally self-respecting, calm and magnanimous. The male supporting character, Kaos, was the God of Space created by Guo Xiao. He couldn't help but feel lonely. He was careless and energetic. The female supporting character, Lorette, suffered in her lifetime. After she became a curse spirit, she was adopted by Guo Xiao and became the Goddess of Death. His biggest hobby was to enjoy delicious food. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "Traversing the World from the Beginning of Curses" by Aixi Men. It is a novel that is filled with infinite/infinite elements. It is calm, scheming, intelligent, imaginative, relaxed, and has elements of the universe. It is finished and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: I, Guo Xiao, am a god who travels through the world. I am the embodiment of invincibility and infinity. I am the handsome and profound main character.] Infinite, infinite worlds are waiting for me. That was it. I hope you will like this book.
What was a light novel or original fantasy novel with the male protagonist being Yi Lingyuan? Did it have to have elements of daily life and a Shuraba? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-18 19:47
This book was called "My Love Youth was in vain." The characters in the book included: the male protagonist was Yi Lingyuan, the female protagonist was Yukino, the female protagonist was Yui Yubihama, the female protagonist was Sanku Nakano, the female protagonist was Kazuma Fuyuma, the female protagonist was Mai Sakurashima, the female protagonist was Yingriri Sakuramura, the female protagonist was Shiyu Kasumigaoka, the female protagonist was Shizuka Hiratsuka, the female protagonist was Ichika Nakano, the female protagonist was Erno Nakano, the female protagonist was Shiba Nakano, the female protagonist was Wuyue Nakano, and the female protagonist was Saki Kazuizumi. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "My Love Youth Was Really in vain" Author: Xue Jiang. It's a light novel/original fantasy novel with daily life and Asura elements. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendations: This book is also known as "My Daily Gossip with a Certain Iceberg in the Service Department","My Spring Things Can't Be Learn for Nothing","The Experience Exchange Meeting between the Loyal Dog and the Pink Hairball","The Vicious-Tongued Dragon Shiyu and the Dumb Dragon Yinglili","I'm the protagonist of a light novel to be able to meet quinteplets even when teaching a book." I hope you will like this book.
There were ten categories of spoof short stories, the short story ranking list, one to two million words, the complete version, and the male novels that were recognized as literary talents.
1 answer
2025-02-18 19:47
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "From Meeting a Sick Girl" Author: Raven King, Category: Short Story, Short Story, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 2. "My Days of Seeking Death in the Journey to the West" Author: A Yellow Mountain, Category: Xianxia, Classic Xianxia, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 3. "The Imperial Physician of the Qing Dynasty" Author: Willing, Category: Short Story, Short Story, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 4. "Haunted House Night Talks" Author: No Hypocrisy, Category: Short Story, Short Story, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 5. "Maze of the Night" Author: Holy Son of the Heavenly Book. Category: Suspense, Secretive Suspense. It's over. You can enjoy it with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "From the moment I met a sickly girl." If you were targeted by the bloodthirsty type and treated as a toy, how would you survive? Lin Ce had never thought that he would encounter this problem. He had just transmigrated and had yet to figure out what was going on. When he went downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes, he met her. Oh no, she had just killed someone and was looking over. What should she do? He was waiting online, and it was quite urgent. The title of the book was: [Apocalypse of the Sick],[My Sick Girlfriend],[Revelation of Vision]. 2. "The Days I Died in Journey to the West" [Description 1: Reincarnated as the Golden Cicada's ninth reincarnation. Standing opposite him is Monk Sand, who is holding the Demon Subduing Staff.] Waiting online, very urgent [Description 2: Journey to the West, I, Su Xian, am here!] [Description 3: This is a serious Journey to the West story…] 3. Imperial Physician of Qing Dynasty In the 20th year of Kangxi, San Fan was pacified, and history turned a new page. The clinical surgeon, He Yuxuan, had miraculously traveled back in time to more than three hundred years ago. He thought that he was a modern person, and with his foresight and superb surgical skills, he could travel freely in the waves of history. However, he did not expect that there would be so many difficulties and waves. No matter how cruel the laws of nature and the laws of life were, He Yuxuan had always adhered to the principle of treating the sick and saving the wounded. He had always been at the top of the list, and at the same time, he had obtained the trust of the higher-ups, the courtesy of the higher-ups, the admiration of his peers, the love of the people, the control of power, the honor of reputation, the favor of money, and the favor of beautiful women... However, was all of this fortunate or unfortunate? Was it a blessing or a curse? How will He Yuxuan deal with himself? Walking into history, savoring life, commenting on the past and the present, one could comprehend the true meaning of life. P.S. This is a historical novel. Please do not compare it with official history. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. VIP Book Group: 33413963 4. Haunted House Night Talks "Haunted House Night Talks", also known as "Ghost Stories", was a collection of horror stories that he had put in a lot of effort to release. If you saw this series of stories at night when you were alone, it was best not to read it because every story in this series was extremely scary. Friends who like my clumsy works, please pay attention to the author's new work,"Ghost Stories," which is a suspense, supernatural, and horror masterpiece that the author has created again after ten years of silence. 5. Night Labyrinth As night fell, all sorts of strange events happened. Corpses that appeared out of nowhere, old friends who had been resurrected, and sudden murders. In this maze, no one could leave… QQ Book Group: "Saint Dynasty" 981640902 (This book is a fictional history and has nothing to do with the real world. Please know!) These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Have you recommended a novel that tells the story of the female protagonist transmigrating to the 1980s to become the protagonist's aunt and taking care of the protagonist's growth? In the middle of the story, how many times did the female protagonist transmigrate after she died?
1 answer
2025-02-18 19:47
😋I recommend watching " Rebirth 80: A Widow Bringing a Baby to Make a Fortune ". The female protagonist Xu Fanghua traveled back to the 80s to become a newly widowed woman. In this process, she outwitted her in-laws and brought her daughter to become rich. In the end, he successfully realized his wish. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
There were the top ten zombie light novel categories, the Doujinshi derivative novel rankings, 300,000 to 500,000 words, and even a complete serial novel. Was it recommended for female novels that were publicly acknowledged to be exciting?
1 answer
2025-02-18 19:47
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [The Garden Diary Emma] Author: The Running Zombie, Category: Short Story, Poetry and Prose, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured. 2. [Douluo: I am Tang San's younger sister] Author: Give a little star, Category: Light novel, Doujinshi derivative, completed, can enjoy with ease. 3. The Gunshots of the South Author: Bu Dian Loves to Eat Fish, Category: Science Fiction-fiction, Doomsday Crisis, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 4. "Autumn Rain Swordsman" Author: 1 piece of autumn leaf, Category: Wuxia, Traditional Wuxia, Completed, You can enjoy it without worry. 5. "Gold Hunting Lieutenant's Killing Soul Dragon Grave" Author: Handsome Snow Pear, Category: Suspense, Adventure Survival, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. The Garden Diary, Emma. "What's going on? Where is this place?" I rubbed my splitting head and got up from the ground. I feel like the earth is spinning. It turned out that at that moment, I was hit and had a slight concussion. Where's my toolbox? I looked around. It was dark, and there was only an oil lamp that was emitting a faint light. I carried the oil lamp, but I couldn't find my toolbox no matter what. There was no other way. With the toolbox gone, I was equivalent to a defenseless person, not a gardener. Thinking of this, I could only open the door of the small black room with an oil lamp. It was an unknown world outside… - Preface 2. "Douluo: I'm Little Sister Tang San" First QQ reading, asking for support ~ Muah [No CP][Don't split the original CP] Tang Qing Qing dressed as an abandoned baby, was picked up by Tang San and became his little sister. She originally followed Tang San to the awakening ceremony to hide from laziness, but hadn't expected to test out two spirits. Clear Sky Hammer? Alright, she recognized him as her relative! However, he had to hide. There were many enemies! He raised the Rainbow Flower in his left hand and asked. "Honorable War Spirit Master, can you help me take a look at why my flower has seven colors?" "It's just a trash spirit, it's just a pity for this innate full spirit power." After a long time, he saw Tang Qingwei sitting on the Somersault Cloud. "I remember that your martial soul isn't a wild flower? How did it become a cloud?" "Yeah, I made a wish to it." “……” [The anime is a scam. I haven't read the original work. I've only read the background.] I hate the protagonist group. If you scold me, I will fight back! 3. Gunshots from the South The light of the morning sun unveiled the dark curtain of the night, and the corner of the human heart became the corner where darkness hid. 4. The Legend of the Autumn Rain Swordsman The mighty river rises with wind and cloud, laughing and lying in the dark, walking and singing. I don't linger for a hundred generations, but I'm idle. A clear flute breaks the sky. The long road is thousands of mountains, ancient and modern reincarnation several generations of peace. Why not exchange a penny for sake, a happy life like a dream? Accompanied by the protagonist's legendary life, it outlines a relaxed, humorous and magnificent martial arts painting for the readers. 5. [Gold-looting Lieutenant's Killing Soul Dragon Grave] Thrilling and bizarre adventures, unimaginable experiences, strange and shocking facts, and interconnected conspiracies, but they did not know that the instigator was a contest that had existed for thousands of years. Yu Jianqiang and the others had dug up the Dragon Tomb, but they had dug out the secret of the ancient times. A battle that had lasted for thousands of years had begun. What were the Yellow Emperor's Xuanyuan Sword and Chiyou's Tiger Soul Saber waiting for? The demon corpse in the Gathered-Soul Valley and the Snow Demon's soul coffin in the Dragonmouth Mountain, what secrets were hidden in all of this? You'll love it if you look at it. These works all have good reputations for your reference.