The 'Judy and Punch' real story has its roots in traditional puppet shows. Punch is typically depicted as a violent and immoral character who mistreats Judy. This story is not...
Sure. There's a story of a small - scale farmer who switched to growing cassava root twins. He was on the verge of giving up farming due to low yields...
One interesting Naruto and Tobi fanfiction could be where Tobi reveals his true identity to Naruto earlier in the story. This would completely change the course of events and their...
One common theme is survival. Since Resident Evil is all about surviving in a world full of zombies and bio - threats. The oc and Sherry often have to work...
Yoon Ha Lee should be on the list. In 'Ninefox Gambit', there are elements that can be considered lesbian speculative fiction. Rivers Solomon is great as well. 'The Deep' has...
Yes, there are some out there. Some explore the complex relationships that would form if Harry and Draco were Snape's sons. It often delves into how Snape would handle having...
Well, it could be really interesting. The characters in Highschool DxD might get some new and crazy ideas. For example, Issei might be inspired by the ninja skills in Naruto...
Male body swap fiction can be a great tool to explore gender roles. When male characters swap bodies, they are forced to experience life from a different perspective. For example,...
There are many. For instance, an athlete who removed sugar and flour from their diet. They experienced enhanced performance as they no longer had the energy crashes associated with sugar...
One of the best queer visual novels is 'Coming Out on Top'. It has engaging characters and a great storyline that deals with LGBTQ+ themes in a positive and relatable...