Inuyasha was a Japanese manga series created by Rumiko Takahashi and started in 1993. The story was about Inuyasha and the other characters searching for the Jade of Four Souls. The work was deeply loved by Japanese anime lovers and was translated into many languages and popular all over the world.
To create manga stories in vol 39, focus on unique plotlines, diverse characters, and dynamic visuals. Experiment with different art styles and pay attention to details for a captivating story.
To master it, first, study the anatomy and poses. Then, focus on line quality and shading techniques. Also, look at examples from professional manga artists for inspiration.
It's quite close. The anime of Inuyasha largely adheres to the manga, with only a few minor differences that don't significantly impact the main plot or characters.
Not that I know of. Usually, you can find out by following official announcements from the publishers or checking dedicated manga forums for the latest updates.
Mastering manga drawing in Vol. 9 requires patience. Pay attention to details, experiment with shading and linework, and keep improving your storytelling through the visuals.