the story begins with Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane, a 24-year-old young man who falling into a well in a abandoned shrine after his boyfriend, Adam was missing, falling an argument. He is magically transported to a land named Altea, a dimension surrounded by magical creatures called daemons, where he meets the half daemon named Keith who helps him try to adapt in this world and protect the quintessence Crystal that was embedded in his right arm while discovering the first true love of his life and finding things that are important to him as well as trying to defend the planet, while Keith on the other hand, is dealing with a betrayal that seals him to a tree for the years to come and the lost of his lover. Because of that he's planning to become a full deamon in order to defeat the Galra Empire.
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37 Chs
Kimetsu No Yaiba x Reader
I upload here x reader one shots to demon slayer. if you have any wishes, ideas or requests, write to me.
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2 Chs
Berpetualang dianime kimetsu no yaiba dengan sistem
Saya masih pemula dalam menulis novel, jika penulisan saya ada yang salah silakan komen
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2 Chs
Kimetsu no Yaiba : The Legend Never Fade
Tsugikuni Yoriichi, Pengguna Pernafasan Matahari Terakhir. Sedih karena tidak bisa membebaskan kakaknya dari Muzan.
Dengan menjadi Agen Kematian, Dia kembali untuk Membunuh Muzan dan Kali ini Dia tidak akan Gagal.
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2 Chs
Kyoya habia estado luchando en Yamijima por casi 2 semanas con casi nada de descanso solo el sus viejas y confiables armas en una guerra de un solo hombre contra los yamibito restantes despues de purgarlos a todos viajo en el tiempo ¿o entre dimensiones? termino en la seleccion final junto con un cazador novato aquien convencido de su vision de cuando aun tenia 16 años se enfrentara a aquello que ose amenazar a la humanidad en este caso DEMONIOS
idea de presentar mas perspectivas civiles de los hechos sobre naturales asi como la historia de 2 personas sintiendose seguras
los personajes no son mios forbbiden siren fue creador por project siren y SONY computer ENT
del mismo modo el mundo de kimetsu no yaiba y sus elementos fueron creados por Koyoharu Gotouge
algunos aspectos y apariencia del personaje de kyoya suda se basan en el youtuber Mitsuyoshi Shinoda
portada(provisional) sacada de archivo 99 forbidden siren 2 y archivo 67 forbidden siren
Porfavor no me demanden(aunque estoy seguro que no pueden leer esto
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3 Chs
kimetsu no yaiba, a guide to the Adventure.
Understand the world-building of Kimetsu no yaiba, an adventure tale. Discover the fun facts about the characters and the adventures of Altea and the daemons. Explore the lands of Altea, learn about our main cast of heroes and villains as they on the race of time to discover the quintessence Crystal and defend the planet.
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2 Chs
Can a diva dripping with sex appeal, devious ambition, and serious Swag gain the trust of a top crime boss?
Undercover officer Jazmine Coleman believes it is all she needs to infiltrate one of the city most notorious hustlers, Love. With traps set in place, Jazmine pulls Love's right hand man, Thump into the mix, causing a deadly, yet twisted love triangle. Even with the cops on his trail, Love has his fingerprints on everything in the city, including the mayor that he helps get elected.
All is still going according to plan until a New Jack named "SWAG" steps on the scene with the same determination as Jazmine to knock Love from the top spot.
Which of the two will be successful? In the world of treachery, lust and corruption, the one with the power has the most Swag!
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6 Chs
Ray is an ordinary university student under a scholarship to study agriculture in Nueva Siti, who wanted to make it into the world of agriculture and make his decrepit family farm flourish into one of the biggest food and livestock producers in the world of Gaea.
Unfortunatelt Ray is in for a shock when he finds out that the myths his grandpa used to tell him before bed aren't just stories, as conflict arises between the different tribes he finds himself in a dilemma - destroy it all to start over again or to build upon what those that came before him have made.
this is a war where choosing sides will decide the fate of the world of Gaea
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3 Chs
Itu adalah sepuluh tahun yang lalu, aku dan dia berkenalan di dunia Maya. Kami berada di grub sosial media yang sama yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kreativitas menulis.
Kami berkenalan dengan singkat, tetapi kami melanjutkan hubungan di dunia Maya itu sampai tiga tahun lamanya, sampai aku kira aku mengenalnya dengan baik.
Tentu kami tahu wajah satu sama lain lewat foto karena aku menolak untuk video call dan telepon. Aku sangat pemalu dan tidak punya tujuan hidup. Namun, dia membuatku merasa bersemangat kembali untuk menemukan tujuan hidup. Yah, aku pikir hubungan kami akan terus berlanjut selamanya, tetapi itu pikiran naif, hubungan kami terputus karena suatu alasan.
Dunia setelah sepuluh tahun itu sangat berbeda, aku tidak menyangka ada teknologi super canggih yaitu super computer Herius yang dikembangkan pertama kali untuk uji coba game VR dari Soyeru Group Japan.
Namun, aku tidak bisa menikmati game itu seperti orang-orang kaya yang mampu membeli bahkan alat VR Gear paling mahal.
Aku tinggal di sebuah kontrakan kecil di pemukiman yang cukup kumuh di Kota Semarang, tentu saja kondisi saat ini sangat berbeda dari yang dulu, banyak pengembangan yang terjadi pada hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Aku tidak akan membahas tentang politik karena hidupku sudah susah dengan bekerja seharian untuk mencukupi makan pada hari tersebut. Namun, aku sungguh-sungguh berharap ada keajaiban yang terjadi meski itu adalah khayalan semata.
Namun, pada suatu hari saat aku diputus oleh pacarku dan ditendang keluar dari rumah kontrakan, aku tidak tahu apakah itu keberuntungan atau apa, seorang wanita yang sangat terkenal di dunia dengan nama akun Ruby Rose mendatangiku dan mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak terduga.
"Teman, akhirnya aku bisa bertemu denganmu."
Dan sejak itu hidupku berubah.
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7 Chs
How to rule a kingdom isn't a joke, how to stand strong during war,lead your most trusted men to war,fall in love,dream of a normal but a blueblood can never dream of a normal life it's not by choice it's fate
"you have a concubine "Tonia asked
"why won't I?I had a lot before you got pregnant so why will I not have one after you left. After all, did royal concubine Lydia not inform you." Marcus asked looking into her troubled eyes it was the first time he looked up since she entered the dinning hall.
"I don't know her".Tonia said
"oh you don't? she was your handmaiden then,our son might be eight or almost nine now though I haven't seen him since he was four ."Marcus said and started eating again
Well, in 'kimetsu no yaiba the first novel', it probably focuses on the early days of the main characters. It could be about Tanjiro's journey as he first discovers the existence of demons and decides to become a demon slayer. It might also include his encounters with other important characters like Nezuko, and how their relationship develops in this different narrative format.