Die menschliche Rasse befindet sich im Krieg mit den bösartigen Dalki, und als sie mehr denn je Hilfe brauchten, meldeten SIE sich. Menschen, die sich seit Hunderten von Jahren im Schatten versteckt hatten, Menschen mit Fähigkeiten. Einige entschlossen sich, ihr Wissen mit dem Rest der Welt zu teilen, in der Hoffnung, den Krieg zu gewinnen, während andere ihre Fähigkeiten für sich behielten. Quinn hatte durch den Krieg alles verloren, sein Zuhause, seine Familie, und das Einzige, was er geerbt hatte, war ein altes Buch, das er nicht einmal öffnen konnte. Doch als das Buch endlich geöffnet wurde, erhielt Quinn ein System und sein ganzes Leben änderte sich. Er erfüllte eine Aufgabe nach der anderen und wurde immer mächtiger, bis das System ihm eines Tages eine Aufgabe gab, von der er nicht wusste, ob er sie erfüllen konnte. "Es ist Zeit zu essen!" "Du musst innerhalb von 24 Stunden Menschenblut trinken" "Deine HP werden weiter sinken, bis die Aufgabe erfüllt ist" https://discord.gg/kqCxfZF6xH Instagram: JKSManga ANDERE WERKE Mein Werwolfsystem Mein Drachensystem
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1712 Chs
Mein heimlicher Milliardärs-Ehemann
"Gatte, ich will nicht mehr, ich fühle mich schrecklich..." "Baby, sei brav und trink die Medizin aus." Der gut aussehende Mann nimmt die Frau in die Arme und streichelt sie zärtlich, während er ihr die Medizin einflößt. Joanna Lawrence stößt auf Ashton Heath, den angesehensten Spross von Closia City, und schläft eine Nacht mit ihm. Nachdem er ihr im Gegenzug für die Heirat Vergünstigungen angeboten hat, hat die frischgebackene Mrs. Heath plötzlich die Macht, alles zu bekommen, was sie sich jemals gewünscht hat. "Gatte, ich habe heute die Filmkönigin Faye geohrfeigt, war ich zu viel?" "Baby, tut deine Hand weh? Lass mich sie für dich massieren." "Gatte, ich habe deine Kreditkarte ausgereizt, bist du sauer?" "Baby, bist du mit deinem Einkauf zufrieden? Sag mir Bescheid, wenn du mehr brauchst." "Gatte, ich bin heute müde, ich will mich nicht bewegen..."
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1310 Chs
Mein zufälliger Ehemann ist ein Milliardär!
Keira Olsen hat geheiratet, aber sie wusste nicht, dass ihr Mann aus heiterem Himmel der reichste Mann ist!
Sie ist eine uneheliche Tochter, die nicht erkannt werden kann. Seit ihrer Kindheit hat sie sich nach oben gequält und ums Überleben gekämpft.
Er ist das Kind des Schicksals und steht hoch und mächtig da.
Zwischen den beiden liegen Welten, was ihren Status angeht. Alle haben darauf gewartet, dass Keira vor die Tür gesetzt wird, aber alles, was sie bekamen, war ein Post des reichsten Mannes auf seinem Social-Media-Konto:
"Meine liebe Frau, können wir uns nicht scheiden lassen?"
Alle waren verwirrt.
[Starke weibliche Hauptrolle, Undercover, Dominator, mächtige Konfrontation, 1V1]
866 Chs
Mein riesiges Erbe nach der Scheidung annehmen
Shen Yan bestand darauf, diesen Fu Hang zu heiraten, selbst auf die Gefahr hin, von ihrer Familie und ihren Verwandten im Stich gelassen zu werden. Sie dachte, dass sie nach drei Jahren in der Lage sein würde, das Eis in seinem Herzen zu schmelzen. Als dieser Mann sie jedoch festhielt und sie zwang, vor seiner Familie niederzuknien, um Fehler zu gestehen, die sie nie begangen hatte, wurde Shen Yan klar, dass das Herz dieses Mannes aus Eis war. Als sie zusammen mit ihrer älteren Schwägerin Chloe Lindsey ins Wasser fiel, sprang Fu Hang im ersten Moment hinunter und rettete Chloe Lindsey. Er trug Lin Xing ins Krankenhaus, während Shen Yan, die nicht schwimmen konnte, nur auf den Wachmann warten konnte, der sie rettete. Das Kind in Chloe Lindseys Bauch überlebte die Tortur nicht, und sie erlitt eine Fehlgeburt. Fu Hang brachte Shen Yan ohne jede Erklärung zu seiner Familie und forderte sie auf, sich hinzuknien und ihren Fehler zuzugeben. Seine Augen unter den scharfen Brauen waren so unbarmherzig, als würde er Shen Yan ein Messer ins Herz stoßen. "Nach dem Tod des großen Bruders hat er nur ein Kind zurückgelassen. Du hättest dieses Kind nicht töten dürfen!" "Ich habe es nicht getan. Sie ist selbst heruntergesprungen!" "Worauf wartest du noch? Knien Sie nieder und geben Sie Ihren Fehler zu!" Drei Jahre nach ihrer Heirat war Shen Yan davon überzeugt, dass in der Familie Fu sogar ein Hund mehr wert war als sie, noch dazu Chloe Lindsey, die Fu Hang wirklich liebte. Kurz bevor eine ihrer Kniescheiben auf dem Boden zu landen drohte, dachte Fu Hang noch, dass Shen Yan ihren Fehler eingestehen würde. Er hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass Shen Yan sich langsam aufrichtete und sagte: "Fu Hang, lass uns scheiden. Ich werde einfach so tun, als hätte ich die letzten drei Jahre an die Hunde verfüttert. Danach ist es niemand mehr wert, dass ich meine Jugend an ihn verschwende!" So beschloss Shen Yan, nach Hause zurückzukehren und ihr Erbe anzunehmen, das Hunderte von Milliarden wert war. Ein glorreiches Leben erwartete sie!
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570 Chs
Mein Milliardär Ex-Ehemann jagt mich zurück
[Reifer Inhalt]
Arabella Donovan opferte ihre Jugend nur für ihren Mann. Er ließ sich jedoch von ihr scheiden, weil sie keine Kinder für ihn gebären konnte, was ihr großen Schmerz bereitete.
Bella beschloss, aus seinem Leben zu verschwinden.
Fünf Jahre später kehrte sie mit ihrem bezaubernden Sohn auf das Land zurück.
Ihr friedliches Leben wurde gestört, als ihr Ex-Mann sie zurückholte, als er erfuhr, dass sie seinen Sohn zur Welt gebracht hatte.
Aber jetzt war sie nicht mehr dieselbe Bella, die sie einmal war. Sie ist ein völlig anderer Mensch.
"Boss, sie ist wieder da!"
"Wer?" fragte Tristan Sinclair, während er seine Unterschrift auf einen Stapel von Papieren kritzelte.
"Ihre Frau-" Der Assistent zögerte und beobachtete Tristan genau. Als er Tristans gerunzelte Brauen sah, korrigierte er sich. "Entschuldigung, ich meine Ihre Ex-Frau, Frau Donovan. Sie ist mit einem Jungen zurückgekehrt ..."
Tristan seufzte und betrachtete den Vertrag vor ihm.
Nach fünf Jahren der Suche, nur um herauszufinden, dass sie weitergezogen ist, fühlt es sich schmerzhaft an. Aber er konnte es nicht vermeiden. Sie verdient es, mit jemand anderem glücklich zu sein. Er wird diesen Verlust hinnehmen.
"Sie verdient einen neuen Mann ..." murmelte Tristan und entließ seinen Assistenten.
"Boss, was ich meinte, war der süße kleine Junge. Ich glaube, er ist etwa vier Jahre alt..."
Tristan schnappte zu. Er hob den Kopf und richtete seinen scharfen Blick auf seinen Assistenten.
"Sie müssen einen DNA-Test für das Kind veranlassen. Und besorgen Sie mir ihre Adresse!"
Ein Schimmer erschien in seinen Augen, als sich langsam ein Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht ausbreitete.
Autor Roman:
1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Abgeschlossen)
2. Die Braut des unsterblichen Kronprinzen (Abgeschlossen)
3. Wiedergeburt: Dancing In My Destiny (Abgeschlossen)
4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (abgeschlossen)
5. Wiedergeburt als Ehefrau des Vampirfürsten (abgeschlossen)
6. Mein milliardenschwerer Ex-Ehemann jagt mich zurück
Wie Sie mich kontaktieren können:
>> Instagram-Account: authorpurplelight
>> FB-Seite: Author_Purplelight
>> Treten Sie meinem Discord Server bei: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver
Anmerkungen: Das Buchcover gehört dem Autor. Bitte verwenden Sie es nicht weiter!
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569 Chs
Mein Ex will mich nach der Scheidung so sehr
Su Wan liebte Jing Chen seit zehn Jahren, und sie war seit zwei Jahren mit ihm verheiratet. Jing Chen war immer der Ehemann, ganz gleich, ob sie allein oder in der Öffentlichkeit waren. Er erinnerte sich an ihren Hochzeitstag und bereitete zu jedem besonderen Anlass Geschenke für sie vor. Sie war sein Augapfel, und er behandelte sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz.
Er mochte ihren Körper so sehr, dass man sagen könnte, er sei von ihm besessen. Doch nur Su Wan wusste, dass Jing Chen sich nur wie ein perfekter Ehemann verhielt, weil er ein Mann der Worte war. Sie würde nie vergessen, was er ihr bei ihrer Heirat sagte: "Ich kann dich heiraten, aber ich habe bereits jemanden, den ich liebe. Unsere Ehe wird drei Jahre lang halten. Drei Jahre später wirst du derjenige sein, der Großvater die Scheidung vorschlägt."
Als Jing Chen an ihrem zweiten Jahrestag die Scheidungspapiere hervorholte und sie ihr vorlegte, war Su Wan nicht überrascht. Sie steckte heimlich ihren Schwangerschaftstest weg. "Es sind zwar noch nicht drei Jahre wie versprochen, aber Bai Lian ist zurück. Ich kann es wieder gutmachen", sagte Jing Chen. Su Wan nickte ruhig: "Okay."
"Du wirst diejenige sein, die Großvater um die Scheidung bittet. Sag ihm, dass du schon jemanden hast, den du magst. Auch wenn Großvater nicht zustimmen will, wird er dich nicht abweisen", sagte Jing Chen. Su Wan nickte: "Verstehe, aber... ist eine Scheidung ein Muss? Und wenn ich sage, wir bekommen ein Kind?" Jing Chen antwortete: "Su Wan, in meiner Welt gibt es kein Wenn. Ich habe immer empfängnisverhütende Maßnahmen ergriffen. Selbst wenn es wirklich zu einem Unfall kommen sollte, werde ich dafür sorgen, dass er verschwindet. Ich werde dieses Risiko nicht auf mich nehmen."
An seinem Hochzeitstag wurde Su Wans Baby als Frühchen geboren. Su Wan war in einen Autounfall verwickelt, und die Szene war voller Blut. In einer Blutlache liegend, drückte Su Wan ihren Bauch fest an sich, verzweifelt, um ihn zu schützen. Später gab es Gerüchte, dass Jing Chen seine Braut an diesem Tag verlassen hatte. Er bewahrte den kalten Körper seiner Ex-Frau eine ganze Woche lang auf und ließ nicht zu, dass sie beerdigt wurde. Jing Chen war völlig außer sich. Bis eines Tages Su Wan mit zwei entzückenden Babys an ihm vorbeiging...
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570 Chs
Mein Drachensystem
Sen, der letzte und mächtigste Drache, der noch durch die Lüfte streift und Chaos und Zerstörung im ganzen Land anrichtet. Als alle Hoffnung verloren ist, wenden sich die Menschen an ihre letzte Hoffnung, eine mächtige Hexe. Unfähig, den Drachen zu vernichten, nutzt die Hexe ihre letzte Kraft, um einen Zauber zu sprechen. Sen ist nicht besiegt, sondern als Mensch wiedergeboren worden. Wie wird Sen nun sein Leben als Mensch leben, den er einst verachtete und als schwach ansah? Abgeschlossener Roman Das erste Buch der Trilogie SYSTEM Lesen Sie als nächstes Mein Vampirsystem! P.A.T.R.E.O.N JKSmanga für mehr Inhalt und Unterstützung. https://www.patreon.com/JKSManga Discord link https://discord.gg/huTJG43 Post art work and more+
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532 Chs
Mein ungewollter Ehemann ist mein Rachepartner
Anastasia Harrison, eine junge Frau, die von ihrer grausamen Familie missbraucht wurde, dachte, ihr Leben sei vorbei, als man sie zwang, Richard, das schwarze Schaf der wohlhabenden Familie Wallace, zu heiraten. In der Zwischenzeit sollte ihre bevorzugte jüngere Schwester Michelle Xavier, den älteren Bruder, heiraten, der ein CEO war.
Durch einen Fehler im Rathaus wurden jedoch die Namen der beiden in ihren Heiratsurkunden vertauscht.
"Was soll das?! Wie kannst du mit Xavier Wallace verheiratet sein?"
"Du bekommst weder Essen noch Wasser, bis du die Scheidungspapiere unterschreibst!"
Um noch mehr Öl ins Feuer zu gießen, verstarb das alte Ehepaar Harrison und hinterließ sein gesamtes Vermögen Anastasia und nicht dem Rest der Familie. Das brachte die Harrisons an den Rand ihrer Belastbarkeit. Um ein friedliches Leben zu führen, war Anastasia bereit, auf ihr Erbe zu verzichten und die Familie zu verlassen, aber die Harrisons hatten andere Pläne.
Sie wollten sie loswerden. Und zwar für immer.
Durch einen glücklichen Zufall wurde Anastasia jedoch von ihrem neuen Ehemann Xavier gefunden, bevor es ihrer Familie gelang. Entschlossen, sich zu rächen, schloss sie einen Deal mit Xavier.
"Bleib meine Frau und ich werde dir helfen, dich zu rächen!"
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430 Chs
A Game Of Chess With A Vampire
What if the sort of love you'd wanted and desired, only but a man incapable of love could give it to you–a man who has not the slightest of an idea what the word "Love" meant?
Vampires coexisted with humans for centuries without either side hunting or killing the other due to a peace treaty. They didn’t feed on human blood for so long either, but that changes when the first vampire auction is held.
Six human slaves were sold, and among them included Avelina, a twenty-six-year-old woman.
Avelina is sold to an infamous Vampire prince, Draven Delgaard, rumored to have committed heinous acts even amongst his kind.
She fears for her life upon their first encounter, but to her utmost bewilderment, Draven Delgaard makes a deal with her.
He sought the inheritance of the royal family, but to be qualified, he needed a wife. Since his kinds weren’t available due to his reputation, Avelina was one of the few options left.
In exchange for her freedom, she will assist him in obtaining the inheritance. But this royal inheritance can only be acquired through the style of a chess game with other royal opponents. A game of strategy and survival.
Should she succeed, her freedom shall be regained and it would be a win-win for both her and Draven. However, she soon realizes that success might come at a very heavy cost.
Will Avelina and Draven be able to win the game of chess? Will they secure her freedom and inheritance, or will they fall victim to the dangerous machinations of the royal family?
415 Chs
Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück
Lernen Sie Erika Walters kennen, eine Frau, die ihre wohlhabende Familie und ihren teuren Lebensstil verlassen und ihre Identität versteckt hat, nur um den einen Mann zu heiraten, den sie liebt. Einen Mann, vor dem ihre Familie sie gewarnt hatte, wenn sie sich nicht das Herz brechen lassen wollte. Erika stellte sich taub gegenüber ihrer Familie und heiratete Adrian Hart.
Adrain war gegen die Heirat, da er nie Gefühle für Erika hatte. Die beiden kamen jedoch wegen der Matriarchin der Familie Hart zusammen. Großmutter Elizabeth.
Eine Heirat sollte für eine Frau, die gerade von ihren Schwiegereltern akzeptiert worden war, eine schöne Reise sein, aber Erikas Ehe war das Gegenteil. Als Dienerin behandelt zu werden, gehörte nicht zu den Aufgaben einer verheirateten Frau. Ihre Schwiegereltern behandelten sie alle wie Dreck. Ihr Mann betrog sie ständig mit seiner Geliebten, Felicia Evans, auf die seine Großmutter immer herabgesehen hatte.
Nachdem sie mit ansehen musste, wie ihr Mann mit seiner Geliebten im Ehebett Geschlechtsverkehr hatte, konnte Erika die Qualen nicht mehr ertragen. Sie hat ihre Grenze der Belastbarkeit erreicht. Sie konnte nicht mehr zulassen, dass man ständig mit ihrem Herzen spielte, als wäre es ein Spielzeug.
Erika griff nach den Scheidungspapieren, unterschrieb mit ihrem Namen und verließ das Anwesen der Harts mit dem Versprechen, dass sie zurückkommen und sie alles verlieren lassen würde, wofür sie jemals hart gearbeitet hatten.
Liebe? Sie hat drei ältere Brüder, die sich um sie kümmern.
Erika kehrte zu ihrer Familie zurück und schmiedete ein Komplott gegen ihre Ex-Schwiegereltern, bis sie Ethan traf, ihren Jugendfreund, dem sie vor Jahren über den Weg gelaufen war.
"Du bist wirklich eine Schlampe", spuckte Adrian angewidert. Erika sah ihn ruhig an.
"So weit ich weiß, Herr Hart, sind wir nicht mehr verwandt. Wir sind nicht mehr verwandt, also warum stört es Sie so sehr, ob ich eine Schlampe bin oder nicht?" Fragte sie ihn kalt. "Wenn Sie so ein gutes Auge haben, um zu erkennen, wer eine Schlampe ist, warum haben Sie dann die Hauptschlampe in Ihrer Familie noch nicht herausgefunden?" Fragte sie ihn zurück.
Wird Erika ihre Rache erfolgreich abschließen? Wie wird Adrain reagieren, wenn er sieht, dass sie weitergezogen ist? Werden Adrain und Felicia ein Happy End haben? Wird Erika Reue empfinden, nachdem sie sich gerächt hat? Wird es weitere Geheimnisse geben, die sie auf ihrer Rachefahrt entdecken wird?
Erfahren Sie mehr, indem Sie auf das Buch klicken;
Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück
Hallo Leute
dies ist mein erstes Buch
Bin noch ein Neuling
Also hoffe ich, dass euch dieses Buch gefällt
Aber vergesst nicht, mir eure Unterstützung und Ermutigung zu geben
Ich danke euch
It seems that 'bichray gay ab kaise novel' is a very mysterious and perhaps not - well - formed description related to a novel. If we assume 'bichray' is a character or a theme, 'gay' might be a quality associated with it like being cheerful. 'Ab kaise' could be something like 'how now'. However, this is all just speculation. To really understand, we would need more information such as the origin of this phrase, the language it comes from originally, and any related cultural or literary context.
Well, in the simplest terms, a bacha (baby) is born when a mother gives birth. In Hindi stories, there are often tales of how a baby is a precious gift. It can be the result of a loving relationship between a man and a woman. The mother carries the baby in her womb for about nine months, during which time the baby grows and develops. And then, when the time is right, the baby is born into the world, bringing joy and new hope to the family.
The rules of the game were as follows: The game was composed of two players, one player showed the military flag in the military chess game, and the other player played the game. The pieces on each side would be turned over and placed in the center of the board. The right side would have a red flag and the left side would have a white flag. At the beginning, each side of the game was placed in the same pattern as the corner of Richard's chessboard. Each game had to be turned over to launch an attack, and each game was not allowed to be turned over multiple times, otherwise it would be considered cheating. Each time the two sides move, they must attack the two sides of the chess pieces surrounded by other chess pieces, or move to subdue the other chess pieces to win the game. The position of the chess piece was not allowed to be repeated, otherwise it would be considered cheating. If the face of the turned chess piece was a white flag, the white chess piece would be used to launch an attack and place a piece. If the face of the turned chess piece was a red flag, the red chess piece would be used to launch an attack and place a piece. When all the chess pieces were placed, the flag must be placed in a position where it could be attacked. When the number of turns reached the specified conditions, the game ended. The specific rules and winning conditions may vary according to different military chess games.
I'm sorry, I don't actually know the specific 'kaise aaya joota hindi story'. It could be a very unique and perhaps not widely known Hindi story. You might try looking for it in a Hindi storybook or asking someone well - versed in Hindi literature.
In a Hindi story, 'bacha kaise hota hai' (how a child is born) can be part of various themes. It could be related to the concept of family, where a new baby arrives in a family through natural birth or adoption in the story. For example, in some traditional Hindi stories, a child might be born as a blessing from the gods, signifying good fortune for the family.
A child grows big in a Hindi story by learning from experiences. Just like in real life, as the child faces different situations, like helping his family in the fields or in the household chores, he gains knowledge and strength. This makes him grow not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.
Yes, it is. 'Mein Kampf' presents Hitler's ideology and personal views, making it a non-fiction work. However, its content is highly controversial and repugnant.
There were novels similar to "The Chess God"
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm.
The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see.
Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu.
Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces.
2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world.
Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties.
From the Qi Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the mountains were desolate, the spiritual realm was lonely, and few people visited.
It is difficult to find a ghost in the spiritual realm.
3."The Tang's Table": Another masterpiece by Second Brother.
The results were obvious to all. She had been in the top 10 of the monthly votes all year round. Everyone came to admire how Yunchu built the ultimate Chang 'an ~~~
4."King of Familiars": A new book by a top-notch author of the familiar-style. Those who like the familiar-style should not miss it.
5: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Half-Step Immortal Grass
A good book buried by the title. The story is logical, the characters are well portrayed, and the world view is not bad. Some of the characters 'IQ is not only online, but even beyond the standard. However, the plot during the ordinary period is not well written, and some are too deliberate. Overall, it seems that it has the potential to become a god for the time being.
6.<National Forensic Medicine>: A professional urban forensic doctor. There is a system. You can obtain skills by completing system missions. The author had put in a lot of effort into the forensic profession. He was very professional and interesting. There were also a lot of related science.
8.10~ Continuing ~ Current good grass
7:"Wait, Heroine": The author of this novel is also a god among novels with many female leads. She has written quite a good novel before, and in my opinion, this novel is definitely the best written by the author. It far surpasses the previous two novels. The plain daily life and the chivalrous Jianghu make up this wonderful novel. The author is very capable of writing a plot that the readers like to see and enjoy. Now that this novel is getting better and better, it is enough to prove this point.
8:"Mantang Colorful": recommendation index: ******
Author: Weird Cousin
Word count: 10,000
[Status: Series]
Tagged: Tang Dynasty, Group Images, Machiavellian
The new book by the author of "The End of Song" still started with Wang Zha. The protagonist was reborn as a servant of the Du family. At the beginning, he faced the biggest case of the Crown Prince's rebellion during the reign of Li Xuanzong. How would he survive in this struggle and face the upcoming An Lushan Rebellion? How could he bear witness to the Great Tang's glory in this chaotic era?
The author's writing style was experienced, the characters were vivid, and the historical figures he created were consistent with the records in the history books. The author was good at describing the characters in detail and had his own unique understanding of history.
The author's writing style was excellent. He was good at laying foreshadowing and his insight spanned thousands of miles. The plot was smooth, the rhythm was tight, and the logic was reasonable. The author's research of historical materials was also very rigorous, and the description of political schemes was even more amazing.
9."Hidden Dead Corner":"Hidden Dead Corner" is a fascinating novel. The author, Get Away, has attracted many readers with his unique style and exquisite writing. The opening of the book showed the exciting scene of the protagonist starting the game, which filled people with anticipation. The author skillfully integrated sci-fi and horror elements into it, giving people a different reading experience. The protagonist's cheat was a series of warframes that could be upgraded. The author's description was exquisite and vivid, making people feel as if they were in a mecha battlefield. The author's pen was amazing, and the supporting characters 'IQ was just right, convincing. Even though the little fairy character at the beginning was a little disgusting, the description of the mech made many people feel awe for him. Although the subsequent plot remained to be seen, overall,"The Hidden Dead Corner" was a good book that was worth reading.
Final Divine Duty: 7.0
This book was also an upgrade, but it was written at a relatively high level. The writing style of this book was smooth, the plot was smooth, and the reading experience was good. In terms of the plot, the main character became stronger quickly and the process was pleasant. The system data and the speed at which he became stronger were better integrated, and the improvement was sufficient. The plot was smooth. When it was time to kill someone to show off or solve an incident, he was not soft-hearted or hesitant. He grasped the essence of the leveling novel.
"Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" is a novel about the Xianxia Wasteland. The author, Er Gen, presents a world beyond life and death with his unique creativity and grand structure. On the polluted land, the protagonist Xu Qing stood up with a steady and decisive style, showing his strength and courage. This book had a good connection with the previous work, showing the author's deep skill and grand structure. Er Gen also did a good job in portraying the characters and wording the article, giving people a deep impression. The artistic conception and wording of the whole book were very good, giving people a profound and grand Xianxia aura. I recommend it to readers who like Xianxia.
"This Game Is Too Realistic":"This Game Is Too Realistic" is a novel about a summoning game with a wasteland setting. Compared to other novels of the same genre, I prefer this one. Through the story of Chu Guang's transmigration to the wasteland, the author presented a game world full of challenges and adventures. The game elements in the story were very realistic, making people feel as if they were in it, experiencing the hardships of moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, and delivering packages. This game world not only allowed people to experience the hardships of real life, but it also allowed people to feel the super 007. By describing the interaction between Chu Guang and the "players", the author made the entire wasteland world seem indecent, increasing the interest and humor of the story. In short, this book was set in the wasteland world, with game elements as the main storyline, giving people a unique reading experience. It was a good book worthy of recommendation.
"Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was a Xianxia novel that made people's eyes light up. The structure of the first volume made people feel like they were watching "Lord of the Mysteries" back then. The portraits were very well drawn, with the chivalrous taste and talent of the otaku pigs. This book had the potential to become another Xianxia classic.
I really like the writing style and the characters in this book. The author's foundation was very solid. The characters were vivid and full, and the feelings were sincere and delicate. Even though the name was very serious, it was really fascinating after reading it. The protagonist Jiang Wang and his sister Jiang Anan had experienced a great change. By chance, they embarked on the bumpy road of becoming stronger.
The story took place in the ancient times, and the demon race and the dragon race had already disappeared. The era of the Great Divine Dao was already like smoke, and the era of the peak of flying swords had also fallen…What happened in this world? Who would listen to the truth of history? Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are painted with corpses, and hundreds of years of heaven and earth are painted with hungry tigers. The protagonist Jiang Wang had a pure heart and took it as his duty to patrol the sky.
The ending of the book made both the author and the readers feel uncomfortable. After looking for the Xianxia literature, I read about 20 chapters and felt that it was very good. Even though the name was very serious, the content was very attractive.
[Haha, I was wrong. This book is really good. I strongly recommend it!]
P.S. It's too good. I've been reading this book for the past few days. I've almost finished reading the 357,000 novel in ten days. There are still 87 chapters left. I can't bear to read it anymore... In the past week, he had read 3158 minutes and had been reading this book. It could be considered as a record for him. He wanted to remember it.
Ring of Destiny: As long as it's written by the squid lady, I'll read it.
[My expectations are full. Those who don't have a collection, hurry up.]
The Lord of the Mysteries 2 should be the starting point. It was currently the most popular.
When the Lord of the Mysteries first movie was released, it was unknown if there were more than 10,000 initial orders. At that time, it was a very niche topic, and not many people wrote about it.
In fact, the threshold for reading [Foreign Names Are Hard to Remember] was quite high at the beginning. When I read the first few chapters, I felt that it should be a good work, but it would be very slow.
---Many people would give up after reading the beginning, thinking that they wouldn't be able to continue reading. However, I was quite patient and was lucky enough to finish the first volume. At that time, my evaluation was that the first volume was a very, very good novella. After reading it, my soul would tremble. All the patience and persistence were worth it. In the end, all the foreshadowing was answered. It could be directly produced from the middle, so it should be a rather exciting work with excellent results.
The Lord of the Mysteries 'writing wasn't the best, nor was his story writing the best. However, his foundation was very solid. There were 22 paths to godhood and 220 Beyonder classes.
The setting of this creative theme could be said. After the Arcane Divine Throne, there was another amazing mountain monster.
Because of the very complete setting, based on this huge world view, there was actually no problem even writing a seven-part song. It was a setting that could be eaten for a lifetime.
It was no worse than the Harry Potter series, A Song of Ice and Fire. To describe the world from different perspectives, two more books with five million words would not be enough. There were too many things that could be written.
After witnessing the end of the Battle of Jingnan, Jiang Xinghuo, who was the target of the Ten Clans Execution, finally heaved a sigh of relief.
As a veteran transmigrator, he could return to the modern world for eternal life after transmigrating for nine lifetimes.
Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he began to teach in prison, but it seemed that something was wrong...
Ma Sanbao: What is the Great Voyage Era in On Sea Power?
[Yao Guangxiao: On the Fate of a Nation is actually the legendary dragon-slaying technique!]
Zhu Gaochi: I haven't finished talking about the silver standard in the History of Chinese Money.
Jiang Xing Huo: "I'm going to be beheaded tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest of the lesson in your dreams."
At this moment, the walls of the Imperial Jail collapsed and a voice sounded.
"Mr. Jiang, I am Zhu Di. Please be the state preceptor!"
As a snake hunter, Xu Ying had always been honest and diligent until this day when he caught a different snake...
On the first day of the third month, incense was burning everywhere in the Divine Land. The statues that protected the villages, towns, cities, and counties woke up one after another to enjoy the sacrifices of the people.
However, from that day onwards, the world was in chaos.
"Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was an admirable work. The author's style was grand, the writing was smooth, and the plot was deeply rooted in people's hearts. The story used rebirth as the theme, but it was not limited to this routine. Instead, it was presented in a humorous and funny way, making people unable to help but laugh. The author's writing style was praised, and the story was compact and fascinating. At the same time, every character in the book had their own personality and charm, which was unforgettable. This book was not only an entertainment work, but also a deeply rooted thought. He hoped that the author could continue to maintain this standard and create more outstanding works.
On that day, the thick fog sealed everything.
On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship.
On that day, he crossed the thick fog and faced a world that had been completely overturned and shattered. The order of the past was gone, and strange visions dominated the endless sea beyond civilization. The isolated island cities and the fleets that challenged the sea had become the only lights of the civilized world, while the shadows of the past were still stirring in the deep sea, waiting to continue to devour the dying world.
However, for the new captain of the Lost Home, there was only one problem he had to consider first.
Who knew how to sail the boat?
"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is a novel that makes people's eyes light up. The author's imagination was very big. The development of the plot was unexpected, and every step was full of surprises and excitement. This book not only brought pleasure to the readers, but also triggered people's thoughts on life, emotions, psychology, society, and history. It was difficult for the reader to guess what the next step would be, but every twist was fascinating. The plot of this book was so tight that it was hard to stop. The author's description was exquisite, allowing the readers to feel the emotions of the protagonists, making them unable to help but be moved by their experiences. In short, this book was worth reading.
"Who told him to cultivate!" The cultivation system was the familiar classic system of Qi Cultivation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, and Nascent Soul. The cultivation aptitude was also the common five elements spirit root, which could easily understand the realm and environment.
However, the author also wrote some of his own things, such as 'fake' single spiritual root 'x' real 'single spiritual root',' pure Yang spiritual root, and the protagonist's sword spirit root, etc. (Although she was a little girl who was afraid of heights and couldn't ride a sword, it was quite common for female channel members to be afraid of heights.)
The protagonist went to a cultivation sect near his home to try his luck. On the way, he got a ride on a carriage and met a woman. The three of them discussed how to cheat, but the woman was their invigilator. Fortunately, he bought the wrong answer and did not deal with them. (I think it has something to do with their talent.) Then, they took part in the test and passed the test in an unusual way. The protagonist's journey of cultivation had officially begun.
In addition, the author really liked to twist the situation. The effect was always unexpected and interesting. It was easy to read the daily cultivation literature, and it was very enjoyable to read. There were other books with similar styles, such as Pei Bubao's "I Can't Be a Sword God" and "Please Slay the Demon, Young Master."
(P.S. There are still a hundred chapters left before "Please Slay the Demon, Young Master" is finished. The book farming and book famine are worth killing.)
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
The strategy for turning over the military chess game included the following points:
1. At the beginning of the game, try to occupy as many camps as possible, especially the middle camp, to block the other party's actions and provide convenience for yourself.
2. When playing chess, you can choose to play chess in the position where the two big pieces of your side radiate at the same time. This way, even if the other side plays chess next to one of the big pieces, the other big piece can also kill.
3. If the boss of the enemy was the commander and there was a kid of the enemy beside him, he could let the kid enter the camp. The commander could hide in a place only two steps away from the turning point. At the same time, he could ensure that the turned pieces could not escape quickly. In this way, the commander could safely kill and kill without being intimidated by the bomb.
4. When flipping the board and moving the camp, you can choose to flip the board next to the regiment commander, hoping to flip the pieces on your side to help your side occupy more camps.
5. When the opponent enters the middle camp, you need to choose a suitable position to prevent the other party from entering the camp you want to occupy from the middle camp, thus sealing your pieces or killing your pieces.
6. Don't play chess around the opponent's high-level chess pieces, such as the commander, commander, or bomb. Once your chess piece is played, there will be a delay in your escape. If you play, you can only wait for death.
7. In the early stages, one should not pursue the number of chess pieces, but try to clear as many mines as possible. This was because the engineers were the only chess pieces that could travel on the rails. They were very mobile and could launch a surprise attack in the later stages. The enemy's flag might not be protected.
8. Don't ignore the life and death of the kid. Pay attention to the platoon leader, company commander, and other chess pieces, because their existence will affect the winning rate.
In summary, the above are some strategies for military chess. I hope it will be helpful to you.