The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga made its debut in 1987. It has become a cult classic over the years, influencing many other works in the manga and anime industry.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was a Japanese manga created by Araki Hiko. It had also been adapted into animation, movies, and many other forms. The following is a list of Jojo's Amazing Adventures 'viewing order and subtitles:
1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2. The Fourth World
The First Part: Dio
The Second Part: Jojo's World
5. The Third Part: The Jostar Family
The Fifth Part: The Sea of Stones
7. The Sixth Part: The Eyes of Heaven
Chapter 8: The Seventh Part: Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
Chapter 9:OJO's Bizarre Adventure: The Golden Star
Chapter 10: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Legend of DIO
1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
3 Golden Wind
4. The Rock
The Heaven's End
In Un'altra Vita
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Legend of DIO