
duoc su tu su

Tu Chân Liêu Thiên Quần

Tu Chân Liêu Thiên Quần

Tống Thư Hàng là một chàng trai có khuôn mặt hiền lành dễ gây thiện cảm, tính cách cũng vô cùng dễ chịu. Hắn là sinh viên khoa Kỹ thuật Cơ khí của Học viện Kỹ thuật Thiết kế và Chế tạo của Đại học Giang Nam. Một ngày, trong lúc hắn đang mơ hồ vì bị cảm thì có ID tên Hoàng Sơn Chân Quân mời hắn tham gia nhập vào group Nhóm Cửu Châu Số 1. Đoán có thể đây là một trong số mấy tên đã to đầu mà vẫn còn mơ mộng ở lớp mình nên Tống thư Hàng đồng ý. Khi tỉnh táo lại, hắn mở nhật ký chat của nhóm lên xem, phát hiện có vẻ mình đã lạc vào một nhóm yêu thích tiên hiệp. Các thành viên trong nhóm chat dùng đủ loại từ ngữ chuyên dụng trong tiểu thuyết tiên hiệp: Đạo hữu, động phủ, tu vi, tiền bối, chân quân, đại yêu khuyển? Hắn lại cũng rất thích tiểu thuyết tiên hiệp và mấy loại phim siêu nhân. Có lẽ tận sâu trong thâm tâm hắn vẫn còn rất nhiều kỳ vọng có một ngày nào đó, mấy nhân vật như siêu nhân, người ngoài hành tinh, hay thần tiên thật sự có thể xuất hiện trước mặt hắn chăng? Vì vậy Tống Thư Hàng cũng lựa trọn ở lại nhóm. Hắn đâu ngờ mình đã được thêm nhầm vào một nhóm đại lão tu tiên thực sự. Mọi sự âu cũng vì một chữ “duyên”.
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2842 Chs
El Alfa: Reclamando a la Hija de su Enemigo

El Alfa: Reclamando a la Hija de su Enemigo

## CONTENIDO MADURO! ## —¿Por qué tienes cicatrices? —De repente, Iris cambió de tema, mientras miraba a Cane directo a los ojos. Seguía aferrándose a sus mangas. —Tu padre me las hizo —respondió Cane. Pensó que Iris no recordaría esta conversación cuando despertara. —Debe ser muy doloroso. —Lo es. —¿Las cicatrices sanarán? —No lo creo. La noche de verdad te hacía vulnerable y te permitía decir cosas que nunca admitirías cuando estaba claro. La oscuridad ablandaba tu corazón. —Qué pena. Tienes una alma cálida. —Iris frunció ligeramente el ceño. —Ya no tengo alma. Había vendido su alma por la libertad de su pueblo. No quedaba nada de él en este momento. —Sí la tienes, pero estás sufriendo mucho. —Iris parpadeó. —Tu bestia está sufriendo. Tienes tantas cicatrices. —Las únicas cicatrices que tengo están en mi cara. —Iris negó con la cabeza débilmente. —No hablo de tu cara. Hablo de tu alma. Qué lástima, estás sufriendo tanto… lo que mi padre y hermano te hicieron debe ser doloroso… Y después de eso, Iris cerró los ojos y se durmió. ====================== Ella es la hija de un alfa que mató a su familia, arrasó con su manada y también convirtió a su pueblo en esclavos. Ahora, ha logrado vengarse después de diez años de ser tratado como esclavo y vivir una vida que nadie podría imaginar jamás. Vida similar al infierno. Y diez años después, el Alfa Cane logra tomar el control y matar al alfa que empeoró la vida de su pueblo más allá de la muerte. Era hora de que hiciera pagar a los hijos del alfa por lo que su padre había hecho. Solo que... Iris era un renacuajo y era muy diferente a su padre.
1040 Chs
Divorcié a mi despreciable esposo, me casé con su malvado hermano

Divorcié a mi despreciable esposo, me casé con su malvado hermano

Chloe Carlson, 35, era una mujer casada que vivía con su esposo infiel — Vicente Gray y su hija — Mackenzie. Su matrimonio fallido la llevó a solicitar el divorcio después de 10 años, pero su esposo se negó a firmarlo. —¡Sé lo que quieres, Chloe, quieres mi dinero después de que nos divorciemos! Quieres quitarme todo y no permitiré que eso ocurra— acusó Vicente. —¡No necesito tu dinero, Vicente! ¡Solo quiero llevarme a Mackenzie conmigo e irme!—. Finalmente, dejó a su miserable esposo sin llevarse ni un centavo de él. Iba a trazar su propio camino en la vida y darle a su hija lo mejor del mundo. Sin embargo, las cosas no van tan bien con una madre soltera como Chloe. Era difícil encontrar trabajo porque había sido ama de casa sin calificaciones durante mucho tiempo. Así que, en su desesperación por cuidar de su hija, solo tenía una salida. Contactó a su cuñado — Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, un joven despiadado mujeriego que resulta ser el CEO de una empresa en auge, pidiéndole un empleo en estos tiempos difíciles. —¿Un empleo? Eso no es un problema. Puedes trabajar como mi asistente personal y ocuparte de todas mis necesidades diarias—, dijo Vernon con una sonrisa burlona y se acercó. —Especialmente en la cama—, susurró en su oído. ¿Caería Chloe en manos de su malvado cuñado y se convertiría en esclava de sus caprichos? ¿O volvería con su abusivo y despreciable esposo por el futuro de su hija?
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795 Chs
Su Esposa Genio es una Superestrella

Su Esposa Genio es una Superestrella

``` Una hacker mundialmente famosa e hija de la familia criminal más poderosa, que gobernó el inframundo internacional durante muchas generaciones, es asesinada cuando su organización es aniquilada en una sola noche. Renace en el cuerpo de Iris Long, una adolescente cantante de pop, niña fiestera y consentida. Para la antigua princesa del inframundo que vivió una vida sobreprotegida y encadenada, esta nueva vida es una oportunidad para finalmente vivir la vida de libertad e independencia que siempre quiso. Jin Liwei es el hombre más poderoso del mundo empresarial del país. Frío y despiadado, es alguien a quien muy pocos se atreven a ofender. Cuando la infame Iris Long, que solía perseguir a su hermano menor, despierta de un coma de un año, su corazón insensible se conmueve por primera vez y cae perdidamente por esta inesperada chica genial. Ella quiere volar libremente y elevarse alto más allá del cielo. Él quiere todo de ella, atarla a él y nunca dejarla ir. Este es su viaje hacia la superestrellato. Este es su viaje acompañándola. Juntos, sacudirán al mundo mientras enfrentan muchos desafíos. Pero, ¿qué pasará cuando descubra que nunca podrá escapar de las sombras de su vida anterior? ¿Podrá seguir viviendo su soñada vida de libertad e independencia? ¿Podrá él protegerla de los peligros? [Advertencia: Contenido para adultos. Se aconseja discreción al lector.] Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/cSUhBdz ```
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791 Chs
General, tu esposa solicita que vuelvas a casa para la agricultura

General, tu esposa solicita que vuelvas a casa para la agricultura

—Su Xiaoxiao estaba tomando una siesta, pero abrió los ojos para descubrir que había transmigrado y ahora estaba en el cuerpo de una chica regordeta. De ser una digna doctora militar, se convirtió en una glotona y una holgazana. Además, solía aterrorizar a la gente del pueblo junto a su padre y su hermano. Por eso nadie en millas a la redonda estaba dispuesto a casarse con ella. Aunque su familia consiguió organizar un matrimonio con una familia ilustre, el novio huyó el día de la boda. Cuando su padre dijo que le iba a conseguir un marido, no esperaba que fuera literalmente, capturando a Wei Ting con un saco después de que él estuviera exhausto de luchar contra los bandidos. Su Cheng le sonrió misteriosamente a su hija. —Papá tiene buenas noticias y malas noticias. ¿Cuáles quieres oír primero? —Cualquiera. —He capturado un marido para ti. ¡Es cien veces más guapo que He Tongsheng! ¡Definitivamente te gustará! —Entonces, ¿cuál es la buena noticia? —preguntó ella en un aturdimiento. Su Cheng decidió seguir la corriente y cambió sus palabras. —La buena noticia es que ya no tienes que dar a luz más. ¡Mi yerno ya nos ha dado hijos! Después de casarse, Su Xiaoxiao llevó una vida ajetreada mejorando a su padre gangster y a su hermano menor, salvando la vida de su guapísimo marido y criando a sus tres traviesos… Además, inesperadamente, ¡se convirtió en una de las damas más poderosas de la Dinastía Yan!
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743 Chs
Señor CEO, ¡Su esposa es una BOSS oculta!

Señor CEO, ¡Su esposa es una BOSS oculta!

Hace cinco años, Qiao Nian fue víctima de una trama de su hermana, Qiao Xin. Tras pasar una noche con un desconocido, Qiao Nian quedó embarazada. No sabía quién era el padre del niño y eventualmente dio a luz a un bebé muerto. Bajo las maquinaciones de su madre y hermana, Qiao Nian fue despojada de sus acciones en el Grupo Qiao y enviada a un hospital psiquiátrico. Cinco años después, su hermana menor, Qiao Xin, iba a ser casada con el Segundo Joven Maestro de la familia Gu. Se rumoreaba que era extremadamente feo. El día que nació, el doctor predijo que no viviría más de veinte años. Su madre no podía soportar ver a Qiao Xin casarse con tal persona y pensó en Qiao Nian, quien todavía estaba encerrada en el hospital psiquiátrico. De la noche a la mañana, Qiao Nian fue sacada del hospital para reemplazar a Qiao Xin en su matrimonio con la familia Gu. Su madre dijo: —Es una suerte que Qiao Nian, esa inútil, pueda reemplazar a Xin'er para ser una viuda viviente en la familia Gu. Si Xin'er se casara en esa familia, me rompería el corazón. Qiao Xin dijo: —Mamá, no hables así de Hermana. Si no fuera por ella, no sabría qué hacer. Solo me preocupa que Hermana no esté de acuerdo. Su padre dijo: —Xin'er, eres demasiado bondadosa. ¿Has olvidado cómo Qiao Nian te calumnió hace cinco años? Ella no tiene autocontrol. Quedó embarazada antes del matrimonio e incluso dio a luz a un niño muerto. ¡La tratamos lo suficientemente bien dejándola casarse con alguien de la prestigiosa familia Gu! ¿Qué derecho tiene ella para ser exigente? Qiao Nian se burló. En aquel entonces, la trama en su contra solo había tenido éxito debido a una combinación de factores inesperados, haciéndola sufrir. ¡Ella iba a vengarse de todos ellos! Todos pensaban que sus acciones nacían de una combinación de mentalidad de perdedora y enfermedad mental, pero poco sabían que este matrimonio sería una unión fuerte tan impactante como Marte chocando contra la Tierra. Aprovechando sus brillantes habilidades médicas, Qiao Nian hizo que varias personas despreciables y canallas se tragaran sus palabras. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, sus múltiples identidades sorprendieron al mundo a medida que se revelaban. ¡Resultó que era tan rica que podía rivalizar con un país! Más tarde, el Segundo Joven Maestro Gu colocó un par de mini clones de Qiao Nian frente a ella. Frente a estos dos niños que se parecían a ella y a Gu Zhou, Qiao Nian parpadeó sorprendida. —¿Cuándo di a luz a tus hijos? —preguntó.
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639 Chs
Después de divorciarse, ¡su poderosa familia de origen la recibió en casa!

Después de divorciarse, ¡su poderosa familia de origen la recibió en casa!

Después de que Tan Ming quedara embarazada, su esposo le entregó los papeles de divorcio. Hace veintitrés años, Tan Ming todavía era una huérfana que nadie quería. Sus padres adoptivos la adoptaron de un orfanato porque tenían dificultades para tener hijos propios. Sin embargo, el infortunado destino de Tan Ming no cambió por ello. Al cabo de un mes, su madre adoptiva quedó embarazada. Después de que naciera su hermana menor, Tan Si, Tan Ming se convirtió en la persona más despreciada de la familia. Desde que era niña, tenía que cederle el paso a Tan Si en todo. Sus padres solo querían a Tan Si porque Tan Ming no era su hija biológica. Hace tres años, la familia Tan la obligó a casarse con un hombre en coma por el bien de sus intereses comerciales. Durante dos años enteros, Tan Ming vivió como una viuda. Hasta que, hace un año, cuando su esposo en coma despertó inesperadamente, Tan Si se enamoró de él a primera vista. Esta vez, Tan Ming decidió no ceder más. Intentó cortar lazos con la familia Tan de manera decisiva. Sin embargo, no esperaba recibir los papeles de divorcio al final. Por el bien de los niños en su vientre, Tan Ming fue forzada por su esposo a firmar los papeles. Cuando nacieron los niños, su padre biológico estaba acompañando a otra mujer a hacerse la prueba de embarazo. Justo cuando el mundo de Tan Ming estaba en su momento más oscuro, aparecieron sus verdaderos parientes. ¡Eran una familia tan adinerada que incluso la familia Tan los admiraba, y la acogieron en su hogar! Después de regresar a casa, ya no era una niña no deseada. No solo tenía padres que la adoraban, sino que también tenía tres hermanos que la consentían mucho. Más tarde, su exesposo lamentó su decisión y vino a disculparse en persona. —Mantente alejado de mi vida —pronunció Tan Ming.
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640 Chs


—ella fue elegida porque era su derecho desde el principio...—Una vez en una rara ocasión, la noche de una luna llena azul, una niña es llevada de una casa para servir a las bestias que se hacen llamar hombres lobo. Los hombres lobo eran los que gobernaban el pueblo y todo lo controlaban. Parecían humanos pero, bajo su fachada humana, había un monstruo despiadado que buscaba destruir. Todos intentaban protegerse, pero en el fondo sabían que no eran rival para los hombres lobo. Arianne era una niña que había nacido diferente a las demás personas del pueblo. Tenía el cabello largo y rojo y había nacido con ojos de diferente color. Uno verde y uno marrón. Nadie sabía por qué había nacido así y no era hereditario. Su madre también murió durante su parto y, por eso, su padre, Massimo, se distanció de ella y decidió volver a casarse. Se casó con una mujer llamada Christine que ya tenía una hija fuera del matrimonio, Rissa. Juntas, Rissa y Christine decidieron hacerle la vida un infierno a Arianne, mientras su padre les daba la espalda. Por esto, Arianne decidió alejarse de su familia y de la sociedad. Llegó el día de la selección y Rissa fue elegida para servir a los hombres lobo. Aterrorizada por su vida, Rissa decidió persuadir a su madre para convencer a Massimo de ofrecer a Arianne para la selección. Ignorando sus súplicas y lágrimas, Massimo ofreció a Arianne para servir a los hombres lobo. Nadie sabe realmente qué sucede con las chicas que son seleccionadas y a nadie le importa preguntar. Sin saber el destino que le espera, Arianne decide ir a servir al hombre lobo al que llaman Ivan Giovanni, un alfa conocido por su crueldad. ¿Podrá Arianne sobrevivir viviendo entre hombres lobo? ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre más sobre su identidad y la única persona que puede ayudarla es Ivan? ¿Qué crees que sucederá si descubre que Ivan era el niño al que salvó hace tantos años de morir? NOTA: NO SOY EL PROPIETARIO DE LA IMAGEN DE LA PORTADA DE ESTE LIBRO. LA IMAGEN FUE ENCONTRADA EN PINTEREST.
612 Chs
Is there a novel similar to Su Tu?
1 answer
2025-01-28 07:52
There were novels similar to Su Tu: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": A f * cking new novel. It's still the same familiar flavor. Classic saintess, classic strong woman, weak man, picking up girls. Classic treasures weren't important. Beautiful women were the most important. Although it's really well written, I'm still reading it now... But I always felt that some of the descriptions were a little pretentious. Maybe it was the voice-over part, but it didn't affect it. Give 8 points 2."Spirit Realm Walker": From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world... Yuanzi was a social bull, no…a proper university student. However, he was surrounded by Old Si Ji's OL, kind-hearted aunt, and sweet little green tea… He had unintentionally gotten involved in the dispute of the mysterious world, but he had managed to overcome it with a high-level attitude. And…there was no genius that an S class spirit realm expert could not resolve. If there was, then there would be two… [Tagged: Unlimited Style, Original Dungeon, Ruined Idiom] 3."Tang's Table": Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. 4."King of Beasts": A new book with a light spring flowing. It's still a familiar book about beasts. 5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": Multiple Female Lead: The game settings are the same, but the game has changed a lot after transmigrating. The author said that he was a newcomer, but his writing was quite good. In addition, there are some problems with this article, but I personally think that the flaws do not obscure the merits. It is worth reading. 6."National Forensic Medicine":"National Forensic Medicine" is an urban workplace novel. The author skillfully uses his writing style and ridicule to show his experienced writing style. The story unfolded from the perspective of a forensic doctor, depicting the stable and extraordinary life of a grassroots police officer. The cases in the story revealed the evil of human nature, but there were also people who were looking for light, paying tribute to the truth-seeker and the guardian of peace. Through the content of the book, readers could feel the increasingly complete system and the prosperity of the motherland. This book showed the author's respect for the forensic profession and made people realize the importance of happiness. Late at night during the National Day holiday, the author recorded this wonderful review, which made people look forward to this work even more. Whether it was a reader who liked forensic science or urban system literature, they could read this book without worry. It was created by an old author, and the subsequent updates were guaranteed, which made people feel satisfied. This book was lively, humorous, and full of interest. It allowed the readers to go from finding it difficult to accept at the beginning to a work that went well with food. It was indeed great. The protagonist of the story was a rich second-generation heir who had been admitted to the county's criminal police as a forensic doctor. He had continuously improved his abilities through the system and had now made a name for himself. Overall, this book was worth 85 points. 7:"Heroine, Wait":"Heroine, Wait. Do you know who I am?" "I know. He's the empress's favorite minister, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a famous sect in the pugilistic world. You're the one I'm going to cut!" 8."Mantang Colorful Colors":"Mantang Colorful Colors" was a fascinating historical novel. The author used the Tang Dynasty as the background and incorporated suspense and historical elements, attracting many readers. The author's historical description was outstanding, showing a deep understanding and unique insights into the Tang Dynasty. The plot was compact, and the beginning aroused the interest of the readers, making them want to find out what was going on. The characters in the book were vivid and well-written. The author was good at describing the characters through the details to make them more three-dimensional. The plot was logical, the rhythm was tight, and the plot was amazing. The whole book was full of suspense and historical charm, making people want to find out. I strongly recommend Colorful Scenery of the Tang Dynasty. It is a fascinating historical novel that is worth reading. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": 85 points, creepy sci-fi Get lost. The beginning of the new book feels like a mysterious journey. From the first and second chapters, which were only a few thousand words long, the protagonist had just transmigrated. There was also his family situation and some social relationships. The explanation was clear and could make people feel as if they were there. It described the middle and bottom of the world, a kind of inner scroll era in this world. However, there was also a sense of serenity. Then, it was described in a side note. When preparing for war, I felt that there should be a small portion of the higher-ups, some secret sects, or some secret people who mastered the supernatural. It wasn't a situation where the higher-ups hid things from the lower-ups. There were some foreshadowing that I was quite concerned about. First, the original body died, and then the main character came over. Therefore, after surviving three times, he should be able to obtain Transcendence. Secondly, I feel that the main character's contact is still with the mysterious girl brought by the fair-skinned sister. This should be a small turning point. 10."The Final Divine Order":"The Final Divine Order" was a novel written by a high-ranking martial artist. His works had always been very popular. The pace of this novel was not bad at the moment. It gave people a refreshing feeling and could be considered fodder. This book was quite good. The author's writing was very skilled, and his worldview was also very good. The various concepts and forces were very rich, and the timing of the introduction was also very appropriate. It did not feel like a stiff map change. The protagonist was about to change maps and enter the official faction for the first time. The following plot would be even more exciting. He hoped that the author could write a good outline to avoid the main character's combat strength collapsing and losing the challenge because of his unparalleled ability. The genre of this book was very similar to the Atlas of Heaven and Man, but the setting was science fiction, and the social setting and style were more relaxed. The combat strength setting was a combination of three types of martial arts Prosthetics. "I have a lot of bonus points for martial arts books. The author of this book is fluent, but it's still a refreshing type of novel. If you're interested, you can take a look. 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? This Game Is Too Realistic: Xing 'er's New Book ~ Return to the wasteland, play behind the scenes, walk the group, the fourth natural disaster ravages the wasteland (actually moving bricks and picking up trash)~ F * ck, why is my cameo a female bear… [8 stars!] 13:"Red Heart Sky Patrol": -[Excellent Series-]--Top 3500 likes next time! It was a rather exciting Xianxia novel, written by one of the twelve heavenly kings in the year 2022,"Why Do I Feel So Formidable?" Why did this book stand out among so many Xianxia writings? I think there are three reasons. First, the author's writing skills were outstanding. Not to mention the various exciting plots at the end, many readers would be attracted from the first chapter. The first chapter was about the duel between two masters. The writing was excellent, but the emotional fluctuations were even better. Everyone thought that Zuo Guanglie would burn himself and die with his pursuers, but in the end, he was beheaded with a light sword. This kind of treatment showed the gap between cultivators and was fascinating. Secondly, the character was attractive. The main character was a tenacious cultivator. No matter what the situation was, he would have the spirit to fight. Moreover, he was not a saint. For example, when he was betrayed by his good brother, he would kill him regardless of what others said. As for the other characters, even if they were villains, they were not brainless. The descriptions of the small characters were also very appropriate and vivid. Third, excellent control of rhythm. For example, in the opening story, after the protagonist killed his old friend who had betrayed him in a duel, the author did not mention the matter at all. Instead, he described the outcome of the traitor and the sadness of his brother's betrayal through the actions of the protagonist's other brothers. This way, the readers were immersed in the aftertaste of the incident. In the next chapter, there was a sudden change in the situation and a battle scene. It could be said that the control of the rhythm was extremely outstanding. Overall, this book was worth reading and was highly recommended. "Ring of Destiny":"Ring of Destiny" was a book that would never tire of reading. The author's pen strength and imagination were amazing. The plot arrangement was just right, making it very enjoyable to read. It was definitely worthy of giving it a five-star rating. Although the new book had just been released and not a single chapter had been updated, it had already reached 100 leagues. The monthly votes had also reached more than 7,000. It was clear that the author's strength and the readers 'love for him. The story was a combination of Long Night's writing style. The protagonist, Li Lumian, was a good seedling of the Hunter pathway, and the first dungeon was a strange dream. The Tarot Club was spearheaded by writers. Thirty years to the east of Serenzo River, thirty years to the west of Serenzo River. Saint Salted Fish was now a profound big shot, and he gave it to Little Aca of the Tarot Noodles…It made people look forward to it. 2023's shocking web novel! The squid was here! Ring of Destiny, blow! I, the former survivor of the curly-haired baboon, cheer for the squid. Overall, The Ring of Destiny was a fascinating fantasy novel that was worth reading. "The Great Ming State Preceptor": 4 stars Remarks: Interesting, can be seen "Ascending on a Better Day": Strongly recommended, not to be missed by Xianxia lovers, and recommended for readers with a wide range of tastes. Otaku Pig's new book. In my opinion, this book should be another breakthrough for Otaku Pig. I think this book is better than the previous books. I think it's good because he changed the style of the previous books at the beginning of the book. He started with a blockbuster scene. People who read it were excited and felt it immediately. After reading books for so many years, I was suppressed by all kinds of books with similar styles. It was difficult for me to immerse my mind into the story in the book when I read. This was one of them. The genre of the book is Xianxia. So far, I feel that the biggest highlight is the villain, as well as some sentences that make people relax and laugh from time to time. Villains in the hands of pigs have a lot of personality, and this book is no exception. I won't spoil the details. Anyway, when Old Ancestor Zhou "passed the Heavenly Tribulation, but not the Human Tribulation", I was very sad. I had an indescribable feeling in my heart. This is a rare feeling that I can't bear to part with the villain. 17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Being Reborn": A very good urban life novel. It's more about love. The female lead is a little afraid of society, but she can poke people's lungs. It's a little funny and casual. I recommend it. "Deep Sea Ember" was a fascinating novel. The author's new book, Dayanzhu, showed a turning point and a funny point in a strange and abnormal world, making people unable to stop. The plot of the story unfolded slowly, and the world view and fog were fascinating. Big Eyeball's book was as outstanding as ever. This time, it was possible that his work would catch up to his best work,"The Xyrin Empire." The background of the story was set in the interweaving of Ke, steampunk, and sailing. The protagonist traveled to a ghost ship called "Lost Home" and became a ghost captain with mysterious powers. He came to a world that was once destroyed and covered by the ocean and began an adventure. The advantage of the story was that the setting of the world was grand and full of suspense. Through the exploration experience of the protagonist, the mysteries of the world were gradually revealed. In general, Deep Sea Ember was a fascinating work with a recommendation index of ****. "Cultivation in the Chaos of Demonic Martial Arts": His writings have always been of guaranteed quality. In the cultivation world, I was a yes-man, but in the Otherworld, I was a punching bag! He did not expect that after thousands of years, he would also become a big shot in the cultivation world! "Who told him to cultivate!"⭐⭐⭐ The number of updates was small because there were too few updates. It was still the same as the previous book. Waiting for updates was too tiring. It was like squeezing toothpaste every day. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Tu Su explained correctly.
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2025-01-13 19:09
Tu Su's correct explanation was that during the Double Ninth Festival in ancient times, people would gather wormwood, admire chrysanthemums, and insert cornel. Tusu was also the name of an ancient wine. It was said that drinking Tusu wine on the first day of the first lunar month could ward off evil spirits and prevent the plague. Tusu Wine was a wine soaked in Tusu Grass. It had the function of dispelling evil qi and eliminating diseases and disasters. Tusu's meaning could also refer to houses, thatched nunnery, and so on.
Character Introduction of Ling Su Tu
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2025-02-01 09:39
The characters included the female lead, Yun Churou, and the male supporting character, Yun Yi. The prince of the gods. The male companion, Si He, has a cold face and is enthusiastic. No one knows him. The male partner, Wen Xuan, belonged to the ibis family. His father was the chief of the Ibis tribe and he had an elder brother. The female companion, Ye Rong An, was originally a night beast. Later, she was granted the title of Princess of the Shen clan and given the name Ye Rong 'an. [Ling Su Tu] Author: Unexpected Autumn. It's a Xianxia novel. User recommendation: [New book: "The Imperial Daughter's Punishment" has been opened. Welcome to read ~ This article will be updated as soon as possible.] The Yun family of the Fanyuan world was exterminated because they possessed a sacred weapon related to the secrets of heaven and earth. Only two children escaped to the world of immortals. Immortals said that gods and immortals were different; The immortals said that there was only one person in this world. The human race was not a proud son of heaven, but the most despicable race in the world. The immortal said that he would take them in for four years, and that they would be responsible for their own life and death after that. He wanted to see how the mortal female protagonist would pass the trial, destroy her enemies, reveal her secrets, and save the world. During these four years, they had also made four good friends of the Spirit Race, and they had been able to overcome obstacles and overcome obstacles together, singing along the way. "Since everyone has the same goal, why don't we stir up the storm together and let them see how powerful we are!" No matter how many secrets there were. If the six of them worked together, they would definitely be able to solve the mystery and find out the truth! (I really don't know how to write a brief introduction. Everyone should just read the article.) This article is divided into three chapters: Heaven, Earth, and Heaven. It is a slow-growing article. It mainly focuses on group growth. There are CP, but the revenge and the investigation of the case to find the truth are the main lines. I hope you will like this book.
Is there a novel similar to "Ling Su Tu"?
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2025-01-18 07:31
There were novels similar to Ling Su Tu: 1. Revelation of Modern Cultivation. Author: Rainy Day 10 2. Folk Culture Begins from the God of Wealth Wu. Author: Yue Rong Yue Rong 3."Don't Ask Where People Return to in Time Travel." Author: A Purple Doesn't Eat Coriander 4:"Immortal Destiny in Qingdu", Author: Keyu 5."Family Cultivation: Starting from the Evil Sword Immortal." Author: Green Lotus Yibai 6."Longevity begins with raising seven cannon fodder martial nephews." Author: Mochen 7:"No way, Junior Sister ascended after farming!" Author: No Fish in the Pit 8:"Hundred Refinements Fight for Immortality", Author: One Saint's Righteousness 9."Nine Years of Suppressing Demons, I've Been Number One in the World." Author: Shadowless 10:"Scroll King's Cultivation Journey", Author: Luo Ru Shi Ru Yu Origins of Dao Ancestor, Author: A Cup of Coke, No Ice The Great Qin Celestial Kingdom: I Become an Immortal by Relying on the Dao of Gou. Author: Happy Connection of Mountains and Rivers Northern Song Dynasty: Reversal to Emperor after the Jingkang Rebellion. Author: Lu Baishuang Fairy Wait, Author: Let Me Slow Down Little Junior Sister's Long Life Path, Author: Qian You Please Follow the Cultivation Script, Author: Mo Kongshan "I'm Crossing the Love Tribulation for the Divine Lord." Author: Hua Ranjun "After the Sect Was Destroyed, the Whole Continent Rely on Me to Ascension", Author: If I Change Color Longevity Begins from Demon Control, Author: Chengxin The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Apocalypse of the Modern Immortal Cultivators": In such an era of fierce competition and national interest, how can ordinary people become Immortal Cultivators? Reincarnation, fortuitous encounter, immortal encounter? Wash up and go to sleep. It's all in your dreams. 2."Folk customs begin with the God of Wealth": text exploration + folk suspense The new calendar and the old calendar, Yin God and Huang Lord. A battle like a siege slowly unfolded. At the moment of contact with the game, the taboos buried for tens of thousands of years gradually surfaced. Clean up or compromise? Fight or be contaminated? The old guide, the Martial God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, the Faceless Vest Master, Shi Xin…What is your choice? The twelve Desolate Lords, who had been forced to the point of no return, asked. * * * At first, Shi Xin thought that this was just a game for a small number of people. She was cautious, restrained, and submissive. All the way until the 'Desolate Lord' of the entire nation. She was fanatical, incisive, and expanded her plans. From 'exploration' to 'conquering the world'. Many forces were secretly surging, each with their own ulterior motives and abilities. The Yin God was an immortal cultivator? The Sound Beasts came from the Classic of Mountains and Seas? Monsters are just ordinary Desolate Men? Then she would be the immortal tamer, beastmaster, and cleaner. The world selection began. It was a struggle for power, a struggle for power. Why did the four seas and eight wastelands invade the other world? What was the connection between the revival of fiendish energy and the desolate land? Where was the secret of life and death buried? There was no hurry. He had to become the 13th Desolate Lord first. (Slow Hot, Hegemon, Female Lead, Ambitionist) 3:"Don't Ask Where I Go Back": You ask how much I love you? I'm sorry, but I'm more greedy for this great country. Flowers bloom and wither naturally, always rely on the East King. In the past, Fang Zilan had always scoffed at this phrase, until the unreliable transmigration happened to her. Before she had time to carefully understand the meaning of this sentence, she first faced the classic dilemma raised by shakespeare: survival or destruction. Wasn't this nonsense? Of course, survival. However, after risking his life to rise to the position of a high official, he experienced what it meant to fall from the clouds into the dust. What a great East Monarch. Since you are all heartless emperors who only love the country and not beauties, then don't ask where this little girl is. 4.<<Immortal Destiny of Qingdu>>: She is the little princess of the Great Tang Empire of Jambu Province, but she is a sickly little girl. She doesn't have long to live! An unexpected opportunity had allowed her to leave the mortal world and become a member of his world cultivation path. The sect changed one after another, the road was tough, step by step, bitter and happy, to find the legendary Qing Du, her immortal destiny. 5.<<Family Cultivation: Starting from the Evil Sword Immortal>>: In the old land of Mount Shu, a magical black stone brought Xu Changqing to the cultivation world to become the head of a small family. The legendary forbidden technique allowed the Evil Sword Immortal beyond the six realms to be reborn. He had two souls in one body, one righteous and one evil. The Mystical Black Rock turned into an insect nest to control strange insects, allowing Xu Changqing to embark on a rare path of insect cultivation. "Xu Changqing, you destroyed my entire Li family. I've cultivated bitterly for hundreds of years just to take revenge on you. Hand over my life." "Demon Xu, you took advantage of me to ruin my innocence. I swear to kill you." "Everyone, you've found the wrong person. I've always pursued the Great Dao and have never done such a thing before." Xu Changqing's expression was calm as he looked at the black mass of enemies outside the clan's array formation. He calmly began to send troops to set up the array formation. Copper Fire Ants, Six-Winged Demon Centipedes, Nine Yin Barrier Venomous Bees, Ancient Gold Devouring Beetles…The swarm of insects that blotted out the sky and covered the earth attacked the enemies outside the array formation. …… Years later, the people of the Immortal Cultivation world discovered that there were actually two Xu Changqing. One called himself the Insect Demon but was righteous, and the other called himself an Immortal but committed all kinds of evil. 6."Longevity begins with raising seven cannon fodder martial nephews": As the uncle-master of the seven cannon fodder tool female supporting characters in Long Aotian's novel, Ning Yuxian, nicknamed "Salted Fish", was cannon fodder without a name in the original text. After her rebirth, Ning Yuxian, who had wanted to continue being a 'salted fish' lying on the ground, was targeted and schemed against in the process of helping her junior nephews. She also discovered more conspiracies behind the scenes. It was impossible for him to be a salted fish. Then, he would teach his martial nephew well and hope that they would support him in his old age. In the end, after her martial nephews became successful, she became immortal? There was no CP in this article! 7:"No way, Junior Sister ascended after farming!": In the cultivation books that Bai Rao had transmigrated to read, he had turned into an ox tendon grass with tenacious vitality. What! Was she a fat sheep that the female protagonist had taken advantage of? As a well-behaved fat sheep, he had to learn how to speak tea and avoid the female protagonist's gaze to secretly develop. He had to use his advantage to pluck the wool of the fat sheep around him until it was bald! She had wanted to cultivate, but she accidentally discovered that farming could increase her cultivation, so she raised grass while others raised beasts. The decent Bai Rao joined an indecent sect, and from then on, his moral integrity was a passerby. Everyone thought to themselves,"This crazy sect finally has a normal person!" The venomous eldest senior brother thought,"Another piece of trash." Love Brain Second Senior Brother: The new junior sister is so cute. The ice-cold Third Senior Sister said,"I'll kill you first if you dare to betray the sect." Elegant Fourth Brother: Does Junior Sister know how to taste tea? The disciples of the other sects thought,"Your junior sister is the biggest lunatic. Which alchemy cultivator is a sword cultivator and specializes in long-range combat?" [No CP, imperfect character, there are good and bad couples] 8."A Hundred Refined Immortals": A cup of turbid wine, bitter taste, cold and warm Dao. Watching a play, watching the wind and rain, watching the sun rise. Let me tell you: A young boy carrying a bag and carrying a dream in this world… How to struggle and climb up! 9."Nine Years of Suppressing Demons, I Became the World's Number One": The Immortal's Journey Record The colorful dress drags the wide belt, flutters the wind to ascend to heaven. The immortal holds six chopsticks, and the gods and devils attach themselves to peace. Jiang Yu, a warlock who had just left the mountain gate, came to the Xuzhou Prefecture in southern Sichuan in order to find the whereabouts of his master's disappearance. He accidentally obtained the sect's supreme treasure, the Wordless Heavenly Book, the Heaven and Earth Immortal Record, and embarked on a journey. Send the demon seed, break the dream, go to the Ruins of End, see the double screen, kill the hungry ghost, trap the god, ascend the immortal line! Jiang Yu: All the things in the past are like dying yesterday, and all the things in the future are like living today! Chapter 10:"The Scroll King's Cultivation Journey": The orphan Yun Ying was forced to live in the hands of her aunt. She finally had a chance to turn her fate around, but she realized that her master seemed to have other plans. The foggy massacre of her family, the unusual body, and the curse of misfortune all clearly showed that she was different from others. When she stepped on the clouds and walked step by step towards the ultimate mystery of fate, there was an irresistible temptation in front of her. Whether she accepted the arrangement and became a puppet or stayed true to herself and walked into more unknown, it was up to her own choice… <<Origin of Dao Ancestor>>: This is a story of a mortal's pioneering! Rise from the humble, Sichuan Cuisine will last forever! In the 6,666 years of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, the black moon surged, and demons, ghosts, and monsters emerged one after another. From then on, the Humble Class disciples rose up, and there were many outstanding figures. Chen Qinghe had transmigrated here, he didn't seek to be outstanding, he just wanted to become an immortal. "Northern Song Dynasty: Counterattack and Become Emperor after the Jingkang Rebellion": Zhao Yingluo couldn't understand how she, a PhD student from an agricultural university, got into a car accident and traveled to the Northern Song Dynasty to become the daughter of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty and the sister of Emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately, she had transmigrated to the second year of Jingkang. At this time, the Jin people had already broken through Bianjing and captured the two emperors and 100,000 members of the imperial clan. Facing Wanyan Zonghan's drunken teasing, Zhao Yingluo sneered,"When this princess returns to the Great Song, your Jin Kingdom will not be far from death." After returning to the Song Dynasty, the low-key Zhao Yingluo relied on the seeds of the Dimensional Space to nourish the entire Song Dynasty. "Now that our army has recovered Hebei, we are short of food and fodder. Can we…" "100,000 stones!" "Our army is about to reach Youzhou, and we're close to victory in recovering the Great Song, but we can't sustain our rations…" "This princess will personally lead the logistics army as the backing." After being ousted, Qin Hui and his wife, who were begging on the streets, said,"Your Highness, give me something to eat." "Whoever dares to give them alms, I'll cut off their rations." …… "Fairy, Wait":"Newcomer Restriction + Immortal Cultivation + Female Lead" The concubine daughter of the Jiang family was exiled to the countryside for more than ten years. No one knew her talent and talent. The eldest daughter of the Jiang Family had plotted against her for her opportunity. Previously, the elders of the family had contracted a ferocious beast, the Red Tiger, for her. Later, the main family of the Immortal Cultivation World had paved the way for her. She was matchless and had boundless glory. Jiang Lian,[I was caught in the rain, so I broke someone else's umbrella.] This book is also known as "If I'm not doing well, don't even think about getting better" and "Who can roll me up?" Don't Live Immortal cultivators have strong bones, and those who reach the Tao are the most spiritual of gods. Jiang Lian started with a sword and all the equipment was picked up. 15:"Little Junior Sister's Long Life Path": New book seedling. The content is not bad. The future is promising! Speaking of which, I can't tell which one is the main character, but it doesn't matter. The content is not bad. "Please Follow the Cultivation Script": No CP, First Female Lead Ye Wuchen, male, possessed the Immortal Cultivation System. He was considered the most likely person in the Immortal Cultivation World to eliminate the Demon Lord because the Heavenly Axiom said so. There was only one problem. It was a girl called Jiang Li. Mistakes came one after another. Why was there nothing that was the same as what the Heavenly Dao said? Why did she become a bandit? Going into business? Why did he go to grave robbing? Can't we follow the script of cultivation! 17:"I'm Passing the Love Tribulation for the Divine Lord"| I'm Ye Tongtong. It's been 978 years since I ascended to Shangxian. 500 years have passed and 478 years have passed since I struggled to survive in the Heaven Realm. Only then did I become a small immortal in the Samsara Bureau. The so-called tribulation passing immortals were just a group of workers who worked in the Nine Heavens to live and cultivate. The real Heaven Realm Divine Lords and Supreme Gods are far away in the Starfall Sea above the Nine Heavens. They will only lower themselves when they really need us workers…| --------------------- Si Xiaoxian, listen up! All immortals in the Tribulation Division must successfully help a high-level Divine Tribulation within a year. If they fail the mission, they will be expelled from the Tribulation Division immediately! The most handsome man in the Heaven Realm, the title of the God of War, and the next candidate for the Crown Prince of the Supreme God Realm. However, he had a fatal weakness, and that was that he couldn't get over the hurdle of love for thousands of years. Countless fairies had sacrificed themselves for him, but they all died in vain. He gradually became a legend in the Heaven Realm. He would rather cross the River of Forgetfulness than cross the Everlasting Love. He would lose his life when he saw a man of the night. The hurdle of love was full of vicissitudes... "After the Sect Was Destroyed, the Whole Continent Rely on Me to Ascension": Luo Jiuqiu Was Killed by Her Beloved One, Survived 600 Years Later. Once she broke out of the grave, the legend of Demoness Luo remained, but her sect had been destroyed, and her close friends had been killed. The murderer was actually herself? His former sweetheart, now his mortal enemy, had gone mad, his gentle and steady Eldest Senior Brother had gone mad, and his best friend had turned black. The secret technique was exposed, and the Heavenly Pillar was reopened. Countless cultivators flocked to worship it, just to ascend. Chapter 19:"Longevity Begins from Demon Taming": Oh Momo, the new book is here. Shallow pit excavation. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Which novel did Su Tu come from?
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2024-09-24 01:20
"The Lover Who Entangled with Xiaohan's Wife for Two Lives" is a modern romance novel written by the author, Yi Chen. The general plot of this novel is: Su Xiaohan was originally a descendant of the Su family in Uehara. She had wasted her superb martial arts talent, outstanding learning ability, and stunning looks. She was ignorant, incompetent, and uncouth. It was only at the moment she was killed that she saw who was sincere and who was fake. Fate arranged for her to be reborn to the age of 16. She vowed to change her fate." Gu Meisheng, what do you like about me?" I like you because it's you." ---------------------------- " I'm Famous After Being Hacked by the Internet " was a modern romance novel written by Gu Nanan. The general plot of this novel was: Su Xian, the most miserable movie queen in history, was reborn. In his previous life, Su Xian was a down-and-out movie queen who was hated by everyone. He was a blackmailer who was rumored to have faked his academic qualifications and was even slandered for relying on his body to get to the top. In the end, he ended up with a tragic "suicide"! The first thing he did after rebirth was to clarify! Fake academic qualifications? Su Xian,"I'm dying of laughter. Then who's the one with the full scholarship?" A date with a mysterious man? Su Xian,"Please, is having a meal with your own brother a date?" Being kept by a sugar daddy? Su Xian thought,"The daughter of the Su family in Beijing still needs a mistress?" A certain two-word female celebrity pursued the CEO of the Lu Corporation and could not get it? Su Xian,"I'm sorry, he was the one who chased me." ---------------------------- " The Invincible Demon Lord of the City " was a novel about supernatural powers in the city written by the author. The general plot of the novel was: In Su City, Demon Venerable Su Xing had been reborn! His current identity was known as the number one trash in Su City, the son of the Su family's master. Let's see how he would go against the current... ---------------------------- Sword God Ling Zun was a fantasy and oriental fantasy novel written by the author, Light Clothes Guiding Dreams. The general plot of this novel was: The young Su Chen traveled the world alone with his sword. ---------------------------- " Little Brothers Are Big Brothers " was a novel about urban life written by the author, Jun Yichen. The general plot of the novel was: He had lived for decades, eating grains, and going through three years of simulation and five years of college entrance examinations just to act a little more cool in the ordinary world. In the business of acting, some people relied on their own abilities, some liked to bring up their parents, some liked to brag, and some liked to brag. Su Shi was different-he was a wanderer. "I know your boss." He was studying for the postgraduate entrance examination. "I know your professor." It was the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. Then I know your father or grandfather." ---------------------------- Drunken Land " was a historical novel written by the author, Li Ren Wang Zuo An. The general plot of this novel was: This was the best of times, and it was also the worst of times. There were people who lived in the peaceful and happy place of the House of Red Sleeves by the Qinhuai River, singing the flowers in the backyard across the river. Some people lived in the Hu Krupp's night knocking on the pass, in the snowstorm filled with bows and knives on the battlefield, life and death together. Su Mu came, saw, and experienced. Therefore, he thought that perhaps he could do something. No matter whether it was good or bad, he had to leave something behind. Ren Fengyue messed up the knife and spear, only I lie drunk in the mountains and rivers. ---------------------------- " The Farmer's Little Chef " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Wanqi Ziling. The general plot of this novel was: When Su Lan woke up, she realized that her exquisite and enchanting body was gone. Moreover, her face was disfigured. She was an ugly monster who had been chased back to her hometown by her mistress for climbing into bed! His father was simple and honest, his mother was a bun, and his only brother was a rebellious youth. In front of her, there was a superior relative eyeing her like a tiger, and behind her, there was a peerless beauty who was pestering her. Su Lan felt immense pressure. Hence, he took up the responsibility of the family. He opened a restaurant and opened branches all over the country, once again reaching the peak of his life. Just as Su Lan started her business and trained the handsome man into a peerless husband, the handsome man disappeared without a trace. One day, Su Lan stood on the street and looked at the handsome man who was riding on a horse. His face was cold and his entire body was emitting an aura of abstinence. She muttered,"Why does he look exactly like that demon?" ---------------------------- " The Cold Prince, the Fisherman's Concubine Has Just Grown Up " was an ancient romance novel written by the author Mu Zisu. The general plot of this novel was: Su Xiaoke had never thought that she would be carrying two pieces of memories with her. Miss Su from the General's Estate told her that she only realized when she was on her deathbed that a person who was kind enough to give away their life with a smile was probably stupid. Su Xiaoke, who was in a remote fishing village, told her that her mother was weak and her brother was young. She asked her to take care of him. Su Xiaoke, who had learned from the painful experience, was determined to wash away Miss Su's previous life. She also wanted to get back the pain of her predecessor, Su Xiaoke, with interest. However, he did not expect that he would unintentionally open the spatial fish pond and start the road to wealth. Those who bullied her would die a horrible death! Those who betrayed her would be torn into pieces! However, what if that loyal dog, the black-bellied man, who she had casually picked up, liked to stick to her? Of course, it's an anti-sticky…plot fiction. Please don't imitate it. ---------------------------- " Why Fatty Si, the male lead of the paper man won't marry anyone but me!" This book was an ancient romance novel written by the author next door, Big Lee, who was acting cute. The general plot of this novel was: Su Menghun had worn it. His house was raided after transmigrating. If he did not take revenge, he would not be a true man. Therefore, Su Meng turned into a walking " Su Dee-Dee ". She detested the sky, the earth, and the air. She detested the NPC male protagonist so much that he almost committed suicide. ---------------------------- The book," Young Master Steals Money, Not Beauty " was written by Qing Shui, an ancient romance novel. The general plot of the novel was: The Second Miss of the Su family had disguised herself as a man for eighteen years. She had beaten the Crown Prince and teased the Prime Minister. From time to time, she would go to the Prince's residence to meet the sickly Prince. Stealing a treasure and taking advantage of her made the manor master of the Carefree Manor chop her whenever he saw her. After a long time, he even developed feelings for her. Rene was a woman who could fight, curse, act cool, and act cute. Who was the man who could control her?
Is there a light novel/derivative doujinshi novel like "Tu Su of the Divine College"?
1 answer
2025-02-06 15:13
There were novels similar to "Tu Su of the Divine College" 1:"Bai Luo of the Divine College", Author: Lazy Cat Big 2:"Unlimited Super God: Looking Up to See the Heavenly Court in the Clouds", Author: Edamame with Wine 3."The Universe of the Divine College", Author: Honor and Loyalty 4. Super God: Empire, Author: Lucky Fish 5:"Escape from the Three-body to the Super God", Author: Uncle Liu 6: Ge Xiaolun, Author: Xiuxiu Jade Snow Body Divine College: He Comes From The Void, Author: Seven Cantaloupes 8:"The Calculation of the Divine College." Author: A Dream of the Universe 9:"The Mysterious Spirit Emperor of the Super Gods", Author: Zi Buyu 1 Divine College: The Nether Legion, Author: Failed "The Civilization Mentor of the Divine College". Author: The password cannot be empty. 12:"Super God: Rounding Up My Wife Is Three Kings", Author: The Talking Tiger Chapter 13:"Douluo's Me, Qian Xun, Can't Die." Author: Gu Feixue "The End of the Dragon Race: Lu Mingfei Returning from the Super God", Author: The Rabbit Who Licks Its Hair 15: Man in the Super God Married Kesha, Author: Doujinshi Chapter 16: Man at the Super God's Beginning of the Artificial Intelligence Crisis, Author: Expedition to Heaven "Super God Infinite World: Opening with a Star Core." Author: Bystanders "Ascending to the Throne of Emperor from the Bad Person." Author: Winter Melon War Treasure 19:"I'm in Marvel, I've been possessed by the Three Kings." Author: Author 2wgBQO The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Divine College: Bai Luo": Plot 2.5 stars, protagonist's personality 3.5 stars, early stage of imagination 3 stars, late stage 2 stars. [Overall Rating: 3 stars] No harem, no female owner. The main character only wanted to become stronger (go home), and it was more comfortable not to get entangled with the angels and the Divine College on Earth. Moreover, it was rare for the Divine College to not have many positive comments from the female lead. It was considered rare among the doujinshi of the Divine College. However, he was a little weak in the middle and late stages. He felt that his golden finger was a little suppressed, and the main character's combat strength was also suppressed. He felt a little aggrieved. [Description: Transmigrated to the Divine College Universe?] "This is bad, this is bad. The protagonist, Bai Luo, squatted in a corner and muttered to himself, indicating that he could not bear it at all. He couldn't help but be surprised. "Ding…the golden finger is here. "Oh my, I think it's working again. The main character, Bai Luo, immediately jumped up and clenched his fists in excitement. He glanced at it again. Aiyo, this isn't our real-life romance and eight-stage challenge. What? "Stop fighting, stop fighting. You won't kill anyone like this. The protagonist immediately went over and started his journey to becoming a god. "I want the material, I want to become a god, I want to come back. In the vast space, thousands of Sky Blades stood behind the protagonist. He pointed at the people in front of him, such as Milky Way Power, Light of the Sun, Morgana, and Queen Yan. 2."Unlimited Super God: Looking Up to See the Heavenly Court": Once he transmigrated to become the third son of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Ke originally wanted to lie flat for a lifetime and be a rich and idle king. Unexpectedly, he found that this was a supreme divine universe, and above his head was the Heavenly Court. Li Ke was furious and determined to scatter the ashes of these ghosts and gods. Earth, I'll take care of it, understand? (There are already millions of completed works, and I have countless scholar templates, so you can rest assured to read them.) 3."The Universe of the Divine College":"The Universe of the Divine College" is a delightful novel. The author told an interesting story in a funny style, making people laugh. Although some of the plots were not well arranged, it did not affect the overall reading experience. Especially for the fans of the Divine College, this book was even more intimate. The author also cleverly made the protagonist realize that he was a character in the novel, which added a novel element to the whole story. Although I personally prefer a sci-fi epic story, the style of this book is still fascinating. Overall, I give this book a positive review. 4."Super God: Empire": Countless civilizations have fallen into the long river of the universe. The dynasty stepped onto the stage of the universe and walked step by step towards the throne… 5:"Escape from Three-Body to Super God": Three-Body Six in Super God 0.0 6."Ge Xiaolun Under One Person": Information that has been semi-publicized: Galaxy Force completed the gene registration without authorization! Dark energy was converted into Heaven Earth Qi in Huaxia! The Inhumans could use the "wide-area server" to skip the calculation steps of the superpower algorithm and directly activate the "special superpower"! Even in the variant human system, super genes (man-made innate awakening characteristics) still had an incomparable technological advantage. The Chinese civilization was prepared to walk on two feet. The variant human system and the super genes were going hand in hand. Mental equipment, subverting the conservation of energy! Milky Way Force Ge Xiaolun, with the potential to become a Master God of the Milky Way! In the Divine College Universe, many mighty figures were filled with anticipation for the void. In the future, however, before they could step into the void, Shi Chen returned in a very sorry state... Telling the truth of the Void Universe… This was a Divine College Doujinshi that no one had ever written before. Its composition was extremely complicated, but pleasure was the unchanging foundation of Doujinshi novels. P.S. I hope you can comment more. The last book was 3.16 million words. I have experience with it. 8.<<The Calculation of Divine College>> Complete> Compared to the author's later works, the main character Long Aotian's level was lower and more serious, but it was still more similar to the main characters of the early online novels. But other than that, the plot and writing were almost impeccable. 9:"The Emperor of the Mysterious Spirit God of the Super Gods": Accidentally transmigrated to the Super Divine Universe 30,000 years ago and became the emperor of the Mysterious Spirit civilization. However, he rebelled abnormally, causing him to lose his throne. He was hunted down and was forced to flee to the Angel civilization. The male protagonist was saved by He Xi and returned to his own galaxy to take back the throne ten years later. "Don't take advantage of the young and poor. The Divine College Doujinshi, the female protagonist, He Xi. I haven't seen the Divine College, but I searched for the female protagonist's good looks. She followed the male protagonist to take back his throne without hesitation. It's very sweet, and the future is promising." Divine College: Nether Legion: As a meteor streaked across the sky, they knew that the peace that belonged to Earth was coming to an end. "Civilization Mentor of the Divine College":"Civilization Mentor of the Divine College" was a good doujinshi novel. Unlike other similar works, this book did not have a harem or the desire to conquer the world. It gave people a relaxed and happy feeling. The story was compact, fascinating, and immersive. The author cleverly used the background of the Divine College to create a different story that was refreshing. At the same time, the author also combined the situation of the real world to bring inspiration and thought to the readers. Overall, this book was an excellent work worthy of recommendation. [Super God: Rounding Up My Wife Is The Three Kings]: At the start of the game, he obtained genes personally researched by the three kings, Kesha, Hexi, and Cool Ice. Did that mean that his background was the three kings? Wasn't this invincible? Chen Beixuan realized that he did not need to work hard to become stronger. He wore the Dark Dawn Silver mecha and eight Dark Dawn Silver longswords floated beside him. ...... Think about it carefully, my relationship with Kesha, Hexi, and Liang Bing isn't simple! The introduction is weak, please read the main text! Keyword: Divine College, Battle of the Brave Soldiers, Heavenly Dao of the Blazing Sun, Descending Heavens 13:"I, Douluozhi, cannot die." New book "Immortal Cultivation Simulation: My 100 Million Ways to Die" Please support me. Seeking death felt good for a moment, but seeking death felt good all the time! Activates the Self-Salvation System, allowing you to comprehend the true meaning of being infinitely close to death. Among Douluo, it became Qian Xun Ji, Bibi Dong was carrying medicine and walking over with a smile. In the midst of the battle, he became Liu Xi, Xiao Xun Er, Yao Chen, and Xiao Yan, who was currently on his way with his saber. [Wind and Cloud Dimension: After becoming a Sword Saint, Bu Jingyun stood in front of his physical body, indicating that he was the only one who could kill Xiong Ba. Then, he said, A slap. [Primordial World: Becoming Zhao Gongming, the brother of the Three Sky Fairies. How to be a qualified sister-con to protect his sister is a big problem.] ………… Qian Xunji expressed that he was walking further and further down the road of courting death. (This is the first book of creation) Book Friends Group Spirit Hall, 1092487794 "The End of the Dragon Race: Lu Mingfei Returning from the Super God": Lu Mingfei's Doomsday Notes On November 4th, 2009, Lu Mingfei woke up in the morning to find that he had a beautiful neighbor. It was a police officer named Qilin. At night, Qilin caught two hooligans who were fighting and insisted that she was the Nuo Star Wargod and the Milky Way Force. Lu Mingfei felt that they must be crazy. On November 5, 2009, a huge aircraft carrier appeared in the East China Sea. The news said that it was called the Great Gorge, and there was a Divine College inside that was used to defend against Demon Queen Morgana. At night, Lu Mingfei really saw the demon they were talking about, a monster like the Dragon King. Lu Mingfei felt that he must be crazy. On November 6, 2009, he met the Angel. The Angel called himself Yan, the left wing guard of Queen Kesha. He told him that the end of the world had arrived and invited him to join the Angel! Lu Mingfei felt that the world must have gone crazy. 2014.11 Moon, King of Angels Lu Mingfei died Two hours later, bring the dark plane system back to 2009 ...... The following is from the demon's doomsday notebook. Morning of December 4th "The monster Lu Mingfei from Kassel Academy has landed in the Demon Nebula." "The Man-Eating Dragon King Lu Mingfei is approaching Khun Sa." "Despicable scum Lu Mingfei has entered Khun Sa Capital City." "Lu Mingfei has occupied the Demon Castle." "Angel Lu Mingfei is approaching Demon No. 1." "The supreme King of Angels, His Majesty Lu Mingfei, has arrived at his loyal Demon No. 1 today!" 15:"Man in the Super God Married Kesha": The author's new book,"Man in the Douluo Married the Pope," is fully online. Don't miss it if you like to watch Douluo. Wu Xing had transmigrated to the Divine College to help the female angel overthrow the order of the Heavenly Palace. He had married Kesha and even had a daughter. He had already become a winner in life. At this moment, the golden finger that was 30,000 years late was activated.[The Heavens Chat Group invites you to join the Group chats…] Book Q Group 45801978 "Man in the Super Divine Realm Begins the Artificial Intelligence Crisis": Lu Yuan transmigrated to the Super Divine Universe, awakened the Star System, and obtained the technology of the synthesized humans at the beginning. A journey of civilization ascension began in his hands. Flesh and blood were weak, machinery was soaring, the age of synthesis, metal was eternal. Angel? Demons? The River Styx? Divine College? These so-called gods will all kneel before us. We will mold our world into our own mirror image, and let the eternal and perfect metal replace the fragile and incompetent flesh! We will fuse the world into a city, and build a city into a world! "Super God Infinite World: A Star Core Entering the Stomach at the Beginning": When Wang Lei was promoted to a Grand Mage at the age of 30, he transmigrated. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he was reborn. He was reborn into his 16-year-old self. However, compared to the original world, this world was a hundred million points different. For example, Wang Lei used to live in Shanghai, which was now called Juxia City. The capital had changed from the capital to the Star of the North. A few years later, when the Taotie invaded, the Taotie King looked at the helpers that Wang Lei had found from the myriad worlds and said with a trembling body, "Didn't we agree that Earth isn't even an interstellar civilization? Why are there so many gods here?!!" Demon Cold Ice said in surprise, "F * ck, this woman can pull out a knife from her chest. This is too fierce." Holy Kesha evaluated Wang Lei. "This kid is improving too quickly. We must ensure that he has justice in his heart." He Xi licked his lips and said, "Brother Wang Lei, let me dissect you. Your star core is really amazing. Let me see it with my own eyes. Big Sister will send an angel to be your wife." The Divine College said,"So, what is the meaning of our existence?" "Xing, the new Emperor, Li Xingyun, has ascended to the throne in the throne room today. The second year of Qianhua will be changed to the first year of Tianming. Now, the auspicious time has arrived. Welcome, Your Majesty. All officials are here to congratulate you." In the next moment. "God bless the Great Tang! Long live our Emperor!" All the officials of the Great Tang knelt down, their foreheads on the ground. 19:"I'm in Marvel, I'm Possessed by the Three Kings": Traversing the Marvel movie universe, but I'm haunted by three evil spirits. However, these three evil spirits were actually three kings. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
42 Su Wine, Gold Su, and Silver Su
1 answer
2024-10-21 21:31
Golden Su and Silver Su were Su liquor series products launched by Shuanggou Liquor Industry. The main difference was: 1. " packaging: The outer packaging of the Gold Su is golden yellow, and the outer packaging of the Silver Su is silver white. 2. Taste: Golden Su has a soft and mellow taste with a long aftertaste, while Silver Su has a softer taste with a rich fragrance. The above information came from the Internet and is for reference only. While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the original work of " Little Fox Demon Matchmaker " to understand the plot in advance!
42 Su Wine, Gold Su, and Silver Su
1 answer
2024-10-21 05:43
Both Jinsu and Yinsu were Su liquor series produced by Jiangsu Shuanggou Liquor Co., Ltd. Their differences were mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. [Appearance: Gold Su's outer packaging uses gold as the main color, making it look noble and elegant. Silver Su's outer packaging uses silver as the main color, making it look simple and elegant.] 2. Taste: The taste of Golden Su is mellow and soft, with a long aftertaste, while the taste of Silver Su is more refreshing and elegant, suitable for consumers who like light flavors. 3. [Price: Gold Su is relatively expensive and is suitable for business banquets and other occasions, while silver Su is relatively cheap and is suitable for family gatherings and other occasions.] It should be noted that the above differences are only under normal circumstances. The specific taste and quality will also be affected by factors such as personal taste and drinking habits. While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the original work of " Little Fox Demon Matchmaker " to understand the plot in advance!
42 Su Wine, Gold Su, and Silver Su
1 answer
2024-10-21 04:36
The difference between the 42 Su Wine Gold Su and the Silver Su was mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. [Price: Gold Su is more expensive than Silver Su.] 2. " The packaging of the Golden Su is more gorgeous. The bottle and outer packaging are decorated with gold, while the Silver Su is relatively simple. 3. Taste: The taste of Golden Su is richer and the fragrance lasts longer, while the Silver Su is relatively light. 4. " Brewing process: The brewing process of Golden Su and Silver Su is the same, but Golden Su adds more aged wine during the brewing process, so the taste is more complicated. It should be noted that the above information is only for reference. The specific differences may vary by region and sales channels. While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the original work of " Little Fox Demon Matchmaker " to understand the plot in advance!
42 Su Wine, Gold Su, and Silver Su
1 answer
2024-10-17 20:01
According to the information you provided,"42 Su wine" may refer to the Junfang wine in the Shuanggou Treasure House series, which includes the two products of Jinsu and Yinsu. The differences between them were mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. * * 2. ** Taste and style **: Golden Su is mainly featured by its softness and mellow taste, with an elegant fragrance and a long and clean taste; while Silver Su is mainly featured by its refreshing and sweet taste, with a soft, delicate and plump taste. 3. ** Price positioning **: Due to the superior taste and packaging of the Golden Su, its price is relatively higher and belongs to the middle and high-end products; while the Silver Su focuses more on cost-performance ratio and is relatively affordable, belonging to the middle and low-end products. It should be noted that the above information is only for reference. The specific product features and prices may vary due to factors such as regions and sales channels. While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the original work of " Little Fox Demon Matchmaker " to understand the plot in advance!