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Setelah Bercerai, Keluarga Besar yang Berkuasa Menyambutnya Kembali ke Rumah!

Setelah Bercerai, Keluarga Besar yang Berkuasa Menyambutnya Kembali ke Rumah!

Setelah Tan Ming hamil, suaminya menyerahkan surat cerai padanya. Dua puluh tiga tahun yang lalu, Tan Ming masih merupakan anak yatim piatu yang tidak ada yang menginginkan. Orang tua angkatnya mengadopsinya dari panti asuhan karena mereka kesulitan memiliki anak sendiri. Namun, nasib sial Tan Ming tidak berubah karena hal itu. Dalam waktu satu bulan, ibu angkatnya hamil. Setelah adiknya, Tan Si, lahir, Tan Ming menjadi orang yang paling tidak disukai di keluarga. Sejak kecil, dia harus mengalah pada Tan Si dalam segala hal. Orang tuanya hanya menyukai Tan Si karena Tan Ming bukan anak biologis mereka. Tiga tahun lalu, Keluarga Tan memaksanya menikah dengan seorang pria yang koma demi kepentingan bisnis mereka. Selama dua tahun penuh, Tan Ming hidup sebagai seorang janda. Hingga setahun yang lalu, ketika suaminya yang koma tersebut bangun secara tidak terduga, Tan Si jatuh cinta padanya pada pandangan pertama. Kali ini, Tan Ming memutuskan untuk tidak mengalah lagi. Dia dengan tegas berusaha memutus hubungan dengan Keluarga Tan. Namun, dia tidak menduga bahwa pada akhirnya dia akan dihadapkan dengan surat cerai. Untuk kepentingan anak-anak dalam kandungannya, Tan Ming dipaksa oleh suaminya untuk menandatangani surat-surat tersebut. Ketika anak-anaknya lahir, ayah biologis mereka sedang menemani wanita lain untuk tes kehamilan. Saat dunia Tan Ming berada dalam kegelapan terdalam, kerabat kandungnya muncul. Mereka adalah keluarga yang sangat kaya hingga Keluarga Tan pun memandang mereka dengan hormat, dan mereka menyambutnya kembali ke rumah! Setelah kembali ke rumah, dia tidak lagi menjadi anak yang tidak diinginkan. Tidak hanya dia memiliki orang tua yang memanjakannya, tetapi dia juga memiliki tiga saudara laki-laki yang sangat memperhatikannya! Kemudian, mantan suaminya menyesali keputusannya dan datang untuk meminta maaf secara langsung. "Tetap jauh dari hidupku," kata Tan Ming.
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600 Chs
Menerima Warisan Besar Saya Setelah Perceraian

Menerima Warisan Besar Saya Setelah Perceraian

Shen Yan bersikeras menikahi Fu Hang ini meskipun harus menanggung risiko ditinggalkan oleh keluarga dan kerabatnya. Ia berpikir bahwa setelah tiga tahun, ia akan bisa melelehkan es di hati pria itu. Namun, ketika pria ini menahannya dan memaksa dia untuk berlutut di hadapan keluarganya untuk mengaku pada kesalahan yang tak pernah dia lakukan, Shen Yan menyadari bahwa hati pria itu terbuat dari es. Ketika ia terjatuh ke dalam air bersama kakak ipar perempuannya, Chloe Lindsey, Fu Hang segera melompat ke bawah pada momen pertama dan menyelamatkan Chloe Lindsey. Dia membawa Lin Xing ke rumah sakit sementara Shen Yan, yang tidak tahu cara berenang, hanya bisa menunggu penjaga untuk menyelamatkannya. Anak di dalam perut Chloe Lindsey tidak bisa bertahan dalam cobaan tersebut dan dia mengalami keguguran. Fu Hang membawa Shen Yan ke keluarganya tanpa penjelasan apa pun dan meminta dia untuk berlutut dan mengakui kesalahannya. Matanya di bawah alis yang tajam itu terlihat kejam, seolah-olah dia menusuk pisau ke dalam hati Shen Yan. "Setelah Kakak meninggal, dia hanya meninggalkan seorang anak. Kamu seharusnya tidak membunuh anak ini!" "Aku tidak melakukannya. Dia yang melompat sendiri!" "Kamu tunggu apa lagi? Berlutut dan akui kesalahanmu!" Tiga tahun dalam pernikahannya, Shen Yan yakin bahwa bahkan seekor anjing lebih berharga daripada dirinya di keluarga Fu, apalagi Chloe Lindsey yang benar-benar dicintai Fu Hang. Tepat sebelum salah satu lututnya hendak menyentuh tanah, Fu Hang masih berpikir bahwa Shen Yan akan mengakui kesalahannya. Namun tak disangka Shen Yan perlahan meluruskan badan dan berkata, "Fu Hang, ayo kita bercerai. Saya akan pura-pura bahwa saya memberi makan tiga tahun terakhir ini kepada anjing-anjing. Tidak ada seorang pun yang layak menyia-nyiakan masa mudaku setelah ini!" Oleh karena itu, Shen Yan memutuskan untuk pulang dan menerima warisannya yang bernilai ratusan miliar. Kehidupan yang gemilang menantinya!
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570 Chs
Sang Pewaris Sejati adalah Orang Besar yang Sebenarnya

Sang Pewaris Sejati adalah Orang Besar yang Sebenarnya

Orang besar yang dulunya, Ying Zijin, bangun suatu hari sebagai putri yang hilang dari keluarga Ying, yang telah menghilang selama lima belas tahun. Keluarga Ying segera mengadopsi anak lain untuk menggantikannya. Setelah kembali ke keluarga kaya raya, semua orang mengejeknya karena tidak secerdas, sekapabel, sebijaksana, dan seanggun putri palsu. Orang tuanya menganggapnya sebagai noda di keluarga dan memperingatkan dia untuk tidak berharap bisa menjadi nyonya di keluarga. Mereka bilang dia harus bersyukur bisa menjadi anak asuh, jika tidak mereka akan mengirimnya pergi. Ying Zijin: "Saya akan pergi. Tidak usah diantar." Sementara keluarga Ying merayakan dengan sukacita dan yang lainnya menunggu untuk melihat pewaris yang sebenarnya mempermalukan dirinya sendiri, tokoh berpengaruh dari berbagai bidang mulai bertindak. Idola papan atas dengan penggemar paling berpengaruh berkata, "Nona Ying, cukup beritahu saya jika Anda memerlukan sesuatu." Ahli waris monopoli ekonomi global berkata, "Keluarga Ying? Apa itu? Bos, kita hapus saja mereka?" Seniman bela diri nomor satu di negara ini bertanya, "Siapa yang berani mengganggu tuan saya?" Remaja jenius dengan IQ 228 berkata, "Itu saudara perempuan saya." Seorang pria dengan penampilan yang sangat menggoda tersenyum sinis dan santai, berkata, "Baiklah, panggil aku kakak ipar." Tokoh-tokoh berpengaruh itu bingung. Ketika identitas sejati pewaris yang sebenarnya dipulihkan, itu menyebabkan sensasi di internet. Keluarga Ying menjadi gila dan berlutut, menangis dan memohon dia untuk kembali. Keluarga berkuasa internasional berkata, "Maaf, izinkan saya memperkenalkannya. Ini adalah pewaris kami yang sebenarnya." Terlahir Kembali sebagai raja, melakukan comeback yang kuat dan melancarkan serangan balik!
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489 Chs


*VOLUME 1 : ALMIRA, ALVIN, REVAN Almira Zahara Gadis yang dibanggakan keluarganya , suatu ketika dia harus salah jalan karena kekhilafan melakukan hubungan terlarang dengan Alvin Pratama Handoko. Namun rupanya takdir tidak mengijinkan mereka menikah pada awalnya. Hingga Almira harus dijodohkan oleh kakaknya dengan laki-laki bernama Revano Adiwijaya. Revan sangat mencintai Almira hingga pada malam pertama Revan mengetahui kalau Almira sudah tidak lagi suci. Revan yang merasa dibohongi menjadi sangat membenci Almira. Dia ibarat mendapat barang second. "Almira udah g virgin lagi ternyata Der, " Deril kaget sampai terbatuk batuk menatap Revan. "Serius lo Van?" "Iya gue serius, tahu gitu gue g jadi nikah aja sama tu cewek. Gila aja kali gue dapat barang second." Hidup Almira sangat menderita karena diabaikan oleh suaminya sendiri. Suatu hari takdir mempertemukan kembali Almira dan Alvin. "Buah manggis buah kedondong, cewek manis senyumin abang donk!" Pantun Alvin yang jenaka membuat Almira tak bisa menahan senyumnya. Alvin memang dari dulu selalu punya cara untuk membuat Almira tersenyum. Apakah yang terjadi dalam rumah Almira dan Revan? Apakah takdir akan mempersatukan Almira dan Alvin? Ataukah Almira tetap mempertahankan rumah tangganya bersama Revan? Ikuti kisahnya di DBA VOL.1 Di Novel ini kita akan belajar tentang Islam yang begitu indah. Tidak hanya percintaan tetapi tentang parenting, hubungan suami istri, hubungan antar keluarga, dan juga dengan orang-orang di sekitar kita. VOLUME 2 potret anak muda yang berprestasi dan memilih menikah muda dari pada pacaran. Gadis manis dengan rambut panjang sebahu itu meringkuk didalam selimut dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan dan menangis sesenggukan. sang pemuda yang merupakan rivalnya di sekolah duduk di tepi ranjang membelakanginya. Pemuda yang bertelanjang dada namun masih mengenakan celana abu-abunya itu mendekatinya dan memperlihatkan foto yang ada diponselnya. gadis itu mendongak dan tak percaya dengan yang dia lihat diponsel itu. "gimana lo mau kan mengundurkan diri jadi ketua OSIS?kalo ga mau foto ini bakal nyebar ke seluruh siswa disekolah..lo siap kehilangan reputasi lo?" "Brengsek kamu Ka". VOLUME 3 (ARSYILA,ERNEST, MARVEL) Terkadang pendapat orangtua tidak selamanya benar. Disini kita belajar untuk mengkomunikasikan segala sesuatu dalam keluarga. Syila dijodohkan dengan Marvel namun hatinya hanya untuk Ernest. Yang usianya 10th lebih tua darinya. Kedua orangtuanya menentang hubungan Syila dan Ernest. Karena laki-laki itu terlihat urakan, dengan tato di lengan yang semakin menambah garang. Orangtua mana yang mau melepas anak gadisnya untuk laki-laki seperti itu? Tapi kalau ternyata yang dipikirkan orangtua itu salah bagaimana? VOLUME 4 DOSA BESAR ALMIRA VOL.4 Bisa dibaca langsung ke Vol.4 ya. Azzam seorang laki-laki yang pernah melakukan kesalahan pada seorang gadis, tidak memiliki keberanian untuk mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya. Bahkan dia melarikan diri ke negeri orang dan meninggalkan gadis itu. . . Sellia, gadis yang dinodai oleh Azzam, memilih menyendiri di panti asuhan dalam keadaan hamil. Dia tidak berharap lagi dengan Azzam. Seseorang yang telah melukainya. . . Tiga tahun kemudian, semua berubah. Azzam yang sudah terbiasa hidup bebas di luar negeri pulang ke tanah air dengan membawa tunangannya. . . Hingga suatu hari, Azzam menjadi dosen tamu di universitas tempat Sellia menimba ilmu. Tapi Azzam tidak mengenali gadis itu lagi karena kini Sellia telah berhijrah dan bercadar. . . Akankah Sellia membuka jati dirinya pada Azzam? sedangkan dia akan dita'aruf oleh Rafka. Anak dari sahabat Ayahnya. . . Akankah Azzam memilih tunangannya atau gadis bercadar yang mencuri perhatiannya di kampus tempat dia bekerja? . . Nantikan kisah mereka di Dosa Besar Almira Volume 4. (Dosa Besar Azzam)
401 Chs
What was Mr. Lu Xun called?
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:58
Mr. Lu Xun was one of the important representatives of modern Chinese literature, known as the "Father of Modern Chinese Literature" or "Pioneer of the Vernacular Movement". His main works include A Madman's Diary, The True Story of Ah Q, Medicine, Kong Yiji, etc. Mr. Lu Xun's works portrayed the dark side of Chinese society and the sufferings of the people in a realistic way, revealing the corruption of the old society and the distortion of human nature. He used humor, sarcasm, and other techniques to portray vivid images to express his criticism and thinking of society. His works deeply reflected the thoughts and feelings of the Chinese people at that time, which had a profound impact on the development of modern Chinese literature and thought. In addition, Lu Xun was also one of the important founders of modern Chinese education. He advocated writing in the vernacular and early modern education, which promoted the development of modern Chinese literature, thought and education. His contribution was widely recognized as an important milestone in the history of modern Chinese culture.
What books were worth recommending? Were there any books that described the noble and cold temperament of the male lead?
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:58
😋I recommend the following novels to you: " Big Boss, Can You Keep a Low Profile?": A love story between a cold and abstinent real estate boss and a noble, cold, and arrogant female architect. " Peerless pampered: The Iron Mask King is a little cute ": A little girl with dreams became a royal killer, but in the process of being pursued by the king, she gradually revealed the true face of the king. " My school hunk is noble and cold." The cool and handsome school hunk was extremely cold in front of people, but he was full of evil behind people. It was a hunting game between him and the cute little lamb. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
Can you recommend some modern cultivation novels? The better-looking kind.
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
😋I recommend the following modern cultivation novels to you. I hope you will like them: 1. [Star Pot]: An ordinary female university student has been recognized as the owner of an antique " copper pot ". The pot actually hides worlds of different civilizations, which has caused her life to undergo earth-shaking changes. 2. " The Prince Charming Has a Tail: My Husband Is a Yellow Immortal ": After the protagonist is reborn, he returns to the immortal world with his husband to perform a romantic immortal love. 3. " All-rounded Divine Cultivator ": After the main character was reborn, he built his own cultivation paradise for cultivation. Due to a moment of carelessness, spiritual energy leaked out, causing countless troubles. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
Please recommend a movie. The plot is about two men and two women searching for treasure in an ancient tomb. One of them is a bad guy and the other is the main character. In the end, the bad guy is bitten by a snake.
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
According to your description, I recommend a movie called "Tomb Raider." It tells the story of a female lead and her companions searching for lost treasures in an ancient tomb. During the process, they have to face all kinds of obstacles and dangers, and they have to compete with the bad guys. In the end, they successfully solve the puzzle and obtain the treasure. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
It was a TV series called Zhiyuan or something.
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
My answer was wrong. I mixed up the names of two different TV series. The correct name of the TV series was " Paper Kite ". It was a romantic fantasy TV series that was released in the mainland of China in 2015. It was starred by Sun Yizhou, Xiao Xu, and others. The drama tells the love story between a young paper kite and two female leads, as well as a series of fantasy events that happened between them. I hope my answer can help you.
Please recommend a recently completed transmigration novel.
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
I recommend the following completed novels to you: "The Abandoned Concubine of Jinxiu: The Fifth Miss of Useless Material","Yan Hua of the Road","The Leisure Life of Rebirth: 70","Ah Xing", and "The Vicious Supporting Female Lead of Quickly Dress Up Is About to Be Cleansed". I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
Its unique feature was time travel and historical background.
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
"The Return of 2011" is a novel about urban life written by the author, Scholar Youjiu. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Returning to 2011, taking back all the people and things that he had missed. ---------------------------- " The Movie World Begins in a Hurry " was a novel by the author, Lost Illusion, about the infinite universe. The general plot of the novel was: This was a book that traveled through different movies and TV series. Although there was an original plot, it was more of a new story! The world he experienced," That Year in a Hurry,"" Young and Dangerous,"" Let's Get Married,"" Lurking,"" Northern Frog, Southern Yard,"" Blood Romance," Ode to Joy," Zhenhua Middle School Trilogy,"" Soldiers Assault,"" Hunting Ground," Elite Lawyer," and so on! The worlds that were currently in progress for the candidate worlds," Golden Age "," To Youth ", and " The Storm of Surgery " were " Seeing a Deer in the Forest " and " Going to a Windy Place ". ---------------------------- Time Travel 2000 was an urban novel written by the author for nine days and ten nights. The general plot of the novel was: From the year 2015 to the year 2000, he traveled from one spacetime to another. Shen Qiu did not know if this was transmigration or rebirth. However, since he was here, he had to leave his own unique mark in this world… Since he had experienced it and was touched, he should recreate those classic works that had touched him… This was Shen Qiu's responsibility and also his mission… … The update time was 10 AM. Chapter one or two at six in the afternoon. If there were any special circumstances, they would be notified in time. Book friend group: 102395952. ---------------------------- " Fate Knot 2013 " was a romantic youth novel written by Echo. The general plot of the novel was: Many years later, do you still remember those wonderful times… ---------------------------- " Back to 2008 " was a novel about urban life written by the author, a big pig trotter. The general plot of the novel was: On the night of the wedding, Chen An returned to 2008 after a hangover. The best friend who had been secretly in love with him for many years was now in his youth, and his future wife was still the cute little girl next door. How should Chen An choose? [Book group: 1059375714 Author's new book: Retrace 2009 is currently being serialized.] ---------------------------- " The Hunter's Lost Memories " was a light novel by the author, March Black Today. It was a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of the novel was as follows: This article is also known as " I just want to go home after being traumatized ". I traveled to the Hunter World more than 20 years ago in the main storyline to find the way home. It wasn't the trait system, it wasn't the trait system, it wasn't the trait system. Important things had to be repeated three times. ---------------------------- " Rebirth Entertainment: 1990 " was a novel written by the author, Junxiu Cai, about an urban and entertainment star. The general plot of the novel was: Hello, is this the Space Administration? I've been reborn, but other than the improper way of enlightenment, I don't remember what happened in the future! Did you make a mistake? Can I do it again? Waiting online! It was quite urgent! ---------------------------- " My Rebirth in 1992 " was an urban supernatural novel written by the author, Jade Lake Scholar. The general plot of this novel was: Reborn in 1992, save your parents, find your lover, and return to the era of opportunities... ---------------------------- Back to 2008 was a novel about urban life written by the author, Yue Banzi Erbai. The general plot of the novel was: The new book," Movie Travel Begins from Captain America ", please support it, click on the favorites and vote. Thank you, everyone! Even if a nobody was reborn, he would still be a nobody, but a person could not step into the same river twice. ---------------------------- " Countercurrent Perfect Youth " was a novel about urban life written by the author, He He Butian Ya. The general plot of this novel was: Liu Yun returned to the year 2002 and had the opportunity to experience the wonderful and colorful scenery that he had never experienced in his previous life.
How long does it usually take to finish reading a romance novel?
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
The amount of time spent reading a campus romance novel varied from person to person, depending on reading speed, reading habits, the complexity of the plot, and other factors. Generally speaking, readers could finish reading a relatively simple novel in a day or spend several days or even weeks to read a more complicated and in-depth novel. If a speed reader could quickly understand the plot and characters of a novel in a short period of time, it might only take a few hours or a few days to finish a novel. If a reader liked to spend more time analyzing and thinking about the plot and characters in a novel, they might spend days or weeks reading a novel.
Looking for the finished ancient romance novel?
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
😋I saw your request! The following are the ancient romance novels that I recommend to you. 1. "The Princess's Fox": The female protagonist lost her feelings because of the tragic experience of love in her previous life. She became a game player and did whatever she wanted. However, someone kept pestering her, and the recommendation votes were very high! 2. [Axing]: A modern rich lady travels to a poor family in ancient times. She wants to change her family's life, but she says she will never fall in love with anyone again. However, she met a man who said to her,"If you can call my name in your dreams, I'll be willing to die…" 3. [Smoke and Fire: The female protagonist transmigrated and found that the regrets of her previous life could be made up for. In order to regain her true feelings, she abandoned the past.] However, when he woke up again, he found that he had two kinds of memories. He searched for the truth step by step. The recommendation votes were extremely high! 4. [The Little Servant Girl of a Noble Family]: The female protagonist, who was weak but had a mutated hand, was stranded in the army and finally came to a noble family. She only wanted to grow up with him, to die with him. In addition, the author also had the ending of "Beast King, Please Press Your Claws". Please recommend it. 5. "This King's Princess is a Wolf Girl": The female protagonist fell off a cliff to save a wolf pack. After escaping death, she became the prince's princess. On the night of their wedding night, the prince sent her into someone else's arms and let her roam the world. When they met again, she was wearing a fiery red wedding dress, which pierced his heart. The author, Green Bamboo Wine's work, is not bad! I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
How should Lin Feng's master be addressed among the supreme martial gods?
1 answer
2025-03-03 07:57
" The Super Mystical Master System " is a fantasy novel written by the author Dingding Jiutian. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Double skills, critical skills, clone skills, healing skills,... All sorts of skills appeared unceasingly. Many of them completely crushed his enemies, savagely trampling geniuses, and challenging those who were at a higher level. With these heaven-defying skills, Lin Feng would step towards the peak! ---------------------------- " Peerless Martial God " was a fantasy novel written by the author Jing Wuhen. The general plot of this novel was: In the Nine Heavens Continent, there were numerous sects, and martial arts were the most respected. The weak were mediocre and humiliated, and when the strong were enraged, blood would flow like a river. Martial Emperors could look down on the world and laugh arrogantly at the mountains and rivers. If they moved, the world would shatter and millions of corpses would fall. A powerful expert of his generation, Lin Feng, appeared in the world and obtained a shocking inheritance. He cultivated the martial path, stepping on the nine heavens, breaking the heavens and earth, and was proud of the heavens! ---------------------------- Martial Maniac was a fantasy novel written by the author, Huo Yixian. The general plot of this novel was: In the vast universe, martial arts were respected! Martial arts could decide everything in the world. Only then could a Martial God be invincible! "Bah!" Lin Feng stroked the foxtail grass at the corner of his mouth and decisively said," What's the point of fighting and killing all day long? Only the most despicable people are invincible!" ---------------------------- " The Peerless Sword God " was a fantasy novel written by the author, Dark Fire Dragon. The general plot of this novel was: Martial arts grandmaster Lin Chen brought a mysterious small cauldron to the other world and became an outer sect disciple of the Empyrean Terminus Sect. Watch him step by step reach the peak and finally become a peerless sword god! ---------------------------- The book " Mad Son-in-law of Medicine " was a novel about urban supernatural powers written by the author, Shuxia, of Yangcheng. The general plot of this novel was: In terms of money, he was the top young master of a mysterious wealthy family, and his wealth was comparable to that of a country. In terms of martial arts, he was the number one soldier king, and his outstanding military achievements shocked the world. In terms of medical skills, he was extraordinary, and he was the supreme doctor who was respected by countless famous doctors! When Lin Feng, who was tired of all glory and only wished for peace, swore to use all the power behind him to protect the love of his life…...。 ---------------------------- I'm Not Lonely in the Pugilistic World was a wuxia fantasy novel written by the author, Little Choushichou. The general plot of the novel was: The fist was invincible, and the sword and sword returned to their original state. Lin Feng had transmigrated to the martial arts world and obtained the help of the mysterious system. He vowed to step onto the peak of the martial path. Here, there were people who used their palms to subdue the dragon, and eighteen golden dragons flew together; there were people who used their sword without regret, and broke the world's martial arts; there were also people who used the Little Li Flying Dagger, and they never missed. Use martial arts to meet friends, use martial arts to kill enemies, and watch Lin Feng break through the void. ---------------------------- The book," Exquisite Little Daoist ", was a novel written by the author, Yi Fengye. The general plot of this novel was: Ye Feng, who had followed his master to cultivate since he was young, he knew everything, in order to carry forward the spirit of Daoism and the tradition of Daoism, he followed his master's orders to go down the mountain to train and travel around the world, creating one legend after another… ---------------------------- " My Senior Sister is Too Protective " was a novel written by the author, Fan Chen Duo Shifei. The general plot of this novel was: Lin Feng, the young Taoist priest of the Southern Mountain Sect, left the mountain for revenge. He had four beautiful senior sisters. The eldest sister was An Ye, the Divine Hand of the Liu Kingdom. The second sister was Qiu Shuang, a business genius. The third sister was Song Yu, an entertainment mogul. The fourth sister was Xue Lingqing, who was at the peak of martial arts. The fifth sister was Lin Jiahui, a grandmaster appraiser. Let's see how Lin Feng will advance step by step under the protection of the five beautiful senior sisters and unravel the truth behind the destruction of his family! ---------------------------- " Apotheosis: Hand in the Sky-Covering Instance Dungeon at the Beginning and Suppress the Dark Turmoil " was a fantasy immortal cultivation novel written by the author, Second Blade. The general plot of this novel was: Lin Feng transmigrated through the Primordial World and became an unremarkable outer sect disciple of Jie School. The god ascension was about to happen, and Jie School was about to be destroyed. Fortunately, Lin Feng had awakened the great world dungeon system and handed over the dungeon to Tongtian at the start. The Three Sky Fairies joined forces to quell the chaos of darkness in the world where a leaf covered the sky! In the Holy King World, Zhao Gongming obtained the Mythical Dragon Elephant Subduing Force! It was only when the God Sealing Tribulation started and the Saints attacked and plotted against Jie School that they realized. The disciples of Jie School had actually all become Saints! ---------------------------- " After thousands of years of reincarnation, I'm actually the God of Martial Arts!?" This book was written by the author, Dou Zai, who was struggling to survive in the mortal world. The general plot of this novel was: Countless years ago, when the spiritual energy revived and the life forms on the Blue Planet mutated, the human race was in danger. At this moment, the martial artist emerged as the times required, finally finding a trace of life from the fiendish demon's attack. Lin Feng's goal was to become a martial artist, but he couldn't make any progress day after day. All of this was because he had a strange dream. In the dream, he felt as if he had spent his entire life tens of thousands of years ago. That was until he realized that he could actually influence himself in the dream and even inherit part of his strength! Basic body technique, cultivated for a hundred years! He had comprehended the Natural Breathing Technique! Basic Blood Qi Technique, cultivated for a thousand years! He had comprehended the Martial God's Eternal Scripture! The fist technique of a foundational martial artist had been cultivated for tens of thousands of years! Comprehending the Divine Fist of the Martial Path, opening the world with one punch! " His foundational cultivation technique…Why is it so similar to the incomplete cultivation technique passed down by the War God?!" " Why is his pill refining technique…even more proficient than the clan that has lived for a million years!" Countless years later, the demons and devils launched a full-scale attack, and the humans were unable to resist. Countless people worshipped him, and the sound of chanting spread throughout the world! "Wu Zun, please save the human race!" A Martial God phantom walked out from Mount Tai, and this phantom…