Hello, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a very famous cartoon made in Japan. The series began airing in 1995 and consisted of three seasons, each consisting of 12 episodes. One of the most popular was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Invincible Warrior. The cartoon told the story of the protagonist, Turtle Dada, and his companions fighting against evil forces. The cartoon was very popular around the world and had many loyal fans. If you are interested in this cartoon, I can provide you with more information.
One of the best ninja turtles stories is the origin story. It shows how the turtles were mutated by the ooze and trained by Splinter. Their journey from being normal turtles to becoming crime - fighting ninjas is really exciting.
Definitely not. Ninja Turtles is purely a fictional concept. It was developed for entertainment and doesn't have any roots in real-life events or people.
The Ninja Turtles began as comics for sure. The comic series laid the foundation for their widespread popularity and subsequent expansions into different forms of entertainment.
Raphael wasn't the leader. The leadership role usually belonged to Leonardo. The comics focused more on Leonardo's strategic and guiding abilities for the team.
The number of Ninja Turtles comics is quite large. Different publishers and series have contributed to the collection over the years. It's difficult to keep track of an exact count.