Telegram Story is a feature on Telegram. It allows users to share photos, videos, and texts that disappear after a certain period, similar to stories on other social media platforms.
A money-making group could have some business-like names such as:
- Business Elite Group
- Wealth Concentration Camp
- Money Making Guide Group
- Business Strategy Group
- Wealth Magician Group
- Money-making Master Group
- Business Wizards
These names all had a strong commercial aura that could attract like-minded people to join. Of course, he could also give it a name according to his own preferences, as long as it sounded interesting and unique.
In many places, distributing or accessing explicit erotic stories through Telegram or any platform may be illegal as it often violates laws regarding obscenity and the distribution of pornographic content. Different countries and regions have different regulations on this matter.
Telegram stories allow users to share moments in a more ephemeral way. They can be photos, videos or text. It gives a quick and easy way to show what you're up to without it being a permanent post on your profile.
To remove stories in Telegram, first, open the app. Then, find the section where the stories are displayed. There should be an icon or option to delete or remove them. It might vary depending on the version of the app you have.