The anime Heavenly Nine Songs was an anime produced by a Chinese animation company's 2D animation studio. It was released in China on July 1, 2016. The work was adapted from the Korean comic, Nine Songs of Heaven.
The 'Redemption Song' instrumental version is also great. The melody has a sense of hope and resilience which can mirror the different phases in a life story. It has a slow and steady tempo that gives a feeling of contemplation, much like reflecting on one's life.
One characteristic is the use of motifs. For example, in 'Peter and the Wolf' by Prokofiev, each character has a distinct musical motif. The flute represents the bird, and its light and fluttery melody tells the story of the bird's movements and actions. This helps the listener to follow the story easily.
There was no official confirmation as to whether I'm crazy about music was a novel or an anime. Even though the novel and anime of Crazy Singer were both highly praised, the story and character settings of the two were slightly different. The novel told the story of the female lead, Chen Guo, growing up on the path of music, while the anime set the story in a modern city.
One common element is a shared activity. For instance, if it's an art - related instrumental love story, painting together could be that element. Another could be a specific location. Just like in the example of the library before, a place can be a common element.
An 'instrumental love story' could be a love story where music or some other form of art or tool (instrument in a broad sense) plays a significant role. For example, two musicians might fall in love while playing music together, and the music they create becomes an integral part of their relationship.