It's a military-themed isekai web novel. The story follows Tanya Degurechaff, a salaryman reborn in a fantasy world as a little girl. She has to deal with the military and political situations in this new world while trying to survive and climb the ranks. She's a complex character, often using her wits and ruthlessness to get ahead.
There's Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakova. She is an important character who has a relationship with Tanya. She is more of a 'normal' person compared to Tanya in terms of her values and personality.
One special thing about 'Tanya the Evil Web Novel' is its unique protagonist. Tanya is a very complex character. She has a cold and calculating personality, which is quite different from the typical heroic characters in many novels.
The main character is Tanya Degurechaff. She is a reincarnated salaryman in the body of a young girl in a war - filled world. Her actions and decisions drive the story forward.
The main character is Tanya Degurechaff. She's the central figure around which the story revolves. She has a very distinct personality, being both cunning and resourceful.