
sa re ga ma pa contest

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

In the 21st century Earth gave Birth to greatest genius ever. A genius who Master myriad of arts. Medicine to Engineering. Mathematics to Micro Biology. Weapon Designing to Environmental control. Music to Painting. Dance to Martial arts. He mastered Everything. He created so many things to help mankind such that he got the title 'Greatest Creator'. But what if he cant get justice for the loss of his loved one due to some political reasons? What if the governments which he served are trying to shield the criminals just because they are rich? Well, the Greatest creator turned into 'Greatest Destroyer'. He got his Revenge But the price is he is dead before realising his full potential. . . . What if he gets a Second chance with all the knowledge he gained in his life. A second life in a different world where a different energy exists? Where humans can reach heavens with this energy? What if he comes to this world where he dont have to bother about all the constraints limiting the technology on modern earth? follw the journey of Sam . AUTHOR'S NOTE. The first few chapters will have some mistakes regarding grammar and spellings and some inconvenience with paragraph arrangements. I will re-edit them whenever I am free. you will see the improvement the further you go. so I hope readers will endure a bit and read more chapters before deciding if the read is worth it or not. thank you Check out my other work: Countdown to Cataclysm . Follow me on Instagram @suryaboddus discord: https://discord.gg/XggwchS
2455 Chs
Thương định đầu tiên: Khuất phục chồng ác ma

Thương định đầu tiên: Khuất phục chồng ác ma

Tóm tắt nội dung: Ban ngày anh chàng này là chủ tịch của một tập đoàn biên soạn sách, anh ta bao giờ cũng lạnh lùng, thờ ơ với mọi thứ. Vào ban đêm, anh ấy được mệnh danh là "con quỷ" bí ẩn đeo mặt nạ. Anh yêu cô như một ngọn lửa với tình yêu nồng cháy. Nhưng khi cô gặp rắc rối anh lại không giúp đỡ. Tội nghiệp thay, cô bị bọn xấu bắt đi, trông cô lúc ấy thật tàn tạ, thê lương. Về phía anh, anh đã đính hôn với một người phụ nữ khác mà không hề mảy may điều gì. Năm năm sau, cô trở về với một đứa bé và bắt đầu trò chơi trả thù của mình. "Bây giờ, các quy tắc của trò chơi được đặt ra bởi tôi!"
1635 Chs
Re: Evolution Online

Re: Evolution Online

On just another normal Monday, a new virtual reality game called "Evolution Online" launched out of nowhere and took the world by storm. People were blown away by the game’s hyper-realistic features and endless adventures. Everyone from small companies to big corporations and governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game. But what they didn't know was that this game was actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that was about to hit the planet! The game was a precursor to the Earth's first evolution, where mana was going to be unleashed into the real world! Liam, a high school student who had faced numerous setbacks in his life, turned to 'Evolution Online' in the hope of changing his fate, but instead, he got trapped in the game's twisted world, and things went from bad to worse. When the apocalypse finally arrived, Liam barely managed to escape, but his situation didn't improve. Along with millions of others, he died a miserable death, unable to fight back and filled with regret. However, Liam's story didn't end there. He found himself inexplicably transported back in time before everything started! Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, Liam was determined to become the strongest and most powerful player, unleashing destruction upon the world that had ruined him before! This time, things were going to be different! ******************* Discord Link for chatting with author and character art https://discord.gg/XS7gWScKn8
1412 Chs
Re: Evolution Online

Re: Evolution Online

An einem ganz normalen Montag startete ein neues Virtual-Reality-Spiel namens "Evolution Online" aus dem Nichts und eroberte die Welt im Sturm. Die Menschen waren begeistert von den hyperrealistischen Funktionen und den endlosen Abenteuern des Spiels. Alle, von kleinen Unternehmen bis hin zu großen Konzernen und Regierungen, bemühten sich, bei diesem geheimnisvollen Videospiel Fuß zu fassen. Was sie jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass dieses Spiel in Wirklichkeit eine Anleitung für die bevorstehende Apokalypse war, die über den Planeten hereinbrechen sollte! Das Spiel war ein Vorläufer der ersten Evolution der Erde, bei der das Mana in der realen Welt entfesselt werden sollte! Liam, ein High-School-Schüler, der in seinem Leben zahlreiche Rückschläge hinnehmen musste, wandte sich an "Evolution Online" in der Hoffnung, sein Schicksal zu ändern, aber stattdessen wurde er in der verdrehten Welt des Spiels gefangen, und die Dinge wurden immer schlimmer. Als die Apokalypse schließlich eintrat, konnte Liam gerade noch entkommen, aber seine Situation verbesserte sich nicht. Zusammen mit Millionen anderer starb er einen elenden Tod, unfähig, sich zu wehren, und voller Bedauern. Liams Geschichte war damit jedoch noch nicht zu Ende. Er fand sich auf unerklärliche Weise in der Zeit zurückversetzt, bevor alles begann! Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen, was kommen würde, war Liam entschlossen, der stärkste und mächtigste Spieler zu werden und die Welt zu zerstören, die ihn zuvor ruiniert hatte! Dieses Mal sollte alles anders werden!
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1412 Chs
The Rejected Hybrid Met Her Second Chance Lycan Ma

The Rejected Hybrid Met Her Second Chance Lycan Ma

She is a werewolf and vampire hybrid, her identity has been hidden by her parents, she is nearly 18 years old, one day she went to the Alpha door met his son, it was her mate, he felt she was fat and ugly, cold rejected her. And make out with the other coyotes in front of the main girl. The heroine feels pain, runs to the forest, and the Wolf in her body is also transformed at this moment - her Wolf is very strange, all bright black except for a golden crescent behind the ear. After the transformation, she was discovered by the patriarch of the Hybrid pack, who said they had been looking for her for a long time, so she was brought back to the Hybrid pack and became the strongest warrior.
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1250 Chs
Hotboy Ac Ma: Ăn Sạch Cô Bé Ngọt Ngào

Hotboy Ac Ma: Ăn Sạch Cô Bé Ngọt Ngào

Mô típ chuyện tình cảm kiểu Lọ Lem và Hoàng Tử đã có rất nhiều. Nhưng mỗi câu chuyện lại có những tình tiết và nút thắt khác nhau, để khi chúng ta đọc câu chuyện vẫn tò mò muốn biết xem tác giả gỡ nút thắt và giải quyết vấn đề ra sao nhằm đi đến cái chốt cuối cùng. Lạc Điềm Tâm - một cô nữ sinh nhỏ nhắn, ưa nhìn đột nhiên được nhận vào học tại học viện Thánh Lợi Á nổi tiếng dành cho các cậu ấm cô chiêu, rồi lại đột nhiên được gửi đến nhà họ Trì, sống với Trì Nguyên Dã, một thiếu gia ác ma, đẹp ma mị mà ngang ngược phách lối. Nhưng rồi tấm lòng lương thiện, sự hồn nhiên, đáng yêu của cô bé Lạc Điềm Tâm đã làm cho trái tim Trì thiếu rung động. Nhưng chuyện tình cảm giữa Điềm Tâm và Nguyên Dã liệu có được diễn ra suôn sẻ, êm đềm. Khi mà Trì Nguyên Dã có bao nhiêu bí mật và nhiều đối tượng vây quanh. Còn Lạc Điềm Tâm cũng chẳng rõ lai lịch và luôn trong vòng vây ghen ghét đố kỵ của những nữ sinh thầm yêu trộm nhớ Trì thiếu cũng như những người xung quanh cô. Liệu tình yêu, tình bạn, tình thân giữa những người xung quanh Lạc Điềm Tâm và Trì Nguyên Dã có được bình yên và vui vẻ. Bạn hãy đọc, thưởng thức Hotboy ác ma để có thể hiểu rõ được những khúc mắc dần dần được hé lộ cùng với hành trình tình yêu của Lọ Lem - Điềm Tâm và ác ma Trì Nguyên Dã nhé!
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1070 Chs
Sa Femme de Génie est une Superstar

Sa Femme de Génie est une Superstar

Une hackeuse mondialement célèbre et fille de la famille criminelle la plus puissante qui a régné sur le bas monde international pendant de nombreuses générations est tuée lorsque leur organisation est anéantie en une seule nuit. Elle renaît dans le corps d'Iris Long, une chanteuse pop adolescente, une fêtarde sauvage et une gamine gâtée. Pour l'ancienne princesse des enfers qui a vécu une vie surprotégée et entravée, cette nouvelle vie est l'occasion de vivre enfin la vie de liberté et d'indépendance qu'elle a toujours souhaitée. Jin Liwei est l'homme le plus puissant du monde des affaires du pays. Froid et impitoyable, il est quelqu'un que seuls quelques-uns osent offenser. Lorsque la tristement célèbre Iris Long, qui poursuivait son jeune frère, sort d'un coma d'un an, son cœur insensible bouge pour la première fois et il tombe follement amoureux de cette fille de génie inattendue. Elle veut voler librement et monter haut dans le ciel. Il veut tout d'elle, pour l'attacher à lui et ne jamais la laisser partir. C'est son voyage vers la super célébrité. C'est son voyage pour l'accompagner. Ensemble, ils vont bouleverser le monde tout en faisant face à de nombreux défis. Mais que se passera-t-il lorsqu'elle découvrira qu'elle ne pourra jamais échapper aux ombres de son ancienne vie ? Pourra-t-elle toujours vivre sa vie de rêve de liberté et d'indépendance ? Sera-t-il capable de la protéger des dangers ? [Attention : Contenu Mature. La discrétion du lecteur est recommandée.] ### Instagram : Arria Cross (@arriacross) Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/cSUhBdz
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972 Chs
Ma femme inattendue est une Patronne secrète!

Ma femme inattendue est une Patronne secrète!

``` Tout le monde savait que la fille aînée des Shens était tombée en disgrâce après avoir été abandonnée par un vaurien, devenue enceinte hors mariage, puis rejetée par sa famille, démunie et désespérée. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing fit une apparition au banquet d'anniversaire de la matriarche de la première famille, les Chus, où la foule raillait : "Ceux qui donnent un million en argent de cadeau s'assoient à une table." "Ceux qui donnent dix millions en argent de cadeau s'assoient à une table." "Mademoiselle Shen, puis-je demander combien d'argent de cadeau avez-vous apporté ?" La foule attendait de se moquer d'elle, mais à ce moment, ils virent Shen Ruojing avancer un petit garçon exquisément beau, "Pourriez-vous demander à la Matronne où s'asseoir quand on apporte un arrière-petit-fils ?" *** Admise dans le foyer des Chus seulement à cause de la valeur de son fils, Shen Ruojing ne voulait que suivre le courant, contente d'être un poisson paresseux, mais elle faisait face au mépris de tous côtés au sein de la famille : "Notre famille se vante d'avoir un hacker de premier plan, un maître de la musique, un génie artistique, un fou de la technologie—chacun renommé dans son domaine respectif. Et vous ? Que savez-vous faire ?" Shen Ruojing toucha son menton : "Toutes ces choses que vous mentionnez... Je sais un peu de tout." Trois adorables enfants se tenaient à ses côtés et acquiescèrent d'un même élan : Nous attestons que Maman sait effectivement un peu de tout. ```
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755 Chs
Ma femme est un docteur miracle dans les années 80

Ma femme est un docteur miracle dans les années 80

Le tout nouveau roman "Renaissance de la Noble Dame : L'Épouse de la Maison du Marquis" raconte l'histoire de sa vie passée où sa mère s'est remariée, et elle est devenue un vulgaire chou commun. Alors que sa soeur mangeait de la viande, elle se contentait de soupe ; sa soeur avait des nouilles, elle devait se contenter d'eau ; sa soeur était la princesse, et elle était étiquetée comme déchet. Elle était piégée dans une vie entièrement planifiée par ce duo mère-fille pour elle ; sa famille, son mari, tous réduits à une misérable plaisanterie. Puis un accident de voiture l'a transformée en un gâchis sanglant. Elle lui dit, 'mon argent va entièrement à mon père, mon rein à toi, parce que tu es un bon homme.' À trente-trois ans, elle mourut dans un accident de voiture, laissant son rein à un bon homme. À trois ans, elle renaquit. Dans cette vie, face à la manipulation, elle a riposté. Quelle soeur ? Elle n'avait même pas de mère biologique, alors d'où viendrait une soeur ? Et dans cette vie, elle ne savait pas si elle rencontrerait de nouveau ce bon homme...
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752 Chs
Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

..... Chiron lived an unfortunately miserable life as an orphan. Just when he managed to get rich as a result of a book about a world he saw in his dreams, he was murdered by a deranged Fan He was even unable to enjoy his vast wealth before his death. But Fate had other plans for him. He was reborn in the same book he wrote as the main character. But there was a big problem. According to his book, the main character was to die at the end, risking his life for the safety of the world. To sacrifice one's self for the world was not his style. After all, he had already experienced death before. There was no way in hell was he going to give his life for anybody. Instead of following the story arch and becoming a hero, he forges his own path on the road to true villiany and immortality. However can he win when his enemy is Fate itself and the Gods that command it? Especially with the Fate Change System he can never truly trust. ...... Note: The MC has no morality. Very Sick Shit happens in this book. I mean things that will make even your parents shy away. You have been warned!!! No Romance= (The Ancestors forbid it) Simping= (The MC would prefer Death please) Familiar bonds= (Family exists only for benefits.) Stray off the part of Power= (only to go kill a nation or something and we back on track)
702 Chs
knowledge contest
1 answer
2025-03-02 09:31
Knowledge competitions that often appeared in online novels generally referred to a kind of intellectual competition between the experts in the novel. In this kind of competition, participants had to answer a variety of complicated questions and score through voting or discussion. This kind of competition often appeared in novels as a way for characters to interact.
What comics are there in Sa comics and Sa Manle now?
1 answer
2024-09-10 14:32
I'm not sure which platform they are referring to. However, generally speaking, Sa Comics was an online reading platform that mainly focused on comics. There were many comics on the platform, including Sa Comics, Comic Party, and Demonic Patriarch. Sa Man Le, on the other hand, was a comics publishing company that owned Sa Manga, Manga Party, Girls Frontline, and other branded comics. In addition, there were many other comics on Sa Manga and Sa Manle. The specific works on these two platforms needed to be searched according to the source of the works and the search method.
Information on the poetry contest?
1 answer
2025-03-08 08:10
I'm a reader of novels, and I can't provide any information about the poetry contest. I can only provide information about poetry in general. If you need information about the poetry contest, I suggest you look for relevant websites or books.
Literature History Contest
1 answer
2025-03-08 06:15
Honorable judges, today's topic is the literary history knowledge competition. In the history of literature, there were many famous works and their works had a profound influence on modern literature. I'll make do with these works and. First, let's talk about the representative works of modern Chinese literature. Lu Xun's works Diary of a Madman, The True Story of Ah Q, and Medicine are classics of modern Chinese literature. These works deeply revealed the dark side of society at that time, reflecting the pain and anger of the Chinese people. The representative works of modern Chinese literature included Lao She's Camel Xiangzi, Ba Jin's Home, and Ding Ling's Sun Shines on the Sanggan River. Next, let's talk about the representative works of ancient Chinese literature. Ancient Chinese literature had a long history and many classic literary works. For example," Dream of the Red Chamber,"" Water Margins,"" Journey to the West," and other novels were classics of ancient Chinese literature. These works reflected the style of ancient society and the lives of the people through vivid descriptions. The representative works of ancient Chinese literature include Tang poetry and Song poetry such as Li Bai's "Wine Will Enter," Su Shi's "Shuidiao Getou," Li Qingzhao's "Dream Order," etc. Finally, let's talk about the representative works of foreign literature. The representative works of foreign literature included Hamlet by shakespeare, A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens, and les Miserables by maupassant. These works had a strong ideology and artistic quality, which had a far-reaching impact on the literature of later generations. These are my answers to the literary history knowledge competition. Thank you, judges, for listening.
classic reading contest
1 answer
2024-10-23 10:22
The Classics Recitation Competition was a competition that focused on reciting classic literary works. The purpose of the event was to promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture and improve the public's cultural quality and language skills. Classics recitation competitions were usually divided into individual and group groups. The contestants had to demonstrate their understanding and perception of classic literary works through recitation and speeches within a specified time. The judging criteria of the competition usually included language expression, emotional grasp, cultural content, and so on. The Classics Reading Competition had been held in China for many times, attracting the participation of many literary lovers and cultural inheritors. Through the classic recitation competition, people could better understand and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and improve their cultural accomplishment and language skills.
Essay Contest on Reading
1 answer
2024-09-15 10:02
Reading was an important way to gain knowledge, broaden one's horizons, and improve oneself. Whether it was in school or at work, studying was an important way to continuously accumulate knowledge and improve skills. Reading books can not only help us understand the world better, but also enable us to have a broader vision and richer life experience. Reading was a good way to relax. When we face the pressure of work and life, reading can let us temporarily forget our troubles and obtain a sense of peace and joy. At the same time, reading can also help us better ease our emotions and improve our mental health. Reading was a good way to socialize. Through reading, we can make friends in different fields and share our thoughts and opinions. This not only helps us expand our social circle but also allows us to better understand different cultures and values. Studying was a good investment. Studying not only helps us improve our personal qualities but also brings us more opportunities and possibilities in the future. Through reading, we can better understand the world and lay a solid foundation for our future plans. Reading is a very important activity that can help us gain knowledge, improve ourselves, relax our body and mind, expand our social network, and invest in our future. We should cherish the opportunity to read more books and read good books to make ourselves more outstanding and fulfilling.
A contest of silent content
1 answer
2024-09-12 06:47
" Silent Contest " was a story about humanity, morality, and faith. The protagonist of the story was a young policewoman who discovered a man suspected of murder on her patrol. In the process of getting in touch with the man, she gradually understood the story behind the man and found that the man did not deliberately kill people. Instead, he was emotionally entangled and morally condemned and finally chose to commit suicide. In the second half of the novel, another man was accused of murdering his wife and her lover. In court, he insisted that he was innocent but was eventually found guilty. In prison, he reflected on his actions and began to think about the meaning and value of life. Through the story of a policewoman and a murderer, the novel explored the relationship between human nature, morality, and faith, as well as everyone's inner feelings and choices when faced with choices and decisions.
Author List of Sa Man Le Hua and Sa Manga
1 answer
2024-09-13 00:05
Both " Sa Man Le Hua " and " Sa Manga " were written by famous manga artists. The following is a list of their authors: "Sana Man Le Hua": One of the founders of Sa comics--Liu Sa 2. Ekin Cheng Manga Artist Huang Yulang Comic Artist Zhong Li 5 Comic Artists Manga Artist Lin Qingxuan "Sa Manga": One of the founders of Sa comics--Liu Sa 2. Ekin Cheng Manga Artist Huang Yulang Comic Artist Zhong Li 5 Comic Artists Manga Artist Lin Qingxuan Manga Artist Sun Xiao Manga Artist Jia Dao Manga Artist Li Xin The above is only a partial list of the authors. In fact, there are many other authors in Sa Comics. These cartoonists have brought many classic comics to Sa Comics.
The performance of tpu and pa6 masterbatches
1 answer
2025-01-02 16:58
It has the characteristics of heat resistance, wear resistance, elasticity and environmental protection. It can maintain color stability at high temperatures and is not easy to fade; it has good wear resistance and a long service life; it has good buffer performance when it is impacted by external forces; it meets environmental protection requirements and is not easy to produce harmful substances, which is conducive to environmental protection. In contrast, the heat resistance of PA6 masterbatches was poor and easy to fade; the wear resistance was average and the service life was relatively short; the elasticity was poor and the cushion performance was poor.
The performance of tpu and pa6 masterbatches
1 answer
2024-12-19 07:20
Both CPU and PA6 masterbatches had their own advantages in terms of performance. It has excellent wear resistance, tear resistance, and flexibility, and is suitable for shoes, sports equipment, and other fields. It also needed to have good weather resistance to maintain the color stability of the product in the outdoor environment. PA6 Masterbatch has high mechanical strength and heat resistance, and is suitable for use in the fields of auto parts and electrical appliances. Choosing the right color master batch can ensure that the product meets the performance requirements while having an aesthetic appearance. Considering the characteristics and needs of the product, it was very important to choose a suitable color concentrate.