
diablo 1

El Prometido del Diablo

El Prometido del Diablo

Un amor condenado desde el principio, una causa perdida, una batalla perdida, y aún así, ninguno de los dos corazones está dispuesto a rendirse hasta el final. Arlan Cromwell, el epítome del perfecto Príncipe Heredero. Todo lo que quiere es vivir una vida normal como un humano pero la vida de un dragón no tiene nada de normal. Solo tiene un objetivo: encontrar a su prometida fugitiva y decapitarla. ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre que la mujer que ha conquistado su corazón es la que juró matar? Oriana, la Herbolario, disfrazándose de hombre, ha pasado toda su vida huyendo sin saber de qué huye. Cuando los misterios de su pasado la atrapan lentamente, no tiene a quién acudir... excepto a Arlan. Pero cuando se entera de que el hombre al que le ha entregado su corazón es el mismo hombre que quiere matarla, ¿cómo puede aceptar la cruel mano que la vida le ha dado? Dos personas con secretos que guardar, identidades que ocultar y respuestas que encontrar. Cuando cierta oscuridad amenaza con llevarse a Oriana, ¿el Dragón podrá proteger a su pareja? Extracto: —Si supiera que eres mi prometida, te habría matado en el mismo momento en que nos conocimos. —¡Si supiera que estaba comprometida contigo, me habría matado antes de que tú me mataras! Sacó una daga y se la ofreció. —No es demasiado tarde. Simplemente corta tu garganta con esto y sangrarás sin dolor. Ella aceptó el cuchillo, sus dedos apretaban con fuerza el mango. Al siguiente momento, él estaba presionado contra la pared y el cuchillo estaba en el lado derecho de su cuello. —¿Qué tal si lo pruebo contigo primero, mi prometido? —Siéntete libre de intentarlo. Pero cuando falles, este cuchillo primero probará la sangre de tu abuelo, luego la tuya. La ira se levantó en sus ojos, y al siguiente momento, la sangre fluyó por el lado derecho de su cuello. Ella cortó lo suficientemente profundo como para cortar un importante vaso sanguíneo. —No deberías haberme desafiado —dijo ella con desdén—. Y se echó hacia atrás, esperando que él colapsara. Simplemente sonrió y pasó su dedo por la profunda herida en su cuello. —Parece que has fallado. Observó cómo la herida de su cuello se curaba por sí sola y se sintió impactada hasta los huesos. —Tú... ¿qué eres? —¿Adivinas?
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787 Chs
La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo

La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo

Él se enamoró de sus raros ojos morados. Luego, pensó en tenerla por completo. —— Esa noche, la delicada mujer de ojos morados en vestido de novia estaba sentada en su cama mientras su esposo la observaba con una sonrisa. —Entonces —dijo él con voz maliciosa y magnética—, ¿no puedo ver el rostro de mi esposa ni siquiera en la noche de nuestra boda? —Su Majestad ha prometido cumplir mi único deseo —comentó la mujer, asegurando el velo que cubría la mitad inferior de su rostro con manos ligeramente temblorosas. Él se quedó mirando sus misteriosos y raros ojos morados. —¿Puedo preguntar, por qué tal deseo? Ella lo miró fijamente. —A Su Majestad quizás no le guste ver cosas feas. Él sonrió con suficiencia y se acercó a ella. —Pero, yo nunca tuve inclinación hacia las cosas bonitas. —— Seren, la infame hija de la bruja, y Drayce, el cruel e implacable hijo del Diablo. Nadie había visto nunca su rostro ya que las brujas están destinadas a ser feas, pero él era quien nunca había buscado la belleza. Ella estaba maldita para nunca enamorarse, pero él deseaba ser el único hombre que ella amara. Una princesa maldita casada con el hijo del Diablo para destruir su reino, pero el hijo del Diablo tenía un plan diferente para ella. El secreto de su nacimiento solo se revelará para guiar el camino a desatar los poderes ocultos dentro de ella que nadie puede controlar. Con los peligros ocultos deseando su poder, ¿podrán Drayce y Seren protegerse el uno al otro o será la oscuridad la que los trague a ambos? —— Este es el primer libro de la serie "Diablo y Bruja". Libro uno - La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo. Libro dos - La Bruja Maldita del Diablo. Libro tres - La Prometida del Diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero se pueden leer de forma independiente. —— Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - https://discord.gg/p3Xrs8VbS3 Grupo de FB - mynovel20's novels
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786 Chs
La Bruja Maldita del Diablo

La Bruja Maldita del Diablo

``` La historia de un hombre que trae la muerte y una chica que la niega. ---- En la montaña embrujada del reino, dicen que vivía una bruja. Ella nació princesa. Pero incluso antes de su nacimiento, el sacerdote la declaró maldita y exigió su muerte. Envenenaron a la madre para matar al bebé antes de que diese a luz, pero el bebé nació de la madre muerta —una niña maldita. Una y otra vez, intentaron matar al bebé pero ella milagrosamente sobrevivió cada intento. Dándose por vencidos, la abandonaron en la montaña embrujada para que muriera pero ella aún sobrevivió en esa tierra estéril —una bruja. —¿Por qué no muere? Años más tarde, la gente finalmente se hartó de la bruja y decidió quemar la montaña. Pero el Diablo llegó en su rescate y la llevó consigo de aquel lugar en llamas, porque morir no era su destino ni siquiera entonces. Draven Amaris. El Dragón Negro, que gobernaba sobre los seres sobrenaturales, el Diablo con quien nadie deseaba cruzarse en su camino. Odiaba a los humanos pero esta determinada chica humana lo atraía hacia ella cada vez que estaba en peligro. —¿Es realmente humana? Él se llevó a la humana con él y nombró a esta misteriosamente tenaz chica “Ember”, un pedazo de carbón ardiente en un fuego moribundo. Un alma manchada de venganza y la oscuridad del infierno, se levantaría de las cenizas y cumpliría su revancha. ------ Este es el segundo libro de la serie de Los Diablos y Las Brujas. El primer libro es - La hija de la bruja y el hijo del diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero puedes leerlos de manera independiente. ```
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491 Chs
100 Días para Seducir al Diablo

100 Días para Seducir al Diablo

[Advertencia: R18+] Cuando el Odio se transforma en Amor... y la Venganza en Pasión... ¿Elegirá empezar de nuevo con ella? El alma de Phantomflake se separó de su cuerpo después de suicidarse frente a su enemigo, Nathan Sparks, el Líder Supremo de la Mafia de Syphiruz. Despertó solo para descubrir que su cuerpo (que estaba en estado de coma) estaba siendo retenido por Nathan '¡el Diablo!', quien intentaba prolongar su vida. ¿Y cuál era su motivo? ¡Matarla con su propia mano y torturarla hasta la muerte! Nathan siente un profundo resentimiento contra Phantomflake, ya que ella fue quien asesinó a la persona más preciada en su vida. ¡Él quería venganza! Y las cosas se volvieron más emocionantes cuando una criatura mágica apareció frente al alma de Phantom, dándole una misión ridícula a cambio de recuperar su cuerpo. —¡Haz que se enamore de ti en 100 días! —dijo la criatura voladora, señalando con sus pequeñas patas a Nathan, quien se mantenía inexpresivo junto a su cama. Con los ojos muy abiertos, Phantomflake hizo una cara de '¡debes estar bromeando!' a la criatura voladora. ¡De ninguna manera! ¡Eso es una misión imposible! Este tipo la detestaba mucho. ¿Cómo iba a hacer eso??! ****** Extracto: Nathan la agarró por el cuello. —No juegues conmigo, Phantomflake. —La fría voz de Nathan resonó dentro de la habitación, sus ojos ardían de ira. Pero Phantomflake solo sonrió con suficiencia, presionando sus manos contra su pecho, sus dedos lo provocaban. —No puedes matarme, Nate. Admítelo. Ya te has enamorado de mí. Con un movimiento rápido, Phantomflake jaló su camisa, cerrando la distancia entre ellos mientras aplastaba sus labios contra los de él. Sorprendentemente, Nathan se encontró respondiendo a ella. ¡Perdió! No pudo resistirse a ella. ===== Soy dueño de la portada del libro Artista: Bea Cortez Únete al servidor del autor para obtener actualizaciones y anuncios sobre el libro. Enlace de Discord: https://discord.gg/WymeFaeQe
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430 Chs
La Buena Chica del Diablo

La Buena Chica del Diablo

—Un novio infiel y una mejor amiga traidora siempre habían sido el comienzo cliché de una historia —Fil a menudo pensaba que esas cosas solo ocurrían en tales narrativas—. ¿Quién hubiera pensado que este mismo giro cliché le sucedería a ella? —Fil era una cristiana devota que consideraba sagrados el matrimonio y la fidelidad marital. Había sido una muy buena chica desde la infancia hasta la adultez. Pero cuando sorprendió a su amor de la infancia/prometido y a su mejor amiga revolcándose bajo las sábanas, Fil quiso rebelarse por primera vez. —¿El primer paso de su viaje rebelde? Emborracharse. —Después de ahogar sus penas con la ayuda del alcohol, Fil conoció al enigmático Jackson. En el momento en que sus ojos se encontraron con esos seductores orbes dorados, las palabras se le escaparon de los labios sin tener idea del tipo de situación en la que se estaba metiendo: —¿Iría al infierno si pierdo mi virginidad antes del matrimonio? —Sus delgados labios rojos se curvaron mientras un brillo parpadeaba a través de sus ojos naturalmente afilados, y dijo: "¿Quién sabe? Pero puedo traerte el cielo si quieres que lo haga." ***** —Jackson. —Un hombre envuelto en misterio y secretos, licencioso hasta la médula y sin moralidad alguna, alguien que se había aburrido de jugar con la vida. Hasta que una noche fatídica, una mujer apareció de repente ante él —una presa perfecta para una noche aburrida. —Poco sabía él que una noche con una aspirante a rebelde no sería suficiente para aplacar su impulso biológico. Tampoco podría imaginar los colores que ella aportaría a su mundo color gris. —Una buena chica con pensamientos sucios y un hombre pecaminoso que tenía pensamientos aún más sucios. —Una relación que empezó por venganza y para satisfacer una necesidad; ¿había incluso espacio para el amor verdadero? —¿Cómo? Cuando el hombre que la doblegaba le susurraba vilmente al oído: "Has sido una jodida buena chica." **** —Mientras los dos luchan con sus propios demonios amenazando con separarlos, las dudas empezarían a surgir en sus corazones. ¿Valía la pena sacrificar sus principios por esta rebelión? ¿Podría realmente encontrar la felicidad en los brazos de un hombre tan sumido en la oscuridad? —Y para Jackson, ¿era posible la redención para un diablo como él? Y si es así, ¿sería ella la que lo llevaría hacia la luz? ¿Aceptaría incluso sus secretos más oscuros y el infierno de su mundo? —En un mundo donde la confianza era una mercancía rara y el amor una llama frágil, Fil y Jackson tendrían que navegar las aguas traicioneras del deseo y la redención. —¿Enfrentarían juntos lo desconocido? ¿O se dejarían ir para salvarse del dolor inminente de estar juntos? **** —ÚNETE A MI SERVIDOR DE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gXCMQwmrGY
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319 Chs
Casada con el Hijo del Diablo

Casada con el Hijo del Diablo

【Volumen 1 - Casada con el hijo del Diablo】 Un príncipe, del que se rumorea que es hijo del Diablo. Él es la definición de Peligro. Él es la Oscuridad misma. Una princesa. Encarcelada en su propia casa, solo para salir una vez que se case. ¿Pero casarse con quién? *** Había una vez, el Diablo se enamoró de una de las muchas esposas del Rey. Una noche fue a su habitación disfrazado de su esposo y hizo el amor con ella. Ella quedó embarazada de su hijo. Al saber esto, el Rey ordenó su ejecución creyendo que su esposa le había sido infiel, pero entonces el Diablo se apareció al Rey ofreciéndole un trato. A cambio de gran poder para su Reino, el Rey permitiría que su esposa engendrara al hijo del Diablo. El Rey, codicioso de poder, acepta el trato y su Reino se convierte en uno de los más poderosos Reinos y el hijo del Diablo, el séptimo Príncipe del Reino. Ser princesa probablemente suena bien. Una vida llena de lujo, vestidos hermosos y zapatos bonitos, pero para Hazel, no hay nada agradable en ser princesa. Nunca puede salir del palacio, nunca puede tener amigos, nunca puede comer o decir o vestir lo que quiera y nunca puede elegir a la persona con la que va a casarse. Pronto se casará con un hombre al que nunca ha conocido, un príncipe del que se rumorea que es el Hijo del Diablo. 【Volumen 2 - El regreso del hijo del Diablo】 **Secuela de Casada con el hijo del Diablo** ¡Ha vuelto! Esta vez más feroz, rápido y fuerte, con una sola cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Príncipe de la Oscuridad, Hijo del Diablo, Lucian ha vuelto, y tiene solo una cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Eso es hasta que se encuentra con ella. Una mujer que lo seduce más allá de la razón, pero que también afirma ser su esposa. Rodeado de oscuros secretos y poderosos enemigos, Lucian debe decidir a quién confiar y a quién destruir. Después de que le rompieran el corazón una vez, Klara juró no volver a enamorarse. Pero cuando su hermano intenta obligarla a un matrimonio y el molesto pero diabólicamente guapo Roshan la rescata, las cosas se complican. ¿Podrá proteger su corazón del hombre cuyo tacto prende fuego a su cuerpo? ¿O se rendirá a su deseo y arriesgará su corazón una vez más? ————————————————————————————————— 【Volumen 3 - El Diablo en sus Sueños】 LA BESTIA ENTRE NOSOTROS Imagina vivir en un mundo lleno de seres ardientes y feroces, escondiéndose en las sombras, vagando en nuestros sueños, arrastrándose bajo nuestra piel. Escuchando a hurtadillas, manipulando nuestras mentes y explorando nuestros cuerpos. Son salvajes, bestias, pero algunos de ellos son compañeros y amigos de la infancia. Algunos son peligrosos, otros aún más peligrosos. Viven entre nosotros. Algunos de nosotros los llamamos Demonios, otros los llaman Djinn. Pero algunos de ellos nunca deberían ser llamados. LA BELLEZA BUSCANDO AMOR Heaven, la nieta del Diablo y princesa de Decresh lo tiene todo en la vida. Padres amorosos, belleza, riqueza y estatus. Pero falta una cosa. Y ese es el amor. Heaven sueña con el tipo de amor que tienen sus padres y ahora que ha llegado a la edad de casarse, debe encontrar a su hombre ideal y al futuro rey de Decresh. Y debe encontrarlo pronto. Hay un hombre. Un misterioso extraño de ojos plateados que sigue apareciendo en sus sueños. ¿Quién es él y qué quiere? A medida que la línea de pretendientes crece, los sueños de Heaven se vuelven más vívidos, lo que la obliga a embarcarse en un viaje para encontrar al hombre de sus sueños. ¿Podría él también ser el hombre de sus sueños? ¿O resultaría ser una pesadilla?
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314 Chs
The First Demon Diablo

The First Demon Diablo

[The Synopsis will be rewritten into a real one instead of the text below] As a 65-year-old man with a well-built/fit body, blue eyes, and a handsome appearance for his age, is sitting on a chair in a hut that is situated in a forest with a river nearby and a large field of grass as well as a village two kilometers away. While watching TV, the old man could not help but shake his head. "*Sigh*... It seems that the government still plans on going to war, but this time it will be devastating as they will employ nuclear weapons." In other words, a nuclear war. He couldn't help but mutter "I guess the company that I worked so hard for and that has supported my family for over a decade will crumble to dust tomorrow or today..." His main emotion wasn't sadness, but rather a sense of unwillingness to let his work crumble. He did not really feel more than that, except for pity for his family and grandchildren since their future looked bleak. "It's quite fortunate for me to die before that damn nuclear war begins." Seeing his device to the right of his room, he realized that his heart would stop at any moment. That's why he got up to go outside rather than stay in bed and die like all the other old men. Upon exiting the door and walking to the river, he noticed a bright light in the distance and was blinded by it as he laughed. lol, I guess I will get a Guinness World Record Award for having witnessed a nuclear bomb explode right before my death. "Heh, what a beautiful sight. HahahahahHAHAHAHAHA....!!!" And then the shockwave arrived as well as the heatwave of atomic radiation that engulfed him as his vision went dark. It is unknown whether he died from the shockwave or his heart attack first... ————————————————————— A variety of political reasons led every country in the world to join the war after his death. Nevertheless, they didn't realize that irreversible damage had already been done to the planet beforehand, as climate change was already demonstrating. Hence, Earth blew up. In which a certain soul disappeared from time-space and resurfaced in the distant past. In an Abyssal Black Egg... As if such a thing were normal. ————————————————————— WARNING: -There will be GORE so if you're weakhearted then read at your own risk. -NO Harem (considered having 2, but noticed that it is unnecessary) -It's not a fanfic ————————————————————— P.S. The cover isn't owned by me P.S.2 The Cover got edited by me though ;D Discord link: https://discord.gg/bxsBWrTFvm
22 Chs
Diablo novels
1 answer
2025-03-11 02:18
Diablo is a famous fantasy novel by King, first published in 1982. The story was about a mage named Alfred Elric (Alfred Goose) who had a life-and-death battle with evil mages in an underground city called Pandora. The background of the story was the destruction of the magic world. The entire world was shrouded in darkness, and only Pandora, the underground city, could maintain a trace of light. In order to save the world, Alfred Erlich and his friends had to fight the evil sorcerers to the death. There were many powerful characters in this story, including mages, warriors, thieves, paladins, and so on. Each of them had their own skills and characteristics, and they kept fighting to save the world. Diablo was a novel with a compact plot, suspense, and beautiful writing that was deeply loved by readers.
Diablo novels
1 answer
2025-03-10 02:04
Diablo (Diablo 2) novels were novels that were set in the game, and usually used the game's storyline as the main story to tell the protagonist's experiences and adventures in the game. Diablo novels were popular online novels in China. Diablo novels usually contained a lot of battle scenes, magic skills, character adventures, and plot ups and downs, which were very popular among players. Some of the novels also involved the background story of the game world and the relationship between the characters so that the readers could better understand the settings and rules of the game world. Diablo novels were a popular genre of literature derived from games that could bring players a unique gaming experience and storyline.
Diablo 2 Lilith
1 answer
2025-01-01 02:38
Lilith was a super boss character in Diablo 2: Remake. She was a very powerful and poisonous character in Diablo 2. It was very difficult to deal with her. Lilith's melee damage was very high, and her HP recovery speed was also very fast. In order to defeat her, players needed to have sufficient defense, block, and life-steal equipment. In addition, using the tear damage skill could prevent Lilith from regaining HP. As for other information about Lilith, such as her relationship with Andariel, the information given was not enough to answer.
Diablo: Destruction
1 answer
2024-09-13 17:47
Diablo's Destruction was the third game in the Diablo series that was first released in 2012. The story takes place in a world shrouded by evil forces. The protagonists have to face endless monsters and dangerous traps to find the legendary power to save the world. The story mainly tells the story of the magician Alvin Grundy and his companions who came to the mysterious Dark Fortress in search of the legendary "Hammer of Destruction". However, they encountered powerful enemies and traps here and also discovered the secret hidden in the depths of the fortress. In the fierce battle, Arvin and his companions must overcome all kinds of difficulties to finally obtain the "Hammer of Destruction" and unite to resist the threat of evil forces to save the world. Diablo's Destruction was a classic in the Diablo series. The battle scenes, character settings, and plot development in the game were highly praised by players and became a classic in the gaming world.
The official novel of Diablo
1 answer
2025-03-12 01:46
The official Diablo novel referred to Diablo: Immortal (Diablo: Eternal Life), which was written in China. The story of the protagonist Wang Peng's adventure in the Dark World was full of violence, blood, and strangeness. The novel was published in 2011 and has been widely recognized and praised by readers.
The official novel of Diablo
1 answer
2025-03-10 15:40
The official Diablo novel referred to the Diablo series of novels produced by Blizzard Entertainment. They were written as novels that told the stories of various characters in the Diablo world. These novels usually included the development of the game's plot and character setting, as well as storylines related to the game.
Is there a novel similar to Diablo?
1 answer
2025-01-29 20:47
There were novels similar to Diablo: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many famous people and scholars in the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3.<<The Tang's Table>> The people of the world and the affairs of the world are just the dishes on the table of the Tang people. Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. Steaming, braising, stir-frying, stewing... There were many cooking methods in the kitchen. Whether it was Goguryeo, the Turks, Tubo, Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, Tiele…or even whales, tigers, sharks, and hungry wolves, the Great Tang was a furnace that could cook them all into peerless delicacies… In addition to Li Zhi, Wu Wei, Zhangsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and other peerless seasonings, there would always be one thing that you would never forget, regardless of color, fragrance, or taste. Yun Chu hoped that she would definitely have a seat at such a luxurious banquet! Now, the delicious food had been cooked. Yun Chu laid out the napkin, picked up the deer knife, and closed her eyes. She was ready to enjoy an unprecedented feast to satisfy her hungry stomach. 4."King of Beasts": A rather interesting book. The creativity is not bad. It uses technology to cultivate immortality. The imagination is also amazing. I finished reading it in one go. It wasn't enough. I still want to read it. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a surprising novel. The story was set in time travel. The main character's soul traveled into a game world and became the third son of the Xu family, the villain who would be killed at the beginning of the game. However, as the protagonist explored, he discovered that the good in the game was actually the evil side. How the protagonist would reverse the future and complete the reform of the sect and the imperial court was something that everyone looked forward to. Although there were few emotional scenes, each female lead was clearly portrayed. In addition, the author's intelligence was on the line. The male lead did not lick the female lead every time he saw her. Overall, this novel was worth reading. 6. National Forensic Medicine: Niao Chun's new book should be in the same series as Doctor Ling Ran. Dissecting a corpse and sending the dead was quite an interesting cheat. It could occasionally help solve cases. 7:"Nvxia Wait": New book of the new Twelve Heavenly Kings in 2022, One Man, One Knife…One Bird (funny!) This cute pet of the new era was not simple. It directly revived the early stage… The prince is fierce, the fairy is fierce 8: Mantang Colorful: New Book by the Author of the Song Dynasty The main character was a handsome guy. It was a classic opening for the author. This book was written about the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The main character in the beginning was an official slave but had an extraordinary bearing. He was also involved in Du Youlin's case. It felt quite interesting. Let's watch the follow-up! 9."Hidden Dead Corner":"Hidden Dead Corner" is an unforgettable novel. His works started from the Kendo Quintessence, and each of them had fascinating settings. Although there were times when one's combat strength would collapse, overall, the early and middle stages were quite exciting. The plot was compact, refreshing and heartbreaking, without any sloppy descriptions. This made "Hidden Blind Spots" attract many imitators. Although I haven't read his new book yet, from his status as a guru, the quality is guaranteed. His books were usually very exciting in the early stages, but they were easy to end badly in the later stages. It was unknown if this book,"Hidden Blind Spots", had corrected this problem. Currently, it had already written 500,000 words. He was looking forward to an exciting ending of 800,000 words! The beginning of the book was so exciting that I didn't know it was a new book until I got on Dragon. This was a book of fresh seedlings, and the beginning must be followed. Although there were only four chapters, it would be even more exciting after ten chapters on the weekend. The Almighty's new book, Get Lost, was exciting. Although he was once a rotten dog, it was undeniable that his early skills still existed. At the beginning of the story, he showed a superpower similar to the Saint Seiya armor, making people think that he would write about mecha, but later on, the style of writing returned to the supernatural horror style he was good at. This book was similar to his "Nightmare Summoning". It had a supernatural and infinite feeling, and the details were not bad. In short, the evaluation of the early stage was grain. 10."The Final Divine Order":"The Final Divine Order" is a novel written by the author of TL High Martial Arts. His works have always been very popular. The pace of this novel was not bad at the moment. It gave people a refreshing feeling and could be considered fodder. This book was quite good. The author's writing was very skilled, and his worldview was also very good. The various concepts and forces were very rich, and the timing of the introduction was also very appropriate. It did not feel like a stiff map change. The protagonist was about to change maps and enter the official faction for the first time. The following plot would be even more exciting. He hoped that the author could write a good outline to avoid the main character's combat strength collapsing and losing the challenge because of his unparalleled ability. The genre of this book was very similar to the Atlas of Heaven and Man, but the setting was science fiction, and the social setting and style were more relaxed. The combat strength setting was a combination of three types of martial arts Prosthetics. "I have a lot of bonus points for martial arts books. The author of this book is fluent, but it's still a refreshing type of novel. If you're interested, you can take a look. 11."Beyond Time" Author: Er Gen (Platinum) Tagged: Xianxia Mythology Cultivation connecting to Total Words:239.50w True number of fans: 57.97 million Total Collection:291.69w Total recommendation:250.21w [Alliance Leader Count:259+] First order:53527 Heaven and earth were the guest houses of all living beings, and time was a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? [12: This Game Is Too Realistic] The fourth catastrophe, the players worked hard, but the pain was happy. "Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was a novel with the theme of Xianxia. It used the merciless nature of the Heavenly Dao as its theme, depicting a world full of chivalry and sincerity. The setting of the characters in the story was unique. The protagonist was a beggar who had obtained a Meridian Unlocking Pill. He was trying his best to find his own path in a world full of competition and war. This world had a variety of settings, making people feel as if they were in a fantasy world of Xianxia. The story was fascinating, stimulating people's curiosity about the truth of history, and at the same time, bringing suspense to the development of the story. The author described the protagonist's inner world with delicate strokes, showing his yearning for light and his pursuit of chivalry. The whole book was inspiring and made people think about the meaning and value of life. Overall, Red Heart Sky Patrol was an impressive Xianxia novel and was worth reading. Ring of Fate: The Secret World Part 2 In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky. The fastest four-star Glory product. 15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor": Elixir Grass-Elixir [Top] [Strong][Walking Encyclopedia] The main character would obtain eternal life after 10 transmigration deaths. In his last life, when he was on his deathbed, he was a good teacher and gave his cellmates a big story about the history of the Ming Dynasty. Who would have thought that this prisoner was actually the second son of Emperor Zhu Di? Separated by a wall, Emperor Zhu Di and his important ministers felt the baptism of the ideology and culture of their descendants through the monitoring equipment of the Ming Dynasty, and they glimpsed the future... At this moment, the wheel of history took a huge turn. 'On Sea Power',' On the Fate of the Nation 'and' The History of Chinese Coins'… Da Ming was fully armed as he rushed towards the new era. If the change of thinking could be from top to bottom, would there be less blood and tears for social change? If Da Ming could have stood at the center of the world stage earlier, would he have been able to avoid the tragedy of the Little Ice Age, would he have been able to avoid the humiliation of a hundred years in the future? [Reason for recommendation: If you were in middle school and high school, holding textbooks and thinking about history, geography, biology, politics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and economics…what was the need to study them?] You can read this book. How many dynasties had been influenced by this familiar basic knowledge of modern people? I didn't understand the economics class in university, but I understood it here, hahaha. [Reason for pulling weeds: If it was a web novel, it might be more preaching.] The front swing was longer. However, if it was used as an alternative science book, it was just right. [Manual top method]: 50 likes for the next post. ------.----..---- ⭐⭐ ⭐都看到这儿啦,如果觉得还不错⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌸👇别忘了顺手点喜欢哟~♥(:3”∠❀)👆或关注。 16:"Ascending on a Better Day": Liking Index: Ranking index: He forcefully pushed. House pig new book. Xu Xiaoruan was upright and kind, and Xiao Qi was from a scholarly family. Calm and open-minded touch porcelain bell, polite Yuan Weiyang. 17:"Who would fall in love after being reborn?" Plot summary: After finally saving up enough money, Jiang Qin was reborn. The reborn Jiang Qin decided not to suck up to others. He only cared about money and earning more. However, the more you don't want something, the more you can get it. The rich and beautiful woman suddenly started to chase after him. What should he do? He had never experienced such a scene before…Forget it, let me show my divinity in front of others first! It was still a new book, so he had to take it slow. "Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is an enjoyable novel. Although the setting is a little dark, the overall style is light. The story was fascinating, and the new pit of the big eyeballs made people look forward to it. The author used Victoria's Cthulhu style as the theme, but added some warm elements. He did not deliberately create disgusting plots, making the whole story even more outstanding. The story took place in a world sealed by thick fog. The protagonist became the captain of a ghost ship and faced a world that had been overturned. The author depicted a world full of strange visions. The isolated island states and the fleets challenging the sea became the lights of the civilized world, and the shadows of the past were still stirring in the deep sea. Although the protagonist faced many difficulties, the first thing he had to consider was how to steer the ship. This book gave readers a new perspective and thinking, allowing them to have a deeper understanding of life and emotions. All in all,"Deep Sea Ember" was a novel worthy of recommendation. It brought people the enjoyment of delicious food. 19:"Cultivate in the Demonic Martial World": Wen Chao's new book. It's very fat and can be slaughtered. It's just a little wet. It's still worth reading. "Who told him to cultivate!" Happy people, happy literature You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Is there a novel similar to Diablo?
1 answer
2025-01-23 16:03
There were novels similar to Diablo: 1: The Three Kingdoms Begins with Zhang Fei, Author: Long Xiang Feng Zhu 2:"The Ming Dynasty Can't Die", Author: A Key Person 3."The Exorcist Is Greedy for Money." Author: Tang Ye Man Shan Hong 4. Yunhua Yao Ji, Author: Qi Zong 5: The Three Kingdoms: Starting from Wancheng, Author: Xu Yanliang 6:"A Ninja Who Plays Robbery", Author: Gan Jiao, Ju Li, Luo You 7:"After I Devoted myself to Criticize the Supervisor, I Have a Baby", Author: Xiaolou Girl 1 The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."The Three Kingdoms Begins from Fooling Zhang Fei": Chen Su traveled to the Later Han Dynasty and became the son of Chen Deng, the leader of Xuzhou scholars. Liu Bei was leading his troops outside, and Zhang Fei was reckless and careless. Seeing that Xuzhou was about to be stolen, what should he do? Of course, he had to fool Zhang Fei and defend Xu Prefecture first… 2."The Ming Dynasty Cannot Die": Cross the Ming Dynasty and become Zhu Youjian. In order to avoid the tragic end of Zhu Youjian, he could only work hard to make the country prosperous, develop and reform, and rejuvenate the country through science and technology! In his hands, Da Ming absolutely could not die. And he could not be the ruler of a subjugated country! 3."The Exorcist Is Greedy for Money":[Strong Female + Easy Daily Life + Exorcism] The number one exorcist in Xuanling Kingdom, Shui Ying, was greedy for money. She could stand on her hips and scold people like a shrew in the market, and she could also kill a group of demons with a sword and protect the common people. During one of her normal commissions, she discovered that a demon was using an evil technique to refine a ghost and absorb the Blood Qi. During the investigation, Shui Ying met her companions who were traveling together with her. They were either demons, devils, or gods… Together, they opened medical centers and embroidery workshops, contributing to the prosperity of the country. The Nine-Colored Demon Lords appeared frequently, and the number of ghosts and monsters increased exponentially, killing living beings. They refined elixirs, exorcised evil spirits, and protected peace. They were like-minded and believed that there was no distinction between high and low in the world, only good and evil. "What about the demon? So what if he was human? I only wish to punish evil and promote good. I have no regrets." They suppressed the chaos of war and killed evil spirits. Return to the world of peace and prosperity, the sea and the river are clear. "The will of my life is to uphold justice, ward off evil, and protect the common people." 4.<<Yunhua Yao Ji>> I am a demon exorcist that is not very popular. However, his ability was not weak. Just when I thought that I was going to spend my life calmly slaying demons. I lost my blade. A demon slayer losing his blade is no different from losing his life, but I found another blade. This saber had a human-shaped saber spirit. The following is the story of how I brought the idiotic demon servant and the human-shaped saber spirit with facial paralysis (crossed out) around the world to eliminate demons. Why did he have to exterminate demons? It was not a matter of national hatred. It was purely a matter of profession. This book does not cultivate immortality. 5."Three Kingdoms: Starting from Wancheng": I woke up and transmigrated into Cao Ang. I wanted to admire the beauty and talk about the wind and moon on the Bronze Sparrow Platform. But who knew… Cao Cao: Today's world hero, only my son alone Zhao said: If you don't abandon me, I will follow you to death. Liu Bei: In terms of virtue and virtue, I am not as good as Cao Zixiu. Zhuge Liang: To save the raging tide from falling, to support the building that is about to collapse, you are really a banished immortal. The Three Kingdoms Hundreds of schools of thought are still arguing, and demons lurk at night and walk during the day. A banished immortal toppled White Jade City with a sword There is a young master who has risen in troubled times and rebuilt the old mountains and rivers. 6:"A Ninja Playing Robbery": Hello everyone, standing before you now is the champion of the Second Battle of the Ninja World, the champion of the Third Battle of the Ninja World Marathon, the father of the Ninja World's modern era, the honorary principal of the Kinoha Ninja School, and the teammate of the fourth generation Naruto Golden Flash Feng Shui Gate, the Black Flash Naru! At the same time, he was also a ninja, a robber. In reality, this was the story of Iron Five, a salted fish who could not make a comeback, a transmigrator who could not make up the numbers even with the help of the system. He did not have a decisive personality, nor did he have the courage to dominate the world. He was just a story of a person who hoped to live a better life. 7:"After I Dedicate My Body to the Supervisor, I Have a Baby": A court official under one person VS a delicate beauty who hides secrets Feng Xiao 'er had married the most treacherous official of the current dynasty. She had been scheming step by step, but he had seen through her every step. She was originally a top-notch assassin in Jianghu. For the sake of information, she served tea and water to the superintendent, massaging his shoulders and legs. She was pitiful and humble. After gaining the eunuch's trust, she began to put her arms around the eunuch's shoulders and wanted to be good sisters with him. One night, Xiao Qi pressed her against the corner of the wall and said evilly. "Woman, submit to our family. We will give you the power to be above everyone else." "Don't mess around." She hammered his chest with her small hand. He was even more disdainful. How could a eunuch take advantage of him? In the end, she wanted to cry but no tears came out of her eyes. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Top 10 Diablo games
1 answer
2025-01-16 14:13
The following were the top ten Diablo games: 1. Dark Awakening 2. Dawn AfterDark 3. Underground Castle 2 4. The Last Survivor 5. Dark Soul (Dark Soul, Doku) 6. Diablo:Immorta 7. Ghost Weep (Demon Hunter, Trembling Demon) 8. Warm Snow 9. The Greedy Cave 10. Dark Hunter (Candy Girl) Please note that these results may not be the most comprehensive or accurate because the search results provided are limited.
Diablo Single Player
1 answer
2025-01-16 09:30
The standalone version of Diablo referred to the version of Diablo that could run independently on a personal computer. There was no need to connect or interact with other players. We can find some information about the standalone version of Diablo. For example, Diablo 2 had a standalone version that supported Chinese and multiple font switching. It provided a game introduction, download address, and comments from netizens. In addition, there were also different versions of the standalone game, such as the Diablo 2 Remake and the Diablo 2 simplified Chinese version, available for download. However, there was little information about the standalone version of Diablo 3. There was no specific download link or related introduction. Therefore, if you want to know more about the standalone version of Diablo, it is recommended to search further or consult the relevant game forums and community.