Jonah Lyons is looking forward to spending a weekend at a cabin with his sister, Ellie. So the last thing he expects is for his ex-boyfriend to show up.<br><br>Captain Adrian Cooper was once the love of his life, but Jonah thinks he’s moved past it. Getting trapped together because of a snowstorm wasn’t on the agenda, but it means they either have to talk or murder each other.<br><br>When Cooper admits the reason he left, Jonah doesn’t know how to react. The depth of Cooper’s love has never waned, and Jonah realizes he still loves Cooper, too. Now he needs to decide if he can forgive Cooper. Can he give them both the second chance they deserve?
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14 Chs
The Book of Jonah
The story of Jonah has great theological import. It concerns a disobedient prophet who rejected his divine commission, was cast overboard in a storm and swallowed by a great fish, rescued in a marvelous manner, and returned to his starting point. Now he obeys and goes to Nineveh, the capital of Israel’s ancient enemy. The Ninevites listen to his message of doom and repent immediately. All, from king to lowliest subject, humble themselves in sackcloth and ashes. Seeing their repentance, God does not carry out the punishment planned for them. At this, Jonah complains, angry because the Lord spares them. This fascinating story caricatures a narrow mentality which would see God’s interest extending only to Israel, whereas God is presented as concerned with and merciful to even the inhabitants of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire which brought the Northern Kingdom of Israel to an end and devastated Jerusalem in 701 B.C. The Lord is free to “repent” and change his mind. Jonah seems to realize this possibility and wants no part in it. But the story also conveys something of the ineluctable character of the prophetic calling.
The book is replete with irony, wherein much of its humor lies. The name “Jonah” means “dove” in Hebrew, but Jonah’s character is anything but dove-like. Jonah is commanded to go east to Nineveh but flees toward the westernmost possible point, only to be swallowed by a great fish and dumped back at this starting point.
The sailors pray to their gods, but Jonah is asleep in the hold. The prophet’s preaching is a minimum message of destruction, while it is the king of Nineveh who calls for repentance and conversion; the instant conversion of the Ninevites is greeted by Jonah with anger and sulking.
He reproaches the Lord in words that echo Israel’s traditional praise of his mercy. Jonah is concerned about the loss of the gourd but not about the possible destruction of 120,000 Ninevites.
This book is the story of a disobedient, narrow-minded prophet who is angry at the outcome of the sole message he delivers. It is difficult to date but almost certainly is postexilic and may reflect the somewhat narrow, nationalistic reforms of Ezra and Nehemiah. As to genre, it has been classified in various ways, such as parable or satire. The “sign” of Jonah is interpreted in two ways in the New Testament: His experience of three days and nights in the fish is a “type” of the experience of the Son of Man (Mt 12:39–40), and the Ninevites’ reaction to the preaching of Jonah is contrasted with the failure of Jesus’ generation to obey the preaching of one who is “greater than Jonah”
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5 Chs
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2 Chs
Jojon. Not Jones
I squeezed my bag to my stomach and ran. The train was going faster and faster. People were jumping on and reaching back to help others. I finally got to the tracks and was runnning as hard as I could. I looked up into the boxcar and saw Bugs.
He screamed, "Jojon, throw me your bag, throw me your bag!"
I used both hands to throw my suitcase at the train. Bugs caught it and as he set it behind him the blue flyer blew out of the twine and fluttered outside the door. But it was like a miracle, the flyer flipped over three times and landed right in my hand. I slowed down put it in my pocket.
Bugs reached one arm out and screamed, "Jon, don't stop! Run!!!"
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24 Chs
In the world where Tantra is everything, the aspect that dominates and plays an important role in human life, there are people who are special and rare.
Those who are able to make Mantras from Tantric extraction, these people are referred to as "Propheto".
Unfortunately, the world also begins to be threatened with the appearance of Mutanro, a mutated living being who is contaminated with black Tantra. In order to eradicate Mutanro, who threatens the lives of all mankind, a squad called Taboot is formed, centered in the city of Babylomania.
Meanwhile, Jomon Urameki is a homeless boy living on the outskirts of the Babylomania polis. He lives with hundreds of stray cats. Jomon's encounter with a man from the Yayoi royal family named Akali Seiya, gives him a reason to go to the city of Babylomania and in the end makes Jomon join the Taboot Squad to eradicate Mutanros.
Can Jomon get his own Mantra? Is Jomon also a Propheto? Does he have the talent to be a Mutanro slayer? The story of Jomon's adventures in a world full of Tantra!
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5 Chs
Bahkan setelah dua kehidupan sudah Laura Valentine Lalui mencintai seorang pria berdarah dingin seperti Ray imanuela Isaac .
sungguh sakit dan patah hati terbesar Laura harus membodohi lelaki yang Ia cintai dengan membawa kabur anak anak kembarnya dan memisahkan salah satu untuk di berikan kepada Ray.
menanggung kehidupan yang serba biasa,berusaha memberi batas pada cintanya yang sungguh tidak memiliki kewarasan .
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2 Chs
Aku merelakan mu, karena aku mencintaimu. Bahkan ketika dunia meninggalkanmu, aku akan disana, saat matahari terbit atau tenggelam. Hal yang paling ku syukuri di dunia ini, adalah bertemu denganmu, menggenggam jarimu, dan tertawa denganmu dibawah rembulan. Karena cinta bukan soal seberapa lama kau mengenal mereka, tetapi seberapa mampu kau merelakan dan mensyukuri mereka.
Peony adalah seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Canterbury, tiba-tiba sebuah masalah terjadi, melibatkan Peony dan pacarnya Peter yang menyebabkan Peony di skors dari kampusnya. Lalu, gadis itu kembali ke kampung halamannya dan bertemu teman kecilnya, Jacob.
Tanpa di sangka, garis cinta antar teman masa kecil ini muncul, namun Peony masih sangat mencintai Peter.
Lalu kepada siapa akhirnya Peony menautkan hatinya ?
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3 Chs
Ms Jones
Growing up Sage has always viewed her mother as someone she could not reach.
On Sage's sixteenth birthday Sage's mother had vanished and as the police say, she was 'murdered'.
But Sage couldn't believe it. Sage has watched her mother carefully for years, she wasn't someone who would die so easily to a murderer.
Her mother was a different kind of woman.
With Sage's determination and beliefs, she has taken it upon herself to find out where exactly her mother disappeared too.
Many secrets will eventually be unfolded.
All rights reserved
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14 Chs
Kisah seorang gadis cantik yang hidupnya penuh dengan kegelisahan dan ketakutan,yang setiap hari selalu diawali dengan kesedihan dalam hatinya,merasa sendiri dan merasa tidak punya siapapun dalam hidupnya,pernah berpikir mengakhiri hidupnya.
Dikelilingi oleh masyarakat yang toxic membuatnya semakin terpuruk.
"setiap hari pasti seperti ini."gumam Daniza dengan wajah sendu.
Gadis cantik bernama Daniza Gheisa berusia 20 tahun,terus menyalahkan dirinya sendiri dengan apa yg terjadi dalam hidupnya,depresi,emosi serta amarah sangat melekat pada dirinya.
Perceraian orang tuanya membuatnya menjadi gadis yang sangat pendiam dan introvert bahkan dibenci oleh ke 2 kakaknya,sudah tidak ada lagi Daniza Gheisa yang manja,ceria dan periang.
Bahkan sampai sekarang Daniza tidak tau apa penyebab orang tuanya berpisah.
Tapi pada suatu hari sesuatu mengubah dirinya,mengubah cara berfikir dan cara pandangnya,mulai mencoba mencintai dirinya sendiri,seseorang yang temuinya secara tidak sengaja,bukan pertemuan secara langsung melainkan pertemuan secara virtual,seseorang yang selalu membawa pesan positif terhadap banyak orang,dermawan,pintar dan berkarisma membuat Daniza penasaran terhadap seseorang tersebut.
Hingga Daniza mencari tau semua tentangnya,tanpa Daniza sadari dia terjebak dalam pencariannya sendiri,dia menemukan pintu masuk tapi tidak dengan pintu keluarnya.tapi walaupun begitu dia tidak menyesalinya,dia memilih bertahan didalamnya,awalnya dia berpikir kalau dia sendirian dengan berjalan jauh didalam pencarianya terhadap seseorang itu,ternyata dia tidak sendiri ada banyak orang dari berbagai negara,umur,suku yang juga berada didalamnya dan dengan alasan dan masalah hidup yang hampir sama dengannya.
"Aku pikir hanya aku sendiri didalam sini."ucapnya dengan terpaku.
Dia sedikit tersenyum dengan apa yang dilihatnya,dia berhenti dan mematikan laptopnya menyimpanya di meja samping tempat tidurnya.lalu membaringkan tubuhnya dikasur karna hari sudah malam waktunya tidur,
Pagi haripun tiba,sinar mentari pagi masuk menembus cerah tirai yang menutupi jendela kamarnya,dan membuat gadis cantik itu terbangun,tidak seperti biasanya yg langsung mandi tapi kali ini dia membuka laptopnya untuk melihat seseorang yang berhasil membuatnya tersenyum semalam.
Dia benar-benar terjebak keinginan ingin bertemu dengannya terbesit dipikiranya.seseorang itu terus melekat dalam pikirannya sampai lupa kalau jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 8 pagi,dia bergegas kekamar mandi berangkat sekolah
Didalam kamar mandi dia masih memikirkan seseorang tersebut,terus tersenyum padahal dia bertemu secara virtual,entah sihir apa yang ada dalam diri seseorang itu sehingga membuatnya jatuh cinta.
"Astaga apa aku sudah gila,kenapa aku terus memikirkannya."kata Daniza dengan tersenyum.
Pagi ini adalah pagi yang baik baginya,yang biasanya muram dan tampak lesuh,pagi ini tersenyum dengan sumringah nama seseorang itu terus berada dalam pikirannya,pergi sekolah dengan hati yang sangat senang.
"Aku akan menemuinya..
Definitely. Ozark is fictional. The plot and events depicted in it are created for entertainment purposes and not based on real-life events or people. It's designed to draw viewers into a fictional world with drama and intrigue.
Jonah was also someone who experienced God's power and mercy. After being swallowed by a big fish, he finally realized his mistake and went to Nineveh to preach as God had originally asked him. Through this journey, he was a witness to God's ability to discipline and also forgive.
Ozark isn't based on actual events. It's a made-up story that combines elements of drama, crime, and suspense to captivate the audience. The creators used their imagination to build the complex world of the show.
The story of Ozark centers around a family that gets involved in money laundering in the Ozarks to survive and deal with various threats and challenges.
Partly. The show incorporates elements and themes that are common in real-world criminal scenarios, but it fictionalizes and dramatizes them for entertainment purposes. So, it's not a pure account of a real event.