Star Wars: A Solo Story takes place approximately a decade before the classic Star Wars: A New Hope. It delves into the earlier adventures of Han Solo. There are various references and callbacks to the wider Star Wars universe to establish its timeline and connections.
The movie is set across different planets and systems within the vast Star Wars galaxy. Corellia plays a significant role as Han Solo's homeworld, and Kessel is another key location for the plot's development.
The story of Star Wars Battlefront 2 is set during the Galactic Civil War, a time of great conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.
The setting of Solo: A Star Wars Story is in the years leading up to the original Star Wars trilogy. Specifically, it's thought to be around 10 years before A New Hope, so around 13-10 BBY.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set shortly before the events of the original Star Wars film, specifically around the time of the theft of the Death Star plans.