
library of ruina lore

Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore

Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore

Author: Donald Firesmith is the prize-winning author of speculative fiction including The Secrets of Hawthorne House (teen paranormal urban fantasy), the Hell Holes series (alien invasion science fiction), and Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore (fantasy). Named a Distinguished Engineer by the Association of Computing Machinery, he is also the author of 7 technical books in system and software engineering. In his spare time, he crafts one-of-a-kind jeweled magic wands. It was only an old book that the professor found while traveling by train through Scotland. A scholar of medieval history, Professor George Smith was on sabbatical studying Scottish legends and myths when he chanced to meet an aged Scotsman and his granddaughter on their way to her new boarding school in the Isles of Skye. The young girl had accidentally left her book behind, and the professor picked it up meaning to send it on to her. But then he looked inside and discovered it was no ordinary book. It was a school textbook on magic. Could it be real? Could it have actually been left by accident and found by chance? Or was it all an elaborate hoax played on the unsuspecting professor? Did he ever find the secret Isles of Skye School of Magick? Did he ever discover the hidden world of wizards and witches implied by the book's very existence? Or did they find him? The professor vanished soon afterwards, and the answers are unknown. Read the book and decide for yourself. Magical Wands: A Cornucopia of Wand Lore is that textbook from The Isles of Skye School of Magick. The first chapter begins with a basic overview of magic wands followed by an introduction to magical theory including the four planes of existence (Astral, Spectral, Physical, and Daemonic), the five metaphysical elementals (Quintessence, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water), and the three preternatural phases of Light, Twilight, and Darkness. It also contains sets of the commonly used spells associated with each of these elementals and phases. The first chapter then describes the different types of wands, their components, how they are crafted, and how they are used to cast spells. Chapter two teaches the 17 principles of wand making. Chapters three through six comprehensively cover the materials used to make magic wands including magical creatures (both beings and beasts), magical woods, mystical crystals, and mystical metals. Chapter seven documents 26 famous and infamous witches and wizards, their wands, and how well their wands suited their needs. Chapter eight concludes the textbook by nicely summarizing the contents of the entire textbook. Each of the chapters ends with student exercises, the answers of which are included in the back of the textbook which also includes a glossary, references, and afterword by the editor. If you have ever wondered what young witches and wizards actually study in their hidden magic schools, then this book is for you.
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144 Chs
library of Hell's path

library of Hell's path

समता प्रेम नम्रता इमानदारी पवित्रता यह होते हैं मानवता के गुण मानवता इन्हीं गुणों का पालन हजारों और लाखों सालों से करते आ रहे हैं इन्हीं गुणों से मानव मानवता और मानवीय सभ्यता ने कई ऊंचे ऊंचे मुकाम हासिल किए पर यह सब तरक्की दैत्यों और दानवो से देखी नहीं गई उन्होंने छल कपट साम दाम दंड भेद की नीति अपनाते हुए मानव जाति और मनुष्य के बीच में नफरत के बीज बो दिए और फिर मनुष्य ने आपस में ही जंग करना शुरू कर दिया और इस कारण मानवता कमजोर हो गई और इसी कमजोरी का फायदा उठाते हुए राक्षसों और दैत्यों ने मानव जाति पर आक्रमण कर दिया और जब तक मानव जाति कुछ समझ पाती उसके पहले ही राक्षस पूरे मानव जाति के हुकुम शाह बन गए एक बार सत्ता हाथ में आ जाने के बाद उन राक्षसों ने मानव जाति पर अननवित अत्याचार किये उन्होंने मानव जाति के अपनी नफरत के कारण पूरी मानव जाति को अपना गुलाम बना दिया सारी मानव जाति एक वक्त के खाने के लिए भी तरसने लगी और इसी पेट की आग के चलते मानव जाति एक दूसरे पर हमला करने से भी पीछे नहीं हटने लगी किसी भी घर की औरतों और किशोर महिलाओं को वह राक्षस कभी भी उठाकर ले जाते और उन पर जबरदस्ती करके या तो उनको छोड़ देते यार फिर उन महिलाओं को मार कर उनको वह कच्चा ही खा लेते राक्षसों के अत्याचार के कारण पूरी दुनिया में त्राहि-त्राहि मत चुकी थी आखिरकार मानव जाति है देवों के देव महादेव की शरण में जाने का निर्णय लिया उन्होंने महादेव की भक्ति करना शुरू कर दिया मानवता ने 2000 साल तक महादेव की भक्ति की आखिरकार मानवता की उनकी भक्ति के कारण वह खुश हो गए और वह धरती पर प्रकट हुए धरती पर प्रकट होते हैं उनकी आंख गुस्से से लाल हो गई अपने भक्तों की ऐसी दुर्दशा देखकर उनकी आंखों से गुस्से की धधकती ज्वाला उठने लगी आखिरकार उन्होंने अपनी तीसरी आंख खोली और उन्होंने तांडव नृत्य शुरू कर दिया वह जैसे-जैसे तांडव नृत्य करते गए वैसे वैसे उनके शरीर से अलग अलग मानवी और पशुओं की आकृति बाहर निकलती गई और वह आकृतियां दुनिया में मौजूद सारे दानव और राक्षसों का सफाया करने लगी वह जैसे जैसे तांडव नृत्य करते गए वैसे वैसे इस दुनिया में मौजूद सारे राक्षस और दानव मरते गए उनके तांडव नृत्य को देखने के लिए सारी मानवता उनके सामने उनके दर्शन करने खड़ी हो गई महादेव के शरीर से निकली हुई उन आकृतियो ने सारे दैत्यों और राक्षसों के बीच में हाहाकार मचा दिया था और वह अपनी जान बचाने के लिए यहां-वहां भागने लगे पर वह कितना भी कुछ क्यों ना करते पर वह सारे महादेव के प्रकोप से बच ना सके उन्होंने राक्षसों के सारे राजा महाराजाओं को मार दिया उन्हीं राक्षसों में एक 4 महीने का बालक था जिनके माता-पिता को उसकी आंखों के सामने उन आकृतियों ने मार डाला अपने माता-पिता को ऐसे असहाय मरता हुआ देखकर उस बच्चे के मन में मानवता और महादेव के प्रति गुस्से की धधकती ज्वाला जल उठी अपने माता-पिता के शव के सामने वह राक्षस बालक रेंगता गया उन शवों को देखकर उसकी आंखों से आंसू छलक पड़े और वह अपनी आंखों में आसूं लिए हुए महादेव की तरफ देखने लगा असहाय बालक को देखकर महादेव को भी उस पर दया आ गई और उन्होंने उस बालक को क्षमा करने का निर्णय लिया उन्होंने उस बालक के आंखों में अपने खुद के प्रति नफरत के भाव को भी देखा था एक नवजात बालक की हत्या करने को महादेव का मन राजी नहीं हुआ और उन्होंने उसे जीव दान देने का निर्णय लिया वैसे भी वह इस दुनिया में सिर्फ अकेला ही दानव बच गया था सारे दानवो के खत्म होने के बाद महादेव इस दुनिया से फिर से अदृश्य हो गए पर इस दुनिया में एक दानव बालक अभी भी जिंदा था और वह भी मानवता के प्रति अपनी प्रतिशोध की अग्नि के साथ उसने घने जंगलों में पनाह ले ली और अपने शरीर के अंगों को काट काट कर फिर से राक्षस जाति को बढ़ाने लगा महादेव के तांडव नृत्य से प्रेरणा लेकर उसने अपने कबीले का नाम तांडव कबीला रख दिया और फिर से उन्ह राक्षसो ने मानव जाति के बीच में घुसपैठ करना शुरू कर दी उन्होंने कई सारी अलौकिक शक्तियां फिर से हासिल की और फिर उनको पता चला कि दुनिया में एक राजकुमार के पास महादेव का आशीर्वाद है और उसका जन्म दुनिया में से राक्षसों को फिर से खत्म करने के लिए हुआ है तो उसके शरीर को उन्होंने नींद में ही आत्मा विहीन कर दिया राक्षसों ने मान लिया कि उनका दुश्मन खत्म हो गया है पर उस राजकुमार ने 900 सालों बाद फिर से एक दूरस्थ देश के एक अनाथ कमजोर लड़के का शरीर धारण कर लिया क्या एक अनाथ लड़का एक कमजोर शरीर के साथ सच में राक्षसों का सामना कर पाएगा या फिर वह फिर से राक्षसों के छल का शिकार बन जाएगा जानने के लिए पढ़ते रहिए कहानी मेरी सच्चाई (यह कहानी समानांतर दुनिया में एक कल्पनाविलास है)
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137 Chs
Librarian of the Eternal Library

Librarian of the Eternal Library

Ascend The Tower: Where Gods are Born, Legends Unveiled, and Myths Come Alive. In the realm of The Tower, where gods forge destiny, legends awaken, and myths transcend reality: Nox, a brilliant detective, is thrust into a realm beyond imagination. A relentless seeker, he yearns to unveil the truth of his origins — a quest for his lost parents. Luke, an enigmatic force, stands as the very apex of existence, yet aches for the familiarity of home on Earth. Bound by the threads of fate, Nox becomes the Librarian of the Eternal Library, a conduit between worlds. Here, amidst forgotten tomes and arcane secrets, he encounters Luke, a captive of eternity. Luke's longing to reunite with his parents resonates with Nox's search, but Luke holds knowledge beyond Nox's reckoning. United by destiny, their paths intertwine, setting in motion a tidal wave of change. The Tower's denizens watch as the tapestry of lives shifts, unraveling mysteries and rewriting destinies. Can Nox navigate this enigmatic realm to uncover his lineage and fulfill Luke's yearning? With every step, the Tower quakes, and its people are stirred. The Tower is a crucible, forging both heroes and gods. As Nox and Luke tread its labyrinthine passages, they'll not only shape their destinies but also reshape the very essence of The Tower. Prepare to witness a metamorphosis like no other. For in this saga, The Tower itself will be transformed, and at its heart stands Nox, bound to unravel not only the Tower's secrets but his own existence. Embark on a journey where mysteries converge, dreams take flight, and The Tower and its inhabitants are forever altered. _________________________________ **Warning:** The protagonist begins with strength and grows stronger over time. At the start of the story, the main character feels confused and struggles to adjust to the Tower, much like an ordinary person. While the main character is kind and affectionate, there are moments when he become angry and behave selfishly or maliciously. This story doesn't feature a perfect "Knight in shining armor" protagonist. He is human too, like you and me. If you're seeking shallow characters, you won't find them here. Every character, no matter how minor, has a backstory. Nox, too, holds a intricate past that will gradually unfold throughout the novel. _________________________________ This novel has taken inspiration from some of my favorite novels, such as: Leveling with the gods Second Life ranker Omniscient reader's viewpoint Solo Leveling and many more.... Even though most writers use the top books as inspiration, they do not say it aloud, like me. But, I love the novels I used as inspiration wholeheartedly. Even though all I can do is try, I will provide the readers with the best story possible. _________________________________ P.S: This is my first webnovel. Please do give me some time so that I may improve. I am also always open to suggestions. Thank you very much!! ** I know the story's pace is a bit slow. I apologize for that. I assure you that the pace increases in the later chapters. _________________________________ The art is not mine. If you are the artist, please let me know if you want me to take it down or give you credits. My Discord: MythicBunny#7072 My Instagram: mythicbunny06
97 Chs
What are some interesting stories in library of ruina fanfic?
2 answers
2024-11-30 14:35
Some fanfics could be about new scenarios within the library setting. Maybe a new group of visitors arrive at the library with unique abilities and motives, which creates a whole new set of challenges and interactions for the existing characters.
What are some interesting stories in library of ruina fanfiction?
2 answers
2024-11-21 07:40
There are often fanfictions that deal with alternate universes in the 'library of ruina' setting. In some, the rules of the library are completely different. Maybe the battles are more psychological rather than physical. This can lead to really engaging stories where the characters have to adapt to new and strange situations.
How can I start writing library of ruina fanfiction?
3 answers
2024-11-21 06:31
First, you should have a good understanding of the original 'library of ruina' game. Know the characters, their personalities, and the overall world setting. Then, think about an interesting concept. It could be a new adventure for the characters or a different take on an existing event in the game.
How can one get started writing a library of ruina fanfic?
1 answer
2024-11-28 17:57
You can also take inspiration from other fanfics. But don't just copy. Analyze what makes those fanfics interesting and try to put your own spin on it. Start with a simple outline of your story, including the beginning, middle, and end, and then gradually fill in the details as you write. Don't be afraid to revise and rewrite as you go along to make your fanfic the best it can be.
What is lore fiction?
2 answers
2024-11-05 19:17
Lore fiction is a type of fictional work that focuses on creating an in - depth and detailed world of lore. It often includes elements like unique cultures, histories, mythologies, and magic systems within its fictional setting.
Is lore the back story?
1 answer
2024-10-05 08:47
Lore can be seen as the back story. It might include details about the origins of a place, the past of characters, or the hidden histories that shape the current situation in a story or game.
How to review lore novels?
2 answers
2024-11-10 11:50
To review a lore novel, first read it carefully. Note the world - building elements like the setting, magic systems if any, and the history of the fictional world. Pay attention to the characters' development and their relationships. Then, you can start writing about what you liked and disliked. For example, if the lore is very detailed and immersive, that's a plus. If the characters are flat or the plot is full of holes, it's a negative point.
What is a 'lore graphic novel'?
3 answers
2024-11-01 16:59
A lore graphic novel is a type of graphic novel that often focuses on the backstories, myths, or detailed world - building aspects of a particular fictional universe. For example, in a fantasy lore graphic novel, it might explore the history of magic, the different races that exist, and how their societies were formed. It's like a visual encyclopedia of the fictional world's lore.
Is the Lore TV show fictionalized?
1 answer
2024-10-13 03:15
The Lore TV show is indeed fictionalized. It takes elements from various sources and weaves them into fictional narratives that may or may not have real-world inspirations, but are not based on actual events.
Can fiction lore be copyrighted?
2 answers
2024-10-13 00:32
Yes, fiction lore can be copyrighted. It's considered part of the creative work and is protected by copyright law.