Shinjo Masayuki was a Japanese manga that told the story of Shinjo Masayuki, a high school student with magical abilities. After he accidentally obtained the ability to freely manipulate water, he had various encounters with various characters in school and in his daily life. The manga was released in 2009 and is still being released.
Love is a very common theme. Writers often explore how lee shin and shin chae kyeong fall in love, or how their love overcomes various obstacles. Another common theme is friendship, as their relationship might start as friends and then develop into something more.
The scariest Ri ghost story might be the one about the abandoned hospital. There are rumors that patients who died there unjustly still roam the halls. You can sometimes hear the sound of gurneys being pushed and the moans of the sick. It's really terrifying.
It depends on a few factors like the artist's reputation, the popularity of the comic, and the condition of the cover. Generally, you could research similar covers that have sold and base your price on that.
One great place to find lee shin x shin chae kyeong fanfiction is on There are many stories there that explore their relationship in different ways. Some might focus on their adventures together, while others might delve into their more emotional and romantic interactions.