
goku meets chi chi

Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

When Chi Lian dies on her earth, she wakes up in the body of another girl with the same name as her on a different earth. One with empires and royal families. Poor and desperate to survive, she is bound to a virtual pet system that can access technology from its home planet for her to use. There is just one catch. The only job she can do is that of a paparazzo. From there, she is determined to build herself a media empire and take back what her family lost. Her main news worthy targets are the most wanted but hard to get bachelors of the empire. They are rich, handsome and the media is afraid of publishing their pictures and information. But somehow, Chi Lian manages to do the impossible, she takes their pictures all the time. Which woman would not pay for their exclusive pictures and news after all. One in particular attracts her the most, The cold CEO and Professor Jun Muyang who everyone says is cold to women. With her technology and wits, Chi Lian and her adopted daughter find all ways to invade his space and in the process, steal his heart. But just how far is she willing to go to melt professor Ice cube's heart and keep her competitors at a distance? All those women in the empire who wanted Jun Muyang were waiting eagerly for her rejection. But it would be a long wait. Week one..." Jun Muyang, I bought you these flowers." Jun Muyang: "Get lost." Year one..."Baby I need another kiss." Chi Lian..."Get lost." Other works. Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife[ongoing]
690 Chs
The Devilish Assassin meets the Angelic Detective

The Devilish Assassin meets the Angelic Detective

"Fateful encounter of a cold-blooded assassin and a gentle detective: She wants to avenge her parents’ death, no matter the cost. He wants to redeem her and teach her forgiveness. One of them must give in. Merciless, fierce, vicious, and ruthless were the words that people would associate with her. That's how they would describe her, a living devil. Elle is known as the mysterious and meticulous assassin feared by both the underground syndicates and the government. But she finds herself helpless and at the end of her rope when she meets with despair on one of her missions. Erick, a chief detective, comes just in time to rescue the devil turned damsel. His kindhearted nature had led him to take the cold and aloof girl under his wing. With his protection on the line, Elle couldn't possibly get close to him in fear of being revealed. Can she let him into her walls or will she push him away, like all the others? Can he close his eyes to her crimes or will he punish her?" «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» *Excerpts* "What if I had killed someone? What if I am a criminal, what will you do?" Erick kept silent for a few seconds, thinking. Elle could almost hear her pounding heart amidst the silence of their surrounding. Erick looked into her eyes and met her nervous gaze as he gave her his response. "If that is the case, then I will have to put you in prison," he said in a serious tone. Elle's heart sank when she heard it. She felt like her world fell into pieces. "So... if I ask you to surrender yourself to me, will you do it?" Erick asked her softly as he cupped her troubled face in his two hands. "Will you?... will you marry me Elle?" he added. Elle:"..." Erick took advantage of that chance when Elle was still in a trance as he brought his face closer to her and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. -------------------------------------------------- COMPLETED [ 530 Chapters ] { Warning: This Book Features Mature Content [R-18] } Award: Writing Prompt Contest #93 First Placer- Villainess Female Lead Author's Other Book: 1. The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter Award of this Book: WPC #133 Gold Tier- No Humans Allowed! Female Lead 2. Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge 4. 100 Days to Seduce the Devil Note* The artwork/illustration/photo in the cover is AI generated by the Author [The Author is slowly editing all the chapters. Please bear with me if you see grammar mistakes and awkward sentence structures along the way. Only the first 32 Chapters had been edited so far.] Curious about this author? Follow me in Instagram: elle_zar Please like Author Facebook page: @AUTHOR.ELLEZARG18
532 Chs
Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Als Chi Lian auf ihrer Erde stirbt, erwacht sie im Körper eines anderen Mädchens, das denselben Namen trägt wie sie, auf einer anderen Erde. Einer mit Imperien und königlichen Familien. Arm und verzweifelt um ihr Überleben kämpfend, ist sie an ein virtuelles Haustiersystem gebunden, das auf die Technologie ihres Heimatplaneten zugreifen kann, um sie zu nutzen. Es gibt nur einen Haken. Der einzige Job, den sie ausüben kann, ist der eines Paparazzo. Von dort aus ist sie entschlossen, sich ein Medienimperium aufzubauen und das zurückzuholen, was ihre Familie verloren hat. Ihre Hauptziele sind die begehrtesten, aber schwer zu bekommenden Junggesellen des Imperiums, die eine Nachricht wert sind. Sie sind reich, gutaussehend und die Medien haben Angst, ihre Bilder und Informationen zu veröffentlichen. Aber irgendwie schafft Chi Lian das Unmögliche, sie macht ständig Fotos von ihnen. Welche Frau würde nicht für ihre exklusiven Bilder und Nachrichten bezahlen. Einer zieht sie besonders an: der kalte CEO und Professor Jun Muyang, von dem alle sagen, er sei kalt zu Frauen. Mit ihrer Technik und ihrem Verstand finden Chi Lian und ihre Adoptivtochter alle Möglichkeiten, in seinen Raum einzudringen und dabei sein Herz zu stehlen. Aber wie weit ist sie bereit zu gehen, um das Herz von Professor Ice Cube zum Schmelzen zu bringen und ihre Konkurrenten auf Distanz zu halten? All die Frauen im Reich, die Jun Muyang begehrten, warteten sehnsüchtig auf ihre Ablehnung. Aber es würde eine lange Wartezeit werden. Erste Woche..." Jun Muyang, ich habe dir diese Blumen gekauft." Jun Muyang: "Hau ab." Jahr 1... "Baby, ich brauche noch einen Kuss." Chi Lian: "Hau ab." Andere Werke. Transmigration aus einer Zombie-Welt zur Frau des Mecha-Königs[laufend]
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471 Chs
Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Quand Chi Lian meurt sur sa terre, elle se réveille dans le corps d'une autre fille portant le même nom qu'elle, sur une autre terre. Une terre avec des empires et des familles royales. Pauvre et désespérée de survivre, elle est liée à un système animal de compagnie virtuel qui peut accéder à la technologie de sa planète d'origine pour qu'elle l'utilise. Il y a juste un hic. Le seul travail qu'elle puisse faire, c'est celui de paparazzi. À partir de là, elle est déterminée à se construire un empire médiatique et à reprendre ce que sa famille a perdu. Ses cibles principales dignes de faire l'actualité sont les célibataires les plus convoités mais difficiles à atteindre de l'empire. Ils sont riches, beaux et les médias craignent de publier leurs photos et informations. Mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, Chi Lian parvient à faire l'impossible, elle prend tout le temps leurs photos. Après tout, quelle femme ne paierait pas pour leurs photos et actualités exclusives. L'un en particulier l'attire le plus, Le froid PDG et Professeur Jun Muyang que tout le monde dit froid avec les femmes. Avec sa technologie et son intelligence, Chi Lian et sa fille adoptive trouvent toutes les façons d'envahir son espace et, dans le processus, de lui voler son cœur. Mais jusqu'où est-elle prête à aller pour faire fondre le cœur du professeur Ice cube et garder ses concurrents à distance ? Toutes ces femmes de l'empire qui voulaient Jun Muyang attendaient avec impatience son rejet. Mais ce serait une longue attente. Semaine un... "Jun Muyang, je t'ai acheté ces fleurs." Jun Muyang : "Perds-toi." Année un... "Chéri, j'ai besoin d'un autre baiser." Chi Lian... "Perds-toi." Autres œuvres. Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir la femme du roi des mechas[en cours]
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470 Chs
Transmigrasi: Nyonya Chi Merayu Profesor Jun yang Dingin

Transmigrasi: Nyonya Chi Merayu Profesor Jun yang Dingin

Ketika Chi Lian meninggal di buminya, ia terbangun dalam tubuh gadis lain yang memiliki nama sama seperti dirinya di bumi yang berbeda. Bumi dengan kekaisaran dan keluarga kerajaan. Miskin dan putus asa untuk bertahan hidup, ia terikat pada sistem peliharaan virtual yang dapat mengakses teknologi dari planet asalnya untuk digunakan olehnya. Hanya ada satu masalah. Satu-satunya pekerjaan yang bisa ia lakukan adalah sebagai paparazzi. Dari situ, ia bertekad untuk membangun kekaisaran media miliknya sendiri dan mengambil kembali apa yang hilang dari keluarganya. Target berita utamanya adalah para bujangan yang paling diinginkan tapi sulit didapatkan di kekaisaran. Mereka kaya, tampan dan media takut menerbitkan gambar dan informasi mereka. Namun entah bagaimana, Chi Lian berhasil melakukan yang mustahil, ia mengambil gambar mereka sepanjang waktu. Lagipula, wanita mana yang tidak mau membayar untuk gambar dan berita eksklusif mereka. Satu di antaranya sangat menarik perhatiannya, CEO dingin sekaligus Profesor Jun Muyang yang semua orang bilang cuek terhadap wanita. Dengan teknologi dan kecerdasannya, Chi Lian dan putri angkatnya menemukan segala cara untuk masuk ke ruang pribadinya dan dalam prosesnya, mencuri hatinya. Tapi sejauh mana ia bersedia untuk melelehkan hati profesor Balok Es dan menjaga para pesaingnya pada jarak? Semua wanita di kekaisaran yang menginginkan Jun Muyang dengan sabar menunggu penolakannya. Tapi itu akan menjadi penantian yang panjang. Minggu pertama..."Jun Muyang, aku membelikanmu bunga-bunga ini." Jun Muyang: "Pergi sana." Tahun pertama..."Sayang, aku butuh ciuman lain." Chi Lian..."Pergi sana." Karya lainnya. Bertransmigrasi dari dunia zombie menjadi istri raja mecha[berlangsung]
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461 Chs
Transmigración: Dama Chi Seduciendo al Frío Profesor Jun

Transmigración: Dama Chi Seduciendo al Frío Profesor Jun

``` Cuando Chi Lian muere en su tierra, despierta en el cuerpo de otra chica con el mismo nombre que ella en una tierra diferente. Una con imperios y familias reales. Pobre y desesperada por sobrevivir, está atada a un sistema de mascotas virtual que puede acceder a tecnología de su planeta natal para que ella la use. Hay solo una trampa. El único trabajo que puede hacer es el de un paparazzo. A partir de ahí, está decidida a construir su propio imperio mediático y recuperar lo que su familia perdió. Sus principales blancos dignos de noticias son los solteros más cotizados pero difíciles de conseguir del imperio. Son ricos, guapos y los medios temen publicar sus fotos e información. Pero de alguna manera, Chi Lian logra hacer lo imposible, toma sus fotos todo el tiempo. Al fin y al cabo, ¿qué mujer no pagaría por sus fotos y noticias exclusivas? Uno en particular atrae su atención más que los demás, el frío CEO y Profesor Jun Muyang, quien todos dicen que es distante con las mujeres. Con su tecnología e ingenio, Chi Lian y su hija adoptiva encuentran todas las formas de invadir su espacio y en el proceso, robar su corazón. Pero, ¿hasta dónde está dispuesta a llegar para derretir el corazón del profesor Cubo de hielo y mantener a sus competidoras a distancia? Todas esas mujeres en el imperio que querían a Jun Muyang esperaban ansiosamente su rechazo. Pero sería una larga espera. Semana uno... "Jun Muyang, te compré estas flores". —Pierdete. Año uno... "Cariño necesito otro beso." —Chi Lian... "Pierdete." Otras obras. Transmigrando de un mundo de zombis para convertirse en la esposa del rey de los mechas [en curso]. ```
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461 Chs
Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

``` Quando Chi Lian morre em seu mundo, ela acorda no corpo de outra garota com o mesmo nome que o dela em uma terra diferente. Uma com impérios e famílias reais. Pobre e desesperada para sobreviver, ela está vinculada a um sistema de pet virtual que pode acessar a tecnologia de seu planeta de origem para que ela possa usar. Só há um porém. O único trabalho que ela pode fazer é o de paparazzo. A partir daí, ela está determinada a construir seu próprio império de mídia e recuperar o que sua família perdeu. Seus principais alvos dignos de notícia são os solteiros mais desejados, porém difíceis de se alcançar do império. Eles são ricos, bonitos e a mídia tem medo de publicar suas fotos e informações. Mas de alguma forma, Chi Lian consegue fazer o impossível, ela tira fotos deles o tempo todo. Afinal, qual mulher não pagaria por suas fotos exclusivas e notícias. Um em particular a atrai mais, o frio CEO e Professor Jun Muyang que todos dizem ser indiferente às mulheres. Com sua tecnologia e inteligência, Chi Lian e sua filha adotiva encontram todas as maneiras de invadir seu espaço e no processo, roubar seu coração. Mas até onde ela está disposta a ir para derreter o coração do professor cubo de gelo e manter suas concorrentes à distância? Todas aquelas mulheres no império que queriam Jun Muyang aguardavam ansiosamente por sua rejeição. Mas seria uma longa espera. Semana um..." Jun Muyang, comprei essas flores para você." Jun Muyang: "Vá embora." Ano um..."Amor, preciso de outro beijo." Chi Lian..."Vá embora." Outras obras. Transmigrando de um mundo zumbi para se tornar a esposa do rei dos mechas[em andamento] ```
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461 Chs
What the heart wants:Reincarnator meets transmigrator

What the heart wants:Reincarnator meets transmigrator

"If anything he doesn't love me as much as he loved you, I have seen Asher in love. He becomes the softest and gentlest person to the one he loves, but he isn't like that with me. he thinks he loves me but he doesn't-" "That is because he wants to be loved in return" Sabine stated. Isabelle looked at the other woman, "what do you mean? "That look in his eyes when he stares at you? He loves you so much that he is scared of getting hurt, he is afraid that you would not love him back the way he loves you. If there is something I have noticed with Asher is that he sacrifices himself for me, he did the same thing for Giselle too, but with you, he just wants to be loved back." "And that is supposed to be better? He worshipped you two and for me?" "He didn't worship us, Isabelle, on the contrary, you are the one being worshipped. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than to love and be loved. He did not need us to love him back, he did not require our love but he pines for yours. You can see vividly how he searches and does everything he can to receive even a sliver of your affection. You have more power over his sanity, peace of mind, and happiness than Giselle and I combined wished to have. Isabelle, you have it all, every single part of Asher's heart and soul, and as hard as this is to say, you have to stop breaking it." ****************************** This is a love story, a story of fate and fiction, where lifetimes come to play. Do you believe in soulmates? What if you have to endure three lifetimes to end up with your soulmate? Isabelle has suffered heartbreak her past two lifetimes, even though she only remembers one lifetime. Her fate was so twisted she ended up the victim of an ambitious author. When her world is turned into a novel she does not end up as the main lead, hence she does not end up with the male lead, what is worse is that she becomes a cannon fodder that ends up dying tragically.  She reincarnates when a transmigrator possesses the body of the novel's second female Lead, Sabine. With another chance she falls in love with the male lead, her fiance once again. But just like in her first life he doesn't even notice her as more than a nuisance, in fact, in this life she dies by his hand. Now she has reincarnated for the third time, and she remembers her past life, she knows her life is fiction and made for mere entertainment but she cannot accept such a tragic fate again. In the first life, the male lead ended up with her cousin the female lead, Giselle. In her second life, he was in love with the second lead, Sabine. All this when she had the most claim to him as his fiancee' but he manages to break her each time. In this life, she is not going to make the same mistake. Each time she loves him she dies, but not this time. But what happens when he finally wants her? What happens when he remembers his past lives and confesses that she is the one he has wanted all along? ************************** Make no mistake, this is not your normal storyline. The first volume is written in the first person and the main villain is not introduced till volume two. It is a SLOWBURN romance and the story picks up in volume two. But this author promises it is not a read you will regret. It is different but worth it, a deep storyline with flawed characters who make real mistakes and have real stakes and pressure on them.  Stay for the journey and you will never regret reading this at the end, in fact, you won't be able to forget it. A lot of life lessons, but you must be patient through the ride. If superficial and shallow plotlines are what you want then this read isn't for you, but if you are tired of the same old thing then try these. Same concept but with an incredible twist. This author hopes you see this book for what it is. A lesson.
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224 Chs
Love is Sweet: The Nation’s Princess Meets Her True Love

Love is Sweet: The Nation’s Princess Meets Her True Love

Excerpt: The corners of Lu Chenjun’s lips slightly curled up into an unreadable smile. ‘I let you go once because I was foolish and I thought that was what you wanted. I didn’t cherish you and didn’t treat you well before. Now that you are back, I will definitely not let you leave my side again. . . never again.’ Lu Chenjun stared at the woman on the screen with gentle and loving eyes, ‘Yinghui, let me take care of you, spoil you, and love you. . .’ --- Just like any other romance story, our female lead Jin Yinghui was cruelly kicked out of her home at the age of 18. In despair, she left for Korea and became a successful female idol through her hard work and dedication. Her breathtaking visuals and diverse talents earned her the title of the Nation’s Princess in Korea. She tried her best to wipe away all the bad memories from her past and even used a different name, Elena. Her life takes another turn when her company sends her back to her birthplace, Jin Province. In her homeland, new challenges are awaiting her. Jealousy from other celebrities and little fame in the entertainment industry of the Jin Province all stand as obstacles that prevent Elena from taking the easy path. However, one good thing does find its way to Elena in the Jin Province. She meets Lu Chenjun, the CEO of the LIQuan Company. As a playboy, he develops an interest in Elena and asks her to be his girlfriend. Elena understands that she needs a pillar to hold onto and help her build a strong foundation in the entertainment industry of the Jin Province. She consents to his proposal and Lu Chenjun becomes her first boyfriend. Will their relationship remain strong or will the challenges that appear break them apart? --- Note: This is a slow romance novel and there are some misunderstandings that all get cleared up relatively quickly. Update: 1 to 2 chapters daily and mass releases often This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) I hope you enjoy it! Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/FVwPydp
188 Chs
Goku Meets Chi - Chi Fanfiction: What Could Their Meeting Entail?
2 answers
2024-11-08 23:21
Well, their meeting in fanfiction could be really sweet. Maybe Goku finally realizes how much Chi - Chi has been there for him all these years. He might see her in a new light, beyond just being his wife. They could have a deep conversation about their past adventures and how they've grown as individuals.
Goku Meets Chi - Chi Fanfiction: What Are Some Possible Plots?
1 answer
2024-11-08 19:00
A third possible plot is that Goku and Chi - Chi meet in a parallel universe where their relationship is completely different. They could explore this new dynamic and learn from each other. Maybe in this universe, Chi - Chi is a powerful warrior herself, and they team up to fight a common enemy, which changes their relationship in their own universe when they return.
What could happen in a 'Dragon Ball' fanfiction where Chi - Chi meets Goku?
2 answers
2024-11-26 09:54
Well, perhaps Chi - Chi meets Goku at a new tournament. Goku is excited to see her, but Chi - Chi is a bit miffed that he didn't tell her he was participating. They then have a heart - to - heart talk about his love for fighting and her desire for a more stable family life. It could be a really emotional encounter with lots of reminiscing about their past and hopes for the future.
In the 'goku doesn't marry chi chi fanfiction', what could be the possible reasons for Goku not to marry Chi - Chi?
1 answer
2024-10-25 19:36
Maybe in this fanfiction, Goku realizes that he and Chi - Chi have very different personalities. Chi - Chi is often more concerned with family and a stable life, while Goku is a free - spirited adventurer. This clash of values could lead him to decide not to marry her. For example, Chi - Chi may want Goku to stay at home and help raise Gohan, but Goku is eager to explore new planets and fight powerful enemies.
Is there a 'Chi Chi cheats on Goku' fanfic available?
2 answers
2024-11-19 18:23
I'm not sure if there is an actual fanfic with that exact plot. Fanfic topics can vary widely, but this seems like a rather unfaithful and out - of - character concept considering Chi Chi's strong bond with Goku in the original series.
What are the common themes in Goku and Chi - Chi fanfic?
3 answers
2024-12-08 16:55
Love and family are very common themes. Their relationship as husband and wife, and as parents to Gohan and other children is often explored.
What could be the reasons for Goku leaving Chi - Chi in fanfiction?
2 answers
2024-11-21 13:54
One reason could be his pursuit of stronger opponents. Goku is always eager to test his strength and find new challenges. In fanfiction, this might lead him to leave Chi - Chi to travel the universe in search of the toughest foes. He might feel that staying at home with his family restricts his growth as a fighter.
Chi Chi and Goku One - Week Fanfic: Ideas for the Plot
2 answers
2024-11-16 05:30
One idea could be that Goku forgets their anniversary. Chi Chi is initially angry but then decides to use this one - week period to remind Goku of their relationship. She sets up various challenges and tasks for Goku related to their past memories together. As Goku goes through these, he rediscovers his love for Chi Chi in a deeper way.
What are the common themes in 'chi chi dark goku fanfic'?
1 answer
2024-11-09 07:04
Power struggles can also be a common theme. Dark Goku is often depicted as very powerful. Chi - Chi, on the other hand, has her own strength in terms of her determination and will. The power dynamic between them can create interesting scenarios in the fanfic. There could be moments where Chi - Chi has to find ways to stand up to Dark Goku, or Dark Goku might try to use his power to manipulate or control her in some way.
What are the common themes in goku x chi chi fanfic?
2 answers
2024-11-08 21:43
Love and family are very common themes. Since they are a married couple and have a son, many fanfics explore how they navigate their relationship while also raising Gohan. For example, in some fanfics, Goku tries to be a better husband and father by spending more time at home.