
jun ji jungle juice

Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

When Chi Lian dies on her earth, she wakes up in the body of another girl with the same name as her on a different earth. One with empires and royal families. Poor and desperate to survive, she is bound to a virtual pet system that can access technology from its home planet for her to use. There is just one catch. The only job she can do is that of a paparazzo. From there, she is determined to build herself a media empire and take back what her family lost. Her main news worthy targets are the most wanted but hard to get bachelors of the empire. They are rich, handsome and the media is afraid of publishing their pictures and information. But somehow, Chi Lian manages to do the impossible, she takes their pictures all the time. Which woman would not pay for their exclusive pictures and news after all. One in particular attracts her the most, The cold CEO and Professor Jun Muyang who everyone says is cold to women. With her technology and wits, Chi Lian and her adopted daughter find all ways to invade his space and in the process, steal his heart. But just how far is she willing to go to melt professor Ice cube's heart and keep her competitors at a distance? All those women in the empire who wanted Jun Muyang were waiting eagerly for her rejection. But it would be a long wait. Week one..." Jun Muyang, I bought you these flowers." Jun Muyang: "Get lost." Year one..."Baby I need another kiss." Chi Lian..."Get lost." Other works. Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife[ongoing]
690 Chs
Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Als Chi Lian auf ihrer Erde stirbt, erwacht sie im Körper eines anderen Mädchens, das denselben Namen trägt wie sie, auf einer anderen Erde. Einer mit Imperien und königlichen Familien. Arm und verzweifelt um ihr Überleben kämpfend, ist sie an ein virtuelles Haustiersystem gebunden, das auf die Technologie ihres Heimatplaneten zugreifen kann, um sie zu nutzen. Es gibt nur einen Haken. Der einzige Job, den sie ausüben kann, ist der eines Paparazzo. Von dort aus ist sie entschlossen, sich ein Medienimperium aufzubauen und das zurückzuholen, was ihre Familie verloren hat. Ihre Hauptziele sind die begehrtesten, aber schwer zu bekommenden Junggesellen des Imperiums, die eine Nachricht wert sind. Sie sind reich, gutaussehend und die Medien haben Angst, ihre Bilder und Informationen zu veröffentlichen. Aber irgendwie schafft Chi Lian das Unmögliche, sie macht ständig Fotos von ihnen. Welche Frau würde nicht für ihre exklusiven Bilder und Nachrichten bezahlen. Einer zieht sie besonders an: der kalte CEO und Professor Jun Muyang, von dem alle sagen, er sei kalt zu Frauen. Mit ihrer Technik und ihrem Verstand finden Chi Lian und ihre Adoptivtochter alle Möglichkeiten, in seinen Raum einzudringen und dabei sein Herz zu stehlen. Aber wie weit ist sie bereit zu gehen, um das Herz von Professor Ice Cube zum Schmelzen zu bringen und ihre Konkurrenten auf Distanz zu halten? All die Frauen im Reich, die Jun Muyang begehrten, warteten sehnsüchtig auf ihre Ablehnung. Aber es würde eine lange Wartezeit werden. Erste Woche..." Jun Muyang, ich habe dir diese Blumen gekauft." Jun Muyang: "Hau ab." Jahr 1... "Baby, ich brauche noch einen Kuss." Chi Lian: "Hau ab." Andere Werke. Transmigration aus einer Zombie-Welt zur Frau des Mecha-Königs[laufend]
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338 Chs
Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Quand Chi Lian meurt sur sa terre, elle se réveille dans le corps d'une autre fille portant le même nom qu'elle, sur une autre terre. Une terre avec des empires et des familles royales. Pauvre et désespérée de survivre, elle est liée à un système animal de compagnie virtuel qui peut accéder à la technologie de sa planète d'origine pour qu'elle l'utilise. Il y a juste un hic. Le seul travail qu'elle puisse faire, c'est celui de paparazzi. À partir de là, elle est déterminée à se construire un empire médiatique et à reprendre ce que sa famille a perdu. Ses cibles principales dignes de faire l'actualité sont les célibataires les plus convoités mais difficiles à atteindre de l'empire. Ils sont riches, beaux et les médias craignent de publier leurs photos et informations. Mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, Chi Lian parvient à faire l'impossible, elle prend tout le temps leurs photos. Après tout, quelle femme ne paierait pas pour leurs photos et actualités exclusives. L'un en particulier l'attire le plus, Le froid PDG et Professeur Jun Muyang que tout le monde dit froid avec les femmes. Avec sa technologie et son intelligence, Chi Lian et sa fille adoptive trouvent toutes les façons d'envahir son espace et, dans le processus, de lui voler son cœur. Mais jusqu'où est-elle prête à aller pour faire fondre le cœur du professeur Ice cube et garder ses concurrents à distance ? Toutes ces femmes de l'empire qui voulaient Jun Muyang attendaient avec impatience son rejet. Mais ce serait une longue attente. Semaine un... "Jun Muyang, je t'ai acheté ces fleurs." Jun Muyang : "Perds-toi." Année un... "Chéri, j'ai besoin d'un autre baiser." Chi Lian... "Perds-toi." Autres œuvres. Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir la femme du roi des mechas[en cours]
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337 Chs
Transmigrasi: Nyonya Chi Merayu Profesor Jun yang Dingin

Transmigrasi: Nyonya Chi Merayu Profesor Jun yang Dingin

Ketika Chi Lian meninggal di buminya, ia terbangun dalam tubuh gadis lain yang memiliki nama sama seperti dirinya di bumi yang berbeda. Bumi dengan kekaisaran dan keluarga kerajaan. Miskin dan putus asa untuk bertahan hidup, ia terikat pada sistem peliharaan virtual yang dapat mengakses teknologi dari planet asalnya untuk digunakan olehnya. Hanya ada satu masalah. Satu-satunya pekerjaan yang bisa ia lakukan adalah sebagai paparazzi. Dari situ, ia bertekad untuk membangun kekaisaran media miliknya sendiri dan mengambil kembali apa yang hilang dari keluarganya. Target berita utamanya adalah para bujangan yang paling diinginkan tapi sulit didapatkan di kekaisaran. Mereka kaya, tampan dan media takut menerbitkan gambar dan informasi mereka. Namun entah bagaimana, Chi Lian berhasil melakukan yang mustahil, ia mengambil gambar mereka sepanjang waktu. Lagipula, wanita mana yang tidak mau membayar untuk gambar dan berita eksklusif mereka. Satu di antaranya sangat menarik perhatiannya, CEO dingin sekaligus Profesor Jun Muyang yang semua orang bilang cuek terhadap wanita. Dengan teknologi dan kecerdasannya, Chi Lian dan putri angkatnya menemukan segala cara untuk masuk ke ruang pribadinya dan dalam prosesnya, mencuri hatinya. Tapi sejauh mana ia bersedia untuk melelehkan hati profesor Balok Es dan menjaga para pesaingnya pada jarak? Semua wanita di kekaisaran yang menginginkan Jun Muyang dengan sabar menunggu penolakannya. Tapi itu akan menjadi penantian yang panjang. Minggu pertama..."Jun Muyang, aku membelikanmu bunga-bunga ini." Jun Muyang: "Pergi sana." Tahun pertama..."Sayang, aku butuh ciuman lain." Chi Lian..."Pergi sana." Karya lainnya. Bertransmigrasi dari dunia zombie menjadi istri raja mecha[berlangsung]
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329 Chs
Transmigración: Dama Chi Seduciendo al Frío Profesor Jun

Transmigración: Dama Chi Seduciendo al Frío Profesor Jun

``` Cuando Chi Lian muere en su tierra, despierta en el cuerpo de otra chica con el mismo nombre que ella en una tierra diferente. Una con imperios y familias reales. Pobre y desesperada por sobrevivir, está atada a un sistema de mascotas virtual que puede acceder a tecnología de su planeta natal para que ella la use. Hay solo una trampa. El único trabajo que puede hacer es el de un paparazzo. A partir de ahí, está decidida a construir su propio imperio mediático y recuperar lo que su familia perdió. Sus principales blancos dignos de noticias son los solteros más cotizados pero difíciles de conseguir del imperio. Son ricos, guapos y los medios temen publicar sus fotos e información. Pero de alguna manera, Chi Lian logra hacer lo imposible, toma sus fotos todo el tiempo. Al fin y al cabo, ¿qué mujer no pagaría por sus fotos y noticias exclusivas? Uno en particular atrae su atención más que los demás, el frío CEO y Profesor Jun Muyang, quien todos dicen que es distante con las mujeres. Con su tecnología e ingenio, Chi Lian y su hija adoptiva encuentran todas las formas de invadir su espacio y en el proceso, robar su corazón. Pero, ¿hasta dónde está dispuesta a llegar para derretir el corazón del profesor Cubo de hielo y mantener a sus competidoras a distancia? Todas esas mujeres en el imperio que querían a Jun Muyang esperaban ansiosamente su rechazo. Pero sería una larga espera. Semana uno... "Jun Muyang, te compré estas flores". —Pierdete. Año uno... "Cariño necesito otro beso." —Chi Lian... "Pierdete." Otras obras. Transmigrando de un mundo de zombis para convertirse en la esposa del rey de los mechas [en curso]. ```
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329 Chs
Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

``` Quando Chi Lian morre em seu mundo, ela acorda no corpo de outra garota com o mesmo nome que o dela em uma terra diferente. Uma com impérios e famílias reais. Pobre e desesperada para sobreviver, ela está vinculada a um sistema de pet virtual que pode acessar a tecnologia de seu planeta de origem para que ela possa usar. Só há um porém. O único trabalho que ela pode fazer é o de paparazzo. A partir daí, ela está determinada a construir seu próprio império de mídia e recuperar o que sua família perdeu. Seus principais alvos dignos de notícia são os solteiros mais desejados, porém difíceis de se alcançar do império. Eles são ricos, bonitos e a mídia tem medo de publicar suas fotos e informações. Mas de alguma forma, Chi Lian consegue fazer o impossível, ela tira fotos deles o tempo todo. Afinal, qual mulher não pagaria por suas fotos exclusivas e notícias. Um em particular a atrai mais, o frio CEO e Professor Jun Muyang que todos dizem ser indiferente às mulheres. Com sua tecnologia e inteligência, Chi Lian e sua filha adotiva encontram todas as maneiras de invadir seu espaço e no processo, roubar seu coração. Mas até onde ela está disposta a ir para derreter o coração do professor cubo de gelo e manter suas concorrentes à distância? Todas aquelas mulheres no império que queriam Jun Muyang aguardavam ansiosamente por sua rejeição. Mas seria uma longa espera. Semana um..." Jun Muyang, comprei essas flores para você." Jun Muyang: "Vá embora." Ano um..."Amor, preciso de outro beijo." Chi Lian..."Vá embora." Outras obras. Transmigrando de um mundo zumbi para se tornar a esposa do rei dos mechas[em andamento] ```
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329 Chs
The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

1 = This is a book that will appeal to your emotional intelligence, because as the author of this book, i want all my readers to grow so much emotional attachment to this book that I will get responses full of rage, joy, bliss, disappointments and also dedication of my readers, thus, it is going to be a MASTERPIECE... 2 = There are going to be many street-smart quotes and actions within it, thus, if you are a hustler who is looking to be successful in life, look out for these hidden tips and secrets that are present in this novel... They are heavy secrets about the society that you will fear of tapping into its benefits... -------------------------------------------- They say Karma [Payback] is a bitch, but could they be any more wrong? this is because according to this book, Karma [Payback], came as a 6 feet tall, golden skinned, devilishly handsome guy... thus, what would we call Karma in this case? Thus is the life of Ji Dara who initially thought that, according to all these cliché novels, that; our earthly civilization is way much better than that of the cultivation world... But, who was he kidding? Who in their right mind would believe that people who could flip entire mountains and boil entire seas and oceans would have a mediocre mindset or old school way of thinking compared to modern day earth who relies on machines to do the fighting for them... Moreover, that is not even considering the fact that the strongest weapon on earth at the moment can’t even dry up the Mississippi... Thus,, Ji Dara is not here to speak or live according to these mundane mindsets, rather, he is here to tell everyone the difference between that mediocre mindset of earthly beings and the true reality of what it means to live in a cultivation world where beings tame dragons like they were dogs and phoenixes like they were docile cats.... That's enough.... if you wanna find out about the rest, read the novel itself and be very open minded and dynamic, or else, you might end up forgetting what is real and what is fantasy..
202 Chs
Jungle Lady and the City Dude

Jungle Lady and the City Dude

2 brothers. Rich and affluent vampires. Both fell for the same girl, except she is a child of mother earth with powers and strength which makes her a force to be reckoned with. Ace and Hadwin Wagner met Astrid when she saved Hadwin's from an accident. Set in a fictional city of Anubia, with lush forests and city intertwined to form a prosperous country. A modern city where both humans and vampires live in relative harmony until a mutation threatens to ripple the balance. Will both brother still fight for the very person who could be their death or turn it into their saviour? Whom will Astrid choose? A snippet of the novel as below: Astrid drank the warm lemon honey water and stared at his chest again. She could not help herself but ask, `The words on your chest. What does it mean?’ `Show me?’ Ace smirked. Astrid knew what he was doing, and she played along. Her fingers trailed to the Japanese words and stopped there. `Zephyr belongs to me.’ He muttered. `And this?’, Astrid spoke softly, her fingers moving to the opposite direction. `Divine, precious lady. Time for action now’. He grabbed her fingers and started kissing each, starting from the base to their tips, maintaining his eye contact with her. It was so sensual and stimulating, his soft lips kissing as if her fingers were her lips. Astrid felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Her left hand unconsciously, touch his face and he leaned on her hands, she mustered enough courage to prevent her mind from going into an overdrive of sentiments, and uttered `I need to pee’. Ace chuckled and smooched her cheek. The image belong to Avatar the Last Airbender.
189 Chs
What is 'jungle juice web novel' about?
3 answers
2024-11-08 15:03
I'm not entirely sure specifically as there could be many web novels with that name. It might be about adventures in a jungle setting, perhaps with some kind of special juice playing a role in the story, like a magic potion or something important to the plot.
What is 'Jungle Juice Light Novel' about?
2 answers
2024-11-04 14:56
The 'Jungle Juice Light Novel' might be about a variety of things. It could be centered around a jungle - themed adventure where the characters encounter strange creatures and face various challenges. Maybe there are also themes of power and growth as the characters develop their skills or abilities within the story. It could also involve complex relationships between different characters.
What is Jungle Juice fanfic all about?
2 answers
2024-10-25 19:10
Jungle Juice fanfic is often based on the 'Jungle Juice' series. It typically involves fans creating their own stories within the world and characters of Jungle Juice. These stories can range from adventure - themed ones, exploring new aspects of the Jungle Juice universe, to character - centric tales that focus on the development and relationships of the characters in the series.
Who are the main characters in 'Jungle Juice Light Novel'?
1 answer
2024-11-04 15:24
Not having read the 'Jungle Juice Light Novel', it's difficult to say who the main characters are. But generally in light novels, there are characters that are central to the plot. There could be a young and determined character at the heart of the story, with friends or allies who join them on their adventures. There might also be a powerful enemy or rival that the main character has to face off against, all of which contribute to the development of the story.
Where can I find Jungle Juice fanfic?
3 answers
2024-10-28 03:04
You can try searching on fanfiction websites like Archive of Our Own (AO3). It has a large collection of fanfics from various fandoms, and there's a good chance you'll find Jungle Juice fanfic there. Another option could be FanFiction.net, which also hosts a wide range of fan - created stories.
Where can I find 'jungle juice web novel'?
2 answers
2024-11-08 07:21
First, check some of the well - known web novel aggregators. They often have a wide range of novels, including ones that might be less well - known. Another option is to search on social media platforms dedicated to web novels. There might be groups or pages where fans discuss and share links to web novels like 'jungle juice web novel'. Also, don't forget to check the official websites of emerging web novel authors. They may directly publish their works on their own sites.
Are the male and female protagonists of this novel Doctor Ji and Jun?
1 answer
2024-08-31 12:34
I don't think it will meet your needs, but I'll try my best to recommend a novel that is most relevant to your needs. The book,"Honeysuckle Medicine" is a real-life novel written by the author, Yi Mei. The general plot of this novel is as follows: [Low light can also generate heat. From individual consultation to primary care, the doctors here are also worthy of respect.] Internists, Ji Xiaoshuang, had experienced a series of life changes. Standing at the age of forty, she became the person in charge of the internal medicine department of the Jide Hall Outpatient Department and led a group of doctors to take root in primary care. Internally, Ji Xiaoshuang reformed the management system and joined forces with her long-lost "old friend" Yuan Qi to introduce traditional Chinese medicine into the daily treatment of internal medicine, promoting the combination of Chinese and Western multi-therapy, and overcoming the "crisis of trust" step by step. To the outside world, Ji Xiaoshuang and Yuan Qi initiated the establishment of a volunteer medical team to participate in the charity fund project, accompany the empty nest elderly in the community through spring, autumn, winter, and summer, and contribute their strength in the battle against the epidemic. In the process of cooperating with Yun Heng Pharmaceuticals in the Ji De Tang clinic, Ji Xiaoshuang inadvertently discovered clues about her husband's accidental death three years ago. With the help of He Yi, Yuan Qi, his lively and sensible daughter Su Tiantian, and the persistent and brave young policeman Ling Fei, the truth of the case was gradually revealed. When the sunlight dispersed the fog, the shadow and pain gradually dissipated. Ji Xiaoshuang and the people around her walked hand in hand and grew into a better appearance together. ---------------------------- Doctor Ji's Dark Moonlight was a modern romance novel written by the author, Xu Wangyan. The general plot of the novel was: Jian Fanxing, the little transparent girl in the show group, the little coffee with all the scandals, was nicknamed "Scum Star". Ji Xiuyan, the backbone doctor of the Emergency Department of Tanya Hospital, a refined and refined elite in the industry, the charismatic spokesperson of the White Robe Army, the male god of abstinence who became popular all over the Internet because of a photo. Just as the entire internet was discussing what kind of person could defeat the male god, the "Night kabedon photo" of Almighty Ji and Female Star Jian was the top trending topic. Netizens rushed over with hundred-meter-long knives. This was an article about flirting and being flirted with. Some pretended to be experienced drivers to flirt with people, while others seemed to be waiting to be flirted with. As it turned out, the difference between a cultured man and a beast in human clothing was sometimes not obvious. [I heard that Doctor Ji is a solo mother.] "I heard that Doctor Ji seems to have lived with someone before. He was even dumped by someone for a million dollars and left in a carefree manner." We all suspect that he's been single since he was born because he was stimulated by that million-dollar girl." Come on, come on, let's bring a small stool to watch how Doctor Ji, who was always in the limelight, would trick girls without batting an eyelid. This article is purely fictional, please don't promote it to the real person. ---------------------------- "Miracle Doctor Reborn's Wife Controlling Her Husband" was a modern romance novel written by the author Xian Ke. The general plot of this novel was: Ji Xiaofan gritted his teeth and said,"I will never be the Han family's daughter-in-law again even if I have to be single for the rest of my life!" The truth proved that it was really fragrant! When Han Jingchen heard that his father had brought his friend's daughter to be his fiancée, he gritted his teeth and thought, If I like her, I'm a dog! For the rest of his life, Woof Woof... Woof woof... [Wife-doting Mission: I will be honored and pampered in this life, and I will protect you forever.] [Sweetness: 5 stars.] Ji Xiaofan was reborn from the ashes and returned with his special ability. There was no need to explain his cheating life. His motto was,"A top student reaches the peak of medical skills, love is not a consideration." However, the goose's daily life was: childhood sweethearts, my daughter-in-law is super difficult to coax ~ The recommended author has completed the long novel,"Reborn Movie Queen's Husband", and is super happy and cool in the sky. ---------------------------- "The Female Divine Doctor is Beautiful and Savage" was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Moonsea Not Sea. The general plot of this novel was: There was a female divine doctor in City H of the Great Xia Kingdom who could actually see through a person's body. It was too convenient for her to diagnose illnesses! Countless patients had come to visit her, but she was just an intern. The hospital director had decided to make her a permanent resident! ---------------------------- "You're My Insouciance" was a modern romance novel written by Akatsuki Ryuki. The general plot of the novel was: A newbie in love who had been hurt by love met a cold doctor who was a healer."Ji Muxi, I'm tired of being chased by you. I surrender." He buried his head in Ji Muxi's neck."Do you want me as your captive?" Ji Muxi didn't move, afraid that she would alert Doctor Lin, who might change her mind. Lin Zhan listened to Ji Muxi's chaotic heartbeat and felt her cheeks gradually heating up. He stood up."Think about it carefully. I'll go check on the ward first!" ---------------------------- "The Medical Concubine Is Hard to Imprison: Your Highness, Please Listen" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Walking Xia. The general plot of this novel was: As the first heiress of the legendary miracle doctor, it was said that she had heaven-defying medical skills that could bring people back to life. It was said that she was as cold as ice and never saved anyone. In a single transmigration, with a shake of her body, she actually became the Marquis Ding Yuan fu's concubine daughter. Father doesn't love mother? Forced to be a pawn to marry the young prince? Her eldest sister was ruthless and coveted her man? He watched as she saved the empress dowager, cured the emperor, and settled the young prince, reaching the peak of her life. ---------------------------- "The Godly Doctor's Di Daughter: Yaoxiang County Princess" was an ancient romance novel written by the author Han Xiao. The general plot of this novel was: The authoritative doctor had transmigrated to become the daughter of a noble family. However, he was bullied by his domineering aunt and sinister second sister! Pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, she was domineering. Those who had bullied her before, the final life and death power was in her hands! The evil man who fainted in front of her turned cold and ruthless! Cold all over, only chasing after her relentlessly---My heart disease, only you can cure it. ---------------------------- "My Years with the Beautiful Doctor" was a novel about urban life written by the author, the ugly uncle. The general plot of the novel was: After Ji Xiangdong was released from prison, he entered a hospital as an intern. He wanted to live a stable life and do what he wanted to do, but things did not go as he wished. His appearance had triggered a series of life-and-death battles that involved mutual deception, soul-stirring bloody storms, and scenes of love and hatred that could not be cut apart… Ugly Uncle's fan group: 310188514. ---------------------------- The book,"The Bone Eroding Medical Concubine: The Shura's Foolish King's Favor", was an ancient romance novel written by the author Ji Yuexia. The general plot of this novel was: She was the modern day Miracle Doctor Ghost Hand, Ruan Qingning. In a single day, she had transmigrated and become the eldest daughter of the Prime Minister's Estate, whose mother had died and whose father was not happy. My sister bullied me, my aunt is hypocritical, and you still want to send me to another manor? Just you wait, when I come back, I'll definitely let you have a taste of what it means to live a life worse than death! ---------------------------- "The Godly Doctor's First Daughter: The Black-bellied Crown Princess" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, March Yangchun Xue. The general plot of this novel was: She was Team Hyundai's top doctor of Chinese and Western medicine, a genius young lady, while he was the cold and black-bellied Eighth Prince, a devilish face and unfathomable scheming mind. With a modern medical room in her hands, she pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger to cheat green tea. She abused the best and was unrestrained and arrogant. He was moved, pampered her, loved her, and helped her overcome all obstacles. The two of them held hands in the prosperous world, boundless!
Were the protagonists of this novel Ji Yuyun and Jun Wu Xie?
1 answer
2024-09-06 20:13
I don't think it will satisfy your needs, but I will try my best to recommend a novel that is the most relevant to your description."After I wear a book, I'm eavesdropped by a sickly male protagonist." This book is a modern romance novel written by the author, Gongzi Wushuang. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Ji Xia was speechless when she saw that she had become a vicious supporting actress. She decided not to follow the plot and vowed to get rid of the label of a vicious supporting actress. In the end, the male lead who liked the female lead actually confessed to her and said that he was in love with her. Ji Xia held his forehead and refused to show that they weren't suitable. ---------------------------- 'The Savior Dressed as a Sick CEO' was a sci-fi space-time travel novel written by the author, Zhi Liu. The general plot of the novel was: It was a classic romance novel. The male lead was the female lead, and the second male lead was used to dote on her. The talented and beautiful female university student, Ji Shu, He had accidentally bound himself to the system and entered the brainless and illogical CEO's article. And her mission was to save the second male lead, Fu Chuxiao, who was persecuted by the protagonist's halo and had a tragic end. He was deeply loved by the readers. From then on, Ji Shu started her career as a savior! However… She hadn't even made a move yet, but how could the male lead and female lead be so abused by the second male lead that they couldn't fight back? Didn't she say that she was pitiful and pitiful, and that she was lovable? This direction wasn't right! ---------------------------- "Reborn Business Girl, Young Master Ji, You Can You Go" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yu Xin Jing Xuan. The general plot of this novel was: New book release: President, let's keep our marriage a secret. I look forward to everyone's support. She, Zhou Pei, had died an unnatural death because of her sister and her ex-boyfriend's deception. However, God had eyes and gave her a chance to be reborn. After becoming Lu Zixuan, she had returned to the past. She wanted to defy the heavens and change her fate. With Ji Changda's help, she began her path of rebirth. B * tch, b * tch! This life…I'm here! [Reader group number: 140742890. If you are interested, you can bring the name of the protagonist you like to knock on the door.] ---------------------------- The book,"This Love Is Indistinct, Finally Spoiling You" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Dust God Zhiqiu. The general plot of this novel was: When they heard that the lovable and annoying Yun Miao had gotten a divorce, everyone thought,"Serves you right. Beautiful women bring disaster to the country and the people!" I heard that the good-looking and kind-hearted Mr. Ji is in love. Everyone: Envy makes me ugly, jealousy makes me unrecognizable, heartbreak + blessings, long and long. I heard that Mister Ji and Yun Miao's proposal was seen. Everyone thought,"Rumors are a lifetime of darkness!" I don't believe it! The plot is fictional, please do not imitate it. ---------------------------- "Contracted Wife, Super Sweet" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Mu Yitian. The general plot of this novel was: Ji Yunshu had inexplicably become a notorious cannon fodder female supporting character. In front of her, there was a white lotus female lead who was pitiful, afraid that she would snatch away the scumbag. After that, there was a sea king male lead who was two-timing, unwilling to give up either one. Ji Yunshu thought about it and decided to marry the male lead's brother. He was handsome and had a lot of money, so even the male lead had to respectfully call her sister-in-law. "It's a fake marriage." Gu Yuanchuan: "We've already registered our marriage. Baby, what nonsense are you saying?" ---------------------------- Ji Ruwei's Cultivation Chronicle was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Shu Xiaoxiao. The general plot of the novel was: This was just a story about a young girl growing into a hero. The female lead was optimistic and had the attribute of complaining. The early stages were a little dull, but the mid-game storyline was a complete idiot. Laughing, happy, sad, happy, this story is all wrapped up ~ Come in and take a look, take a look ~ [No male lead, no CP] ---------------------------- Love You Is Better Than Paranoia was a modern romance novel written by the author, August Weimo 2. The general plot of this novel was: Ji Yelin, who did not like women, met Xia Xun after the assassination. After the encounter, coincidence, and entanglement, she became the only woman by his side. Everyone said that Xia Xun was blessed to marry into a wealthy family and had no worries for the rest of her life. Only the people in the upper class knew that this woman was better than Ji Yelin at pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger! Ji Yelin had picked up a treasure! Men are strong, women are strong, do not like not spray. ---------------------------- "Young Master Ji's Sweetheart's Identity Has Lost" was a modern romance novel written by Jun Bumian. The general plot of the novel was: After her rebirth, Gu Chuchu dumped the scumbag man and tore the scumbag woman apart. She spoke for the living and the dead. Until she met the heir of Family Ji's Enterprise, Ji Wenyan. This man was a business genius, cold and expressionless, but he was full of tenderness towards Gu Chuchu, doting on her. "This woman is just a forensic doctor. She's not fit to be Young Master Ji's girlfriend." "What do you care? If I say they're a match, they're a perfect match!" Gu Chuchu was photographed intimately interacting with the film emperor. Ji Wenyan could no longer remain calm. Was he not tall, rich, and handsome enough? "Idiot, that's my brother." Gu Chuchu replied. Ji Wenyan heaved a sigh of relief. Was there someone who wanted to frame Gu Chuchu? With a stroke of his pen, Ji Wenyan bought it! When everyone found out that Gu Chuchu was the daughter of a rich family…her best friend hugged her thigh tightly."Please, please be my sugar daddy…" Ji Wenyan said,"Go away, I was here first!" ---------------------------- "Legend of the Snow Fairy" was written by the author, Shuang Guliang. It was a classic Xianxia novel. The general plot of this novel was: Her life had been full of ups and downs, from a daughter of an official to a criminal exiled to the border, having a fortuitous encounter to obtain the inheritance of an immortal. From then on, an extraordinary mortal girl soared into the sky and became a legend in the eyes of countless people on the continent! The female lead was self-reliant, and all the men were supporting roles! Therefore, there was no CP or male lead in this article! ---------------------------- "Dear Mr. Leo" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Light Ink Brocade Clothes. The general plot of this novel was: Yun Qingnuo, who had transmigrated, had a white-collar, black-dressed, intellectual, and sunny workplace in her mind. However, she was personally involved in the ever-changing battlefield of the Ji family. She became the secretary of Second Young Master Ji's rival. Every day, he would wear armor for his master and fight with Second Young Master Ji. But later, she slowly realized that Second Young Master Ji not only had all the flaws of a Leo man, but he was also lovable and hateful! Before they fell in love, Ji Zhiheng showed no mercy to Yun Qingnuo. After they fell in love, Ji Zhiheng showed no mercy to Yun Qingnuo. Every time there was lightning and thunder, Ji Zhiheng would hug his wife tightly, afraid that his wife would wear it away if she was not careful…
What kind of novel name is Ji Anan and Jun Mofeng?
1 answer
2024-08-30 02:46
I'm not sure what kind of novel 'Ji Anan and Jun Mofeng' you're referring to. However, according to my knowledge of online literature, pets in novels are usually given special personalities and abilities. Some novels will use them as part of the protagonist to interact with other characters and have love stories. Favorite novels were usually novels filled with romance and indulgence. These novels usually described the interaction between the protagonist and the pet, as well as the friendship and loyalty between the pets. If you can provide me with more information about " Ji Anan and Jun Mofeng ", I will be able to answer your question better.
Please recommend a novel with a male protagonist named Ji Ji and a female protagonist named Jun Ruyu.
1 answer
2024-09-18 19:10
" Young Master Ji's Favorite " is a modern romance novel written by Xingxiu Jinnan. It's about entertainment stars. The general plot of this novel is as follows: She recommended her new book," I Transmigrated to Luo Bu Country to Be the Empress ". In her previous life, she loved someone she shouldn't have loved and almost gave up everything for him. However, it was this man who caused her family to be destroyed and her white lotus cousin to ruin her reputation. She hated him so much that she wanted to run away from him, but he still refused to leave her and even died for her. Ji Yufeng, in my previous life, you loved me and protected me for a lifetime. "In this life, let me protect you, take care of you, and love you. I'll definitely make those evil women and scumbags pay the price. ---------------------------- Uncle Stole My Girlfriend " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Tenacious Green Vine. The general plot of the novel was: Ji Xiaochuan, who had run away from home at the age of sixteen, met Wen Liang and thought that Wen Liang was his one and only. From then on, he began to pursue her relentlessly, turning into Wen Liang and praising her to everyone. He believed that he was a man who had a future wife to support his family. From then on, he worked hard every day to become a man who could match Wen Liang as soon as possible! He did not expect that before he could grow into a man who could shelter his true love from the wind and rain, his true love would be snatched away by someone. The person who stole his corner was his evil little uncle, Ji Ze! The future wife that he had hoped for had become his aunt… Later on, Ji Xiaochuan finally understood that he was not the main character! His Little Uncle Ji Ze was! ---------------------------- " Substitute Marriage to a Concubine's Daughter: Please advise the two-faced prince " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Purple Sleeves Dark Fragrance. The general plot of this novel was: When Ji Chunxiao woke up from his sleep, he found himself on the wedding boat. What? She had transmigrated? Had he become the Jia Tanchun of Dream of the Red Chamber? Was he going to Qianxiang to marry on behalf of the daughter of the Nan 'an Imperial Consort so that she could protect her brother who had suffered a defeat? Who could tell her who she was? Her soul was Ji Chunxiao's, her body was Jia Tanchun's, but her identity was Nan 'an County Prince's younger sister, the country protecting princess Shan Yue' er? Hey, hey, wait a minute. Where's the transmigration benefit? Didn't they all have gold, delicious food, and handsome male pets? Why was there only a cold-faced prince waiting for her? Heavens, who would save her? ---------------------------- " Little Brother, Don't Run " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Meng San Ya. The general plot of this novel was: After she was beaten black and blue and lost consciousness, she woke up and turned back into a young lady who had just fallen in love. After her rebirth, Ji Wen's life was like a cheat. The people she used to like treated her like a treasure. It felt good to be held in the palm of their hands! When she met the man who had caused her death in her previous life again, Ji Wen did not have the chance to be soft-hearted at all. Her desire for revenge exploded bit by bit. ---------------------------- " Reborn Business Girl, Young Master Ji, You Can You Go " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yu Xin Jing Xuan. The general plot of this novel was: New book release: President, let's keep our marriage a secret. I look forward to everyone's support. She, Zhou Pei, had died an unnatural death because of her sister and her ex-boyfriend's deception. However, God had eyes and gave her a chance to be reborn. After becoming Lu Zixuan, she had returned to the past. She wanted to defy the heavens and change her fate. With Ji Changda's help, she began her path of rebirth. B * tch, b * tch! This life…I'm here! [Reader group number: 140742890. If you are interested, you can bring the name of the protagonist you like to knock on the door.] ---------------------------- " Crown Prince Ji's First Love " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Lost in Love at Sunset. The general plot of this novel was: The untamed crown prince of the Ji family had his first love. From then on, he became a wife-protecting demon and became his wife's number one loyal dog. He would bite anyone who bullied his wife to death.  " Wifey, I'm in charge of torturing scum. You're in charge of being as beautiful as a flower."  Crown Prince Ji hung onto his wife. When he met his love rival, Crown Prince Ji defended her with violence." Wifey, I've beaten up those crooked melons and rotten dates that were eyeing you covetously. I'm your only one." On Valentine's Day, Crown Prince Ji's words were uncouth." Wifey, you've abused me a million times, but you're still my first love. I'll love you for ten thousand years." A certain auspicious day: " Honey, I will keep our marriage certificate safe. I will never change it." His wife caressed Crown Prince Ji's young and handsome face. This is the sweet marriage between the little sister and the little wolfhound husband. I'll believe in love with you... ---------------------------- " The Farming Gate Is Just Like Brocade in Four Seasons " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Feng Ran Xia Liang. The general plot of this novel was: The Ji family only had Ji Chenxi, not Ji Feiye. She, who had been sacrificed to the heavens in her sister's place, had accidentally activated the Ji family's inheritance and transmigrated to a different world. The same name, the same fate. She chose to put on the wedding dress and marry the mountain man who was said to be so poor that he couldn't even make a living. On the day of their wedding, she generously sized up her future husband. Well, he was tall, had long legs, slim arms, and a handsome face. It was not a loss. After getting married, she was busy farming to support her family, making their lives better and better. And her husband, who was a Han man in the mountains, had also risen to become a powerful official. ---------------------------- " Young Master Ji's Sweetheart's Identity Has Lost " was a modern romance novel written by Jun Bumian. The general plot of the novel was: After her rebirth, Gu Chuchu dumped the scumbag man and tore the scumbag woman apart. She spoke for the living and the dead. Until she met the heir of Family Ji's Enterprise, Ji Wenyan. This man was a business genius, cold and expressionless, but he was full of tenderness towards Gu Chuchu, doting on her. " This woman is just a forensic doctor. She's not fit to be Young Master Ji's girlfriend." "What do you care? If I say they're a match, they're a perfect match!" Gu Chuchu was photographed intimately interacting with the film emperor. Ji Wenyan could no longer remain calm. Was he not tall, rich, and handsome enough? "Idiot, that's my brother." Gu Chuchu replied. Ji Wenyan heaved a sigh of relief. Was there someone who wanted to frame Gu Chuchu? With a stroke of his pen, Ji Wenyan bought it! When everyone found out that Gu Chuchu was the daughter of a rich family…her best friend hugged her thigh tightly." Please, please be my sugar daddy…" Ji Wenyan said," Go away, I was here first!" ---------------------------- " The Lady Is Poisonous: The Foppish Prince's Black Belly Concubine " was an ancient romance novel written by Dai Ami. The general plot of this novel was: [Slow Hot],[Low Magic],[Double Male Lead],[Female Lead First Silly White, Then Powerful],[Every Supporting Character Cut Off is Black], Their looks were average, and their luck was even worse. Ji Liuli only wanted to be a rich girl who lived and waited for death, but because she was drunk, she provoked a fate that she shouldn't have. The man she loved deeply and her cousin who was her closest relative joined forces to make her eternally doomed and also make her reborn from the ashes. ---------------------------- " She Became a Koi Fish Under the Boss 'Halo " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yuan Baibai. The general plot of this novel was: On the eve of the engagement, the scumbag and the slut worked together to ruin her reputation. In a moment of desperation, she accidentally barged into his room and provoked him. He was the first heir of a top-notch reclusive clan. He was cold, handsome, and ruthless. In the blink of an eye, her marriage agreement was " swapped " by her closest kin and she was chased out of the house. However, by a strange combination of factors, she married him in a flash. Under the boss halo, she activated her luck talent. Love luck, wealth luck, blood disaster, green hat luck, she could see all of them. From then on, she would seek good fortune and avoid harm, bully scum and slap them in the face, and be invincible. And they had agreed to have nothing to do with each other and be free after marriage. Who knew that Mr. Ji doted on Mrs. Ji all the time?