When Dezi Falconi, a pampered rich boy, meets up with Rox Forrester, a savvy trailer trash hottie, sparks fly. Living on opposite sides of the tracks makes them an unlikely couple until Dezi gets a good look at Rox and propositions him. Tired of being used as a rich man’s whore, Rox heatedly refuses the offer, but when Dezi hears his tale of woe, he decides to help Rox financially, and in time they fall deeply in love.<br><br>Eventually Nick Falconi, Dezi’s father, finds out about Rox. Nick is a powerful man, used to having anything he wants, and he wants Rox. This puts Rox in the middle of an impossible situation when he learns that Nick holds the strings to Dezi’s money. If Rox doesn’t leave Dezi and become Nick’s whore, he’ll leave Dezi penniless. What should he do? Submit to a dirty old man’s perverted desires, or run away with Dezi and start a new life -- one that includes murder?
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36 Chs
Bloodbound:Charlotte's trailer
The air crackled with anticipation as Lucas closed the distance between them, his gaze intense yet filled with a hunger that mirrored hers. Charlotte's heart raced, her breath hitching as she felt the heat radiating from his body.
"i can't keep my hands off," Lucas murmured, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down her spine. His hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer until there was barely any space between them.
Charlotte's lips parted as she searched his eyes, finding a mixture of desire and restraint. The tension between them was palpable, each moment stretching out like a taut wire ready to snap.
Without breaking eye contact, Lucas brushed his thumb across her lower lip, tracing its softness before leaning in to capture it with his own. His kiss was fierce yet tender, igniting a fire within her that she couldn't contain.
Their bodies molded together seamlessly, every touch sending waves of pleasure through them. Lucas's hands roamed her curves, eliciting soft moans from Charlotte's lips. She arched into his touch, craving more of the electrifying sensation he stirred within her.
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14 Chs
Tangisan Sahara
Anggraini Sahara, atau yang biasanya dipanggil Aini dua bulan ditinggal mati suaminya. Kembali ke kampung halamannya di Jakarta Selatan setelah dua tahun bersama dengan Bastian, suaminya yang telah meninggal. Untuk ukuran seorang janda, Aini adalah wanita yang sangat menawan, umurnya baru 23 tahun. Dia menjadi bos di salah satu toko roti terbesar di kota tersebut. Mengundang banyak lelaki pencari janda untuk berteduh.
Hingga suatu hari kehidupan Aini berubah setelah bertemu dengan teman masa kecilnya, Feri, seorang teknisi di perusahaan Teknologi pusat kota. Bersama dengan Feri, Aini kembali merasakan indahnya cinta. Dalam kisah cinta Aini, tidak pernah ada yang namanya tawa, senang, ceria, hanya sedih, getir, asa, dan tangisan. Aini kembali teringat dengan mendiang suaminya, Bastian. Hingga Fakta besar itu terungkapkan, air mata Aini belum kering hingga sekarang.
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10 Chs
Space Battleship Omega Sahara 9-1
Basically, this book is my first book I am planning on writing it's probably going to suck, but it's going to revolve around 3 main characters 1 from the past 2 out of 9 in the present as well as involving a legendary spaceship connecting these characters together in some way or another as well as set up for another book to add to make it a series, and also revolves around a couple hundred or 100 side characters it is going to be edited a lot, with empires other made up legendary ships, probably some side characters that seem to be main and you end up loving which then end up dead hence the dark/tragedy aspect some may go out like a Bad A$$ others not so lucky and end up Betrayed/Assassinated/ Gone just like that dead or the worst way to go Brutally tortured to further aid the Main villains plans on killing the Sub Main Good characters and winning in their own way.
Full Warning this story might get Gory, and use Cuss Words, Main characters can die their just way harder to kill besides the True Main character the other can all die you have been Warned!! Enjoy.
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5 Chs
Ashes And Swords:
A clashing Romance in the Vast Sahara
Growing up together as just best friends and Mages training under the care and wisdom of Madam Sheeba in the mesmerizing coastal town of Sirènesia, Ashrah And Sayf Were the town's renowned Young protectors, Sword Fighters, Magicians and entertainers, taking quests and helping anyone in need and bringing peace around them,
that until fate takes them out on a mission to a faraway Eastern style Kingdom, The Saharms Kingdom gloriously residing in the desert side far away from Their seaside cosy town,
There, where Their story take turn to the unexpected, As love somehow finds a way to warm hearts even in the darkes coldest nights of the desert.
Chapter 1 little spoiler:
after an unwanted retirement from her dangerous job, Madame Sheeba was left to live a meaningful life by herself raising her deceased best friend's child in the town of Sirènesia,
the child she's raising was A little baby girl named Ashrah with boysenberry hair and eyes color just like her mother whom Sheeba loved dearly, and for a year that was Sheeba's life,
Until one night when she was coming back home with after a long working night, she passed by the town's trash square when she found something that didn't belong there, A baby boy bundled up and abandon all alone in the dangers of night, rescuing the baby boy was one thing, but raising him was another as she was already barley taking care of baby Ashrah, but the innocence and helplessness of the dark skinned abandoned baby made someone else Shelter the boy within the warmth of his home naming the baby boy Sayf.
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6 Chs
Kisah Yang Salah
kisah ini menceritakan Lika-liku kehidupan seorang wanita bernama biuma.. dia terlahir sebagai satu-satunya perempuan dari 5 bersaudara... putih bersih nyaris tanpa cela.. entah obsesi apa yang dia miliki, nasibnya dalam percintaan memuat dia tenggelam kedalam kepedihan...
awal kepahitan hidupnya dimulai ketika gagal menikah setelah pacaran dan bertunangan dengan leo kekasihnya selama 7 tahun...
rasa frustasinya membuat dia menikahi seorang lelaki yang terpaut usia 14 tahun lebih tua...
3 orang anak sudah dia miliki tanpa kebahagiaan batin dari pernikahannya.. dia bisa tersenyum bahagia hanya karena adanya anak-anak hasil pernikahannya..
dan biuma mencari dan menerima kebahagian diluar pernikahan yang tanpa disadari kebahagiaan itu merubah seluruh kehidupannya
apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? yuk terus kepoin ceritanya sampai selesai..
nb : hati-hati ya
~~ selamat membaca yaa ~~
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6 Chs
dia yang ku pikirkan sampai saat ini
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2 Chs
salah paham
Namanya Naluna Amora.Gadis dengan sejuta rahasia yang ia pendam sendiri.
Kesalahpahaman selalu menerpa hidupnya setelah ia dan keluarganya memutuskan untuk pindah ke Jakarta.
Memiliki kecantikan memang dambaan semua wanita.Tetapi,tidak untuk Naluna.Karena kecantikannya itulah ia terkucilkan,di hianati,dan dibenci.
Hingga suatu hari Nicholas Putra Abraham lelaki dengan sejuta kepribadiannya datang menjadi warna untuk hidup Naluna.
Hidup Naluna berwarna karena adanya Nicholas dan begitu Nicholas,hidupnya merasa tenang jika ia selalu menjaga Naluna.Nicholas menjadi pelindung disetiap sisi jika Naluna merasakan sakit.
Hingga suatu hari terjadilah kesalahpahaman diantara mereka.Membuat hubungan mereka hancur.
Hingga terjadilah penyesalan untuk Nicholas.
Apakah mereka akan tetap bersama?
Apakah Naluna bisa bahagia tanpa Nicholas?
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5 Chs
Akulah sang pendosa hidup sebatang kara dan jauh dari senyum manis keluarga. Kota ini telah mengajarkanku arti kehidupan yang sebenar-benarnya. Larut? Yah aku telah larut akan kehidupan romantis dan menyenangkan ini. Aku dan kesalahanku yang tak akan terlupakan. Aku adalah orang yang selalu meresahkan mereka, bahkan kadang kala aku menertawakan segala penderitaan mereka akibat tingkah ku ini. Aku adalah anak pemberontak yang selalu membuat orang tua ataupun keluarga malu. Aku layaknya seorang koruptor, lihai memanipulasi segalanya tentang diriku hanya untuk kepentingan dan kesenanganku belaka. Aku tahu indahnya berzina. Berhubungan intim dengan lelaki siapapun sudah menjadi makanan sehari-hari. Ku lalaikan segala ajaran-Nya. Tapi hingga suatu waktu aku bertemu dengannya, dia adalah Ibrahim Devandra Widyanto sosok lelaki yang menunjukkan arah jalan pulang untuk diriku menjadi pribadi yang baru dan lebih baik. Tapi terjadi sesuatu pada Baim dan membuat ku menjadi frustasi. Akankah Mae bertahan pada kehidupannya yang baru atau kembali pada kehidupannya yang dahulu?
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15 Chs
Dia tidak secerdas Kaelyn yang selalu menjadi juara kelas, tidak juga sehebat Laras yang bisa melakukan segala hal dengan baik, atau secantik Berliana yang wajahnya bagaikan bidadari turun dari kayangan, juga tidak sekuat dan seberani Nabila yang bisa menghadapi segala situasi.
Tapi, Sahila selalu memiliki mimpi yang sama sejak dulu. Seperti terlahir memang untuk mencapai mimpinya dan bekerja keras untuk melakukan yang dia inginkan. Sahila ingin menjadi bintang, bukan bintang di langit, melainkan seorang bintang yang muncul di layar kaca penuh percaya diri dan kharisma.
Dan perjalanan awalnya menuju karir yang sudah dia dambakan di mulai lewat acara "I Can Because of You", sebuah ajang pembentukan grup band wanita yang bersaing dari ribuan peserta pelatihan dan dipilih menjadi 108 orang hingga akhirnya menjadi sebuah grup yang terdiri hanya 9 orang saja. Selama persaingan itu Sahila akan di karantina dan bekerja keras berkali lipat lebih agar bisa menjadi yang terbaik.
Tapi tahukah kalian apa yang lebih mencengangkan dari itu? Sahila memiliki sebuah rahasia yang sudah disimpan nya sejak lama, dan itu adalah "pacar rahasianya" yang jika identitas nya terkuak mungkin akan terjadi kekacauan besar, di tambah saat dirinya mengikuti acara I Can Because of You secara tidak di sadari ia menjadi dekat dengan seorang prja yang bisa di bilang memiliki pengaruh besar. Jika rahasia dan kedekatan nya dengan pria-pria itu terkuak, apa yang akan terjadi?
Kehidupan yang sering menjadi dambaan semua wanita yang di kelilingi banyak pria tampan dan terkenal, satu-satunya orang beruntung itu adalah Sahila. Dan dia mulai berada di ambang kebingungan.
Aku bikin cerita ini karena terinspirasi dari acara "Youth With You Season 2" yang salah satu mentor disana adalah Lisa Blackpink. Aku harap cerita ini bisa bikin para pembaca terhibur.
Tale of the Sahara is a novel with the theme of geographical exploration. It tells the story of a team of explorers, businessmen, and local tribal members exploring, surviving, and exchanging culture in the Sahara Desert.
The protagonist of the novel, Abdel Rahman, was a businessman. He began his journey in the Sahara Desert with his merchant partner, Saleh, and the local residents. In the desert, they encountered various difficulties and challenges, including high temperatures, dryness, food shortage, and water shortage. They got along well with the local tribesmen and gradually understood their culture and way of life.
In the process of exploring the desert, Abdel Rahman and his companions encountered many dangers and challenges. They were even attacked by sandstorms and wild beasts. However, they always insisted on finding ways to survive and interact with the local culture and people. In the end, they successfully explored the Sahara Desert and brought back valuable experience and knowledge.
The story of the Sahara showed the magnificent scenery of the Sahara Desert, the local culture, the lives and beliefs of the people, and the fragility and tenacity of human beings in the face of nature through exploration, cultural exchanges, and survival challenges.
The Story of the Sahara is a novel about a young explorer searching for gold in the Sahara Desert.
The Lonely Traveler in the Desert
The protagonist, Albert, was a young explorer who came from Europe and dreamed of exploring the farthest corners of the world. He led a team across the Sahara Desert and encountered various difficulties and challenges along the way. In the desert, they had lost all their water and food, so they had to rely on their courage and perseverance to continue moving forward.
The Story of the Sahara was about the son of a Chinese farmer who went to the Sahara Desert in Africa in the 1970s to explore and make a living.
From the perspective of the protagonist Hai Zi, the novel shows the extremely harsh living conditions, cultural differences and racial discrimination in the Sahara Desert through his experiences. In the novel, Haizi experienced many hardships, but he always maintained his reverence and love for nature and human beings. Through continuous efforts and exploration, he gradually integrated into the local society and culture.
With vivid images, real plots, and deep thoughts, the novel shows the insignificance and fragility of human beings in the natural environment and the harmonious co-existence between man and nature.
The Story of the Sahara was a story about a Chinese farmer who survived the sandstorms and extreme desert climate in the Sahara Desert.
The novel used the protagonist Zhang Ming's personal experience as the main thread, and through his relationship with other Chinese farmers, local Chinese, and local Arabs, it showed the social, historical, cultural, and geographical conditions of the Sahara Desert. The main plot of the novel was Zhang Ming's encounter and experience in the Sahara Desert. Through the description of life, survival, marriage, love, kinship, friendship and other aspects in the desert, it showed the survival state and psychological changes of a Chinese farmer in an extreme environment. At the same time, it also reflected the vulnerability and helplessness of human beings in the face of the natural environment.
The Sahara Desert was located in northern Africa and was one of the largest and driest deserts in the world. It spans several countries, including Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, western sahara, Mauritania, mali, Niger, chad, and sudan. The desert covered an area of about 9.04 million square kilometers, which was one-tenth of the surface of the earth.
The desolate scene of the Sahara Desert left a deep impression on everyone. It had no vegetation, only sand dunes and rocks, and was often hit by hurricanes and floods. Due to the dry climate and deep sand, it was difficult to grow crops in this desert, causing many local people to rely on imported food and daily necessities.
The history of the Sahara Desert can be traced back to around 2000 B.C., when it was called Africa. As time passed, the area gradually became a grassland and forest, but in modern times, it became a desolate desert.
Although the Sahara Desert is so desolate, it still has many unique landscapes and historical sites. For example, in the depths of the Sahara Desert, people discovered some ancient cities and temples. These cities and temples were built around 3000 to 2000 B.C. and were the cultural and religious centers of the area.
In addition, the Sahara Desert was also known as the world's largest desert museum. There are many ancient artifacts, artwork, and fossils that show many aspects of African culture and history.
The Sahara Desert was a desolate and unique place. Although it faces many challenges, its cultural and historical sites still attract tourists from all over the world to explore.
The Story of the Sahara was a novel by a Chinese author. The novel tells the story of a young Chinese intellectual who went to the Sahara Desert in Africa for exploration and exploration. It shows the natural environment, human history and social problems of the region.
There are so many novels that could potentially be called the 'Sahara novel'. It could be written by a local author who has a deep connection to the Sahara and wants to share stories from there. Or it could be a foreign author who was inspired by the beauty and mystery of the Sahara during a visit and decided to write a novel based on their experiences, but without more information, we can't identify the author.
I'm not sure specifically which 'Sahara novel' you are referring to. There could be many novels related to the Sahara. It might be about the adventures in the Sahara desert, the people living there, their cultures, or perhaps a mystery set in that vast and arid region.
Definitely not. Sahara 2005 is a work of fiction. The story and its elements were crafted by the filmmakers' imagination rather than being drawn from real-life happenings.