
mha reacts to inverted au

La belle PDG et son garde du corps au Sang de Dragon

La belle PDG et son garde du corps au Sang de Dragon

``` [Le roman urbain le plus chaud de 2022] Pour sauver quelqu'un, un pauvre garçon a inopinément acquis du Sang de Dragon comme fortifiant corporel et a même dormi avec une belle PDG. Par un coup du sort, il est devenu le garde du corps de cette PDG, entamant ainsi un incroyable renversement de situation. La PDG, "Viens dans ma chambre ce soir pour parler travail." Long Fei, "Tu essayes de me tuer ? En parler tous les jours pendant un mois, tu ne peux pas me laisser souffler ?" ```
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839 Chs
Monde de la Bête : Ascension au Pouvoir avec le Système de Progéniture

Monde de la Bête : Ascension au Pouvoir avec le Système de Progéniture

``` Sally, pour réaliser son vœu originel, est entrée dans le Monde de la Bête et s'est transformée en une petite souris blanche, se liant également au Système de Progéniture. [La lignée des Dragons n'a pas eu de sang neuf depuis dix mille ans.] [Combien de points pour la lignée des Dragons ?] [Cinq cents millions !] ```
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640 Chs
Accouplée au Prince Cruel

Accouplée au Prince Cruel

[Contenu Mature] Sauver un Fae blessé dans la forêt n'était pas dans les plans d'Islinda, et pire, il s'avère être de la royauté, le Prince Valérie de la cour d'été, héritier et prince héritier du trône d'Astaria. Mais alors, les humains se méfiaient de ces créatures d'un autre monde pendant que les Fae méprisaient les humains, les considérant comme des créatures inférieures. Islinda et le prince étaient mondes à part, mais cela ne les a pas empêchés de tomber amoureux. Malheureusement, le Prince Valérie ne pouvait pas rester dans le royaume humain pour toujours et devait retourner dans son royaume avec la promesse de revenir pour elle. Et elle l'a cru. Mais c'est l'autre qui vient à la place. Sombre, maussade, impitoyable mais dangereusement séduisant, tout le monde craignait le Prince Aldric. Même étant un guerrier redoutable et fils du roi d'Astaria, Aldric se voit refuser son droit au trône et est maudit à ne jamais prendre sa place en raison de son héritage obscur. Tordu de l'intérieur et privé d'affection, le Prince Aldric fait ce qu'il sait faire de mieux, engendrer la misère. Il a capturé Islinda – la femme qui a attiré l'attention de son frère. Il l'a volée de chez elle pour ses desseins cruels. S'il ne pouvait pas avoir la couronne, il pouvait au moins jouer avec l'intérêt amoureux de son frère. Son nouveau prix. Islinda le haïssait. Elle le détestait pour lui avoir tout pris ce qu'elle aurait pu avoir avec le prince de l'été. C'est le méchant. Maintenant elle a été entraînée au milieu des politiques sales jouées dans les cours de la cour d'Astaria, sans parler de survivre aux jeux glacials joués par le prince. Mais tout espoir n'était pas perdu, car le prince cruel pouvait la tenter autant qu'il le voulait mais il n'aurait jamais la chose qu'il désire le plus. Être aimé. Il n'aurait jamais son cœur ! Ou pourrait-il l'avoir ? ________ « Que peux-tu m'offrir, petit humain, » Il souriait, lent et cruel. Elle ferait un si merveilleux jouet. « Je t'en prie, » Elle le suppliait, les larmes commençant maintenant à s'accumuler dans ses yeux, « Laisse-moi juste partir. » « D'accord, » Il haussa les épaules comme si c'était une demande facile, « Tu peux y aller. » « V-vraiment ? » Elle murmura, trouvant cela difficile à croire. « Petit humain, tu découvriras que mon esprit change très facilement. » Ces mots semblaient miséricordieux et pourtant elle pouvait sentir la menace en dessous. Mais le pensait-il vraiment ? Islinda n'attendit pas pour le savoir car elle s'élança en sprint. S'il y avait même la moindre chance qu'il change d'avis, alors elle la saisirait. Elle n'abandonnerait pas l'espoir pour autant. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais après un moment, Islinda risqua un regard par-dessus son épaule et le sang se figea dans ses veines à la vue de ce qui s'approchait. Oh non, elle venait de faire une terrible erreur. Ce n'était jamais la liberté. C'était une chasse. Et elle venait de devenir la proie. _________ Note : C'est un livre de fantasy sombre et le personnage masculin principal est un méchant, alors ne vous attendez pas à une romance douce. À quoi s'attendre ? Mort, sang, tension sexuelle intense et scènes explicites. Et ce n'est pas un harem inverse. Cadeau magique château = 5 chapitres bonus ! Venez, faisons une chasse sauvage !
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480 Chs
Soumise au père de mon meilleure amie

Soumise au père de mon meilleure amie

Pour Becca, se rendre à Miami a ravivé d'anciens souvenirs d'enfance avec sa meilleure amie, Tally. Elle avait besoin d'une pause après une année difficile à Yale et une rupture avec son petit ami, Chad. Elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que son été de divertissement inclue de coucher avec James, l'Étalon Italien – le père de Tally. Sachant que c'est mal, elle laisse James l'entraîner dans un tourbillon de plaisir qui la fait dépasser les limites de la réalité et lutter pour survivre. Becca pourra-t-elle supporter ce plaisir sans que Tally ne découvre rien ? Ou ses secrets causeront-ils l'effondrement de son monde autour d'elle ?
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380 Chs
Après avoir appris à lire dans les pensées, M. Huo m'emmène au lit chaque nuit !

Après avoir appris à lire dans les pensées, M. Huo m'emmène au lit chaque nuit !

Choquant ! La célèbre famille Lin à Jinchuan a fait faillite. Le public : Qui en est responsable ? Initié : Le descendant indigne, Lin Wanli ! *** Choquant ! Le souverain de Jinchuan, Huo Guixiao, se marie ! Le public : Qui est la mariée ? Initié : La dominatrice et arrogante Lin Wanli ! *** Choquant ! L'identité de la personne en charge de la Biologie Taixi a été révélée. Le public : Qui est le PDG ? Initié : Est-ce toujours... Lin Wanli ? Ce perdant ?! *** Dans sa vie antérieure, Lin Wanli avait été trompée par sa meilleure amie, manipulée par son père vaurien et rejetée par sa grand-mère. Elle ne pouvait même pas protéger sa fille de huit mois, qui avait été jetée à la poubelle par sa nounou. Après s'être réincarnée, Lin Wanli a désespérément saisi l'opportunité de prendre sa revanche. Elle a également conquis l'homme qui l'a aidée à se venger. C'est juste... Elle a toujours pensé que cet homme s'était aussi réincarné. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle réalise qu'il pouvait facilement lire dans ses pensées. "Monsieur Huo, n'est-ce pas un peu impoli de votre part de vous être réincarné avec des compétences spéciales ?" demanda Lin Wanli. "Quand ai-je jamais dit que je m'étais réincarné ?" demanda-t-il. "Ai-je mal compris ?" "Pas exactement. J'ai bien une compétence spéciale. Par exemple, j'ai pu vous entendre vous plaindre que le lit était trop petit hier soir," répondit-il.
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375 Chs
Mariée au fils du Diable

Mariée au fils du Diable

【Volume 1 - Mariée au fils du Diable】 Un prince, dont la rumeur dit qu'il est le fils du Diable. Il est la définition du Danger. Il est l'incarnation même des Ténèbres. Une princesse. Emprisonnée dans sa propre maison, elle ne doit en sortir que lorsqu'elle se marie. Mais avec qui doit-elle se marier ? *** Il était une fois, le Diable tomba amoureux de l'une des nombreuses épouses du Roi. Une nuit, il se rendit dans sa chambre déguisé en son mari et fit l'amour avec elle. Elle tomba enceinte de son enfant. Connaissant cela, le Roi ordonna son exécution croyant que sa femme l'avait trompé, mais alors le Diable apparut au roi lui proposant un marché. En échange d'un grand pouvoir pour son Royaume, le Roi laisserait sa femme concevoir l'enfant du Diable. Le Roi, avide de pouvoir, accepta l'accord et son Royaume devint l'un des Royaumes les plus puissants et l'enfant du Diable, le septième Prince du Royaume. Être une princesse a probablement l'air agréable. Une vie pleine de luxe, de belles robes et de jolies chaussures, mais pour Hazel, il n'y a rien d'agréable à être une princesse. Elle ne peut jamais sortir du palais, elle ne peut jamais se faire des amis, elle ne peut jamais manger ou dire ou porter ce qu'elle veut et elle ne peut jamais choisir la personne qu'elle va épouser. Bientôt, elle va se marier avec un homme qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré, un prince qui est réputé être le fils du Diable. 【Volume 2 - Retour du fils du Diable】 **Suite de Mariée au fils du Diable** Il est de retour ! Cette fois, plus féroce, plus rapide et plus fort, avec une seule chose en tête. La Revanche ! Prince des Ténèbres, Fils du Diable, Lucian est de retour, et il n'a qu'une chose en tête. La Revanche ! C'est jusqu'à ce qu'il la rencontre. Une femme qui l'attire au-delà de la raison, mais qui prétend également être sa femme. Entouré de secrets sombres et d'ennemis puissants, Lucian doit décider à qui faire confiance et qui détruire. Après avoir eu le cœur brisé une fois, Klara a juré de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Mais lorsque son frère essaie de la forcer à se marier et que l'agaçant mais terriblement séduisant Roshan la sauve, les choses se compliquent. Peut-elle protéger son cœur de l'homme dont le toucher fait prendre feu à son corps ? Ou va-t-elle se rendre à son désir et risquer son cœur une fois de plus ? —————————————————————————————————— 【Volume 3 - Le Diable dans ses Rêves】 LA BÊTE PARMI NOUS Imaginez vivre dans un monde plein d'êtres enflammés et sauvages, se cachant dans l'ombre, errant dans nos rêves, se glissant sous notre peau. Écoutant, manipulant nos esprits et explorant nos corps. Ce sont des sauvages, des bêtes mais certains sont des compagnons et des amis d'enfance. Certains sont dangereux, d'autres le sont encore plus. Ils vivent parmi nous. Certains d'entre nous les appellent des Démons, d'autres des Djinn. Mais certains d'entre eux ne devraient jamais être appelés. LA BEAUTÉ À LA RECHERCHE DE L'AMOUR Heaven, la petite-fille du diable et princesse de Decresh a tout dans la vie. Des parents aimants, la beauté, la richesse et le statut. Mais une chose manque. Et c'est l'amour. Heaven rêve du genre d'amour que ses parents ont et maintenant qu'elle est en âge de se marier, elle doit trouver l'homme de ses rêves et le futur roi de Decresh. Et elle doit le trouver rapidement. Il y a un homme. Un mystérieux étranger aux yeux d'argent qui apparaît constamment dans ses rêves. Qui est il et que veut-il ? Alors que la file des prétendants s'allonge, les rêves de Heaven deviennent plus vifs la forçant à partir en voyage pour trouver l'homme de ses rêves. Pourrait-il aussi être l'homme de ses rêves ? Ou se révélera-t-il être un cauchemar ?
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314 Chs
Réincarnation d'une Femme d'Affaires au Lycée

Réincarnation d'une Femme d'Affaires au Lycée

Elle était autrefois une marionnette pour sa famille, une espionne commerciale et une assassine poursuivie par la police. Un jour, elle tombe à la mer après avoir été trahie. Quand elle se réveille à nouveau, elle est une élève ordinaire de terminale. En raison de son passé ignoble et de l'ostracisation de ses proches, elle a toujours été harcelée par ses camarades de classe, en partie parce qu'elle est solitaire. Avec une nouvelle chance de vivre, elle subit un changement radical, retournant chaque harcèlement qu'elle a reçu par le passé. Avec un puissant atout, une paire d'yeux de jade télépathiques, elle est capable d'évaluer facilement le jade et de réussir à parier. Elle démarre une entreprise, devenant une femme d'affaires légendaire. Il n'est pas nécessaire de parler des gens qui se moquaient d'elle pour être pauvre lorsqu'ils voient sa valeur nette de milliards de yuans. Quand des proches viennent se rapprocher d'elle, ils sont refusés. Nous ne sommes plus liés les uns aux autres. Retournez d'où vous venez ! Les jours sont bons, sauf pour un homme facilement jaloux à ses côtés. Sans aucune raison valable, elle se retrouve avec des douleurs partout, notamment dans ses régions intimes, tout cela grâce à lui. C'est une histoire dont les personnages principaux masculins et féminins sont à la fois forts et intacts.
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356 Chs


La fiancée d'Ava a été séduite par Lily et elle s'est retrouvée prisonnière dans sa propre meute. Sa vie était finie, du moins le croyait-elle. Elle rencontre son véritable compagnon, mais il est le frère aîné de Lily et il la déteste tellement. Leur histoire d'amour s'épanouira-t-elle ou est-elle condamnée à se terminer en flammes ?
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215 Chs
Transmigration: Donnant tout mon amour au deuxième rôle masculin.

Transmigration: Donnant tout mon amour au deuxième rôle masculin.

``` Liu Yi a toujours aimé lire des romans à l'eau de rose depuis qu'elle est jeune, maintenant qu'elle a vingt ans, son amour pour les romans sentimentaux n'a pas diminué mais au contraire, il s'est intensifié au point où elle se demandait si passer toute sa journée à lire des romans est l'une des raisons de sa vie de célibataire. Liu Yi a lu beaucoup de romans au cours de ses vingt années d'existence mais n'a jamais été capable de se défaire de sa toute nouvelle obsession, elle a lu le roman plus de fois qu'elle ne peut compter et finissait toujours par pleurer à la fin. Elle se sentait désolée pour le second rôle masculin qui n'a reçu de l'amour d'aucun des membres de sa famille à l'exception de son grand-père et la femme qu'il a fini par apprécier n'avait d'yeux que pour le protagoniste. Ce qui a le plus blessé Liu Yi, c'était lorsque le second rôle masculin a donné son rein à l'héroïne malgré sa maladie cardiaque et qu'en retour, il a reçu une invitation à son mariage avec le protagoniste. Liu Yi détestait l'auteur du livre et détestait l'héroïne, elle savait que ce n'était qu'un livre mais pour une raison quelconque, elle ne pouvait tout simplement pas passer à autre chose, elle trouvait que ce qui était arrivé au second rôle masculin était injuste et souhaitait pouvoir faire quelque chose pour changer son destin injuste, c'étaient ses pensées alors que ses yeux s'alourdissaient de sommeil. Liu Yi a ouvert les yeux lorsqu'elle a entendu quelqu'un l'appeler mademoiselle et a été surprise de constater qu'elle n'était pas seulement dans le corps d'une enfant de dix ans mais qu'elle était dans le roman, dans le même monde que le second rôle masculin. Savoir cela a rempli son cœur de joie, peut-être que personne n'avait aimé le second rôle masculin mais elle si, elle allait donner au second rôle masculin tout l'amour qu'elle avait, mais le seul problème, c'est qu'elle n'était pas seulement dans le corps d'une enfant de dix ans qui s'est avéré être la demi-sœur de l'héroïne mais aussi, la demi-sœur de l'héroïne n'est-elle pas morte à l'âge de dix-huit ans ? Le pire, c'est que l'auteur n'a jamais précisé qui ou quoi l'a exactement tuée. ```
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186 Chs
Fox in an inverted world

Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors
152 Chs
What are some interesting MHA reacts fanfiction stories?
1 answer
2024-12-02 16:14
Some MHA reacts fanfiction focuses on the characters reacting to fan - made scenarios. For instance, they could react to a 'what if' situation like All Might never losing his power. This can show how the relationships and the overall story dynamics would change in such a scenario, and it's really fascinating to see the characters' responses.
What are some interesting mha reacts fanfic stories?
3 answers
2024-11-11 15:50
One interesting mha reacts fanfic could be where the characters react to seeing their future selves. It adds an element of mystery and self - discovery. For example, Midoriya seeing himself as a fully - fledged hero might make him realize how far he has come and what he still needs to achieve.
How can I write a good MHA reacts fanfiction?
1 answer
2024-12-03 17:10
To write a good MHA reacts fanfiction, pacing is important. Don't rush through the reactions. Let the characters take their time to process what they're seeing. For instance, if they're reacting to a tragic event in an alternate universe, give them time to show their shock, sadness, or anger. Also, dialogue should be in - character. Each character in MHA has their own way of speaking, like Todoroki's more reserved speech compared to Uraraka's bubbly dialogue.
How can one write a good mha reacts fanfic?
2 answers
2024-11-11 22:04
First, know the characters well. Understand their personalities, motives, and backstories. This will make their reactions more believable. For example, if you're writing about Todoroki reacting to something, you need to consider his complex family situation and how it shapes his views.
inverted bridge
1 answer
2024-12-25 03:45
The inverted arch trestle was a type of equipment used for tunnel construction. It had the functions of automatic walking, automatic vertical movement, horizontal movement, lifting and landing, and so on. It could solve some problems in tunnel construction, such as the mutual interference between the tunnel face, inverted arch and secondary lining construction, improve construction efficiency and mechanized level, and reduce construction costs. The inverted arch trestle used hydraulic technology and a fully automatic design, which could achieve large span, flexible movement, safe and reliable tunnel construction. It could also be used with inverted arch concrete construction under various bench excavation methods to achieve the construction requirements of early closure and early ring formation. In addition, the inverted arch trestle could also make full use of the early strength of the concrete to provide support for the weight of the trestle and the traffic load, with a special flexible base and automatic running track. In general, the inverted arch trestle played an important role in the tunnel construction, improving the construction efficiency and quality.
Color: au999.9
1 answer
2025-01-12 04:46
Au999.9 was pure gold, and the gold content was no less than 999.9%. It was the highest value in the naming of jewelry. It was dark yellow in color and extremely pure. It shone with golden light and was bright. The markings were usually printed with words such as "Thousand Gold,""999 Gold," or "G999."
What was the content summary of " Inverted Scale "?
1 answer
2025-03-03 01:41
"The Reverse Scale" was a famous novel that described the war between an ancient race with scales and a powerful empire, as well as the series of conspiracies and struggles that resulted. The protagonist of the novel, Lin Yun, was an ordinary youth, but he had mysterious scales and became the protagonist of the war. He gradually grew into a brave and fearless warrior on the journey and fought fiercely against all kinds of enemies. At the same time, he also discovered the secret hidden in his body and the relationship between him and the scales. The plot of the novel was full of ups and downs, and the characters were rich. It was a fantasy masterpiece full of imagination and depth.
Who was the male protagonist of 'The Inverted Scale'?
1 answer
2025-03-02 23:06
The Hidden Reverse Scale is a fantasy sword and magic novel written by the author, Don't Understand. The general plot of this novel is as follows: This was a world of swords and magic. This was a story of humans surpassing gods! Was this the protagonist's revenge journey? Or was this just the beginning of a conspiracy? Become a chess piece of the gods? Or to destroy the World of Gods? ---------------------------- " Devil Sword's Reverse Scale " was a fantasy novel written by Blade Fish. The general plot of this novel was: All forms of life and death in all realms are caused by karma. There was no such thing as coincidence in this world, only necessity. "The Book of Songs" said: Chaos has not been divided into heaven and earth chaos, gods and demons, people and animals are boundless. Since the magic sword broke through the chaos, it has been opened up to distinguish between clear and turbid. Overturning a group of people gives birth to a bad reputation, and it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong for thousands of years. If you want to know how to cultivate one's moral character, you must read the Biography of Yuan Cang's Reverse Scale. ---------------------------- " The Mad Dragon's Counterattack " was an urban novel written by Dust in Time. The general plot of the novel was: "This wasn't time travel when Zhao Zilong walked out of the mountains with a mysterious green dragon tattoo. Pure campus, sinister society, and the conflict between wealthy families. Should he resist and transform into a dragon? Or do you bend your neck to be killed and bend your body to become a worm?。& quot;。 ---------------------------- The book," Defying the Emperor ", was a fantasy novel written by the author," Nonsense about Life ". The general plot of this novel was: A ray of saber light shattered the universe, and two lines of clear tears reversed the cycle of reincarnation…In the Yin-Yang Continent, the strong ruled the world while the weak groveled. In this cold world, only strength was king! Chen Qi, the young master of an unknown small family in the sealed land, was crippled for some reason. With the help of the Dragon Emperor, he healed his injuries and cultivated a heaven-defying cultivation technique. He stepped on the peak of Yin and Yang and experienced hardships to become a king! Let's see how Chen Qi slaughtered everywhere for his brother. For his lover, he reversed the cycle of reincarnation. Blood and fire, love and hate, all for the sake of reaching the peak! Battling the heavens, the earth, and the common people, all for the sake of defeating King Cheng! ---------------------------- " War God Defiance " was a fantasy novel written by the author, Demon Scale Gentleman. The general plot of this novel was: Benevolent people can get the world, wise people can stabilize heaven and earth. He was originally an expert that was rarely seen in a thousand years. Let's see how he cultivates and eventually becomes a god... ---------------------------- 'He Has a Dragon' was an urban supernatural novel written by the author, Dark Night and Lonely City. The general plot of the novel was: Who said that tattoos were all hooligans? Just look at how he joined the army because of his lover's betrayal, retired from the mysterious army three years later, and returned to the city with the strongest trump card with a true dragon tattoo. ---------------------------- The book " Green Scale Calamity " was written by the author, Senior Brother Ah Zao, and was a novel about Xianxia's fate. The general plot of this novel was as follows: She was born with green scales, which symbolized the nobility of the dragon race. However, it was also because of this green scale that brought her a calamity…She lost her parents and was persecuted by her clansmen to become an orphan. Under a strange combination of factors, she embarked on the path of revenge and finally killed her enemy and ascended the throne. However, he lost his beloved. In the end, in order to revive his lover, he experienced a thousand years of suffering. Who would have thought that the day his lover was resurrected would be the day he waited for his own fate… ---------------------------- One Piece's Dark Manipulation was a light novel written by the author, the King of Terminal Bones. The general plot of the novel was: On the surface, Qin Ye was a righteous and hot-blooded navy, but in the dark, he was a villain who manipulated everything. It was a story about the Dark Emperor who was in the world of pirates, manipulating everything and playing with people's hearts. Non-system style, the main character was a villain. ---------------------------- " The Strongest Samsara Boss " was a suspense novel written by the author, Ying Tu. The general plot of this novel was: He had transmigrated to the Mysterious World and coincidentally encountered a strange outbreak. Lu Fan, who was originally planning to stay at home, suddenly realized that four Samsara actors had come to his house. Even his beloved wife had been replaced. Only then did he realize that he was actually a Samsara World NPC. He was a walk-on that was specially used to complete missions for Samsara actors! How could he tolerate this! P.S. This is an inspirational story of a person who was forced to become an actor in Samsara and eventually became the best actor in Samsara. ......................................。 ---------------------------- The Mad Son-in-law of the City, God of War, was a novel written by the author Class One Hall. It was a novel about people with special abilities in the city, and the general plot of the novel was as follows: He had once dyed rivers and mountains with blood, and was peerless in his generation. Unexpectedly, he encountered a great change and was trapped in the shoal. Everyone thought that he was a good-for-nothing son-in-law. How could a golden scale be an object in a pond? A king of a generation had returned. With the name of a crazy son-in-law and the bearing of a war god, he swept across the four regions and eight desolates. The world trembled under his feet!
Is there a novel similar to the inverted world of monsters?
1 answer
2025-01-29 22:28
There were novels similar to The World of Monsters: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1. Book of Troubled Times: Many Female Heroes in Jianghu The Jianghu full of the aura of many female leads The description and writing of women are better Compared to the previous two books, this book was relatively less "preachy". So far, it seemed to be okay. 2."Spirit Realm Traveler":[144] Selling newspaper, Little Langjun,"Spirit Realm Traveler" [Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 144] 2022 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 2 [Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2022-4-9] Title: Spirit Realm Walker Author: Paper Selling Young Langjun [Author Level: Platinum] [Alliance Leader Count: 372] [Silver Grand Alliance: 14] Golden Sect Master: 7 Fans/10,000: 830 <Category: Sci-fi Evolution> Total Words/Ten Thousand: 224 Date of publication: March 23, 2022 [Hundred League Time/Day: 16] Last updated: May 1, 2022 First order: 81,780 Average: Not counted [Completed: No] End date: × Writing time/day: × Date: January 18, 2023 3."The Tang's Table": You can swipe it three times... This book The pace is slow, but reading the book and reading the comments can be exciting. a patient person Just sauce ~ 4."King of Familiars": The author was very familiar with the character design and plot control. Every character was vivid and lifelike. Many characters, including the main character and supporting characters, were very impressive. Especially the deep writing skills, which made the plot go up and down smoothly. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a surprising novel. The story began with a love scene, but it soon entered the main plot, which was fascinating. The male protagonist, the Xu Family Compound, completed the reform of the sect and the imperial court by himself. This was a very interesting story. The male protagonist transmigrated into the world of the game's background and became the villain. However, through constant exploration and hard work, he finally changed his fate. The advantage of this book was that it had a high IQ. The male protagonist was not a character who would lick every woman he saw. Instead, he had his own opinions and strength. Moreover, the emotional descriptions were also very detailed. Every female lead was very outstanding, and the emotional lines were also very reasonable. The supporting characters were also very intelligent, making people feel that they existed. In addition, the plot of the book was also very exciting, making people feel very refreshed. However, this book also had some shortcomings. The update speed was relatively slow, and some readers might be disappointed. But overall,"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation" was a highly recommended novel. Not only did it have blind spots beyond imagination, but it also made people feel the warm little things in life. The protagonist's personality was also likable, making people unable to help but follow it. National Forensics: Strong Promotion! Personally, he felt that it was more interesting than Ling Ran. It was not just about showing off his medical skills. There were criminal investigations, cases, characters, and police dogs! He felt that his writing style had become more mature, and his golden finger was more interesting. He wrote Captain Crocodile Smile, Senior Guan Yu, Two Basins of Rice's Blackie, Captain Liu who was keen on reasoning, scumbag's interrogation, the never-withering Lvluo, and high-standard Egg Fried Rice skills. The cases were also exciting one after another. They were not delayed, did not create gods, were not common, and were forcefully pushed! 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" is an unforgettable novel. The author had an outstanding performance in novels with multiple female leads. This novel surpassed the previous two works, showing the perfect fusion of ordinary daily life and the martial arts world full of chivalrous spirit. The author used his unique writing skills to vividly describe the plot that the readers liked to see and hear, making people feel satisfied. Now, the results of this novel were getting better and better, which was enough to prove the author's talent and writing ability. From the comments, it could be seen that the readers gave high praise to "Wait, Heroine." They praised the author's writing level and thought that his works were stable and outstanding. Especially in terms of lightheartedness and gags, the author showed his talent. The protagonist's charm and superb image of martial arts were also loved by the readers. Even though Young Master Guan Guan was not good at describing conflicting plots and grand scenes, he was good at describing daily life and dealing with the emotions between characters. The description of the female character was also excellent. Her appearance and personality were carefully portrayed. The readers also gave high praise to the novel's chivalrous tenderness. They thought that the author had written well and left a deep impression on them. All in all,"Wait, Heroine" was an unforgettable novel. The author had won the readers 'love and recognition with his unique writing skills and wonderful storyline. 8."Mantang Huacai": A work that traveled through the Tianbao period of Xuanzong. It was a rare masterpiece among historical novels in recent years. It cut into the civil case and portrayed the battle between the Crown Prince and Li Linfu. The advantage was that the plot was closely linked and the suspense was high. It was extremely catching and also had an excellent description of the shadow behind the Great Tang. The main flaw was that the characters were relatively flat. The main character was "very intelligent and close to a demon." Moreover, the harem was too obvious. As long as the female characters met the male lead, all their positions and wisdom were almost useless. They revolved around the male lead. Although this kind of writing was clever, it was a little flat. It was fine for ordinary novels, but it was a flaw for a book. Slightly flat but still vivid characters: 6 A detailed description of the ecology of the prosperous Tang Dynasty: 8 Interlocking and Suspenseful Plot Design 9."Hidden Dead Corner": Rating: AAAAA1 Recently, he had been following a book. The works of Get Lost were basically guaranteed to be of good quality. Generally speaking, there were very few brainless and refreshing works. The logic of this book is on the line, the protagonist's IQ is on the line, and the character settings are very interesting. I'll keep it as a collection. 10:"The Final Divine Order": The Plot of a Missing Person Saving a Beauty Is Poisonous 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? This was Er Gen's sixth novel after 'The Defiant Immortal',' Seeking the Demon','I Want to Seal the Heaven',' One Thought of Eternity 'and' Three Inches of Humanity.' 12:"This game is too real": A masterpiece of the game world, a new book by a great author, a game GM plus the fourth catastrophe, a relaxed style, a writing IQ online, a recommended reading that likes management, relaxation, and games. Personal Rating: 4.6 Potential score: 4.8 Words: 1.12 million 13."Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was an eye-catching Xianxia novel. The structure of the story reminded people of the feeling when they first watched "The Secret." The group portraits were very well drawn, with the chivalrous taste and talent of the otaku pig. This book had the potential to become another Xianxia classic. Although some of the settings were not rigorous enough, the plot of this book was very novel and worth reading. If the plot and characters could be further enriched, it would become an impeccable book. Overall, Red Heart Sky Patrol was an unforgettable masterpiece of Xianxia. It perfectly combined immortal energy and chivalry, and the plot was wonderful. In this world, the ancient demon race had already disappeared, and the modern dragon race had also disappeared. The era of the Great Divine Dao was already like smoke, and the era of the peak of flying swords had also fallen. This book gave people a whole new reading experience. It was a rare masterpiece. "Ring of Destiny":"Ring of Destiny" was a book that would never tire of reading. The author's pen strength and imagination were amazing. The plot arrangement was just right, making it very enjoyable to read. It was definitely worthy of giving it a five-star rating. Although the new book had just been released and not a single chapter had been updated, it had already reached 100 leagues. The monthly votes had also reached more than 7,000. It could be seen that the author's strength and the readers 'love for him. The story was a combination of Long Night's writing style. The protagonist, Li Lumian, was a good seedling of the Hunter pathway, and the first dungeon was a strange dream. The Tarot Club was spearheaded by writers. Thirty years to the east of Serenzo River, thirty years to the west of Serenzo River. Saint Salted Fish was now a profound big shot, and he gave it to Little Aca of the Tarot Noodles…It made people look forward to it. 2023's shocking web novel! The squid was here! Ring of Destiny, blow! I, the former survivor of the curly-haired baboon, cheer for the squid. Overall, The Ring of Destiny was a fascinating fantasy novel that was worth reading. After witnessing the end of the Battle of Jingnan, Jiang Xinghuo, who was the target of the Ten Clans Execution, finally heaved a sigh of relief. As a veteran transmigrator, he could return to the modern world for eternal life after transmigrating for nine lifetimes. Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he began to teach in prison, but it seemed that something was wrong... Ma Sanbao: What is the Great Voyage Era in On Sea Power? [Yao Guangxiao: On the Fate of a Nation is actually the legendary dragon-slaying technique!] Zhu Gaochi: I haven't finished talking about the silver standard in the History of Chinese Money. Jiang Xing Huo: "I'm going to be beheaded tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest of the lesson in your dreams." At this moment, the walls of the Imperial Jail collapsed and a voice sounded. "Mr. Jiang, I am Zhu Di. Please be the state preceptor!" As a snake hunter, Xu Ying had always been honest and diligent until this day when he caught a different snake... On the first day of the third month, incense was burning everywhere in the Divine Land. The statues that protected the villages, towns, cities, and counties woke up one after another to enjoy the sacrifices of the people. However, from that day onwards, the world was in chaos. 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?""They're all reborn, and they're especially in love." Now, a bunch of novels that were created after the rebirth of the third year of high school appeared in the urban genre. Compared to the system genre, the performance of the male protagonist in this novel was more interesting and unrestrained after using the memories and knowledge of the future. After all, it was a little too much to rely on the system to help him enjoy the novel after rebirth.🙅The plot of hooking up with a rich woman was a little unrealistic, but there was no other way. Daifeng was too cute and could not help but want to keep watching. "Deep Sea Ember": The Real Duncan: Friendly, Passionate, Longing for Ordinary Delicious Food Duncan in the eyes of the world: the ghost captain of the Lost Homes, the 005-vision that destroyed the world, and the misfortune of losing San at a glance. The big-eyed Xyrin sci-fi style + antithesis, a different kind of joy "Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is a novel that makes people's eyes light up. The author's imagination was very big. The development of the plot was unexpected, and every step was full of surprises and excitement. This book not only brought pleasure to the readers, but also triggered people's thoughts on life, emotions, psychology, society, and history. It was difficult for the reader to guess what the next step would be, but every twist was fascinating. The plot of this book was so tight that it was hard to stop. The author's description was exquisite, allowing the readers to feel the emotions of the protagonists, making them unable to help but be moved by their experiences. In short, this book was worth reading. "Who told him to cultivate!" Work Status in the series There's no female lead now recommendation rate Four *** label easy reasonless funny theme Xian Xia Classic Xianxia plot This was a relatively peaceful cultivation world. The protagonist participated in the sect selection and joined the sect to cultivate immortality. With his indecent brain circuits, ridiculous cultivation talent, and various strange spells and strange ideas, he began to distort the story of the cultivation world. The full text is added with all kinds of creative, imaginative, and funny elements. If you like all kinds of absurd and nonsensical stories, you can come and take a look. The author already has an old book that has been selected as a one-star glory book. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
What are the characteristics of inverted mystery novels?
2 answers
2024-12-10 15:43
Inverted mystery novels often start by revealing the crime and the perpetrator. Then, the story unfolds to show how the detective or other characters piece together the evidence and motives. It's a different take from traditional mystery novels where the mystery builds up to the discovery of the culprit.