The Boruto manga is set in a world where ninja still exist. It follows Boruto, Naruto's son. He faces new threats like the Otsutsuki clan. Boruto has a special power in his eye. There are also his friends at the ninja academy and they go on various missions together. Overall, it's about Boruto growing as a ninja and dealing with the legacies of his father while facing new and dangerous foes.
No, Boruto is alive in the manga. The plot hasn't led to his death. However, the manga is ongoing, and anything could happen in the later developments.
The main plot points include Boruto's struggle to find his own identity apart from being Naruto's son. The Otsutsuki clan's attempts to take over or destroy the ninja world is a big one. Then there are the relationships between Boruto and his friends like Sarada and Mitsuki. Their growth as a team and as individual ninjas is also part of the story. Plus, the political situation in Konoha and how it affects the characters is a significant plot point.
Yes, Boruto is indeed a manga. It expands on the Naruto universe and offers fresh perspectives and storylines. Many fans enjoy reading it to delve deeper into the world created by the series.
Naruto would be devastated. He might blame himself for not being able to protect his son. Sasuke would be angry and would likely go on a hunt for the perpetrator. His friends like Sarada and Mitsuki would be heartbroken. Sarada might vow to become stronger to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.
As of now, no. In the Boruto series, their relationship is mainly focused on their friendship and comradeship as ninja. There are some moments that fans might interpret as having a hint of something more, but the story has not made their relationship a romantic one in an official capacity.