My Intimate Enemy was a Korean film directed by Lin Changshu and released in 2015. The film tells the story of Gino (Liu Shengfan), who works for a government agency, who participated in the tracking operation as an intern, but was discovered and escaped by the other party. The protagonist and heroine accidentally found a bag full of money and were involved in an extremely dangerous situation. They decided to become the "bad guys". The main cast included Liu Shengfan, Gao Junxi, and Liu Xianjing. The film received good reviews and high praise from the audience.
The main features of a business proposal manga are concise yet comprehensive content, colorful illustrations to draw attention, and a logical sequence of presenting information. It aims to make complex business concepts accessible and interesting to the audience.
A business proposal manga usually has clear visualizations of the proposed plans and strategies. It might also feature characters discussing the pros and cons in an engaging way.
The 'a business proposal kdrama' is known for its faithfulness to the manga. It captures the main plot points and the charm of the original. However, there could be some tweaks in the dialogues and scenes to adapt to the medium of drama.