To read colored manga well, first, you need a decent internet connection to load the pages smoothly. Then, get familiar with the navigation features of the platform you're using. Pay attention to the color schemes and details to fully enjoy the experience.
You might have luck finding colored manga on dedicated manga apps such as Comixology or Crunchyroll Manga. Sometimes, social media groups or forums focused on manga can also point you in the right direction to access colored manga.
The JoJo manga is mainly in black and white. Colored versions exist but are not the norm. Sometimes, colored illustrations are done for promotional purposes or by fans.
The Bleach manga is not colored. It's common for manga to be in black and white to focus on the line art and storytelling. Color versions might exist in certain promotions or adaptations, but the core manga is monochrome.
Generally, manga are black and white. This is mainly due to cost and production time constraints. However, some popular series might have colored pages for special chapters or volumes.