The full story of Dr Stone mainly revolves around Senku Ishigami. After being petrified for thousands of years, Senku emerges in a world that has reverted to a primitive state. He has a grand plan to revive all of humanity and bring back modern technology. He first frees his friend Taiju, and together they start to gather resources. Senku's knowledge of science is vast, and he applies it to solve various problems. For example, he figures out how to make gunpowder, which is crucial for many of their later projects. The story also involves different groups of people, some of whom oppose Senku's scientific approach while others join him in his quest to rebuild the world.
The story of Dr Stone is about Senku who wakes up in a petrified world and starts to revive humanity and technology by using his scientific knowledge, with some people helping and others opposing him.
The story of Dr. Ryan Stone is not a true story in a literal way. It is a work of fiction created for the movie 'Gravity'. But the filmmakers did a lot of research on space travel, astronauts' experiences, and the science behind it. They incorporated real - life aspects like the microgravity, the danger of space debris, and the isolation in space. So it's a fictional story that draws on real - world elements to make it seem more believable.
At the moment, there's no definite information about more Dr Stone manga. It could happen if there's enough demand and the creative team is up for it. We'll just have to wait and see.
It's hard to say for sure. The decision often depends on various factors like the popularity and sales of the original series, as well as the author's plans and the publisher's strategy.