No. 'Attack on Titan' is a fictional story created by Hajime Isayama. It's set in a fictional world with its own unique rules, characters, and plotlines that are products of the author's imagination.
Yes, there are some aspects in real life that can be related to 'Attack on Titan'. For example, the theme of survival against a seemingly overwhelming threat can be seen in various historical events like sieges where a small group of people had to defend against a much larger and menacing force. Also, the idea of living within enclosed spaces for protection has historical precedents, such as walled cities in medieval times.
Definitely not. Attack on Titan is purely a work of imagination. It was crafted by the author's creativity and doesn't draw from real events or people.
No, it's not primarily a love story. 'Attack on Titan' is more focused on action, survival, and complex themes like humanity's struggle and power dynamics.