The original Goldilocks and the Three Bears story is a charming children's tale. Goldilocks, a curious little girl, ventures into the house of three bears. She samples their porridge - the papa bear's is scalding, the baby bear's is freezing, and the mama bear's is just the right temperature. She then tries the chairs and beds with similar results. When the bears come home, Goldilocks is terrified by the sight of them and dashes out of the house. This story has been told for generations and is often used to teach kids about right and wrong, especially in terms of trespassing and using others' things without permission.
There are four key characters. First, we have Goldilocks, a young girl who is rather adventurous and perhaps a bit naughty as she enters someone else's house without permission. Then there are the three bears. Papa Bear, who is big and strong. Mama Bear, who is more gentle and of medium size. And Baby Bear, who is small and cute. Their home and belongings are central to the story as Goldilocks explores and uses them.
The main characters are Goldilocks, Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. Goldilocks is the curious girl who enters the bears' house without permission. Papa Bear is the big bear, Mama Bear is the female bear, and Baby Bear is their young one.
The main characters in the Goldilocks three bears original story are Goldilocks, a young girl, and the three bears - usually described as Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear.
In the original story, Goldilocks enters the house of the three bears while they are out. She tries their porridge, finding Papa Bear's too hot, Mama Bear's too cold, and Baby Bear's just right, so she eats it. Then she tries their chairs and breaks Baby Bear's as it's just her size. She also tries their beds and falls asleep in Baby Bear's bed. When the bears come home, they discover what Goldilocks has done.
The main events begin with Goldilocks wandering into the three bears' abode. She samples the porridge bowls. The first one, Papa Bear's, is too scalding for her taste buds. Mama Bear's is too frigid. However, Baby Bear's is just the right temperature, so she consumes it. Next, she tests the chairs. Papa Bear's chair is overly large, and Mama Bear's doesn't suit her either. Baby Bear's chair is a perfect fit, but she ends up breaking it. She then finds the beds and chooses Baby Bear's to sleep in. When the bears return home and discover her, she is startled and flees.