One common type is the fake product scam. Sellers advertise high - quality items but send low - quality or counterfeit ones. Another is the non - delivery scam, like when you pay but don't get the item.
One story is about a person who bought a so - called 'designer' handbag online. When it arrived, it was a cheap knock - off. The seller had used fake pictures. Another is a customer who ordered electronics. They paid but never received the item. The scammer just took the money and disappeared.
The novel I recommend to you is The Big Bang Theory. It is similar to The King of Cheat in that the main characters use their own skills and resources to achieve their goals. Both books are quite popular and have a high reading rate. I hope you like my recommendation. Muah!
Sure. One story is about a woman who met a man on an online dating site. He claimed to be a wealthy businessman working overseas. He started asking her for money for various reasons like a business emergency. She sent him thousands of dollars before realizing it was a scam when he disappeared.
Cyber fraud refers to the use of the Internet or mobile devices for fraud. The common methods of cyber fraud are as follows:
1. Phishing emails: Scammers send emails claiming to be from well-known companies or government agencies inviting them to conduct online investigations or register new accounts. However, investigations or registration activities are actually fishing websites that trick users into entering personal information such as username, password, credit card information, etc.
2. Internet fraud means: Swindlers use various means such as emails, text messages, social media, etc. to send false investment suggestions, stock predictions, lottery numbers, etc. to the user to cheat the user of funds.
3. Online shopping fraud: Scammers pretend to be well-known e-commerce platforms or resellers to make users pay extra fees or fail to receive products through fake transactions, refunds, defective products, etc.
Malware: Scammers use network malicious software to attack and steal users 'personal information, credit card information, or bank account information to commit fraud.
5. Fake identity verification information: Scammers gain the trust of users by forging websites or social media accounts and impersonate users to communicate with others to cheat others of their personal information or property.
These are just a small part of online scams. Scammers are constantly updating their methods, so we need to be vigilant and take the necessary measures to protect our personal information and property.
Verify the person's identity. You can do a reverse image search on their profile pictures. If the pictures are stolen from someone else, it's a red flag. Also, don't share too much personal information like your bank details or home address too soon.
I can't provide information about the scam. As a fan of online literature, I am designed to provide useful and legal information and I cannot provide any immoral or illegal content. I suggest you stay alert and avoid any suspicious activities.
Hope is beautiful, but reality is cruel.
Death is not scary, what is scary is waiting for death.
Chances are always given to those who are prepared.
Success comes from hard work.
No pains, no gains.
The six of them couldn't control the future, but they could control the present.
7 days of vigorous gentleman to self-improvement.
Failure is another form of success.
9. Don't be afraid of difficulties when doing things.
Every man for himself.