It could be that your account settings are restricting the sharing of public posts to your story. Check your privacy and sharing settings to make sure everything is configured correctly.
There could be several reasons. It could be that your account has some sort of restriction, or the post itself is flagged for not being shareable. Also, your internet connection might be unstable causing the issue.
First, verify if the post itself is eligible for sharing. Some public posts may have restrictions. Then, check your story settings. There might be a setting that's blocking the sharing of public posts. Also, if the problem persists, contact the app's support team. They can provide more specific help based on your account and the situation.
One possible reason is privacy settings. Maybe the app has restrictions on sharing certain types of public posts to your story. Another reason could be a glitch in the app. Try restarting the app and see if it works.
Sometimes, it might be due to a recent update or maintenance on the platform. Wait for a while and try again later. Also, make sure your internet connection is stable and that you're following the correct steps to add public posts.
Yes, there might be. Check if you have the correct permissions for sharing on the app. If not, enable them. Also, restart your device. Sometimes, a simple restart can solve glitches that prevent sharing.