The Tirupati Balaji, also known as Lord Venkateswara, has a story deeply rooted in Hindu mythology. It is said that Lord Venkateswara came to earth to save mankind from the trials and tribulations of Kali Yuga. He manifested on the Tirumala Hills in Andhra Pradesh. Pilgrims believe that worshipping him at this sacred place can bring great blessings and spiritual liberation.
The Tirupati Balaji is a very important and revered deity in Hinduism. Tirupati Balaji is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that the deity resides on the Tirumala Hills in Andhra Pradesh, India. Devotees from all over the world come to seek his blessings. There are many legends associated with it. One of the stories says that the Lord manifested himself here to save humanity from the cycle of birth and death.
Tirupati Balaji is associated with numerous myths and legends. One common story is about Lord Venkateswara's vow to marry a devotee's daughter to save her from a curse.
In Hindu mythology, Lord Venkateswara (Tirupati Balaji) is often considered to be an avatar of Vishnu. However, there is no widely known traditional story about him having a 'wife' in the same sense as in human relationships. His main significance lies in his role as a benevolent deity worshipped by millions.
The Tirupati Balaji is a very important and revered deity in Hinduism. In the story, Tirupati Balaji is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Devotees from all over come to the Tirumala temple in Tirupati to seek his blessings. It is said that the deity is always there to listen to the prayers of the people, whether it is for health, wealth or spiritual well - being. The temple has a long and rich history with various legends associated with it, and the presence of Balaji is seen as a source of great spiritual power and comfort for the believers.
One main element is the divine nature of Tirupati Balaji as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Another is the temple in Tirupati which is a central place for his worship. Also, the idea of devotees coming to seek blessings for various aspects of life like health, prosperity and family.
Briefly, Tirupati Balaji is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. His temple in Tirumala is a major pilgrimage site. People believe in his power to bestow blessings and grace.
I'm not very familiar with the specific 'Mehandipur Balaji ghost story' in detail. But generally, such stories often involve local superstitions and beliefs around the Balaji temple in Mehandipur. It might be about some alleged supernatural encounters or hauntings that are part of the local folklore.