The original story of Captain Marvel is complex and filled with adventure. Captain Marvel's origin story starts with an encounter with an alien named Mar - Vell. Mar - Vell was an alien Kree, and through a series of events, a human named Carol Danvers gets involved. Carol was exposed to a powerful energy source that was related to Mar - Vell's technology. This exposure granted her superhuman abilities, and she became Captain Marvel. Her story is about self - discovery, as she learns to control her powers and use them for good. She has to face not only Earth - based villains but also threats from outer space, making her one of the most important and powerful heroes in the Marvel universe.
In the original comics, Captain Marvel was female. Carol Danvers took on the mantle and became the well-known Captain Marvel we know today. There was no male version of Captain Marvel in the original storylines.
The main character is of course Captain Marvel. He has his own unique personality and set of powers. Another important character is his mentor or the person who might have guided him in some way in the story. There are also the villains, like the ones who try to take over the city or cause chaos. His friends, who might be normal humans but with a strong bond to him, are also main characters as they are often involved in the plot.
In the original Captain Marvel story, his origin story is crucial. He was transformed into a powerful hero through some kind of special event or encounter. His powers were a mix of physical and energy - based abilities. He could resist great amounts of damage due to his superhuman durability. The character also had a code of ethics. He was always trying to protect the innocent. The story often involved him solving mysteries or stopping disasters that were caused by the villains. And his alter - ego also had an interesting life, which added depth to the overall story.