
mi perro se lame mucho las patas

Mi Sistema de Vampiro

Mi Sistema de Vampiro

La Raza Humana está en guerra con los crueles Dalki y, cuando más que nunca necesitaban ayuda, ELLOS comenzaron a salir a la luz. Humanos que habían estado escondidos en las sombras durante cientos de años, personas con habilidades. Algunos eligieron compartir su conocimiento con el resto del mundo con la esperanza de ganar la guerra, mientras que otros guardaron sus habilidades para sí mismos. Quinn lo había perdido todo en la guerra, su hogar, su familia y lo único que había heredado era un viejo libro desastroso que ni siquiera podía abrir. Pero cuando el libro finalmente se abrió, a Quinn le fue otorgado un sistema y toda su vida dio un giro. Completó misiones una tras otra y se volvió más poderoso, hasta que un día el sistema le dio una misión que no estaba seguro de poder completar. —¡Es hora de alimentarse! —Debes beber sangre humana en 24 horas —Tus HP continuarán disminuyendo hasta que se haya completado la tarea.
2551 Chs
Mi juventud comenzó con él

Mi juventud comenzó con él

Siete años atrás, luego de su separación, él desapareció sin dejar rastro alguno. Ahora, ha vuelto a aparecer, un día antes de su boda. Usó todas sus fuerzas para obligarla a casarse con él y, con un certificado de matrimonio, la ató a él sin piedad. Desde ese momento, esta "Cenicienta" comenzó su nueva vida como la esposa del heredero de un imperio comercial. La señorita Huo: una mujer íntegra, con una lengua afilada y extremadamente inteligente. El señor Qin: un hombre que consiente infinitamente a su esposa y es un completo "esclavo" para su hija. Una historia de amor de calidad y completa. Sumérgete en esta historia junto a nosotros.
2329 Chs
El resto de mi vida es para ti

El resto de mi vida es para ti

Yu Yuehan es el típico presidente rico, perfecto y a la vez distante. Es el hombre más adinerado de Ciudad H. Pero un día, una niña apareció de repente en su vida diciendo que era su hija. A pesar de tener la certeza de que nunca antes había tocado a una mujer, las pruebas de ADN certificaron que la niña era suya, y pronto se convirtió en un buen “papi” para la pequeña niña: Xiao Liuliu. Al cabo de dos años, por alguna razón inexplicable, Xiao Liuliu se encariñó mucho con una enfermera en periodo de prueba: Nian Xiaomu, quien fue contratada para cuidar a la niña. Nian Xiaomu posee una personalidad fuerte y no permite que nadie la intimide. Yu Yuehan estaba constantemente receloso de que alguien pudiera hacerle daño a su hija, por lo que siempre vigilaba a Nian Xiaomu. Sin embargo, su hija (con actitud controladora) tiene un as bajo la manga para controlar a su padre. Con el tiempo, Nian Xiaomu comienza, poco a poco, a mostrar su faceta encantadora, y por primera vez en su vida, Yu Yuehan se siente atraído por esta misteriosa mujer.
1480 Chs
Mi Secreto Esposo Billonario

Mi Secreto Esposo Billonario

—Amor, ya no quiero más, me siento fatal... —Cariño, sé buena, termina de tomar esta medicina. El guapo hombre abraza a la mujer en sus brazos, mimándola tiernamente mientras le da la medicina. Joanna Lawrence se encuentra con Ashton Heath, el joven más estimado en todo Closia City, y termina durmiendo con él por la noche. Después de que él le ofrece beneficios a cambio de su casamiento, la recién nombrada Sra. Heath de repente tiene el poder para conseguir todo lo que siempre deseó. —Amor, hoy le di una bofetada a la reina de cine Faye, ¿me pasé? —Cariño, ¿te duele la mano? Déjame masajeártela. —Amor, agoté tu tarjeta de crédito, ¿estás enfadado? —Cariño, ¿estás contenta con tu compra? Avísame cuando necesites más. —Amor, estoy cansada hoy, no quiero moverme..."
1321 Chs
Reclamando a Mi Posesivo Esposo CEO

Reclamando a Mi Posesivo Esposo CEO

El rumor decía que Xaviera Evans tenía una constitución débil: una belleza enfermiza. El rumor decía que gastaba una fortuna cada día en medicamentos, devorándolos como dulces. El rumor decía que diez sirvientes la atendían en su cama todos los días: una carga para todos. Todos estaban esperando que la familia Evans devolviera a Xaviera Evans al campo y la dejara valerse por sí misma. Xaviera Evans: —Todos dicen que soy débil y que no puedo cuidar de mí misma. Al parecer, gasto dinero de manera imprudente también. Miró su camisa andrajosa y se sintió exasperada. Xaviera Evans: —¿Estás diciendo que esta familia adinerada deja que su hija use ropa andrajosa todos los días? ¿La hija rica de la familia Evans? ¡Había tenido suficiente! ¡No sería más esa persona! Por lo tanto... El tipo despreciable: —Sin la familia Evans, no eres nada. Xaviera Evans: —Si me echan de la familia Evans, estoy acabada. La chica despreciable: —Hermana, no te desanimes demasiado. Mientras trabajes duro, serás elogiada algún día. Xaviera Evans: —Cállate, no conozco a una traidora como tú. El tipo y la chica despreciable: —¿¿¿??? El rumor decía que el hijo más joven de la familia Mamet, Caleb Mamet, se casó imprudentemente con una mujer que no tenía nada más que su apariencia. Xaviera Evans: —¿Alguien me está subestimando? Un día, Xaviera Evans vio a uno de los empleados de Caleb Mamet rompiéndose la cabeza con una serie de números en la pantalla de la computadora. Como ella estaba libre, decidió echar una mano. ¿Acaba de romper el cortafuegos creado por los esfuerzos conjuntos de los hackers élites? Caleb Mamet se acercó poco a poco: —Xaviera, ¿qué más me estás ocultando? ¿Hmm? Xaviera Evans: —¡Oh, no! ¡Me siento mareada de nuevo! Soy tan débil. ¡Este cuerpo mío es demasiado débil!
1323 Chs
Las identidades de la señora Dejan sorprenden a toda la ciudad de nuevo

Las identidades de la señora Dejan sorprenden a toda la ciudad de nuevo

—Qiao Nian vivió en la casa de la familia Qiao durante 18 años antes de que sus padres biológicos la encontraran. De repente, todas las familias adineradas de la ciudad se enteraron de que la familia Qiao tenía una hija falsa. —La verdadera hija de una familia acaudalada sería talentosa, gentil y amable. —Una hija falsa no sería capaz de adquirir ninguna habilidad y no lograría nada. —¡Todos querían ver cómo de miserable se volvería cuando regresara a su barranco después de ser expulsada de una familia rica! —Qiao Nian también pensaba que sus padres biológicos eran pobres maestros del condado de Luohe. —¡Quién iba a imaginarse que su hermano conducía un Phaeton que valía trescientos mil yuanes! —¡Su padre biológico también era un profesor que enseñaba en la Universidad de Tsinghua! —El gran jefe de la familia de escorias se convirtió en un lamebotas y se inclinó ante su abuelo… —Qiao Nian se quedó boquiabierta. —Ehm… ¡esto no era lo mismo que decir sí! —Después de liberarse de la familia de escorias, Qiao Nian pudo ser ella misma. —Era la estudiante más sobresaliente en el examen de ingreso a la universidad, una estrella de transmisión en vivo y la heredera de una invaluable herencia cultural… Sus identidades se revelaron y cuando comenzó a aparecer en las búsquedas populares en la ciudad, la familia de escorias se volvió verde. —Los antifans se burlaban: «¿Cuál es el punto de intentar fingir una imagen? ¿No te estás pegando a mi hermano todos los días?». —Qiao Nian respondió: Lo siento, pero creo que ya tengo pareja. —Hermano Top: @Qiao Nian. Permíteme presentártela a todos. Esta es mi hermana. —Abuelo adinerado: Querida nieta, ¿por qué trabajas tan duro? ¡Si quieres una bicicleta, el abuelo te la comprará! —Los ricos y poderosos de Pekín propagaron el rumor de que el Maestro Wang escondía a una esposa en su lujosa casa. No importaba cuánto intentaran persuadirlo, nunca la llevaba a conocer a nadie. Si le preguntaban, siempre respondía con la misma frase. «Mi esposa es del campo y es tímida». —Esto sucedió hasta que un día alguien vio al noble y frío Maestro Wang sujetando la delgada cintura de una chica mientras se escondía en un rincón de una pared y murmuraba con los ojos rojos. «Cariño, ¿cuándo me darás un título?». —[Hija falsa proveniente de una verdadera familia adinerada] + [Dos grandes jefes]"
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1238 Chs
Ela Se Torna Glamorosa Após O Anulamento do Noivado

Ela Se Torna Glamorosa Após O Anulamento do Noivado

A gorda e feia Nora Smith é motivo de piada na cidade quando seu noivo rompe o noivado. Ele diz: “A visão do seu rosto gigante e coxas grossas me enoja! Nunca mais me aborreça!" “Que idiota.” Nora debocha e se vira, com um sorriso nos lábios. Mais tarde, quando Nora emagrece com sucesso, ela retorna como uma beleza surpreendente. Seu ex-noivo vem até ela com flores e implora: "Eu estava errado, Nora. Estou disposto a fazer qualquer coisa desde que você volte para mim.” Nora apoia o queixo nas mãos e sorri ao responder: “Homens de verdade não vivem do passado.” Irritado, ele diz: “Você é apenas uma idiota com bagagem que eu deixei para trás, Nora. Ninguém vai te querer além de mim!" Mas após isso... Um jovem e popular cantor tweet: “Nora Smith é minha deusa!" Um cirurgião de renome internacional pergunta: “Você está livre esta noite, Nora?” Até o rico e influente poderoso, de quem todos têm medo, se apresenta e diz: “Eu posso cuidar da minha esposa e filhos sozinho, muito obrigado.”
1065 Chs
Nigromante de las Sombras

Nigromante de las Sombras

—Debí haberme quedado en casa y jugar videojuegos —ese fue el último pensamiento de Ray antes de que la oscuridad lo envolviera después de ser atropellado por un coche. Pero para su sorpresa, en lugar de encontrarse ante las puertas del infierno después de morir, Ray descubrió que había transmigrado a otro mundo. El mundo al que Ray transmigró se llamaba Mundo Arora, un lugar donde puedes usar diferentes tipos de habilidades, magia e incluso adquirir poderosas clases. Ray se encontró en el cuerpo de un joven llamado Evan, quien estaba estudiando en una academia de cazadores después de despertar sus habilidades a la edad de catorce años. Al principio, Ray estaba feliz de haber transmigrado al cuerpo de alguien que había despertado sus habilidades y podía usar la magia que siempre había querido usar. Sin embargo, a medida que Ray revisaba los recuerdos de Evan, finalmente se dio cuenta de que todo no era tan simple como había esperado. Evan tenía una fisonomía única que no le permitía aumentar su poder como las demás personas. Debido a esta inútil fisonomía única, Evan era el cazador más débil de toda la academia. Y eso no era todo; cuanto más miraba Ray los recuerdos de Evan, más se daba cuenta de lo problemática que era su situación. —Sé que entré en este cuerpo sin comprar un boleto, pero ¿no es esto demasiado? —dijo Ray con una voz deprimida después de revisar los recuerdos de Evan. ¿Podrá Ray sobrevivir en este nuevo mundo? ¿Es realmente inútil la fisonomía de su nuevo cuerpo? Únete a Ray en su aventura para descubrirlo. —La portada no es mía, la conseguí de Pinterest, comentar para quitar.
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983 Chs
Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »
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873 Chs
Mi marido accidental es ¡un billonario!

Mi marido accidental es ¡un billonario!

Keira Olsen se casó, pero no sabía que su esposo repentino resultó ser ¡el hombre más rico! Es una hija ilegítima que no puede ser reconocida. Ha estado luchando y abriéndose camino desde la infancia, luchando por sobrevivir. Él es el hijo del destino, parado alto e imponente. Ambos están a mundos de distancia en estatus. Todos esperaban que Keira fuera expulsada por la puerta, pero todo lo que recibieron fue una publicación del hombre más rico en su cuenta de redes sociales: —Mi querida esposa, ¿podemos no divorciarnos? —Todos estaban confundidos. [Protagonista Femenina Fuerte, Encubierta, Dominador, Confrontación Poderosa, 1V1]
863 Chs
Tell me the 'perro amor full story'.
1 answer
2024-11-21 15:08
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the specific 'perro amor full story'. It could be a story about a dog's love perhaps? Maybe it's a unique local tale or a story within a specific community or family.
A novel as good as "This protagonist is lame"
1 answer
2025-01-21 02:44
There were novels similar to "This Main Character Is Lousy": Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2.<<Spiritual Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a spiritual mirror in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3."The Tang's Dinner Table": It's written very well. I'm a godly author, and the content is guaranteed. There's no need to talk about the writing style or the plot. It's just that the updates are a little slow, and the story development is also a little slow. Anyway, I'm just keeping it for now. I'll read it when it's published. (I've been reading it for more than a month. I feel that there are more and more problems with the writing. I can't even understand what I'm writing.) 4."King of Beasts": A rather interesting book. The creativity is not bad. It uses technology to cultivate immortality. The imagination is also amazing. I finished reading it in one go. It wasn't enough. I still want to read it. 5."Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation":"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation" is a novel with a Xianxia theme. The author presents a world full of imagination with a unique perspective and pen strength. The story was set in the game world where the protagonist had graduated from, and it depicted a story full of thrills and wisdom. Although the early stages were more depressing and survival oriented, the plot's connection and reversal were very exciting. The character's IQ was on the line, making it difficult to predict the next development. The author's pen strength and imagination were amazing. Every character was full of personality and vivid, leaving a deep impression on the readers. The plot was exciting and interesting. It was unconventional and gave people a fresh feeling. The author's writing was outstanding, making the readers feel as if they were in this fantasy world. All in all,"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation" was a highly recommended novel. If it could maintain its current standard, it would definitely become popular. 6.<National Forensics>: 2022-8-24, new story, new system, everything else is normal ~~~ 7:"Heroine, Wait":[Rating Index]: [Tagging Points: Fantasy, Genius Style, Daily Life, Multiple Female Lead] [Status of work: Series (138,000 as of posting)] [Female Lead Collection: Luo Ning, Dongfang Liren, Pei Xiangjun, Zhe Yunli, Dongfang Yuhu, Xuanji Zhenren, Empress Dowager] What would you do if the big shots of both the underworld and the underworld needed you? Wasn't it good for the Night Terror Hall to have a foot in three boats? I want the empress's favorite minister, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a big gang in the martial world! Young Master Guan Guan's new work, Xianxia returned to Wuxia works. It could be seen that it was in the comfort zone. It was written with ease and familiarity, and it had the shadow of the previous two books. Those who liked this kind of routine had no pressure to fall into the pit. It was still the familiar bird bird, the familiar harem model. It could be considered a rare masterpiece among the harem novels of many female leads. Those who like this kind of work can take a look. It definitely won't disappoint you. 8."Mantang Colorful Colors":"Mantang Colorful Colors" was a fascinating historical novel. The author used the Tang Dynasty as the background and incorporated suspense and historical elements, attracting many readers. The author's historical description was outstanding, showing a deep understanding and unique insights into the Tang Dynasty. The plot was compact, and the beginning aroused the interest of the readers, making them want to find out what was going on. The characters in the book were vivid and well-written. The author was good at describing the characters through the details to make them more three-dimensional. The plot was logical, the rhythm was tight, and the plot was amazing. The whole book was full of suspense and historical charm, making people want to find out. I strongly recommend Colorful Scenery of the Tang Dynasty. It is a fascinating historical novel that is worth reading. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": A book that has grown up. He has chased after all the books starting from the Mastery of Kendo. Of course, most of the time, he can't pick them up after putting them down. Every book of his has a situation where his combat strength will collapse due to the setting. However, he can still read them from the early to the middle stages. He can feel good and torture them when he wants to. There isn't much sloppiness, which has led to many imitators. "Final Divine Duty":"Final Divine Duty" was an outstanding sci-fi ancient martial arts mecha novel. The author used a relaxed style and combat setting to combine the three elements of martial arts and artificial bodies, bringing a new reading experience to the readers. The writing style of this book was smooth, and the author's writing level was obviously not at the level of a newcomer. The setting of the world view was very good. There were various concepts and factions, and the timing of the introduction was just right. There was no feeling of changing the map rigidly. The main character was decisive and left a deep impression on everyone. Overall, this was a pretty good Deep Blue genre novel. I recommend it to readers who like sci-fi and ancient martial arts mecha. 11:"Beyond Time": Er Da's New Work This Game Is Too Realistic: New Book, Pretty Good The main character transmigrated to a wasteland world after the nuclear war and obtained a sanctuary that could summon players. He was still relatively young and was in the farming development stage. The plot and characters were not bad and there was nothing brainless about them. 13."Red Heart Sky Patrol": Not a systematic book. If you're tired of reading the routine, you can read this book. It's written in a traditional way. The style is very good. It was the author's first time writing an online novel, so the plot was not perfect. It was very realistic. Ranking index: Ring of Fate: Lord of the Mysteries (Part Two) After witnessing the end of the Battle of Jingnan, Jiang Xinghuo, who was the target of the Ten Clans Execution, finally heaved a sigh of relief. As a veteran transmigrator, he could return to the modern world for eternal life after transmigrating for nine lifetimes. Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he began to teach in prison, but it seemed that something was wrong... Ma Sanbao: What is the Great Voyage Era in On Sea Power? [Yao Guangxiao: On the Fate of a Nation is actually the legendary dragon-slaying technique!] Zhu Gaochi: I haven't finished talking about the silver standard in the History of Chinese Money. Jiang Xing Huo: "I'm going to be beheaded tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest of the lesson in your dreams." At this moment, the walls of the Imperial Jail collapsed and a voice sounded. "Mr. Jiang, I am Zhu Di. Please be the state preceptor!" 16:"Ascending on a Better Day":"My Disciples Want to Kill Me to Vent Their Anger" "This year, my blessings have arrived." "The rouge on her lips is delicious. I want to eat it again." A xianxia drama with a unique meaning. It's about how I've been trapped for 30,000 years and how to get out of my predicament in this life! 17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth";; Rating: 7.9 It was impossible to work now! He only wanted wealth and freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Even dogs wouldn't talk about that! A standard urban novel, recommended. "Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is a fascinating novel. The author's grand and mysterious worldview and serious yet relaxed style attracted the readers 'attention. The mystery in the story made people want to find out, and it made people curious about how many books Dayanzhu had to sacrifice. The author's writing style was very good. The characters in the book were all intelligent. The plot was complete and meticulous, giving people a lot to watch. The story was set in a world that had been completely overturned and fragmented, making people want to know more. All in all, this book is worth reading. I hope everyone can support the author even more. "Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts" was a novel about cultivation, the heavens, Dao, and literature. The protagonist's golden finger could travel to other worlds. As his realm increased, more and more worlds were unlocked. By transporting the resources from the other world, the main character's realm and strength increased. The protagonist was ruthless and ruthless. There was nothing he could not give up. It could be said that he only cared about benefits. Some parts of the book were a little white, but it was not bad overall. It could be used to kill time when he was bored. The author's new book was a plagiarist. He finished reading it in one go. The golden finger was the main character's ability to travel to other worlds. He already had one main world and three small worlds. The main character used the differences between different worlds and the opportunities in the cultivation world to achieve a long lifespan. He was currently in the Core Formation realm. All kinds of logic were reasonable and he was experienced. There were some small flaws that did not affect his reading. He was strongly recommended. The quality of plagiarism could be said to be quite stable, but this time, it was not bad. This time, the content was compound. There was the traditional multi-world transmigration and the Dao of Gou. There was no grievance at all, no humiliation and no emotional scenes. It could be said that his thoughts were clear and he was not afraid of being suddenly fed sh * t. Just by looking at the golden finger, it felt like it had turned into a demon tree. Below the immortal level, this lifespan golden finger was too much of a cheat. In short, this novel was a refreshing novel that was not afraid of being suddenly fed sh * t. It was highly recommended. "Who told him to cultivate!" Who told him to cultivate? Author: The Whitest Crow [Temporarily Set: Food and fodder] [Anticipation: 3.5 - 4 stars] 1. The new works of the authors of the Dacheng period were still in a serious and amusing style. 2. The cultivation system was still the same as before, but from the progress of the character from mortal to foundation establishment in two chapters, you could tell that this was definitely not an ordinary leveling immortal cultivation text. 3. Perhaps because of the outline, the opening chapter was much smoother than the previous one. In addition to the high-quality storyline as usual (the entrance test of the River Spirit and the examiner, the nonsensical teaching of Big Sister, the elements of solving the case of the Painted Ghost, etc.), the overall reading experience was very comfortable and interesting. 4. The background of the Otherworld was also more creative. Whether it was the related settings of the Chamber of Commerce (and even insurance), the various facilities and missions in Dao Seeking Sect, or the various vivid demons and ghosts, they all greatly enriched the details of this cultivation world. <strong></strong> In this era of chaos, the Great Era was about to descend. It was highly recommended for those who had watched the previous game and felt that it was not enough. If you haven't seen the previous game, but want to see something light and interesting, it's also recommended to try it out. The reasonable party or the readers who only wanted to read the traditional upgraded cultivation novels should be cautious. [Picture] You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Why is Li Chengqian lame?
1 answer
2025-01-06 15:13
There was no clear conclusion as to why Li Chengqian was a cripple. There were some theories that he might have suffered tissue damage due to internal diseases, but there was no conclusive evidence to support this view. In addition, there was no record of Li Chengqian's serious injuries due to the accident. Therefore, it was impossible to determine why Li Chengqian was a cripple.
Is Chen Pingping really lame?
1 answer
2024-12-28 16:28
Chen Pingping's character in the TV series " Celebrating Years " was a person paralyzed in a wheelchair, but there was no mention of whether his legs were really crippled. The play mentioned that Chen Pingping's legs had been injured during an operation because of a head-on clash, but it did not clearly state whether his legs were crippled. Thus, it was impossible to determine if Chen Pingping's legs were really crippled.
Why is Li Chengqian lame?
1 answer
2024-12-27 18:41
The reason for Li Chengqian's limp was not clearly recorded. The history books only mentioned that Li Chengqian suffered from leg problems when he was twelve and fourteen, but they did not specify what caused it. Later generations had several speculations about his lame leg. One thought it was hereditary because Li Chengqian's father, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and Empress Zhangsun also had leg problems. The other thought it was caused by his riding injury when he was young. However, these were just guesses. There was no conclusive evidence to prove the specific cause of Li Chengqian's leg. Therefore, there was no definite answer to the question of why Li Chengqian was crippled.
Is Jia Jinlong Lame Teng?
1 answer
2024-10-19 04:14
Yes, Jia Jinlong was Lame Teng. In " 20 Years of the Underworld in the Northeast," Jia Jinlong was Li Si's younger brother. Because his leg was a little lame, he was called Lame Teng. While waiting for the anime, you can also click on the link below to read the classic original work of " Full-time Expert "!
Are light novels considered lame?
2 answers
2024-10-07 04:43
Not at all! Light novels have their own charm and appeal. They offer unique storylines and can be really engaging.
What lame cartoon characters are there?
1 answer
2024-09-12 04:30
There are many anime characters with crippled legs. Here are some examples: 1 Sun Wukong: In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was injured by a demon and lost his disabled left foot, becoming a cripple. 2 Ruru: In Code Geass, Ruru lost his legs after being attacked by Bologna. 3,000 Chihiro Hikou: In Tower of God, Chihiro Aili was a female character who had both her legs amputated, but she became a powerful warrior through her strong will and hard work. 4. Asuna of the Valley of the Wind (Yata Kasugano Dome): In "The Valley of the Wind", Asuna lost her legs because her parents were killed, but she did not give up and chose to live a strong life. 5. Yoshio Utsumi: In Natsume's Friend's Tent, Natsume Yuki was a female character who had lost her legs, but she became a powerful character who could run and fight with the help of the monster monster Naoko. Although these characters were disabled, they finally realized their dreams through hard work and strong will.
Why is the prince's leg lame?
1 answer
2025-01-03 18:47
The reason why the Crown Prince was crippled was that he had accidentally fallen off his horse while riding. In the drama "Li Ge Xing," the prince went hunting with the King of Han and the King of Liang. As a result, he fell off his horse and was injured and crippled. This incident became one of the main reasons for the Crown Prince's injury and also one of the important reasons for his later rebellion. However, the search results did not provide any more information about the specific details of the Crown Prince's limp and other possible factors.
Who are the characters in the lame man story?
2 answers
2024-11-08 22:59
Most likely, the lame man is a main character. There may also be other people around him like his family, friends, or people in his community who interact with him.