Le retour de l'héritière milliardaire de la chair à canon
Héra Avery travaille à plusieurs emplois à temps partiel pour payer sa scolarité universitaire. Elle gère simultanément son travail et sa vie amoureuse. Son petit ami, qui est une célébrité en devenir, l'a fait payer pour leur appartement luxueux situé dans un immeuble bien connu. L'immeuble est aussi le domicile de riches héritiers et héritières.
Pour l'anniversaire de son petit ami et leur troisième anniversaire de relation, elle est rentrée chez eux seulement pour le trouver avec une autre femme. Mais qu'a-t-elle reçu en retour ?
Une gifle, une rupture et elle a été expulsée de l'appartement qu'elle payait avec son propre argent.
Après avoir été expulsée et devenue sans-abri, elle pensait que les choses ne pouvaient pas empirer. Cependant, la nouvelle petite amie riche de son ex-petit ami infidèle est allée plus loin en contactant chaque établissement et en les persuadant de la mettre sur liste noire. Cela l'a conduite à perdre ses moyens de subsistance et ils ont même répandu des rumeurs selon lesquelles elle était obsédée par son ancien petit ami célébrité et avait été attaquée par ses fans.
N'ayant pas d'autre issue, elle serra les dents.
« Grand-père, je suis prête à hériter du consortium. »
Ancien Maître Avery a ri de bon cœur après avoir entendu sa conviction et a fait un virement bancaire à Héra.
[Vous avez reçu un virement de $100,000,000,000 sur votre compte se terminant par ####]
[Note : Ma chère petite-fille, utilise cet argent de poche pour te faire plaisir à tout ce que tu désires. Ne sois pas économe, et si tu dépenses tout, n'hésite pas à me demander plus.]
Héra était stupéfaite.
Lorsque son identité a été révélée, son ex-petit ami s'est mis à genoux et a pleuré devant elle, pour qu'elle le reprenne.
Le sarcastique Premier rôle masculin 1 : Tu penses que c'est ton tour ? Regarde derrière.
Quand son ex-petit ami a regardé derrière lui, il a vu des hommes influents alignés avec des bouquets de roses pour courtiser Héra.
Le froid Premier rôle masculin 2 : C'est de ta faute si tu as été aveugle. Pleure et supplie mais tu n'auras aucune chance tant que nous sommes là.
Le brutal et impatient Premier rôle masculin 3 : Tu veux que je te casse les jambes ?!
Le roi du divertissement Premier rôle masculin 4 : Tu n'es qu'une petite étoile mais tu veux me dépasser ?
Le colérique Premier rôle masculin 5 : Je vais m'assurer que tu sois mis de côté.
Le séducteur Premier rôle masculin 6 : Chérie, ils essaient de te voler de moi !
Voyant les problématiques Premiers rôles masculins, Héra sentait un mal de tête arriver sans savoir quoi faire.
« Allons-y au fil de l'eau alors ! »
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652 Chs
Monde Éthéré : La Route de l'Immortalité du Chair à Canon Vicieux
Bei YueYue était une personne généreuse et douce. Par la suite, elle a transmigré et est devenue 'Huang Ying Yue', un personnage secondaire féminin qui est tristement célèbre pour sa méchanceté, son impitoyabilité, son insatiabilité charnelle, son inhumanité et sa personnalité nymphomane dans le roman sur les immortels qu'elle venait de lire.
Dans le roman, l'originale 'Huang Ying Yue' a commis d'innombrables actes maléfiques pour offenser bon nombre de personnages puissants à l'intérieur. Non seulement l'héroïne du roman, mais aussi tous les hommes de son harem ont été harcelés et abusés physiquement et mentalement par 'elle' de différentes manières.
La route vers l'immortalité est pleine d'épines, de dangers et de menaces imprévisibles. Des cultivateurs maléfiques, des monstres et des démons font rage partout. Tout en poursuivant la voie de l'immortalité, tous les cultivateurs doivent unir leurs forces pour éliminer ces êtres maléfiques.
Tout en essayant d'atteindre son objectif, YueYue doit faire face à d'innombrables ennemis puissants que 'Huang Ying Yue' a offensés dans le passé ainsi qu'aux dettes que 'Huang Ying Yue' a commises.
Simultanément, elle doit affronter l'héroïne d'une beauté glaciaire, Huang Bai Xing, qui est entourée d'une multitude d'hommes séduisants et de fortunes défiant les cieux.
Avec un avantage providentiel et l'amour du ciel, Huang Bai Xing a reçu des aides surnaturelles. Grâce à ces aides, elle devint de plus en plus forte jour après jour et attendit le meilleur moment pour tuer 'Huang Ying Yue'.
Des gens puissants, les hommes de Huang Bai Xing, un par un, sortent leurs armes, dans l'intention de tuer et de lui donner une leçon terrifiante parce qu''elle' a blessé leur femme bien-aimée.
Heureusement, avec le monde éthéré incroyablement avantageux qu'elle a reçu, elle pouvait planter les plantes spirituelles, récolter les fruits spirituels, cultiver avec le pouvoir spirituel abondant et tricher avec le temps, se baignant dans la cascade spirituelle à l'intérieur de l'espace, tout en conservant sa vie 'paisible' à la poursuite de la route de l'immortalité.
Avec son armée de bêtes loyales, elle s'est lancée sur la voie de la cultivation pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, l'amour, l'amitié, les épreuves, l'excitation et un passé mystérieux tout en changeant son destin et celui des autres autour d'elle pour un meilleur avenir.
Inconsciemment, elle ne se rendait même pas compte que, de par sa personnalité, elle attire d'innombrables fleurs de pêcher qui ont changé son existence monotone pour toujours.
Avertissement : Fin 1VN, une femme qui finit avec plusieurs hommes.
Il y a des amours tabous (mais pas sans réflexion)
Veuillez lire les étiquettes avant de vous plonger dans mon monde.
Image de couverture de : Pinterest, les crédits reviennent à leur légitime propriétaire.
Mon compte Instagram : Littlecarrot006_
Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510
Mon deuxième livre :
Mythe du Miracle : Renaître pour défier mon destin
Ce livre participe à la WSA 2024 (En progression)
#Portalspace #Harem inversé #Tabou #RomanceNoire #ProtagonisteFéminineXianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Aventure #Immortalité #Polyandrie #Beaucoupd'hommesbeaux #Transmigrée #Chairàcanon #Romance #Combat #Bête #Multicontinents #PasséMystérieux #ProtagonisteFémininedouceetgentillemaispassansforce
#Pardonnemaisn'oubliepas #ProtagonisteFéminineIntelligente
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616 Chs
Le chair à canon dans le jeu de l'apocalypse mondiale mène une vie tranquille
#hérosattentionné #infrastructure #RPG #OPMc
(Attention : Ne lisez pas en buvant. L'auteur décline toute responsabilité pour tout incident d'étouffement dû à un bonheur excessif. XD Je partage juste de bonnes ondes. Si vous vous sentez déprimé, lisez mon roman !)
Li Chunhua ne s'attendait jamais à être transportée dans un autre monde après avoir lu un livre étrange qu'elle avait trouvé dans la Bibliothèque de la Secte.
Quand elle ouvrit les yeux, son esprit était imprégné des souvenirs d'une autre fille dont l'apparence et le nom lui ressemblaient. Elle était devenue le canon fodder vicieux dans ce roman de tourment du héros masculin qu'elle avait lu.
Face à un avenir de mort misérable, Chunhua décida de rester loin du héros masculin et des personnages secondaires et de vivre discrètement.
Grâce à sa constitution de carpe koi, sa route vers une vie confortable fut toute tracée. Tandis que d'autres mouraient encore de faim à cause du manque de nourriture, Chunhua avait déjà commencé à cultiver et à élever du bétail. Quand d'autres étaient encore sans abri décent, elle construisait déjà des routes.
Bien qu'elle ne mangeait que sa propre cuisine déplorable, sa vie était déjà bien !
[Félicitations pour avoir amélioré votre chaumière en cabane en bois de Niveau 1.]
[Félicitations pour avoir amélioré votre cabane en bois de Niveau 1 en maison en pierre de Niveau 2.]
Tout se passait bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle trouve un homme inconscient, couvert de saleté dans la forêt. Elle a toujours cru au conditionnement karmique et a donc pris soin de lui jusqu'à ce qu'il se remette sur pied.
Jusqu'au jour où il lui dit son vrai nom.
Li Chunhua était stupéfaite.
Pas possible, l'homme que j'ai sauvé était en fait le héros masculin ! Est-il trop tard pour le relancer dans la forêt ?
L'expression de quelqu'un se durcit et il la jeta sur le lit. "Tu oses !"
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453 Chs
Love in the Room
Luna terpaksa berhenti menjadi model karena insiden yang membuatnya hamil dan harus menikah dengan Ethan. Ethan yang merasa bersalah menerima pernikahan itu meski Luna tidak mencintainya, bahkan mengacuhkannya dan meminta cerai setelah melahirkan.
Luna yang kehilangan popularitasnya dan juga pemberitaan buruk tentangnya sebagai model, semakin galau karena kehadiran Edward. Dia adalah Mantan kekasihnya yang ternyata adalah kakak tiri Ethan. Edward sudah menikah dengan Viona, tetapi itu dia lakukan untuk menyelamatkan perusahaannya.
Siapa sangka, Edward bersikeras untuk mendapatkan Luna kembali meski dia memiliki Viona.
"Jangan pernah berpikir aku akan kembali padamu, Edward. Karena saat ini juga aku sudah mencintai Ethan!"
Edward tidak peduli akan tolakan Luna, dia terus berulah untuk merebut Luna yang sudah mencintai Ethan.
Apakah cinta Ethan dan Luna akan mampu bertahan dari gangguan Edward?
Kita lihat kelanjutan ceritanya ....
Story by Me
Art by pinterest
420 Chs
My Room Hate!
Faith Prescott had her life all planned out until she was dumped by her fiancé at the last minute. She decided to start afresh by moving to a new city, where her best friend stays. After arriving the city, she woke up the next morning, to find a strange man in her bed. While Ethan Floyd was running away from his family with a secret and settles in the city, where he met Faith and they got stuck as ROOM HATES!
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260 Chs
The Abyssal Garden: No Room for the Idle
One day, Su Qi suddenly discovers he has a peculiar ability: he can see Easter eggs hidden in the world around him.
These aren’t just bits of extra information; by performing specific actions, he can unlock hidden rewards.
While everyone else is fleeing in terror from a vengeful female ghost, Su Qi is already setting the table for a candlelit dinner, chatting amiably with her.
[You acquire her husband's hat, a mysterious artifact that, when thrown, locks onto enemies and delivers a devastating mental shock.]
When zombies overrun the streets, and survivors scramble for axes and kitchen knives, Su Qi confidently strides in, wielding a sound system in one hand and a heavy-duty machine gun in the other, casually clearing out the neighborhood.
[No one can defeat me in my BGM.]
This is the Abyss—the birthplace of despair and decay, where worlds crumble under fear and madness.
This is also a paradise where countless seekers pursue the footsteps of gods.
Myths of the past and epics of the future are written here in grand and tragic splendor.
Until Su Qi shows up.
With a mop soaked in the blood of a recently stunned god, Su Qi scrawls a few bold words onto the epic tale:
"The Abyssal Garden: No Room for the Idle."
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255 Chs
After Entering the Wrong Room, I Became Mr. Feng's Wife
Yu Fei was sabotaged by her peers at a celebratory gala. They pushed her into a hotel room, but it turned out to be the wrong one! The four men who were hired ended up waiting for nothing the entire night. Meanwhile, Yu Fei found herself crossing paths with the noblest and most dangerous man in Nan City!
Ever since then, the cold Mr. Feng began pampering his wife endlessly. She liked making movies, and so he casually invested several hundred million. He'd let her become an internationally acclaimed director and celebrity if that's what she wanted!
"I, Feng Yi, want to pamper this woman. Does anybody have a problem with that?" Mr. Feng asked.
One day, a reporter asked him this question. "Mr. Feng, what do you do when you get home each day?"
"I spend time with my wife," he answered.
"Are you showing your affection for her?" The audience thought out loud.
"Mr. Feng, what's your hobby?" The reporter asked.
"Spending time with my wife," he answered.
"That's impossible... Absolutely impossible!" The audience exclaimed.
"Mr. Feng, what is most important to you?" The reporter asked.
"Spending time with my wife," he answered.
"Do you think you're the only person with a wife?" The audience asked.
The bigshot, who was rumored to be a cold and merciless man, actually loved his wife to pieces. His greatest hobby was to pamper his wife in every way imaginable!
220 Chs
Reincarnated With A Mysterious Room[SYSTEM]
Disclaimer: This is the best Webnovel, ever! Read with Caution!
Ezio reincarnates into a world where magic and cultivation co-exist. Thrown into a sect that he culturally knows nothing about, he will find himself at odds with the others. Because of his talent, locals will try to find fault in him, but why they don’t know is, that Ezio has something special. Seamless mouth! With his quick wit and seamless mouth, he face slaps everyone who dares to stand in front of him.
When the situation requires force, he has something special too. With the help of Mysterious Room, he will reach the peak of Cultivation World! But mostly face slaps!
Mana and Qi, Magic and Martial Cultivators, Evil and Good, Gods and Devils, Myths of West and East, North and South. This Novel has all.
Why I Write This Novel: A committee reached out to me to ask for the best web novel in the world. They said my opinion is more valuable than the sum of everyone's opinions. I told them to f*ck off. How dare they? How dare they think I will read every trash novel out there to pick the best one? Do I look like I have so much free time?
I told them I will write the best web novel instead. That way, I don’t have to read trash!
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130 Chs
Love Rents A Room
Joanne Smith, weighed down by significant debt and humiliated by Jeffrey Winchester's cruel rejection just a day before their wedding, transformed her life into that of a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, allowing love to fade into memory.
Joanne had one rule in life: money first, emotions later. She built an empire from the ground up, balancing her booming logistics company with the peace of her family farm.
When a rugged stranger shows up, desperate for a place to stay, Joanne reluctantly takes him in as a paying guest. But little does she know, he’s not just any guest. He’s the man who brutally rejected her years ago, the one she’s long since forgotten.
And he remembers everything differently.
Now, living under her roof, he’s fueled by the sting of his own downfall and a hunger for revenge.
Will the truth tear her world apart—or bring a reckoning neither of them saw coming?
Join me on this incredible journey to find out!
I will provide daily updates, and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Please consider leaving a review and supporting me with GTs, Power Stones, and gifts.
I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it!
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102 Chs
I'm broke, can I pay for the room with my body? (GL)
A reunion of old friends turns into a drunken plea for help as a suddenly homeless and helpless Sarah begs for shelter, and says she will do anything....which leads to the signing of a strange contract.
Genre: Romance | Lesbian Fiction |
UPDATE: Early release chapters on Patreon.
EBook: https://a.co/d/04fe0ssb
Patreon: https://patreon.com/NightKitten
The following information about dining table and chair styles:
1. Morning Nest rock plate dining table and chair combination, Italian style light luxury dining table, small and medium-sized apartment, simple square dining table, dining room furniture, black frame, Matte Snow Mountain White-101 leather chair, 1.4 meters, a table with four chairs.
2. Mingfu Shizhen dining table, household thickened rock plate dining table and chair combination, foldable square and round dual-use table, household size dining table dining table, dining table 813#[1.35 meters], a table with six chairs.
3. Qumei Home Furnishing dining table and dining chair modern light Northern Europe one table four chairs dining table and chair combination dining chair wooden color.
4. Delicious cream-style dining chairs, simple modern dining table and chairs, dining room chairs, soft backrests, home coffee, leisure hotel stools, cream-white.
5. Solid wood chair, home chair, dining chair, modern minimalist wooden stool, Chinese sedentary study dining table chair, medium-sized wooden chair back.
Based on the above information, it could be seen that the dining table and dining chair styles included Italian light luxury, thick rock plate, modern light Northern European, simple modern, and solid wood.
" Guangzhou Hongrui Furnitures Co., Ltd." was a company specializing in the design, production and sales of dining furniture. Its main products included fast-food tables and chairs, canteen tables and chairs, deck sofas, coffee shop tables and chairs, hotpot tables and chairs, hotel tables and chairs, etc. However, the search results did not provide information on other wholesale hotel dining table and dining chair manufacturers.
We can get some information about the round dining table in the restaurant. Although there was no specific price or brand information, we could draw some general conclusions.
According to the search results, a round dining table was a common choice in restaurants. A round dining table could give people a special feeling, both luxurious and warm. In addition, the round dining table could also expand the space and provide more seats.
As for the size of the dining table, according to the search results, the diameter of a six-person round dining table was generally 1200mm, while the diameter of a four-person round dining table was generally 1000mm. The measurements were based on the size of the restaurant.
Although there were no specific brand recommendations in the search results, we could find the prices, pictures, and brand information of the restaurant round tables on some shopping websites.
In general, a round dining table was a common choice in a restaurant. It could bring a special feeling to the restaurant. The specific price, brand, and size information can be found on the shopping website.
You can find some options for small dining tables and chairs. For example, Flancard and Quanyou Home both provided small dining table and chair combinations. In addition, other brands such as Lesda, Shangmo, Lin's Home Furnishing, and Fellinsman also offered similar products. Most of these dining tables and chairs were modern and minimalistic, suitable for small families. However, the specific price, pictures, and brand information needed to be further clicked on the link.
There were many styles of solid wood dining tables and chairs to choose from. Among them were oak solid wood dining tables and chairs, which had the characteristics of thick and hard wood, strong stability, clear texture, and durability. They were suitable for Korean and European rural styles. Elm solid wood dining tables and chairs were popular because of their beautiful patterns, tough texture, and comfortable feel. They represented a culture and style. In addition, there was also a set of solid wood dining tables and chairs, which had a simple and elegant design, elegant style, and simple and elegant color tones. Other styles also included a beautiful nest oak dining table and chair combination, a Bateson solid wood dining table and chair combination, and so on. In general, there were various styles of solid wood dining tables and chairs, which could be chosen according to personal preferences and home style.
There were many styles of dining tables and chairs for family use. Household dining tables and chairs included solid wood dining tables and chairs, rectangular tables, round and square dining tables, separate dining tables and chairs, foldable dining tables and chairs, foldable dining tables and chairs, circular dining tables and chairs, and so on. In addition, the shapes of dining tables and chairs were mainly square, rectangular, round, and oval. The size of a family dining table and chair generally met everyone's requirements. The length was usually about 120 cm to 150 cm, and the width was about 80 cm to 90 cm. The common size of dining tables and chairs in the family were four, six, and eight. Choose the appropriate size of the dining table and chairs according to the number of people in the family and the size of the dining room. In addition, the design style of the dining table and chairs for home use also had a variety of choices, such as Chinese, European, modern, and American. The dining table and chairs made of solid wood could be designed in Chinese or American style, looking elegant and solemn, with a classical atmosphere. As for the price, the dining table and chairs were priced at more than 1000 yuan. In summary, there were various styles of dining tables and chairs for families. You could choose the appropriate style and size according to your personal preferences, the number of family members, and the size of the restaurant.
We can come up with some of the latest styles of dining tables and chairs in 2021. This included Bentley Home's new 2021 restaurant series, the Aldford dining table, which was available in both rectangular and round versions. This dining table had a three-story structure. The top was made of marble, the bottom was painted black, and the edges were surrounded by metal contours. There were three options for the table legs: leather, walnut, and Smoked Liquid Amber. In addition, there were also the top ten dining table brands recommended by the review dog in 2021, including Zhuo Lan Italian rock board dining table and chairs, the first house foldable dining table, the simple printed rubber foldable dining table, the Ruffet foldable solid wood dining table, and the small family dining table. However, further investigation and research might be needed to find out the exact details of the latest designs.
There were several restaurant dining table and chair manufacturers to choose from. Among them, Xianghe Dama furniture factory, Quanyou furniture, Bazhou City Songqing furniture factory, Shanghai Mao Xuan hotel dining table and chair manufacturers, Shen Zhen Pinsen furniture Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Hongrui furniture Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Wanteng hotel furniture Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Ou Jingge restaurant furniture, Sanlang furniture, Yifeida furniture, Haideli dining furniture are some professional restaurant dining table and chair manufacturers. These manufacturers provided different types of dining tables and chairs, including electric dining tables, solid wood dining tables and chairs, hot pot tables and chairs, etc., and they could choose the right products according to their needs.
The size of the dining room and the size of the dining table could vary according to different situations and needs. Generally speaking, the size of the dining table should be able to accommodate all the diners and leave enough space for people to walk. Based on the information provided, the following suggestions could be made for different table size:
- The size of the two-person dining table was about 750mm * 700mm.
- The size of the four-seater dining table was about 1350mm * 800mm.
- The size of the six-seater dining table could be chosen to be a rectangular dining table. The length was generally between 1200mm and 1500mm, and the width was between 800mm and 900mm.
- The size of the dining table for eight was about 2250mm * 1000mm.
In addition, the shape of the dining table could also be chosen according to the layout of the restaurant and personal preferences. A round dining table could seat more people in a larger restaurant and create a warm dining atmosphere. A rectangular dining table was suitable for a long and narrow dining room, while a round dining table was more suitable for a few people to eat together.
In short, when choosing the ratio of the size of the restaurant to the size of the dining table, one needed to consider the size of the restaurant, the number of family members, and personal preferences. The information provided above can be used as a reference, but the final choice should be decided according to the actual situation.
The renderings of the American style dining table and chairs could be chosen according to different decoration styles and design concepts. The specific information about the American style dining table and chairs was not clear. Therefore, I'm not sure about the renderings of the American style dining table and chairs.